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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Noun

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Topic: Parts of a Cell

English Connection: Students will learn about the different parts of a cell,
which can be classified as nouns. This will help them understand the concept
of nouns in English grammar.

2) Mathematics - Topic: Geometry

English Connection: Students will study different shapes and figures in

geometry, which can be described using nouns. This will enhance their
understanding of nouns in English language.

3) Social Studies - Topic: Branches of Government

English Connection: Students will explore the different branches of

government and their roles, which can be identified using nouns. This will
enable them to recognize and use nouns accurately in English writing.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Role cards, props

1) Idea - Divide the students into groups and different roles, such as nouns, verbs,
adjectives, etc. Each group will act out a sentence using their assigned roles, with
the focus on nouns. This will make the students actively participate in the activity and
understand importance of nouns in sentence construction.

2) Idea - Use an interactive noun game where students have to identify and
categorize nouns in different sentences. This will create an engaging and
competitive environment, encouraging students to focus on the topic.


Activity 1: Noun Collage

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, chart paper

Significance: Students will create a collage using pictures cut out from
magazines. They will then label the nouns in the collage and present it to the
class. This activity will help students identify nouns in real-life objects and
reinforce their understanding of nouns.


1) Provide magazines, scissors, glue, and chart paper to each group.

2) Instruct students to cut out pictures from the magazines and glue them on the
chart paper.

3) Students should identify and label the nouns in their collage.


- Correct identification of nouns: 10 pts

- Neatness and creativity: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify the nouns in the sentence: "The cat chased the mouse."

2) Which of the following is a common noun: dog, Max, or happy?

3) Write three nouns that represent living things.

Activity 2: Noun Hunt

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Worksheets, pens/pencils

Significance: Students will go on a noun hunt around the school or classroom,

identifying and recording nouns they find. This activity will encourage
students to actively search for nouns in their environment and develop their
observation skills.


1) Distribute worksheets to each student.

2) Instruct students to explore the school or classroom and identify nouns.

3) Students should write down the nouns they find and categorize them as common
or proper nouns.


- Correct identification and categorization of nouns: 10 pts

- Neatness and organization: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify the nouns in the sentence: "The sun is shining brightly."

2) Give an example of a proper noun.

3) Write three nouns that represent non-living things.

Activity 3: Noun Sorting Game

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Materials: Noun cards (common and proper nouns), timer

Significance: Students will participate in a fast-paced game where they have to

sort noun cards into common and proper noun categories within a given time
limit. This activity will enhance their ability to differentiate between common
and proper nouns.


1) Divide the class into two teams.

2) Place the noun cards face down in a pile.

3) Each team takes turns sending one member to pick a card and sort it into the
correct category (common or proper noun).

4) Set a time limit for each turn.


- Correct sorting of nouns: 10 pts

- Speed and accuracy: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify the noun in the sentence: "John is a doctor."

2) Give an example of a common noun.

3) Write three nouns that represent places.

Example 1: Teacher provides a lecture on the different types of nouns
(common, proper, abstract, etc.) and explains their characteristics using
examples. Students can actively participate by giving their own examples and
asking questions to clarify their understanding.

Example 2: Teacher conducts a discussion where students are given

sentences and asked to identify the nouns in them. The teacher guides the
students in analyzing the structure of the sentences and recognizing the
nouns within them.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Create a Noun Book

Students will create a book showcasing different types of nouns. They will include
definitions, examples, and illustrations for each type of noun. This task will allow
students to apply their understanding of nouns in a creative and visual manner.

Task 2: Noun Scavenger Hunt

Students will go on a scavenger hunt outside the classroom to find and document
nouns in their surroundings. They will take pictures or make sketches of the nouns
they find and create a presentation to share with the class. This task will encourage
students to connect their knowledge of nouns to real-life situations.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Assessment rubrics, worksheets

Question 1: Identify the nouns in the following sentence: "The boy rode his
bike to the park."
Question 2: Rewrite the sentence using a proper noun instead of a common
noun: "The cat sat on the mat."

Question 3: Create a sentence using an abstract noun.


Assignment 1: Noun Poem

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Students will write a poem focusing on
nouns. They should use a variety of noun types (common, proper, abstract)
and incorporate imagery and descriptive language. The poem should be at
least 10 lines long.

Actual Assessment Question: Write a poem about a beautiful sunset using

different types of nouns.

Assignment 2: Noun Interview

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Students will interview a family member or
friend and ask them about their favorite nouns. They should create a report
summarizing the interview, including the types of nouns mentioned and their
significance to the interviewee.

Actual Assessment Question: Interview a member or friend and write a report

summarizing the interview. Include at least three different types of nouns
mentioned and explain their significance to the interviewee.

Note: The teaching strategies, engagement strategies, and materials used can
be adjusted according to the teacher's preferences and available resources.

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