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1951 - 1975
Overpower UK: /əʊ.vəˈpaʊə(r)/ - to defeat someone by having greater
strength or power:
(v) US: /oʊ.vɚˈpaʊ.ɚ/
➔ The gunman was finally overpowered by
three security guards.
Khuất phục, chế ngự.
➔ The invading army overpowered the
countryside with lightning speed.
- If a smell or feeling overpowers you, it is so
Áp đảo.
strong that it makes you feel weak or ill:
➔ The heat/smell of gas overpowered me as I
went into the house.
➔ They were overpowered by the fumes.
Similar: clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, knock out.
Opposite: surrender, yield, lose, free, release.

Bibliography UK: /bɪb.liˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ - a list of the books from a particular writer

or publisher, or written about a particular
(n) US: /bɪb.liˈɑː.ɡrə.fi/
➔ At the end of the interview is a good
Thư mục.
bibliography of the writer's work.
➔ He's only 46, and his bibliography already
includes almost 100 novels.
Similar: index, list, directory, catalog, glossary.

Lethargy UK: /ˈleθ.ə.dʒi/ - the feeling of having little energy or of

being unable or unwilling to do anything:
(n) US: /ˈleθ.ɚ.dʒil/
➔ Symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy,
and vomiting.
Lười nhác.
➔ The powerful voice of a handful of patriots
came to awaken us out of our lethargy.
Similar: boredom, fatigue, laziness, indifference,
Opposite: vim, vigor, enthusiasm, ambition,
Executor UK: /ɪɡˈzek.jə.tər/ - (law) someone who makes sure that things
are done according to the wishes in a dead
(n) US: /ɪɡˈzek.jə.t̬ɚ/
person's will:
➔ Hugh appointed him an executor of his will.
Người thi hành,
➔ An executor is often named by the testator
thực hiện di chúc.
before their death, or else by a court.
Similar: delegate, agent, attorney, representative,

Hoodwink /ˈhʊd.wɪŋk/ - to deceive or trick someone:

➔ We were hoodwinked into believing that we
had won a lot of money.
Lừa phỉnh.
➔ He hoodwinked us into agreeing.
Similar: deceive, fool, trick, mislead, delude.
Opposite: uncover, unveil, reveal, debunk, defraud.

Habitant /ˈhæb.ɪ.t(ə)nt/ - a person who lives in a particular place:

➔ Last year there were 130 murders for every
100,000 habitants in the city.
Người cư trú.
➔ Farmland established by the habitants of
the St Lawrence valley.
Similar: inhabitant, residents, dweller, settler,
Opposite: stray, alien, visitor, guest, transient.

Patronymic /pæt.rəˈnɪm.ɪk/ - a name that is based on the given name

(= the name given at birth) of someone's
father or one of their father's ancestors:
Đặt theo tên ông cha,
➔ Numerous patronymics of later formation
tổ tiên.
have lasted: Johnson, Jackson, Peterson.
➔ The second Cossack addresses the first by
his patronymic.
Similar: matronymic, surname, nickname,
forename, family name.

Surveyor UK: /səˈveɪ.ə(r)/ - a person whose job is to measure and

record the details of areas of land:
(n) US: /sɚˈveɪ.ɚ/
➔ It took a team of surveyors about three
months to lay out the whole highway.
Giám định viên.
➔ This is a guide to what qualifications to look
for when you are hiring a land surveyor.
Similar: inspector, assessor, cartographer, measurer,
land surveyor.
Committal /kəˈmɪt.(ə)l/ - the process of sending someone to a
psychiatric hospital or prison:
➔ The prospect of a committal to prison did
Sự bỏ tù, tống giam.
not frighten her.
➔ These events led to his committal.
Similar: commitment, consignment, commission,
perpetration, imprisonment.
Opposite: freedom, liberation, liberty,
independence, license.

Participant UK: /pɑːˈtɪs.ɪ.p(ə)nt/ - a person who takes part in or becomes

involved in a particular activity:
(n) US: /pɑːrˈtɪs.ə.p(ə)nt/
➔ We were participants in a live debate on
Người tham gia.
➔ She has been an active participant in the
Similar: colleague, member, partner, player,
Opposite: enemy, boss, fan, spectator, observer.

Stratum UK: /ˈstrɑː.təm/ - one of the parts or layers into which

something is separated:
(n) US: /ˈstreɪt̬ .əm/
➔ Engineers could inject seawater into sandy
strata beneath the city.
Địa tầng, lớp.
➔ Deep stratum of the skin.
Similar: bed, gradation, grade, lamina, level.

Laddie /ˈlæd.i/ - (Scottish English) a young man:

➔ Guy of course will be a big laddie by then.
➔ Follow the horses, Johnny my laddie!
Chàng trai trẻ.
Similar: boy, boychick, boychik, callant, lad.

