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Grimm Imagines / One Shots

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Grimm (TV)
Relationship: Nick Burkhardt/Reader, Sean Renard/Reader, Hank Griffin/Reader,
Drew Wu/Reader, Monroe/Reader
Character: Nick Burkhardt, Sean Renard, Hank Griffin, Drew Wu, Monroe (Grimm)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-07 Completed: 2023-10-08 Words: 6,831 Chapters:

Grimm Imagines / One Shots

by thinkingaboutbetterdays


A collection of one-shots for the fantasy detective show Grimm

daddy's girlfriend. ( sean renard x reader )

Adalind was stunned by the time Diana finished explaining her drawing. In the center was her,
surrounded by Nick, herself, Sean, and "Daddy's girlfriend" who had never been mentioned until
now. She wasn't shocked that Sean had a woman in his life, as the Captain always seemed to have
someone floating in his life before he distanced himself in favor of a physical relationship rather
than an emotional one. But from Diana's explanation, it seemed Sean had kept you around for a
record-breaking amount of time and Adalind had to admit she was curious about who you were and
why. after nearly eight months, she was only hearing about your relationship now.

"I can take you to her if you want." Diana smiled, "She works at the bakery downtown, and keeps
a table reserved just for me."

Adalind knew there would be a fight if Sean realized she was looking into his private life - their
civility only surrounded matters involving their daughter. Anything else was an instant battle of
wits, insults flying across the room at breakneck speed. But from Diana's expression, there was no
choice. They had to go to the bakery.

The blonde looked around as she followed Diana inside. It was filled with mouth scents and a cozy
atmosphere - friendly given how many knew Diana who greeted them politely before pushing her
way to the front of the line.

"Diana -"

"Hi, Y/N!" The young girl beamed when you exited the kitchen with a tray of freshly baked
cookies. You set them on the counter ready to be drizzled in chocolate and dusted your hands on
your apron, sending Diana a bright smile.

"Well, howdy, princess." You greeted, holding your apron as you curtseyed much to Diana's
amusement. You spotted Adalind who glanced at her daughter, meeting your gaze with a raised
eyebrow, but your smile never faltered. "Hi, you must be Adalind. It's great to finally meet you.
I've heard so much about you."

Adalind shook your hand, "I haven't heard a word about you."

"He isn't much of a sharing person. But then again, neither am I." You looked at Diana who was
eyeing the freshly baked cookies, knowing it was your own recipe. "How about you two take a seat
and I can bring you something over? On the house, of course."

Adalind ordered coffee while Diana chose a muffin, and insisted her mother should try it. You
smiled as they headed to the table that was empty all day for staff breaks, or surprise family visits
like today, ensuring they always had a seat. You entered the kitchen as Sean entered the bakery,
his gaze dancing around the room until they landed on Diana and Adalind, who agreed with her
daughter that the muffin was the best she ever had. It was clear to the blonde how much Diana
liked you, and given her past with her father's 'girlfriends' it was nothing short of a miracle which
only added to her intrigue.

He approached the table and Diana greeted her father whose narrowed eyes were focused on
Adalind. "What are you doing here?"

"Eating a muffin." Adalind shrugged.

She knew there was more he wanted to say, but he wouldn't with Diana around, now with so many
witnesses. But his glare spoke volumes about how he felt about her presence in the bakery, his grip
on the back of the chair tightening as he controlled his temper.

"Diana told me about her, and I was curious." She explained. "That's it."

You approached the table, and Sean stood straighter, turning as you set a mug of coffee on the
table. You set a glass down next to Diana who thanked you.

"You're welcome." You looked at Sean, "Anything for you, Captain? Pumpkin Spice? Ooh,

Sean shook his head, "Coffee."

You rolled your eyes although Adalind knew it was in jest. "As black as your soul, got it."

The blonde looked at Sean when he sat down, but his focus was on watching you return behind the
counter to brew his coffee. Diana chose this moment to show him her drawing and he could see
how much she had matured this past year - before she would have killed you and Nick for keeping
him and Adalind apart, but now she valued the large family she had. And seeing her parents happy,
even when it wasn't together, she learned to accept it.

