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Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261

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Use of treated domestic wastewater before chlorination

to produce and cure concrete
G. Asadollahfardi ⇑, M. Delnavaz, V. Rashnoiee, N. Ghonabadi
Civil Engineering Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

h i g h l i g h t s

 The data indicate the suitability of treated domestic wastewater for producing concrete.
 Using treated wastewater increases the setting time of cement related to using drinking water.
 A good agreement exist between compressive strength of concrete produced with drinking water and treated waste water.
 The compressive strength of concrete, under rapid freezing and thawing decreased about 10% using treated wastewater instead of using drinking water.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concrete samples with different amounts of cement and superplasticizer admixture produced with both
Received 8 June 2015 drinking water and treated wastewater and cured with treated wastewater before chlorination. The
Received in revised form 26 October 2015 28-day compressive strength of all of the concrete samples was 93–96% of the compressive strength of
Accepted 6 December 2015
the control samples. A 28-day tensile strength of all samples was 96–100% of the tensile strength of
Available online 17 December 2015
the control samples and the setting time was increased by 15 min. Concrete samples produced and cured
with treated wastewater did not have a significant effect on water absorption, slump and surface
electrical resistivity. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 5% significance level indicated no
Wastewater reuse
significant difference between concrete samples produced and cured with treated wastewater and
Water resources control samples at the age of 90 days.
Curing Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and suspended particles. The untreated wastewater is a danger

to public health and the environment. Therefore, wastewater treat-
Nowadays, the problem of water shortages is one of the most ment is essential before releasing it into the environment [3]. The
significant problems in human societies. The most important rea- main uses of treated wastewater are in agriculture, urban con-
sons for the water crisis are increasing population, improvement sumption, industry, environment, recreation, feeding the ground
of lifestyle, climate change and lack of appropriate water resource aquifers and developing drinking water resources.
management. In these conditions the treatment and reuse of Concrete is the selected material of the century and plays a sig-
wastewater is one of the most important solutions in the develop- nificant role in civil engineering and is the most consumed mate-
ment of water resources management. It may play an important rial after water consumed by people [4]. The concrete industry is
role in the water crisis problem [1]. The recent analyses of water the largest consumer of water. Water is consumed in producing,
reuse have indicated that the best water reuse projects in terms curing concrete and washing sand and gravel. Water is also used
of economic feasibility and public acceptance are the ones that for washing concrete mixing trucks.
have replaced drinking water with treated wastewater in irrigation The quality of mixing water plays an important role in concrete
and industrial water. The main benefits of this replacement are the characteristics. The impurities in the mixing water may affect the
storage and maintenance of water reservoirs and reducing pollu- setting time, contraction and the durability of the concrete. Tay
tion [2]. Municipal wastewater is made of 99.9% water and 0.1% and Yip (1987) indicated that water which is not suitable for drink-
organic and mineral materials that are formed from dissolved ing can still be used in the concrete mix. They compared concrete
samples using different percentages (25–100%) of reclaimed
⇑ Corresponding author. wastewater with 100% drinking water. The compressive strengths
E-mail address: (G. Asadollahfardi). at the ages of three months and beyond were similar to the
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
254 G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261

