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Music App Final 1. Although jazz began in bars and brothels, it is now considered A. an outdated form of music B.

an American art form C. a waste of good musical resources D. a form of orchestral music 2. When a voice is answered by an instrument, or when one instrument (or group of instruments) is answered by a chorus, the pattern is referred to as A. jazz B. call and response C. polyphonic texture D. calling the beat 3. The immediate sources of jazz include A. the American band tradition B. the blues C. ragtime D. all of these 4. Which of the following jazz elements is not derived from west African traditions? A. sophisticated harmonies B. complex rhythms C. percussive sounds D. strongly emphasized improvisation 5. The backbone of a jazz ensemble is its A. director B. brass section C. rhythm section D. clarinet section 6. The rhythm section of a jazz ensemble usually does not include the A. banjo/guitar B. piano C. vibraphone D. percussion 7. In jazz, each statement of the basic harmonic pattern or melody is called a A. riff B. phrase C. chorus D. verse


8. Improvisation is important in jazz. Collective improvisation was typical of which of the following styles of jazz? A. Ragtime B. Bebop C. Dixieland D. Fusion 9. Ragtime is

A. a style of composed piano music B. performed at a moderate march tempo C. generally in duple meter D. all of these 10. ______________ is generally acknowledged the king of ragtime. A. King Oliver B. Scott Joplin C. Duke Ellington D. Jelly Roll Morton 11. Which of the following popular styles does not have the blues as a basic source? A. country and western B. rock and roll C. rhythm and blues D. soul 12. The blues A. usually follow a 12-bar pattern as a basis for improvisation B. can be happy or sad, fast or slow C. may be vocal or instrumental D. all of these 13. Blues music is usually written in ________ time. A. 4/4 B. 3/4 C. 6/8 D. 2/4 14. Vocal blues often A. contain sexual references B. are intensely personal C. deal with the pain of betrayal, desertion, and unrequited love D. all of these 15. The major center of jazz from about 1900 to 1917 was A. Chicago B. New Orleans C. New York D. Kansas City 16. The most distinctive feature of New Orleans style jazz was A. the use of a saxophone for the melody B. collective improvisation by the front line C. solo breaks by the rhythm instruments D. its lack of syncopated melodies 17. Which of the following statements is not true? A. Scat singing, which Louis Armstrong introduced into jazz, refers to the vocalization of a melodic line with nonsense syllables. B. African American bands in New Orleans often played jazz during funeral processions. C. The style of Dixieland in Chicago in the 1920s was basically the same as it had been in New Orleans.

D. Most early jazz performers in New Orleans were untrained musicians who played by ear and relied on improvisation. 18. Scat singing, which Louis Armstrong introduced into jazz, is A. vocalization of a melodic line with nonsense syllables B. singing with a gravel-throated sound C. singing above the normal vocal range, or falsetto D. not being able to sing on pitch 19. The musical loosely based on Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet is A. West Side Story B. Sweeney Todd C. Cats D. On Your Toes 20. In West Side Story Maria and Tony are A. mother and son B. arch enemies C. doomed lovers D. sister and brother 21. The idea of musical themes for characters (leitmotifs) was developed by which 19th Century composer? A. Debussy B. Brahms C. Mozart D. Wagner 22. Which of the following characters has a distinctive leitmotif? A. Captain Kirk B. Luke Skywalker C. Darth Vader D. Darth Maul 23. Which of the following does not have a distinctive leitmotif? A. Captain Kirk B. Darth Vader C. James Bond D. the shark from Jaws 24. Yo Yo Ma is a world famous A. pianist. B. harpist. C. violinist. D. cellist. 25. Which of the following is not characteristic of neoclassicism? A. emotional restraint B. clarity C. misty atmosphere D. balance

26. Bolero reflects Ravels fascination with A. Spanish music B. obsessive rhythmic repetition C. tone color D. all of these 27. The poem that inspired the Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun was written by A. Paul Verlaine B. Arthur Rimbaud C. Maurice Maeterlinck D. Stphane Mallarm 28. There are _____ different tones in the whole-tone scale. A. five B. six C. eight D. ten 29. A five-tone scale, such as that produced by the five black keys of the piano in succession, is called a _______________ scale. A. pentatonic B. hexatonic C. whole-tone D. pentagon 30. Impressionism in music is characterized by A. the recurrence of strong accents on the downbeat B. a stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity C. an adherence to traditional harmonic chord progressions D. all of these 31. At the Paris International Exhibition of 1889 Debussy was strongly influenced by A. the advantages of modern technology B. performances of the music of J. S. Bach C. the Eiffel Tower D. performances of Asian music 32. Impressionist painters were primarily concerned with the effect of light, color, and A. rhythm B. atmosphere C. detail D. clarity 33. The term impressionist derived from a French critics derogative reaction to Claude Monets painting A. Impression: Sunrise B. Vetheuil in Summer C. Rouen Cathedral D. La Grenouillre 34. Impressionism as a movement originated in A. France

B. Italy C. Germany D. England 35. The use of two or more contrasting and independent rhythms at the same time is known as A. polyrhythm B. jazz C. polytonality D. ostinato 36. The absence of key or tonality in a musical composition is known as A. polytonality B. ostinato C. a tone cluster D. atonality 37. The use of two or more keys at one time is known as A. polytonality B. a tone cluster C. atonality D. the twelve-tone system 38. A great twentieth-century composer who was also a leading scholar of the folk music of his native land was A. Claude Debussy B. Samuel Barber C. Bla Bartk D. Igor Stravinsky 39. Among the unusual playing techniques that are widely used during the twentieth century is the _______, a rapid slide up or down a scale. A. buzz B. glissando C. slip D. ostinato 40. Striking a group of adjacent keys on a piano with the fist or forearm will result in A. a tone cluster B. a broken piano keyboard C. a polychord D. polytonality 41. A fourth chord is A. a combination of four tones B. the chord built on the fourth step of the scale C. a chord in which the tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third D. all of these 42. Rock has been defined as A. a folk-like guitar-based style associated with rural white Americans B. an African-American dance music that fused blues, jazz, and gospel styles C. vocal music with a hard, driving beat, often featuring electric guitar accompaniment and heavily

amplified sound D. a blend of rhythm and blues and popular music 43. The Beatless influence on American rock music may be seen through later performers use of A. classical and nonwestern instruments B. new electronic effects C. unconventional scales, chord progressions, and rhythms D. all of these 44. Many of the bands in the second British invasion made use of A. large sections of wind instruments B. acoustic instruments C. electronic technology like computers D. American managers and producers. 45. ________ began as a kind of rhythmically accented poetic recitation accompanied by a disk jockey who manipulated recordings on two turntables to create a collage of rhythmic effects. A. gospel B. rap C. reggae D. disco 46. Which of the following is not considered a mainstream rap artist: A. Bruce Springsteen B. Tupac Shakur C. Eminem D. Dr. Dre 47. A typical rock group consists of A. trumpets. trombones, saxophones, bass, and drums B. vocalist, backup singers, guitar, and percussion C. two electric guitars, electric bass, percussion, and keyboard instruments D. vocalists, two acoustic guitars, string bass, and drums 48. Rock is based on a powerful beat in quadruple meter with strong accents on ____ of each bar. A. the second and fourth beats B. the first beat C. the first and third beats D. all four beats 49. Many early rock performers based their instrumentation around A. the piano B. the electric guitar C. the bass drum D. the bass guitar 50. Which of these recordings can be considered a unified song cycle? A. the white album B. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band C. Magical Mystery Tour

D. Abbey Road

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