"So how did you meet?" Adalind spoke up.

Sean chose to be vague in his reply, hoping she would back off, "I come here for coffee

But Diana hadn't noticed the tension between them, offering more information than he was willing
to give. "He comes here every day. Morning, lunch, and after work."

Adalind raised an amused eyebrow, "Is that right?"

Diana nodded. "That's how they met. Y/N moved here a year ago and took over the bakery." You
caught her gaze and waved her over, and she grinned, leaving to choose a cookie to decorate.

Sean looked away from a smirking Adalind, his eyes scanning the counter finding you weren't
there. She observed the way he searched for you and her smirk faltered, her eyes widening in

"I never thought I'd live to see the day Sean Renard fell in love."

He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond harshly when Diana returned with you a few
steps behind. You held out his coffee and he thanked you, his posture tensing under the untrained
eye - but Adalind had known him for a long time and could see how protective he was over you.

You rested your hands on his shoulders, standing behind his chair, and Adalind noticed the way his
gaze softened, a smile on your lips as you arranged with Diana to stock ingredients this weekend
during her stay with Sean.

"You're living together?" Adalind spoke louder than she intended, stunned at the news.

"Uh-huh. But only for two weeks. Although it feels longer." Adalind smiled when you looked at
Sean who raised an eyebrow at your answer, "I'm kidding," You squeezed his shoulders and his
lips tugged upwards at the gesture.
She finished her coffee, thanking you as she got to her feet. "We should get going."

Diana pouted, but after being reassured that she would see you soon, she followed her mother who
sent you a small smile.

"It was nice meeting you."

"You too." She truly meant that.

You looked at Sean when the two blondes left, "Those two are scarily alike."

"Tell me about it." He sighed, and you noticed the drawing on the table. "Diana drew it." He
explained when you picked it up. "That's why Adalind came here, to find out who you were."

You smiled down at the drawing before meeting his gaze, "Does this mean I can sleep peacefully
without fear that she will try to kill me?" Diana had once told you about how she had killed his
mistress, and after explaining that your relationship with her father was different, she had many
questions about how you started dating and if you were going to hurt him. She was protective over
her parents and from the story she told about the murder, she was the last person you wanted to

Sean chuckled, "I'd say so, yeah." He placed a hand on your back and you stepped into his side,
smiling down at him. "Why don't we have dinner tonight? Eat in. Grants a little privacy."

You nodded, "We could double date."

Immediately his expression changed and you giggled behind the drawing, watching as he relaxed,
realizing you weren't serious.

"What did you have in mind?" You asked.

"Let's just say, that I've enjoyed having you all to myself. And I'm not ready to share just yet."

You leaned down to kiss him softly, placing a hand on his cheek. His cell phone rang and he
groaned when you pulled away. "It could be important."

He sighed as he answered the call, and you picked up Adalind's empty coffee mug, looking at him
when he stood. "There's been a development on a case."

You sent him a smile, nodding to show you understood. "Okay."

"I could ignore it and we could head home early..." He whispered suggestively and you bit the
inside of your cheek.

"We both know we'd never make it home, and I'd rather my regulars didn't see me naked in a
steamed-up car."

He grunted quietly in agreement. "I'll pick you up after work?"

"Sounds great." Your smile elicited a genuine smile from him, which wasn't common when he was
out in the open where his enemies could see. He had told you before, and you understood his
reasons for keeping your relationship a secret as did Adalind who had observed you both for less
than twenty minutes. It was for your own protection. "I love you."

He mouthed his reciprocation and you closed your eyes when he kissed you. "I'll see you tonight."
"I'll be counting down the minutes." You said as he headed to the door with his takeaway cup of
coffee. After he entered the bakery for the first time since you took over you had learned to brew
his perfect cup of coffee and he found himself ditching the instant coffee at the precinct in favor of
seeing you and buying a decent cup of coffee.

