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LESSON 10 1 Hobbies & Qualities

Teacher name: Tarassenko S.S. School: 7

Date: 22.09
Grade: 9 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the Use of English

Learning use formal and informal registers in their talk on a range of
objectives(s) that general and curricular topics; explain and justify their own point of view on a range of
this lesson is
general and curricular topics;
contributing to write independently about factual and imaginary past events,
activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics; write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives  All learners (and learners with special needs) will be able to:
understand main points in a text
skim a range of lengthy texts to identify content
 Most learners will be able to:
understand specific information in a text
 Some learners will be able to:
recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluatio Resources
timings activities n
Begining GREETINGS Greeting
5 min The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the

Middle To present situational language The sentences Verbal SB p 12

35 min and identify the speakers. Ask Ss below are from a evaluation ex1
to read the sentences and elicit dialogue
who may say each one. Play the between a
recording. Ss listen and find out. careers guidance
counsellor and a
student. Listen
and read to find
To identify synonymous phrases out. Individual
in a situational dialogue evaluation SB Ex 2
Read the
Read out the phrases and give Ss
dialogue again.
time to find alternative phrases
Find phrases.
in the dialogue that have a
similar meaning.

To act out a dialogue. Play the Mutual

recording again. Ss listen and Listen and read evaluation Ex3
then take roles and act out the the dialogue.
dialogue in closed pairs. Monitor Take roles and
the activity around the class and act it out.
then ask various pairs to act out
the dialogue in front of the
To learn the pronunciation of evaluation
heteronyms Some words Ex5
Explain that heteronyms are have the same
words that are spelt spelling but
the same way but have different different
meanings and pronunciation
different pronunciation. and meaning.
Play the recording with pauses
for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.


5 min Ask students: What have you assessment
learned today? What can you do
Home task: p 13 ex 2
Saying goodbye

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