Telltale /ˈtel.teɪl/ - allowing a secret to become known:

➔ She found lipstick on his shirts - the telltale
sign that he was having an affair.
Phát lộ, lộ chân tướng.
➔ These are some of the telltale signs of
Similar: blabbermouth, revealing, telling, evidential,
Opposite: quiet, conceal, hidden, confidential,
Christendom /ˈkrɪs.ən.dəm/ - (old use) Christian people or countries as a
➔ All Christendom responded to the call.
Người/Nước theo
➔ Christendom historically refers to the
đạo Cơ-đốc.
Christian states.

Convenience /kənˈviː.ni.əns/ - a device or machine, usually in the house,

that operates quickly and needs little
Đồ dùng tiện lợi.
➔ The house has every modern convenience.
➔ The conveniencies of life become more
plentiful every day.
Similar: accessibility, accessory, accommodation,
advancement, advantage.
Opposite: inconvenience, inexpedience, inutility,
unsuitability, waste.

Disjunctive /dɪsˈdʒʌŋk.tɪv/ - lacking any clear connection:

➔ Technically speaking, the question is not
Rời rạc.
➔ The play consists of a series of brief,
disjunctive scenes.
Similar: detachment, disconnected, disjointed,
disjuncture, division.
Opposite: joint, connective, attaching, bridging,

Inextricable /ɪn.ɪkˈstrɪk.ə.b(ə)l/ - unable to be separated, released, or

escaped from:
➔ In the case of King Arthur, legend and truth
Không thể thoát.
are often inextricable.
➔ There is an inextricable bond between twins.
Similar: complex, intricate, involved, perplexing,
Opposite: free, simple, escapable, exclusive,
Revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ - to look at or consider again an idea, piece
of writing, etc. in order to correct or
improve it:
Đọc lại, sửa chữa.
➔ His helpfulness today has made me revise
my original opinion/impression of him.
➔ His publishers made him revise his
manuscript three times.
Similar: alter, amend, compare, cut, develop.
Opposite: decrease, harm, ignore, injure, worsen.

Winery UK: /ˈwaɪ.n(ə)r.i/ - a place where wine is made, especially

from grapes that are grown there:
(v) US: /ˈwaɪ.nɚ.i/
➔ Pollutant industries, including intensive
farming or wineries, need to be curbed.
Xưởng rượu.
➔ The original commission consisted of the
winery and several hunting pavilions.

Prevention /prɪˈven.ʃ(ə)n/ - the act of stopping something from

happening or of stopping someone from
doing something:
Sự ngăn cản.
➔ Crime prevention.
➔ The organization is committed to AIDS
prevention and education.
Similar: avoidance, blockage, determent, halt,
Opposite: aid, assistance, clearance, continuation,

Egotism UK: /ˈiː.ɡə.tɪ.z(ə)m/ - thinking only about yourself and

considering yourself better and more
(n) US: /ˈiː.ɡoʊ.tɪ.z(ə)m/
important than other people:
➔ Finding herself world-famous by the time
Duy ngã độc tôn.
she was 18 only encouraged the actress's
➔ He emphasizes 'egotism' and its excessive
concerns for wealth and external signs of
Similar: self-centered, self-absorbed, narcissism,
self-pride, self-admiration.
Opposite: self-pity, altruism, benevolence,
humanitarianism, kindness.
Paleontology UK: /pæliənˈtɒlədʒi/ - the study of fossils as a way of getting
information about the history of life on
(n) US: /peɪliənˈtɒlədʒi/
Earth and the structure of rocks:
➔ Paleontology is the study of fossils and the
Hóa thạch học.
evolution of life on Earth.
➔ Their field of expertise is paleontology and
proving the existence of prehistoric
Similar: excavation, paleology, prehistory,
antiquarianism, paleohistory.
Opposite: futurology, diviner, forecaster, prophet,

Skepticism UK: /ˈskep.tə.sɪ.z(ə)m/ - doubt that something is true or useful:

➔ I believe in a healthy skepticism of new
(n) US: /ˈskep.tɪ.sɪ.z(ə)m/
➔ The government had to overcome
Chủ nghĩa hoài nghi,
widespread skepticism to prove it could
thái độ hoài nghi.
build the project.
Similar: apprehension, disbelief, distrust, hesitation,
Opposite: belief, certainty, sureness, trust, firmness.

Garrote UK: /ɡəˈrɑːt/ - to kill someone by putting a metal wire or

collar around their neck and pulling it:
(v) US: /ɡəˈrɒt/
➔ Is he like Duclosse the mealman, or garotte
the lime-burner-and the rest?
Thắt cổ, siết cổ.
➔ After this semi-religious procession, evening
brought the march of garotte's
Similar: clog, congest, behead, hang, string.
Opposite: expand, loosen, open, permit, release.

Partition UK: /pɑːˈtɪʃ.(ə)n/ - a division into or distribution in portions or

(n) US: /pɑːrˈtɪʃ.(ə)n/
➔ The partitions between the toilets were very
Sự chia cắt, phân chia.
➔ The partition of India occurred in 1947.
Similar: barrier, dissolution, segregation, separation,
Opposite: aid, assistance, help, promotion, whole.

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