Sean looked back at you as he walked out and you smiled before heading to the kitchen to check on
the pastries you were baking. You pinned the drawing with a magnet and smiled softly before
getting back to work, checking the clock now and then with excitement as your date grew closer.
by your side. ( sean renard x reader )

It had been a long trial, especially when facing someone you thought you had left behind after
university. He was still the arrogant know-it-all that he believed he was, but you found solace at
home away from the office where he often stopped by to bring coffee. You had no interest in his
tactics to win you over, hoping you would go for a lighter sentence for his client.

But when a member of his client's family was murdered, leading to his client wanting to change his
plea, that solace was taken from you as you went to the scene, and agreed to meet at your place to
discuss a new deal now that his client was willing to fold on his employer.

Diana was sitting at the dining table when he arrived and she observed as you spoke on the sofa,
paying more attention than you thought she did, and didn't like the way the man was looking at
you, interrupting you to comment on your perfume or your hair. It was an amateur tactic to get you
confused, but you remained focused on the case.

You left the room briefly to find a book you had been using for research and Sean arrived home
minutes later, finding the man struggling to breathe due to his tie tightening around his neck, on his
knees on the rug as he tried to free himself. Sean set his briefcase down calmly, taking in the scene.

"I found that book -" You dropped the book in shock, "Oh my god!" You looked at Diana whose
eyes were glowing, "Diana! Stop it! Let him go!" You looked at Sean who stood with his hands in
his pockets, a contemplative expression on his features. "Do something!"

You huffed when he didn't, and approached Diana, "Honey, you need to let him go."

"He wants to take you away! I won't let him take you away!"

"I'm not going anywhere." You told her. "Why would you think that?"

"I've seen the way he looks at you. He wants to take you away from daddy! Away from me!"

You looked at Sean for a further explanation, "He's attracted to you. Diana is very perceptive."

You turned to Diana, a frown on your lips, "I'm not going anywhere." You knelt down, taking hold
of her hands. "Look at me," She looked away from the man who fell over, gasping for breath but
you ignored it, keeping your focus on Diana. "I wouldn't leave you two for the world."


You nodded, "Really." You assured her. "I love you. And I might be a little annoyed with him right
now," You looked over at Sean, "but I love him too." You met her gaze, "So don't ever think that,
okay? I'll be here as long as you want me to be."

"Then you'll stay forever!" She hugged you tightly and you smiled softly, kissing her head when
the man began to shout, drawing your attention.

"You crazy - what the hell was that? You people are crazy!" He continued to yell as he tossed his
work into his briefcase and you knew he couldn't be allowed to tell anyone about Diana.

"Go to your room. I'll be through in a second."

She nodded, leaving down the hallway, and you gasped when Sean struck. You closed your eyes,
opening them moments later to find the man unconscious on the floor.

"You really didn't notice he was attracted to you, did you?" His lips turned upward in amusement.

A year ago you would have run screaming, but you had adapted to the violence and the need for
secrecy. Diana was powerful and although the blonde could be terrifying at times when she
showed her powers, you couldn't let anyone who posed a threat walk away.

"I thought he was trying to distract me because of the case." You spoke in your defence.

"The only thing he was interested in was getting beneath that dress."

You gestured to the body in your living room when his eyes raked up and down your body.
"Unconscious civilian in our living room!"

Sean dealt with it discreetly while you went to speak to Diana who was in much higher spirits. You
knew that beneath all that power she was still a little girl who didn't yet know better, but you knew
she was starting to understand that she couldn't use her powers on everyone she disliked - although
you knew Sean told her different.

You sighed as you headed downstairs, running a hand through your hair, sucking in a breath when
you nearly crashed into Sean who was coming upstairs.

"Where is Diana?"

"In her room. She said she's sorry but I think she's too much like her father."

He stepped closer so he towered over you, causing you to tilt your head up to hold his gaze. "Did
you mean what you said downstairs?"

You nodded, "I know we started off casual but exclusive, but I think we're way past that now, don't
you think?"