strengths of concrete made with 100% potable mixing water [5]. et al. (2015) studied using concrete wash water to produce con-
Cebeci and Saatci (1989) produced concrete samples using both crete. Their results indicated that concrete wash water is suitable
treated wastewater and distilled water. Their results indicated that for producing fresh concrete [20].
treated wastewater was indistinguishable from distilled water The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of
when used as mixing water both in the setting time and concrete using treated wastewater before chlorination in wastewater plants
strength test [6]. Ghazaly and Ng (1992) indicated that rain water, as water for producing and curing concrete.
river water, and treated wastewater were suitable for use with
cement, but not in the case of raw domestic sewage [7]. Chini 2. Materials and method
Abdol and Muszynsk (1999) described that type 2 wastewater
(secondary wastewater from washing) had no statistically impor- For producing concrete samples we used domestic wastewater treatment efflu-
ent (before chlorination) from the Khoramabad treatment plant in Lorestan pro-
tant effect on the properties of the setting time or compressive
vince in Iran. The treatment plant consists of a series of anaerobic and surface
strength of the concrete when used as batch water and/or to satu- aerobic lagoons. All methods of measuring the wastewater were based on the APHA
rate coarse aggregate in the production of concrete [8]. Sandrolini (2005) standard method [21].
and Franzoni (2001) applied concrete wash water in mixing water One hundred sixty-two concrete cube samples (150 ⁄ 150 ⁄ 150 mm), 9 con-
for concrete and mortar. Their results indicated that a 28-day com- crete cylindrical samples (150 ⁄ 300 mm) and 9 concrete cube samples
(100 ⁄ 100 ⁄ 100 mm) were made. We produced concrete samples using 2 different
pressive strength of most samples was higher than 96% of the ref-
amounts of cement, including 300 and 400 kg of cement per cubic meter and a third
erence concrete samples [9]. Su et al. (2002) used sludge water in group of samples with 350 kg of cement per cubic meter with a super plasticizer
mixer washout operations in a ready-mixed concrete plant to admixture included. We measured the water absorption of the concrete at 28 days
make concrete. All the examined sludge water met ASTM C94 and the compressive strength at 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90-days on the cube samples
(150 ⁄ 150 ⁄ 150 mm). We also measured the surface electrical resistivity at 90 days
requirements for mixing water for ready-mixed concrete [10]. Al-
on the concrete cube samples (100 ⁄ 100 ⁄ 100 mm) and also the tensile strength of
Ghusain and Terro (2003) examined concrete samples which were the cylindrical samples (150 ⁄ 300 mm) at 28 days.
made by using four types of water quality, including potable water, We used A300, A350 and A400 to label the concrete samples produced and
preliminary treated wastewater, secondary treated wastewater, cured by using drinking water as the control sample. The numbers 300, 350 and
and tertiary treated wastewater. Their results indicated that using 400 indicate the amount of kg of cement per one cubic meter of concrete.
B300, B350 and B400 were used to label the concrete samples produced with
wastewater for producing fresh concrete increased slump and den-
drinking water and cured with treated wastewater.
sity. They also reached the conclusion that using tertiary treated C300, C350 and C400 were used to label the concrete samples produced and
wastewater at early ages had a higher strength than concrete sam- cured by using treated wastewater.
ples using potable water [11]. Chatveera et al. (2006) studied the Table 1 indicates the mixing design used to produce the concrete samples.
feasibility by using concrete sludge water in concrete mixtures The Doroud Cement Factory, Lorestan (Iran) produced the type two Portland
cement which was used for producing the concrete samples. The chemical and
and described that concrete sludge water used in concrete mix- physical properties of the cement were tested according to the ASTM-C150
tures had a high alkalinity and total solids content exceeding the (2004) standard [22].
limits of the ASTM C94 standard, leading to a more porous and The aggregate properties used in producing the concrete in this design include:
weaker matrix. They concluded that when they increased the per-
1. Coarse 12–19 mm.
centage of concrete sludge water in concrete mixtures, dry shrink-
2. Fine 0–6 mm.
age and weight loss owing to acid attacks were raised while slump
and strength were reduced [12]. Nirmalkumar and Sivakumar The sieve analysis test of the gravel and sand was based on the ASTM C136
(2008) used textile wastewater to produce concrete samples. The (2004) standard [22], and the fine-grained aggregate gradation was based on the
compressive strength of their samples was acceptable [13]. Chat- ASTM C33 (2004) standard [23]. We used both drinking water and treated wastew-
ater before chlorination for the setting time test and the Vicat experiment according
veera and Lertwattanaruk (2009) studied the practicability of using
to the ASTM-C191 (2004) standard [24].
concrete water from a ready-mixed concrete plant as mixing water A slump test was performed based on the ASTM C143 (2004) standard [25]. A
in concrete containing either fly ash as an additive or a super plas- compressive strength test was performed on the concrete samples according to
ticizer admixture based on sulfonated naphthalene–formaldehyde BS1818 (1983) [26]. We applied the BS 188-122 (2011) for water absorption of con-
condensates. Their results described that increasing the total solids crete [27]. For the primary durability test, we examined concrete water absorption
at the age of 28 days, according to BS 1881, part 122 (2011) [27]. We also used a
content beyond 5–6% tended to reduce the setting time and com-
simple non- destructive surface resistivity method according to the FM5-578
pressive strength [14]. Mehrdadi et al. (2009) used the treated (2004) standard [28] instead of a rapid chloride permeability (RCP) to measure
wastewater from primary and secondary sedimentation units and the concrete’s ability and durability to resist chloride ion penetration (ASTM
effluent from the wastewater plant at Shahrak Ghods in Tehran C1202-129 2012) [29]. Ramazanpour et al. (2011) achieved a high coefficient of
determination (R2 = 0. 89) between the results of rapid chloride permeability
to produce concrete samples. Their results indicated that the 28-
(RCP) and a surface resistivity test for concrete samples in workplaces samples
day compressive strength of all the samples was more than 90% [30]. The special electrical resistance test was conducted at the age of 90 days using
of the compressive strength of the control samples that satisfied an electric current resistance device that produced a direct current of 10 Hz fre-
the ASTM C94 standard [15]. Al-Jabri et al. (2011) tested concrete quency. All the blocks are prepared and maintained at the same temperature,
samples which were made by mixing wastewater and potable humidity, type of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate conditions in all
tests. ASTM 666/C666M (2015) was used to determine the resistance of concrete
water. Their results presented that the strength of concrete mix-
to rapid freezing and thawing [31]. We carried out two tests, including the resis-
tures prepared using wastewater was similar to the strength of tance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing according to ASTM C666/C666M
the concrete using potable water [16]. Tsimas and Zervaki (2011) (2015) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) combining with energy-
studied using concrete wash water to produce fresh concrete. Their dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) on the quality of concrete according to ASTM
C1723-10, 2010 [32].
results illustrated that concrete wash water was suitable for pro-
ducing fresh concrete samples [17]. Wasserman (2012) studied
the compressive strength of concrete mixed and cured using con- 3. Results and discussion
crete wash water and compared the results with the samples
which were mixed and cured using potable water and the results Table 2 indicates the results of the wastewater characteristics.
were found to be accurate [18]. Nikhil et al. (2014) used three types According to the ASTM C94 (2004) [33] standard, three physical
of water including drinking water, groundwater and sewage water and chemical characteristics of water are significant for use in con-
to produce concrete samples. Their results indicated that the com- crete production, including sulfate, chloride and total solid. As indi-
pressive strength of concrete samples at 28 days using drinking cated in Table 2, the treated domestic wastewater used in our
water was higher than using wastewater [19]. Asadollahfardi study and the wastewater used by Al-Jabri et al. (2011) both meets
G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261 255

