Homework 1+2

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Homework 1:

Owning some containers???/

Carrying a briefcase: mang cặp
Carrying some boxes: cầm những cái hộp
Moving a chair: di chuyển ghế
Loading a card: Chất cái thẻ
Unloading some items from a charge: dỡ những vật dụng
Picking up the bag: nhặt cặp
Putting away the musical instrument: cất nhạc cụ
Openning the door: mở cửa
Tying a scalf: quảng khăn
Wrapping a box: gấp hộp
Packing a suitcase: đóng hành lý
Unpacking a merchandise: mở hàng
Hanging a picture: treo tranh
Folding a newspaper: gấp báo
Stacking boxes: chất hộp
Reaching into a display case: đưa tay vô tủ trưng bày
Extending her arm: duỗi tay
Pointing at the screen: chỉ vào màn hình
Adjusting his glasses: Chỉnh kính
Handing a bag to a customer: cầm túi cho khác
Shaking hands: bắt tay
Sweeping a walkway: quét đường đi
Mopping the floor: lau sàn
Wiping off the table: lau bàn
Going up the stair: đi lên cầu thang
Going down the stair: xuống cầu thang
Walking up the hill: đi bộ lên đồi
Walking down the hill: đi bộ xuống đồi
Climbing up the ladder: trèo lên thang
Climbing dowm the ladder: trèo xuống thang
Walking through the doorway: đi bộ xuyên qua cửa
Strolling along the beach: dạo dạo biển
Approaching a building: tiến gần tòa nhà
Passing through a store jewelry: đi qua cửa hàng trang sức
Wearing a jacket: mặc áo khoác
Wearing glasses: đeo kính
Wearing a backpack: đeo cặp
Putting on a jacket: mặc áo khoác
Trying on a pair of shoes: thử đôi giày
....... up a coat
Taking off his hat: cởi mũ
Removing his hat: cởi mũ
Watching a performance: xem màn trình diễn
Looking out the window: nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ
Stairing out the window: nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ
Looking out the notebook: xem vở ghi
Gazing the notebook: nhìn vở ghi
Stairing at the notebook: nhìn vở ghi
Reviewing a document: ôn tài liệu
Examining a document: kiểm tra tài liệu
Studying the menu: nghiên cứu thực đơn
Checking his phone: kiểm tra điện thoại
Inexpecting an item: kiểm tra đồ vật
Sitting on a bench: ngồi ghế
Be sitting at the table: ngồi bàn
Standing at the counter: đứng trong quầy
Lying on the grass: nằm trên cỏ
Bending over to pick up the book: cúi xuống để nhặt sách
Leaning forward: ngả người về phía trước
Leaning on the counter: dựa vào quầy
Holding on to....
Homework 2:
A. He’s holding some boxes.
B. He’s stacking some books.
C. He’s taking bags over the car.
D. He’s carrying a suitcase.
He’s standing on a path next to the building
Some boxes are being moved.
A. She’s …. Containers.
B. She’s gazing out the windows.
C. She’s playing something on the desk.
D. She’s looking in the drawer.
A woman is bending over the drawer.
A drawer has been opnened.
A. They are looking at the computer screen.
B. They are reviewing a document toghether.
C. They are ... papers in the drawer.
D. They are arranging furniture in an office.
They are working in an office.
One of the women is sitting at a desk.
A. Equipment is being fastened to the roof of the car.
B. The man is racing on an outdoor...
C. Tire has been stacked on the ground.
D. A bicyclist is wearing a helmet.
One of the men is bending toward on a bilke
The... of vehicle is opened.

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