It was true. You had been on-off lovers for a few years, but in the last year, your relationship held
deeper meaning. Feelings were involved although they were never discussed. Until today.

You closed your eyes when he kissed you, bringing him closer as he deepened the kiss, wrapping
your arms around his neck. You bit your lower lip when he pulled away suddenly, hands resting on
the nape of his neck as you met his gaze.

You knew it wasn't easy for him to discuss his feelings, hence why you agreed to a purely physical
arrangement, believing it was better than nothing at all. And while you had entered knowing what
you felt was doomed to be more than attraction, you didn't hesitate even if it meant being broken-
hearted in the end.

"What you said downstairs," He wet his lips drawing your attention to them, leaning in as his gaze
centered on your lips.

"About staying by your side because I love you?"

He nodded, and you repeated the motion, eyes half-lidded as he brought you closer until you
pressed against him. "I want you to know that...I love you."

You leaned up, kissing him tenderly before pulling away moments later. "I knew before you did."

Sean raised an eyebrow, and you giggled when he shook his head, his nose brushing against yours.
"Oh, you did, did you?"

You hummed, smiling as you ghosted your lips across his. "But I've waited a long time for you to
say it. If I had known it was because of your daughter nearly killing the competition I would have
paid a little more attention. Although it is rare that I see you acting jealous...and it's a good look on
you, Captain."

Sean knew you were only teasing. You were like him. No one else existed, no one else registered
on your mind except for each other. And neither of you planned to let go.

"You know Adalind is picking up Diana in forty minutes..."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" You asked.

"That depends...what do you think I'm suggesting?"

"An early night, body pressed against body, glistening with -" You smiled when he interrupted you
with a kiss, placing a hand on his cheek as you leaned into him.

When you fell asleep next to him for the first time, the surprise of his presence wore off quickly as
you settled next to him, not wanting to ruin the moment by asking if he was staying the night. He
routinely left once you were both completely satisfied but that night he remained in your bed, and
you listened to his racing heartbeat slow into calming thuds that lulled you to sleep.

Later that night, closer to the early hours of the morning, you lay in a similar position, your head
on his shoulder, your palm resting on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. He placed his arm
around your shoulders and his fingers traced patterns on your arm as both your heartbeats returned
to normal.

You felt him kiss your hair and turn your head to meet his gaze. You had dreamed about moments
like this for weeks, and now you were living it.

"I love you."

A smile formed on your lips at his declaration, "I love you too."

Sean leaned down, capturing your lips, and you placed a hand on his neck as he rolled, hovering
over you. You would never tire of seeing the raw emotion in his eyes reserved just for you. You
knew that somehow, you wouldn't be left broken-hearted. And when he placed a ring on your
finger he vowed never to cause you any pain, to love you until the end of days, and it was one vow
he would never break.
a wesen and a grimm. ( nick burkhardt x reader )

Nick looked over at you as he drove, laughter leaving his lips while he shook his head. After
spending the evening with Rosalee and Monroe, your spirits were undoubtedly lifted although he
had a feeling it had more to do with the alcohol that you were still new to. Nick didn't like to mull
over how you met for the first time as he bristled with anger.

You had survived since you were captured as a teenager in battle royales, and he remembered how
wary you were of everyone, knocking down four officers in your escape to freedom. Weeks later
he saw you at a bar when he was out with Hank and Monroe and when you saw him again, you ran
and Nick chased after you, Hank and Monroe on his heels. Monroe followed your scent and as
they looked around, confused as to where you were, you woge before dropping down on Hank,
growling before running off. Nick caught your arms, and you tried to break free, growling when
Monroe and Hank stood closer, blocking you in.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! We don't want to hurt you!"

"You're a Grimm!"

"Yeah, but he's surprisingly nicer than the rest." Monroe countered. "And he was the one that shut
down that fight ring you were in."

At this Nick felt you relax slightly, but your gaze was wary as you woge back to your human form.
"What do you want?"