Table 1
The design details of the different types of concrete samples.

Type of samples Water/cement Cement (kg) Free water (kg) Coarse sand (kg) Fine sand (kg) Gravel (kg) Super plasticizer % structure 335
A300, B300, C300 0.6 300 180 797 212 900 –
A350, B350, C350 0.43 350 150 818 214 880 4
A400, B400, C400 0.5 400 200 734 200 780 –

Table 2
The results of the chemical and physical characteristics of the wastewater in our study and that of other researchers.

Parameters Treated wastewater Wastewater, Al-Jabri Tertiary wastewater effluent ASTM C94
effluent in this study et al. (2011) [16] Al-Ghusain and Terro (2003) [11] standard (2004) [33]
Temperature 17 mg/l –
pH 7.7 mg/l 6.94 mg/l 7.3 mg/l –
Turbidity 12 mg/l Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) – –
Sulfate (SO4) 180 mg/l 97.7 mg/l 160 mg/l <3000 mg/l
Nitrate (NO3) 14 mg/l 0.07 mg/l 1.9 mg/l –
Nitrite (NO2) 3.6 mg/l – – –
Chloride 55 mg/l 74.2 mg/l 340 mg/l <1000 mg/l
Total Solid (TS) 200 mg/l – 773 mg/l <50000 mg/l
Total suspended solid (TSS) 30 mg/l – 7 mg/l –
5 days Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 30 mg/l – – –
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) 170 mg/l 254 mg/l 766 mg/l
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 93 mg/l – 29 mg/l

