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A Complicated Dance

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Relationship: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Character: Chinen Miya, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Additional Tags: Community: fandom_empire, Hexadrabble, Eating Disorders, Eating
Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Food Issues, Found Family, POV
Chinen Miya
Language: English
Series: Part 19 of 2023 Fandom Empire, Part 22 of SK8 the Infinity works 2023
Collections: Fandom Empire Powerball 2023
Stats: Published: 2023-10-08 Words: 600 Chapters: 1/1

A Complicated Dance
by emeraldlove


Miya has issues with food.

For the Fandom Empire's Powerball challenge over on Dreamwidth.

Prompt - Healthy + Dystopian


Warning - discussion of disordered eating

The dishes mention were inspired by the manga series What Did You Eat Yesterday?

See the end of the work for more notes

Miya knows about disordered eating. He recognizes the signs: a restricted diet, tracking each bite,
complicated feelings about weight.

To make it on the national team, he must learn not to fall into those pitfalls. He has seen others fail,
and he is not a failure.

It's a complicated dance. One he knows Cherry must understand intimately.

It's the way Cherry regards his meals — the dismissive attitude, the poking of the dishes, the
directing of the conversation away from himself and onto others.

Cherry makes it a point to take a bite when Miya catches him. The purposeful twirling of his fork;
the wide opened mouth.

It's a gloomy world they both inhabit in — oppressive and authoritarian. A dystopia, if explained to

Joe must know. The chef always knows, always keenly aware of how much others have eaten and
which of his dishes people gravitate towards. He helps, in his own way. He has years of practice
with Cherry.

Italian may be Cherry's favorite cuisine, but Japanese is Miya's. His parents cannot cook, and Miya
is always starving for a home-made Japanese meal, a luxury in his household. He spent many days
grabbing a sandwich at the convenience store. Or a drink from a vending machine. Most days, he
went without more often than not.

Sometimes it's not a dance, but a battle, and Miya needs help in fighting.

But that was then. Today is not then.

Sia la luce is closed between lunch and dinner. Before, the restaurant would only entertain Cherry
as he emailed clients back from his laptop at the counter.

Now, Miya will join Langa and Reki at the restaurant. They'll study and tease and laugh. Cherry
will roll his eyes at their antics. Joe will bring out food, always a big meal for them. It's a way he
shows he cares, like how Cherry let Miya call him by his skating persona.

Today, Joe makes ginger soy fried eggplant and bok choy with sesame, pairing it off with tsukune
meat patties with lotus root. Sia la luce may be an Italian restaurant, but Joe knows how to take
care of them. Of Miya.

"This looks great, Joe!" Reki says, as he helps himself to a fork full of veggies. Langa nods, mouth
already stuffed with rice and meat.

Miya's mouth waters at the smell. He takes a quick glance at Cherry before grabbing a bowl of

Joe walks by and Cherry pulls him in to whisper, "This looks great." Miya pretends he didn't hear.

The eggplant is savory. The bok choy has the right amount of sauce. The meat patties are

Cherry holds out his hand for Miya's empty bowl. As he serves another helping of rice, Miya loads
Cherry's plate with another round of food.

Miya is grateful to have them. To have someone there when he's ready to talk.

A plate shattered as Reki pushes Langa off his chair. Laughter fills the restaurant. The hostess
Miya has a crush on comes by with a broom and a towel.

Miya rests his chopsticks on the plate, taking a sip of water to clear his throat. "The umaki eel wrap
you made last week," begins Miya. His eyes refuse to look at Joe. "Can you make them again?"
Joe ruffles Miya's hair, which Miya proceeds to slap his hands away. "Sure thing, kid," says Joe,
brevity in his voice."You can even help me make them."

Warmth floods Miya's chest at the offer. Cherry gives him a smile before taking another bite.

Yeah, Miya thinks. He's grateful to have them as friends.

End Notes

Kudos and comments are appreciated.

Where you can find me ❤️❤️❤️

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