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Acute abdomen

Acute abdomen
● Acute abdomen means the patient complains of
acute attack of abdominal pain that may occur
suddenly or gradually over period of several hours
and presents a symptoms complex which suggests
a disease that possibly threatens life.

● it may (resulting from inflammation,obstruction,

infarction,perforation ,or rupture of intra
abdominal organs).
Acute abdomen requires urgent
evaluation and diagnosis because
it may indicate a condition that
requires urgent surgical
There are many underlying conditions for acute abdomen, some are
trivial, but some are immediately life threatening, requiring rapid
diagnosis and surgery. These include:

- Acute appendicitis ( most common )

- Cholecystitis
- Pancreatitis
- Mesenteric ischemia and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.
- Ruptured ectopic pregnancy and ovarian torsion
- Small bowel obstruction
- Newborns can present with necrotizing enterocolitis.
Clinical sequences
● Unstable vital signs: hypotension, tachycardia

● Pain characteristics:
1. Sudden onset of severe pain
2. Pain that interrupts sleep
3. Pain out of proportion to abdominal findings

● Accompanying symptoms:
1. Bilious vomiting, nausea
2. Hematemesis, hematochezia
3. Jaundice
4. Anorexia
Clinical sequences
● Findings on examination :

1. Possible peritoneal signs ; loss of body fluid into peritoneal

2. Guarding and/or rigidity (focal or diffused)
3. Rebound tenderness (focal or diffused)
4. Absent or tinkling bowel sounds
5. Gross abdominal distention
Differential Diagnosis
Lab tests :
● Complete blood count (CBC)
● Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)
● Lipase
● Lactate ; For sepsis or mesenteric ischemia
● A urine or serum pregnancy test is needed in the workup
of ectopic pregnancy.

Other investigations :
● X-ray
● Abdominal ultrasonography
● CT scan
Drug Therapy :
● large bore IV access for hypotension and tachycardia
● Broad-spectrum IV antibiotics should be administered in a
timely fashion when infection, peritoneal soilage, or sepsis is
in the differential.
● Adequate pain relief with opioids is a standard of care.
● Anti-emetics.

Surgical Therapy :
Some abdominal diseases originally suited for medical therapy
may require surgical therapy because a patient's clinical status
worsens or secondary complications develop.
Done by :

● Shahad Anad
● Hajar Ayed
● Renad Salem
● Lamis Rahim

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