the ASTMC94 standard. The difference between the two treated of Portland cement [32]. Table 4 presents the slump test. As pre-
wastewaters is that the amount of sulfate in our work was larger sented in Table 4, using treated wastewater to produce concrete
than in the wastewater used by Al-Jabri et al. (2011) [16]; however, does not create any difference in the slump value compared to
total solid content in our research was less than in the wastewater drinking water.
used by Al-Jabri et al. (2011) [16] and the chloride content in our Fig. 1 describes the results of Vicat test. As described in Fig. 1,
study was less than in the wastewater used by Al-Jabri et al. using treated wastewater increase the setting time related to using
(2011) [16]. As illustrated in Table 2, the total solid and chloride drinking water; however, it meets the ASTM C191 (2004) standard
in the treated wastewater used by Al-Ghusian and Terro (2003) [24].
was more than in our study; however, the sulfate content in their Fig. 1 consists of two curves including mortars, which were
work was less than in our work. Both the physical and chemical made with treated wastewater and drinking water. Considering
characteristics of the treated wastewater in the two mentioned Fig. 1, the initial setting time for using drinking water was
studies met the ASTM C94 (2004) standard [31]. The nitrate con- 150 min while the setting time for treated wastewater was
tent and COD (93 mg/l) content in our study was higher than in 165 min. Fig. 2 also presents the results of Vicat test using another
the study carried out by Al-Ghusian and Terro (2003). This differ- treated wastewater and drinking water (treated wastewater was
ence may explain that the amount of organic material in our work collected from the Ekbatan wastewater treatment plant in Tehran
was higher than in the two mentioned researchers’ work. Increas- and Tehran drinking water). In the samples produced with drink-
ing the amount of COD in water used to produce concrete can ing water, the initial setting time reached 35 mm at 90 min while
cause a decrease compressive strength (Mehrdadi et al., 2009).
Table 4
Table 3 presents Portland cement characteristics. The cement
The slump test results.
characteristics met ASTM C150 standard (2004) [21]. The most sig-
nificant and plentiful compounds in clinkers are alite (Ca3SiO5 or Water Slump (mm)
C3S) and blite (Ca2SiO4, C2S) which contribute considerably to the A300 110
compressive strength of concrete [32]. The hydration reaction of C300 99
C2S and C3S with water is the main cause the cementing action A400 90
C400 82
B350 117
C350 105

Table 3
The cement characteristics used in this study [% values are mass-based].

Compound Amount Compound Amount Seng me test

(%) (%) 41
Chemical analyses
Penetraon (mm)

SiO3 21.5 SO3 2.1 38
AL2O3 5.1 Weight losses due to 1.05 37
temperature 36 Treated wastewater
Fe2O3 4.4 Insoluble residual 0.5 35 Drinking water
CaO 63.2 C3S 45.312 34
MgO 1.75 C2S 30.12 33
Na2O 0.2 C3A 10.208 32
30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165
K2O 0.60 C4AF 14.4
Physical analyses Time (minute)
Autoclave 0.03 Fineness (Blaine test, cm2/g) 3000
expansion Fig. 1. The results of setting time tests using drinking water and treated
256 G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261

Seng me test of concrete are 18 mg/l and 70 mg/l, respectively. The tensile
40 strength at 28 days for all samples cured with treated wastewater
Penetraon (mm)

