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This study set out to examine the effects of body shaming, promote the wellbeing of senior high
school students, and determine how prevalent it is among them in all of its forms (such as cyberbullying,
taunting, and peer pressure).

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What were the profile of the senior high school students - respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

1.4 Grade and Section

2. What are the effects of body shaming to the mental health of senior high school students in Datamex
college of saint adeline?

2.1 Depression and Anxiety

2.2 Low Self-esteem

2.3 Social Isolation

2.4 Poor Academic Performance

3. What forms of assistance or solutions do senior high school find useful in dealing with body shaming?

4. How prevalent is body shaming among senior high school students?

5. Is there a significance effects between humiliation and body shaming?

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