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How to achieve your goals?

Imagine that you proposed a goal and you didn't achieve it, you
give up and you don't continue. But, How can you achieve your
goal? Hello my name is Ignacio Cañibano and today I'm going to
talk about how you can achieve your goals. What is a goal? A goal
describes what you want to achieve in the medium or long term, as
the end result of your effort. You can have goals in what you want
for example the school or the job. Many people achieve their goals
because they have the mentality to do it and they are successful
now. An example is Sylvester Stallone, the famous actor that
starred Rocky Balboa on Rocky, told in an interview that before
becoming a famous person his dream was to be an actor but he
didn't have exit and he started to lived on the streets, he told that he
had to sold his dog for 25 dollars to eat. After seeing a boxing fight,
he was inspired and wrote the script of Rocky. He tried to sell and
he received an offer of 125.000 dollars, he told the producer that he
wanted to be the main character but the producer said NO. The
next day he asked again and insisted, the producer agreed and the
rest is history. And, how could he achieve his goals?
I'm going to explain the important things that you have to have:
- Self-confident. Is important to be self-confident because
confidence is very important to achieve your goals. You can
achieve all your goals that you propose.
- Effort. To achieve our goals we have to work hard, nothing is
achieved without effort. You must be clear that you will need to
be patient and persevering. To achieve what you want you will
have to make some sacrifices of other things that you also
like. But you must take stock of what your priorities are and
act according to them. Think carefully about what you want
and if it is worth sacrificing other things.
- Perseverance. On this path, many times we will experience
frustrating and unrewarding situations. Do not give up, these
situations will teach us to act in a better way and to choose
new paths to achieve what we want. Everything doesn't
always go as planned, but this is also part of the process. This
will allow us to ratify or rectify what we want and give it the
true value it has.
- Accept the mistakes. Recognizing mistakes and learning
from them allows us to improve and improve. When these
types of situations happen, take some time to think about what
the mistake was and how you can prevent it from happening
again. Consider it a lesson and not a failure. Avoid depositing
in others the cause of your mistakes since in this way you will
not be able to overcome yourself.
- Act. Once you are clear about what you want and what is the
way to achieve it, you must put yourself into action. Our
actions are what will define our progress. If you keep waiting
for things to happen, they may never happen. To achieve our
goals we must do something, no one will do something to
achieve your goals, it only depends on you.
- Limitations. Taking into account our limitations is essential in
this process. You must be clear about the aspects in which
you stand out and have ease. Try to work on them in order to
move forward. Do not try to get there by the easiest path,
remember that if you really want to achieve your goals, the
path will not be easy, but it will be worth it.
- Risk. Don't waste your time regretting things that already
happened or what could have been. Think about today and
what you can do to achieve what you want. Many times, you
will have to take risks and take difficult paths, but do not be
discouraged, you will be able to overcome it. Be positive and
think that everything will be fine. Positive thinking is one of the
keys to success.
If you apply this thought you can achieve your goals, what are you
waiting to do? Thank you very much for listen my Ted Talk

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