39 and produced with treated wastewater was 96–100% of the con-

crete control samples. No considerable effect was detected in the
36 Treated wastewater results of slump tests using treated wastewater (Table 4). Using
Drinking water treated wastewater for producing concrete samples increased the
33 cement setting time by 15 min; however, it satisfies the ASTM
32 C191 (2004) [24]. The results of water absorption for different con-
30 45 60 75 90 105 120
crete samples using drinking water or treated wastewater were
Time (minute)
between 2.1% and 3.1%, which met BS 1881, PART 122 (2011)
Fig. 2. The results of setting time tests using drinking water and treated [27] and the standard states that water absorption should be
wastewater. between 2% and 5% (Table 5). The low permeability stops the
migration of liquid and the presence of tiny gel pores have an
important role in the immobilization process and are the critical
the corresponding time for the treated wastewater samples was factor affecting the high immobilization potential of calcium sili-
120 min (Fig. 2). The final setting time using drinking water and cate hydration (Gievgiczny and Krol, 2008) [35]. We used domestic
treated wastewater were 180 and 240 min, respectively. The use treated wastewater which did not contain Zinc and copper nitrated
of treated wastewater caused an increase in the initial and final to hinder hydration. The surface electrical resistivity (durability
setting time; however, using treated wastewater in concrete sam- test) of all concrete samples using drinking water or treated
ples did not cause a significant impact, compare with the ASTM wastewater was approximately the same. Considering the FM5-
C191 (2004) standard [24]. Increasing the initial and final setting 576 standard (2004) [28], the surface electrical resistivity tests of
time using treated wastewater could be owing to impurities in all concrete samples made with drinking or treated wastewater
the treated wastewater. Time setting results in this study were were within a very low chloride ion penetration range. However,
inconsistent with the results of Cebeci and Saatci (1989) [6], Lee adding a super plasticizer admixture to the concrete samples
et al. (2001) [32] and Al-Ghusain and Terro (2003) [11]. increased the surface resistivity (Table 5).
Table 5 presents the results of compressive strength tests of the Inorganic and organic compounds may interfere with the
samples at 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days, the tensile strength tests of hydration of cement. These chemicals affect the pore structure
the samples at 28 days, water absorption percentage and surface and final compressive and tensile strength of concrete samples
electrical resistivity. [36]. The mechanism of interfere of inorganic and organic com-
The results of the 28-days compressive strength testing of the pounds may retard the cement setting time and the final strength
samples produced and cured with treated wastewater and drinking of concrete samples. Ion charges and size are two factors that may
water for the 300 and 400 kg/m3 cement without super plasticizer affect the immobilization process [36]. The immobilizing of organic
and the 350 kg/m3 cement with a superplasticizer was 93–96% of pollutants may be grouped into three classes, including (1) direct
the compressive strength of the control samples that met the ASTM immobilization of organic pollutants (2) direct immobilization of
C94 (2004) standard. The results of the concrete samples produced organic pollutants after adsorption (3) immobilization of organic
by using drinking water and cured by the treated wastewater at pollutants by applying oxidizing and reducing agents [36]. How-
the age of 28 and 90 days were between 94% and 97% of the sam- ever, because the amounts of BOD, COD, nitrate (which indicate
ples produced and cured by using drinking water. The results of dissolved organic content), chloride and sulfate (inorganic com-
curing concrete samples produced by using drinking water and pounds) in our study were low, ASTM C-94 (2004) standard was
cured by the treated wastewater are in agreement with the work satisfied.
of Sarkar et al. (2014) [34]. The BOD and the COD in the treated As indicated in Table 6, the compressive strength of concrete
wastewater in our study may cause a reduction in the compressive samples, under rapid freezing and thawing, with 300 kg/m3 of
strength of 6%. Mehrdadi et al. (2009) studied the effect of increas- cement which made with treated wastewater at 21 days was
ing the BOD and the COD on the compressive strength of concrete 10.11% lower than concrete samples made of drinking water. For
samples produced by using treated wastewater. They indicated concrete samples with350 kg/m3 of cement without using micro
that increasing the amount of the BOD and the COD caused a silica, the compressive strength at 21 days for concrete made with
decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete samples. the treated wastewater was 11.7% lower than concrete samples
However, at the age of 7 days the decrease in compressive strength made with drinking water.
was higher than the compressive strength at the age of 28 days Figs. 3 and 4 indicate the SEM of concrete samples with 300 kg/
when compared to the concrete control samples [15]. According m3 of cement using drinking water and treated wastewater.
to Mehrdadi et al.’s (2009) experiments, they suggested that the Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the SEM of concrete samples with 350 kg/
permissible amounts of the BOD and the COD for the production m3 of cement using drinking water and treated wastewater.

Table 5
The results of the compressive strength, tensile strength, surface electrical resistivity and water absorption tests.

Compressive strength (kg/cm2) Tensile strength (kg/cm2) Surface resistivity (X cm) Water adsorption (%)
Days 3 7 14 28 56 90 28 90 28
A300 108 189 220 255 286 315 21.6 58 3.0
B300 105 180 214 242 276 304 21 56 3.0
C300 101 178 212 243 274 299 22 61 3.0
A350 171 310 359 417 445 460 28 74 2.1
B350 152 285 325 398 416 432 28 72 2.2
C350 149 270 319 389 409 430 27 78 2.4
A400 131 245 293 331 364 380 24.5 51.5 2.6
B400 122 242 287 317 338 369 24 50 2.7
C400 118 235 286 318 340 372 23.8 56 2.5
G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261 257

Table 6
The results of resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing according to ASTM
C666/C666M (2015) [31].

