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SDLC Tools

Module 2: Learning Objective 6

SDLC Tools

• Throughout the System Development Life Cycles, different tools are used to gather
information, organize ideas and generate solutions. These tools are:
✓ Questionnaires
✓ Interviews
✓ Observation
✓ Review/Investigation of Printed Material
✓ ER Diagrams
✓ Data Flow Diagrams
✓ Process Models
✓ Object Models
SDLC Tools

• Throughout the System Development Life Cycles, different tools are used to gather
information, organize ideas and generate solutions. These tools are:
✓ Decision Tables
✓ Decision Trees
✓ Computer-Aided Software Engineering
(CASE) Tools
✓ Gannt Charts
✓ Prototypes
✓ Flowcharts
✓ Pseudocode
✓ Programming Languages

• Questionnaires are classified into two types.

• Open-ended Questions:
• These questionnaires require the reply to provide his or her own answer.

• Depending on the survey, the questions are framed in such a way that
respondents are encouraged to describe their answers and reactions to the
topic in a sentence, a paragraph, or perhaps a page or more.

• If you want to obtain information on the same issue but want to see what
responders come up with on their own, use an open-ended question such as
'What types of questions should be offered in the practical exam?'

• Questionnaires are classified into two types.

• Close-ended Questions:
• Closed questions require the respondent to choose an answer from a set of

• Participants can select from yes/no, true/false, multiple choice with an

option to fill in 'other,' or ranking scale response options.

• The most typical ranking scale question asks respondents to look at a

statement like 'The practical exam is the most interesting' and then 'rank' it
based on how much they agree ('I strongly agree, I somewhat agree, I have
no opinion, I slightly disagree, I strongly disagree').

• There are two main types of interviews:

• Structured:
✓ The interviewer asks thoroughly pre-written questions in structured interviews.

✓ Interviewers are taught to ask precise questions and are not permitted to
simplify or rephrase any of them.

✓ This is done to guarantee that the interview is administered consistently

• Unstructured:
✓ In unstructured interviews, the interviewer does not use a set of questions and
may promote free and open responses, or the interviewee may be asked to
elaborate on a topic.

• Allow for face-to-face communication with responders.

• Allow for in-depth exploration of themes

• The interviewer may be able to explain or clarify questions,

enhancing the possibility of useful responses.

• Allows the interviewer to be more adaptable in conducting

interviews for specific individuals or circumstances.

• It is both costly and time-consuming.

• Interviewers that are well-qualified and well-trained are required.

• Interviewees may misrepresent facts due to poor recall, biased perceptions,

or a desire to satisfy the interviewer.

• Inconsistencies between interviews can occur as a result of flexibility.

• Too much information: it may be tough to transcribe and decrease the


• The action or practice of closely scrutinizing something or someone in

order to obtain information is known as observation.

• It is useful for one or more individuals to collect first-hand data on the

systems, processes, or behavior under investigation.

• It allows for the collection of data on procedures as well as the recording

of interactions between personnel.

• By directly observing operations and activities, you will understand how

the project or procedure works.

• Observational tactics can enable the observer to identify possible issues

and discover how efficient or willing participants or staff are at following
processes and carrying out duties.

• Direct information regarding individual and group behavior is provided.

• Allows the assessor to interact with and comprehend a situation or technique.

• Gives you a good chance of spotting unexpected results.

• It takes place in a natural, unstructured, and adaptable environment.


• Costly and time-consuming

• Observers must be well qualified and trained.

• Participants' behavior may be affected: those being observed may behave

differently than they would under regular circumstances.

• The investigator has limited influence over the situation.

Review/Investigation of Printed Material

• Existing records frequently contain information about procedures

that cannot be viewed or reported in any other way.

• This information can be found in any written or recorded

document, such as mission statements, yearly reports, budgets,
meeting minutes, official communication, and demographic
(population) information.

• These are especially effective for describing business

characteristics as well as highlighting strengths and limitations.
Review/Investigation of Printed Material

• Locally available

• Cost-effective

• Effective for determining value, interest, positions, political climate,

public attitudes, historical trends, or sequences.

• Allow for the study of trends over time.

Review/Investigation of Printed Material

• This list could be incomplete.

• This information could be incorrect.

• Finding appropriate documents may be difficult.

• It is possible that analysis will take some time.

• It is possible that access will be difficult.

Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram

• This shows the connection

between entities in a system
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

• This shows how data is transformed as it

moves through the system and depicts
functions that transform the data flow.
Process Model

• This is a method of analysis and design that describes processes that convert
inputs into outputs.

• Entity-relationship diagrams and data flow diagrams are two tools used by a
systems analyst for process modeling.
Object Model

• This combines the data and the processes that act on it into a single unit known
as an object.

• An object is a piece of data that can also contain the procedures that read or
manipulate that data.

• A Student object, for example, could contain data about a student (Student ID,
First Name, Last Name, Address, and so on) as well as instructions on how to
print a student's record or the formula needed to compute a student's GPA.
Decision Table

• This list a variety of conditions and the actions that correspond to each

• When there are complex combinations of conditions, actions, and rules, or

when you want to avoid impossible situations, such as redundant or
contradictory information, this function comes in handy.

• E.g., Until an initial payment is made, no charges are reimbursed to the

patient. Following this payment, reimburse 50% for doctor's office visits and 80%
for hospital visits.
Decision Table
Decision Trees

• These are similar to decision

tables except that the conditions
and actions are shown graphically
instead of as a table.
Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

• Many systems analysts rely on computer software to help them develop systems.

• These are intended to aid in one or more system development activities.

• They include diagrams to aid in the modeling of both processes and objects.
Some CASE tools are available separately.

• One program may be a dictionary, while another may allow you to draw.
Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

CASE Tools permit the following:

• Drawing of DFDs and ERDs

• Creates models of the proposed system

• Analyzes deliverables such as graphs and data dictionary

• Creates actual computer programs from design specification

Gantt Chart

• This is a graphical representation of how long a series of activities will


• The activities are listed down the left side of the chart, and a timeline is
provided at the top or bottom.

• The duration of an activity is represented by a horizontal bar that spans

the appropriate time period on the timeline.

• It enables one to see the status of each project task at any time, as well
as overlapping or parallel tasks.
Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart

• Its simplicity

• Allows for worthwhile communication with end users

• The bars representing activities are drawn to scale, therefore it is

easy to see the time spans.
Gantt Chart

• Estimates must be completed before the chart can be drawn.

• Changes to the schedule require a redrawing of the chart.

• Several scheduling possibilities cannot be shown in the same chart.


• A prototype, also known as a proof of concept, is a functioning

model of the proposed system.

• During the design process, the system analyst creates a functional

version of the solution.

• Users can test the system before it is finished to ensure that it
meets their requirements.

• They have insufficient or no documentation.

• Users frequently accept the prototype as the final system,

even if it is not the result of extensive analysis.

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