"An informative chat. There's been a string of attacks along this area. I was hoping you would
know something about it." He let you go, and you eyed him with suspicion, then Hank and
Monroe. Realizing you felt caged, he nodded for everyone to take a step back.

"Did you notice anyone passing through around this area in the last week?" Nick asked.

"There was one guy I hadn't noticed before." You replied, and he exhaled a sigh of relief, throwing
you a grateful glance for cooperating. "I heard him talking about a shipment coming in. He likes to
flirt." Your eyes flickered between the trio, before focusing on Nick. "He comes in every
Wednesday, so he'll be in tomorrow night."

Nick nodded, "Thank you."

"I can go?" You raised an eyebrow at him, remaining cautious of a Grimm. You hadn't crossed
paths with one before, but your father had been killed and you were left to fend for yourself, you
later got taken to participate in fights to the death.

"You can go."

You looked at Monroe, tilting your head. A Blutbad helping a Grimm. It was unusual and

"So what now?" Monroe asked as you walked away, looking at the two detectives.

Nick sighed as he watched you walk away. "Tomorrow night, we stake out the bar." Hank nodded
in agreement. "We'll have her identify the guy we're looking for. See what he does."

You caught his gaze when you looked over your shoulder before walking around the building,
hidden from view.

Nick looked at Hank when he groaned, rolling his shoulder. "What makes you think she'll help

"Probably because if she helps us get rid of this other guy, she'll get rid of the neighborhood
Grimm," Monroe replied.

The next night, the trio returned, and after three hours, you brought over a beer, setting a napkin
underneath before walking away. Nick picked up the napkin, reading your note. "He's here."

He showed it to Hank, and Monroe smelled the air, recognizing the scent of the Wesen who was
known for ill-temperament, explaining the attacks.

Nick went over to ask questions, and the Wesen slammed his hand on the bartop, demanding
another beer. You approached them, setting another beer down, and the Wesen grabbed your wrist.

"Helping a Grimm, huh?" He growled, "Do you know what happens to those who betray our

You winced when he dug his claws into your skin.

"Let her go." Nick ordered.

You smashed the beer bottle over his head, making him woge, stepping back, glaring at the Balam.

"Traitor." He barked, rising to his feet.

"Go to hell." You responded.

He shoved Nick aside, but he recovered quickly, following him out of the bar. You watched
Monroe and Hank rush after them and decided to follow to avoid the stares. You knew you would
have to look for another job.

You were heading to your car when you saw the trio trying to capture the Balam, and when he
advanced on Nick while Monroe and Hank tried to get to their feet, you knew he would escape, but
not without killing them first.

You woge as you walk over, growling to gain his attention. He laughed as he turned around, and
you ducked when he darted towards you. He grabbed your shirt and slammed you to the ground.
When he raised his clawed hand you stopped him from grabbing your throat and a bullet lodged in
his shoulder. The sound distracted you and he grabbed your throat, digging his claws into your
skin, drawing blood. You closed your eyes when he lifted you up, holding you against him as Hank
raised his gun, standing next to Nick who kept his gun trained on your capture.

You knew he would rip your throat out regardless if they backed off and quickly snapped his wrist,
breaking out of his hold, a growl leaving your lips as you pinned him to the ground.

Nick reached you first, kneeling on his back beside you, thighs brushing as he handcuffed the
Balam. You moved aside and Hank put him into the back of their car. Nick turned to thank you,
only to find you were gone.

He wouldn't see you again until a month later during a case and you planned to keep away, but a
witness mentioned your name which led Nick to your new job, and eventually your apartment
when he asked for your help, claiming your combat skills would give him an advantage.
At the end of the case you weren't expecting to see him again, but he knocked on your door with a
plant, to add to the apartment which had only the bare necessities. You were intrigued by him as he
went against everything you knew about Grimm's. So you accepted the cactus and invited him in
for a beer. Nick understood how wary you were of Grimm's after you told him about your father.

