The Chosen

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Fate Gear

, You get to decide what sort of fate is in store for you. Pick You can have protective gear worth 1-armour, if you want.

The Chosen
how you found out about your fate on the reverse side of You have a special weapon you are destined to wield.
this sheet.
Your Special Weapon
Moves Design your weapon by choosing a form and three busi-
Your birth was prophesied. You are the Chosen You get all of the basic moves, plus three Chosen moves. ness-end options (which are added to the base tags),
One, and with your abilities you can save the and a material. For example, if you want a magic sword
You get these two: you could choose the following: handle + blade + long +
world. If you fail, all will be destroyed. It all rests
B Destiny’s Plaything: At the beginning of each magic.
on you. Only you.
mystery, roll +Weird to see what is revealed about
Form (choose 1):
your immediate future. On a 10+, the Keeper will
b staff (1-harm hand/close)
• Manipulate Someone reveal a useful detail about the coming mystery. On
b haft (2-harm hand heavy)
a 7-9 you get a vague hint about it. On a miss, some-
b handle (1-harm hand balanced)
• Act Under Pressure thing bad is going to happen to you.
COoL • Help Out B I’m Here For A Reason: There’s something you are
b chain (1-harm hand area)
Business-end (choose 3 options):
• Investigate a Mystery destined to do. Work out the details with the Keeper,
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation based on your fate. You cannot die until it comes
to pass. If you die in play, then you must spend a
b artifact (add the “magic” tag)
b spikes (+1 harm, add the “messy” tag)
• Kick Some Ass b blade (+1 harm)
TOUGH • Protect Someone
Luck point. You will then, somehow, recover or be
returned to life. Once your task is done (or you use b heavy (+1 harm)
b long (add the “close” tag)
up all your Luck), all bets are off.
WEIRD • Use Magic
Then pick one of these:
b throwable (add the “close” tag)
b chain (add the “area” tag)
b The Big Entrance: When you make a showy
Luck entrance into a dangerous situation, roll +Cool.
Material (choose 1):
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from Finally, pick what material the business-end is made
On 10+ everyone stops to watch and listen until you
an injury. from: add “steel,” “cold iron,” “silver,” “wood,” “stone,”
finish your opening speech. On a 7-9, you pick one
“bone,” “teeth,” “obsidian,” or anything else you want.
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed person or monster to stop, watch and listen until
you finish talking. On a miss, you’re marked as the Material:
Chosen special: When you spend a point of Luck, the biggest threat by all enemies who are present.
Keeper will bring your fate into play. b Devastating: When you inflict harm, you may Getting Started
Harm inflict +1 harm. To make your Chosen, first pick a name. Then follow
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. b Dutiful: When your fate rears its ugly head, and the instructions below to decide your look, ratings, fate,
you act in accordance with any of your fate tags moves, gear, and your special weapon. Finally, introduce
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
(either heroic or doom) then mark experience. If it’s yourself and pick history.
Unstable: b a heroic tag, take +1 forward.
b Invincible: You always count as having 2-armour.
Experience This doesn’t stack with other protection. Look, pick one from each List:
Experience: bbbbb b Resilience: You heal faster than normal people. Any • Kid, teen, young, burnt-out, .
time your harm gets healed, heal an extra point. • Fresh face, haggard face, young face, haunted face,
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a Additionally, your wounds count as 1-harm less for hopeful face, controlled face, __________ face.
move tells you to, mark an experience box. the purpose of the Keeper’s harm moves. • Preppy clothes, casual wear, urban wear, normal
clothes, neat clothes, street wear, __________ clothes.
Ratings, pick one line: Introductions
b Charm+2, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird-1 When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
b Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird-1 can do your introductions together.
b Charm+1, Cool+2, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird-1 Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your
b Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough-1, Weird+2 Chosen by name and look, and tell the group what they
b Charm+1, Cool+2, Sharp-1, Tough-1, Weird+2 know about you.

Your Fate History

How You Found Out (pick one): Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
b Nightmares and visions these for each other hunter:
b Some weirdo told you • You are close blood relations. Ask them exactly how
b An ancient cult found you close.
b Sought out by your nemesis • They are destined to be your mentor. Tell them how
b Attacked by monsters this was revealed.
b Trained from birth • Your best friend in the world, who you trust totally.
b You found the prophecy • A rival at first, but you came to a working arrange-
Then pick two heroic and two doom tags for your fate • Romantic entanglement, or fated to be romantically
from the lists below. This is how your fate will unfold. It’s entangled.
okay to pick contradictory tags: that means your fate is • Just friends, from school or work or something. Ask
pulling you both ways. them what.
Whenever you mark off a point of Luck, the Keeper • They could have been the Chosen One instead of you,
will throw something from your fate at you. but they failed some trial. Tell them how they failed.
• You saved their life, back when they didn’t know mon-
Heroic (pick two): sters were real. Tell them what you saved them from.
b Sacrifice b A normal life
b You are the b True love Leveling Up
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level Advanced Improvements
Champion b You can save
up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
b Visions the world
following list: b Get back one used Luck point.
b Secret training b Hidden allies
b Change this hunter to a new type.
b Magical powers b The end of monsters Improvements b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
b Mystical inheritance b Divine help b Get +1 Charm, b Get +1 Weird, b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
max +3 max +3 b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Doom (pick two): b Get +1 Cool, max +3 b Take another
b Death b Sympathy with b Retire this hunter to safety.
b Get +1 Sharp, Chosen move b Delete one of your Doom tags, and (optionally) one
b You can’t save the enemy max +3 b Take another
everyone b Damnation of your Heroic tags. You have changed that aspect of
b Get +1 Tough, Chosen move your destiny.
b Impossible love b Hosts of monsters max +3 b Gain an ally
b Failure b The end of days b Take a move from another playbook
b A nemesis b The source of Evil b Take a move from another playbook
b No normal life
b Loss of loved ones After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Treachery advanced improvements in addition to these. They’re
b Doubt below.

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