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Valencia Jasper D FR2, DRM100 Joey Ting Impression Paper Shakespeare in Love

was portrayed perfectly. It was very impressive of how they were able to show and depict such visions of what past times were like during the time of Shakespeare. It was all prepared with finesse and would entertain anyone who will watch it due to the fact that setting was very well interpreted and portrayed. Lighting: Since most of the scenes were outdoor and that most scenes would contain open windows etc. there were

viewer what to feel during a particular act. Props: Props were definitely needed blend in because without properly blended props the audience would lose track of what really were the things that was used during the time of William Shakespeare. Elegant dresses during grand balls and fine tailored tunics for each character during casual scenes, props are truly one of the power points of this film. Plot: The plot was simple but

Setting: really not much of a trouble of lighting The set of Shakespeare in Love was in olden Europe and everything except for those in balls wherein proper lighting is required to be able to tell the

intriguing. And it begins with, Will

Shakespeare is a known but struggling poet, playwright and actor who not only has sold his next play to both Philip Henslow and Richard Burbidge but now faces a far more difficult problem: he is bereft of ideas and has yet to begin writing. He is in search of his muse, the woman who will inspire him but all attempts fail him until he meets the beautiful Viola de Lesseps. She loves the theatre and would like nothing more than to take to the stage but is forbidden from doing so as only men can be actors. She is also a great admirer of Shakespeare's works.

and is ideal for a part in his next play. Shakespeare soon see through her disguise and they begin a love affair, one they know cannot end happily for them as he is already married and she has been promised to the dour Lord Wessex. As the company rehearses his new play. Personal Retrospect: Shakespeare in love was an excellent film it showed how simple and complex words combined can be colorful forms of art. Here one can see that there is more to things more to poems than literal meanings of the words within it. There are things that

does not need logic but only required understanding and feeling. Over all the movie is worth watching as well as educational, in terms of art and how passion is required in making art.

Dressing as a man and going by the name of Thomas Kent, she auditions

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