You soon found your knowledge of Wesen's combat skills frequently used during cases. You
became close friends until one case which ended with you shoving Hank aside, getting shot in his
place, the bullet barely missing your heart. Hank's opinion of you changed that day and he suffered
guilt over the incident. When you were in hospital Nick visited you every day and you grew closer.
He stopped by while you were at home healing and made you dinner. You watched him as he
cooked, a small smile on your lips. You thought back to your conversation with Rosalee about
love. You had never known how it felt to fall in love with someone before, and when Rosalee
began to describe how it felt, you knew there was no other way to describe how you felt about
Nick Burkhardt.

You spent all night trying to find out if he felt the same way, but found yourself unable to accept
that it was possible. A Grimm and a Balam. The Wesen community would lose their minds. After
spending so many years believing everyone was the enemy, you weren't fazed when you were
labeled as a traitor and a disgrace. You had received threats and even been attacked one night after
work. When Nick heard about the attack he knew the four Wesen's in the hospital had attempted to
overpower you, but you had spent over a decade fighting for survival, and they were no match for
your skill or strength.

"They're in really bad shape." He commented, his eyes showing how impressed he was, his pride
and his fear that it would happen again - only the next time you wouldn't be a victor.

You smirked as you handed him a beer, making him chuckle. He shook his head as he clinked his
beer with yours.

You knew he was worried about you, hence why he sped over to your apartment the second he
heard about the attack. Monroe had even heard about it from his friends which is how Nick knew
you were the target for the attack, until you became the one who walked away unscathed.

But did he love you?

After staying for a few drinks after dinner, he walked to the door, putting on his jacket and you
questioned whether to remain friends, not wanting to make things awkward if you confessed how
you felt. Could a Grimm love a Wesen?

"You're doing that thing again." He spoke up, turning to you. "You've been drifting into your
thoughts all night. Is everything okay?"

You stared at him for a moment before closing the distance, grabbing his jacket, and tightening
your grip as you pressed your lips to his. Your hesitance faded away when he placed his hands on
your cheeks, kissing you passionately.

A Grimm and a Wesen had never been heard of before, so the news spread like wildfire, but you
didn't care. Nick was different than the rest and you were too swept up in your feelings to care.

During the first year of your relationship, you had several confrontations, but the news got old soon
and you formed a peaceful life in Portland. A sense of normalcy that you never experienced before,
double dates with Monroe and Rosalee, helping Nick with Wesen, and finding a stable job. After
three months Nick asked you to move in with him and you were engaged by the end of the year.
Nick had told you about his parents and the crash that killed them. You were told that Grimm's
were the enemy, blood-thirsty, and cold-hearted, and Nick went against everything you were
taught. He was your first boyfriend and when he first bought you flowers just because he thought
you'd like them, you were confused but grateful and it led to Nick surprising you frequently. You
went to your first movie and he still chuckled thinking about the way you listed the ways the fight
scenes could be improved.

When he thought about your life before you met for the first time, the years spent every night
fighting to survive, when he saw you fight, he was reminded of your strength. During your double
date, Rosalee had explained the concept of board games which led to the four of you playing at the
dining table, and Nick observed you with a small smile as your eyebrows furrowed in

You had missed out on the everyday things, but you had found a family in each other. And on your
wedding day he vowed to make you happy and love you unconditionally.

As he approached the house after parking the car, he heard something smash into pieces, followed
by growling which reminded him of the person you had to become to survive.

He rushed inside, finding you pinned to the ground, a large dagger getting closer to your heart.
Your dress was cut, and your arm was bleeding, but you weren't easily beaten. You flipped the
woman over your head, getting to your feet. Nick stared in disbelief as the woman got up, rushing
between you both as he held his hands up.

"Stop! Stop!"

You glanced at him in confusion, until you looked at the woman, seeing her features now that her
hood was down.

"She's a Balam!"

"And she's my wife!"

You eyed the woman when she looked at her son. Nick had told you about the return of his mother
who you had yet to meet. And being attacked by his mother as you entered your home which had
become the one place you truly felt safe was not how Nick predicted your first meeting, but it
almost made you laugh.

Nick looked at you as you examined your arm. "Are you okay?"

You nodded, "I've had worse." You looked at his mother who was watching your every move. "I'm
going to get changed."

You paused on the staircase when you heard them talking. Kelley was stunned that he was married
to a Wesen, while Nick argued that you were different. And she had no idea of what you'd been
through. His tone showed his anger that you had been attacked in the house that was the first place
you called home.

You headed upstairs, not wishing to overhear anything else. The voices quietened down after a few
minutes and Nick entered the bedroom, sighing when he saw your dress on the bed, walking to the
bathroom to find you wearing jeans and a tank top, trying to bandage your arm.

"Here, let me."

You lifted your head, holding out the bandage and he stepped forward to help you. A sigh left his
lips, and you knew he was upset that his mother had attacked you, spouting everything you had
expected from a Grimm until you met Nick.

"I bet this isn't how you expected our first introduction to go."

Nick shook his head, "You can say that again."

"I bet this isn't how you expected our first introduction to go." You repeated. It reminded him of
your poor social skills, and your inability to read sarcasm and rhetorical questions or remarks,
which was your intention. And it made him smile.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

You nodded, "I liked that dress." You sighed, and he brought you to his chest, kissing your

"So did I."

You smiled against his chest, lifting your head to meet his gaze. "What does she want?" You knew
she needed something if she returned to Portland.

"Our help." When you raised an eyebrow he said, "We're a package deal. She's agreed to play
nice." He tucked your hair behind your ear, and you met him halfway, kissing him tenderly.

When you went downstairs Nick stayed by your side. He observed you as you spoke to Kelly who
had thrown comments in your direction that he quickly chastised her for, but you remained unfazed
and spoke civilly. And Nick was reminded of your strength. You had every reason to lead a life of
violence as you had accustomed to, but you wanted tranquillity, and everything you had gone
through left no bitterness or anger. You were one of the kindest people he knew, and he admired
you endlessly because of your endurance.

And Kelly could see it in his eyes, the love her son had for you was endless, undeniable. So for his
sake, she put her prejudice aside.
first born. ( nick burkhardt x reader )

You had crossed paths with Monroe due to your role within the Wesen council, however, you
considered him a friend. When you heard the council planned to strike Nick, the Grimm you had
once stopped by to talk about, you warned the Blutbad and he was grateful for the heads up. Then
when the attack was set, you went to help him defend the Grimm.

While not the strongest Wesen, a Pflichttreue is loyal, fearless, and smart, and you know how to
outsmart your enemies. The council knew about your friendship with Monroe, hence why you
resorted to spying to find out what they were hiding. Monroe had told you about the trailer and you
found the duo inside, warning them that the council was on their way.

"This is Nick. The one they're trying to kill." Monroe introduced.

You sent the Blutbad a smile, "I know. I've seen a picture." You both looked towards the door
when you heard footsteps outside, smelling the Wesen arriving. "They're here."

"You don't have to stay and fight," Nick told you.

"I'm already on their bad side. Might as well go for broke. Besides, any friend of Monroe's is a
friend of mine." You glanced at Monroe who sent you a small smile before looking at Nick when
he held out a gun to you.

"Thank you."

"Thank me if we're still alive." You sent him a smile, cocking the shotgun.

It became common after that night that you spent time in the trailer, bringing your own knowledge
to the team. You were shunned from the Wesen community, even Pflichttreue's refused to stand by
your side after learning you had aided a Grimm. Nick felt guilty for the way you were cast aside,
but you never let it show that you were affected.

There were many times Nick had observed you when you weren't looking as you both scoured
books for answers. Tonight was no different.

"I think I found it." You spoke up and looked over at the Grimm as he stood next to you, leaning
on the table. "Here." You translated the text from German and looked up at him, realizing how
close you were.

"Have I told you how much I appreciate all your help?"

"You may have mentioned it once or twice." You smiled as he frequently called you brilliant, or
thanked you for helping him. You knew he felt guilty that you had been shunned by the Wesen
community but you formed stronger friendships with him, Hank, and Monroe.

Nick often thought about that night as it was the first time you kissed. Before you could discuss
what it meant, Hank called and he had to meet him to follow up a lead. "We'll talk about this

You sent him a smile, "Sure."

He mirrored the smile as he left.

Now here you were, two years later, giving birth to your first child. Your family had come around
to your relationship with a Grimm and you called your mother, hoping she would drive you to the
hospital. You had prolonged going to the hospital, keeping busy until your water broke.

Instead of going to the hospital, she took you upstairs, explaining the tradition of home births, and
how all the women in your family had given birth at home. You realized quickly it was pointless
trying to go to the hospital.

"Can you call Nick? I want him to be here." You told her as you lay on the bed, your mother
propping your back with the pillows.

"What is he going to do? He's a detective, not a doctor."

You woge as you growl at your mother during a contraction. "Call Nick!"

She nodded, sighing as she used your cell phone to call him, leading to an argument as Nick
believed you should go to a hospital. Your mother rushed over to you once she hung up, and you
shifted back to your human form, following her breathing exercises.

"I'll be right back, I'll get a bowl of water and a cloth."

You nodded, continuing with the exercises, closing your eyes as you hoped Nick would arrive
soon. When she returned, your sisters and aunts were by her side with blankets and towels.

"All right, you're ready to start pushing."

"Where is Nick?"

It had been over half an hour since your mother called him and he still hadn't arrived.

"I'll call him." Your sister assured you, leaving the room.

She returned minutes later and you knew from her expression that something was wrong. "What?
Oh, no, what is it?"

"He is stuck in traffic across town."

You threw your head back onto the headboard, groaning from despair and the pain. Your mother
sat beside you, rubbing your arm, "Now, honey, everything is going to be fine."

An hour passed by and you were beginning to lose hope Nick would arrive in time as your mother
and sister held your hand, while one of your aunts dabbed your forehead, and another told you
when to push.

A loud bang sounded downstairs and heavy footsteps followed until Nick appeared, eyes wide, hair
dishevelled and you cried out in relief at the sight of him.

"You're here!"

"Why are you sweating?" Your mother grimaced when he took your sister's space beside you.

"I ran halfway across town." He took your hand, covering your joined hands with his free hand.
"How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're here." You leaned against his chest, closing your eyes.
"I still think you should go to a hospital." He murmured.

Before your mother could list the many women in your family who had given homebirths, you
tightened your grip on his hand as you cried out, pushing as your aunt counted.

Fifteen minutes later your son was born and Nick pressed a kiss to your forehead, murmuring
praises while your aunts wrapped the newborn in warm towels and blankets.

You met his gaze as he combed your hair away from your cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled, closing your eyes as he bowed his head to kiss you tenderly.

"Oh, he is beautiful." Your mother gasped when her sister handed the baby to her. She tucked the
blanket beneath his chin, a smile on her lips, walking over to you. "Well done, honey." She looked
at Nick, nodding to the bathroom, "Nick, come help me clean him up."

He kissed your forehead and you smiled as he walked away, looking at your aunt when she began
to help you deliver the placenta. You were exhausted when he returned, carrying your son in his
arms, your sister keeping you cool as she dabbed your forehead with a cold cloth.

"Is she okay?" He frowned, seeing you had woged.

"It's just the stress. She'll be fine." Your aunt assured him with a smile. "We'll leave you two

"I'll be downstairs." Your mother said.

"Thank you." At first, he was concerned by their plan for a home birth, but now, knowing you both
were okay, he was grateful.

When the room emptied, he closed the door and lay beside you, setting your son down in the
middle. "Hey,"

"Hi," You looked down at your son, and Nick's eyebrows raised when he saw the white fur, a
mixture of black spots and lined markings on your son's face.

"Whoa," He whispered.

You leaned down to nuzzle your nose against his, pulling away to watch as the fur disappeared.

"He's perfect, isn't he?"

Nick smiled at you as you gazed down adoringly at your sleeping son. "Yeah, he is." You met his
gaze, smiling softly.

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