Types of concrete Weight Density Force Compressive

(g) (g/cm3) (kgf) strength (kg/cm2)
A300 8130 2.4 60,000 267
B300 8100 2.4 54,000 240
A350 (without 7840 2.32 77,000 342
micro silica)
B350 (without 7710 2.28 68,000 302
micro silica)

Fig. 5. The SEM image of concrete with 350 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water.

Fig. 3. The SEM image of concrete with 300 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water.

Fig. 6. The SEM image of concrete with 350 kg/m3 of cement using treated

Fig. 4. The SEM image of concrete with 300 kg/m3 of cement using treated
wastewater. anhedral crystals and more dense and less void than concrete
made with treated wastewater.
The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of concrete Figs. 7 and 8 indicate the results of EDX tests for concrete sam-
sample with 300 and 350 kg/m3 of cement (B300 andB350) which ples made with 300 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water and
was made of treated wastewater (Figs. 4 and 6) indicate concrete treated wastewater, respectively. Tables 7 and 8 present the per-
forming of Euhedral crystals. The void between crystals was more centage of elements of concrete samples at 28 days made with
than concrete, which was made of drinking water. However, the 300 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water and treated wastewater,
SEM images of section of concrete sample (Figs. 3 and 5) with respectively. According to EDX results, the amount of sodium, chlo-
300 and 350 kg/m3 of cement (A300 and A350) which made of ride and sulfur in concrete used the treated wastewater increased
drinking water illustrates concrete forming of subhedral to slightly.
258 G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261

Fig. 7. The result of an EDX test of concrete with 300 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water.

Fig. 8. The result of an EDX test of concrete with 300 kg/m3 of cement using treated wastewater.

Table 7 Table 8
Percentages of elements in concrete with 300 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water Percentages of elements in concrete with 300 kg/m3 of cement using treated
(EDX test). wastewater (EDX test).

Element Element Element Confidence Error Element Element Element Confidence Error
number symbol name concentration (%) (%) number symbol name concentration (%) (%)
20 Ca Calcium 18.3 0.5 20 Ca Calcium 12.1 0.7
14 Si Silicon 5.6 1.0 14 Si Silicon 7.7 0.9
8 O Oxygen 72.5 1.1 8 O Oxygen 74.2 1.0
13 Al Aluminum 1.1 3.5 13 Al Aluminium 1.7 2.7
19 K Potassium 0.5 5.2 19 K Potassium 0.7 4.3
26 Fe Iron 0.5 8.8 26 Fe Iron 0.6 8.0
12 Mg Magnesium 0.6 8.3 12 Mg Magnesium 1.2 5.0
16 S Sulfur 0.2 9.3 16 S Sulfur 0.4 6.2
17 Cl Chlorine 0.1 16.4 17 Cl Chlorine 0.2 12.6
11 Na Sodium 0.4 19.3 11 Na Sodium 1.1 8.9

Figs. 9 and 10 indicate the results of EDX tests for concrete sam- Tables 11–13 present the results a one-way analysis of variance
ples made with 350 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water and (ANOVA) test which was conducted at a 5% significance level of
treated wastewater, respectively. Tables 9 and 10 present the per- compressive strength at 90 days. The concrete samples included
centage of elements of concrete samples at 28 days made with two amounts with 300 and 400 kg/m3 of cement without a super
350 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water and treated wastewater, plasticizer admixture and one with 350 kg/m3 of cement with a
respectively. super plasticizer admixture.
Figs. 7–10 indicate that the percentage of sulfur, chlorine and A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test conducted at a 5%
sodium on concrete samples using treated wastewater increased significance level, indicated no significant difference between
related to concrete samples using drinking water. concrete samples produced with treated wastewater before
G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261 259

Fig. 9. The result of an EDX test of concrete with 350 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water.

Fig. 10. The result of an EDX test of concrete with 350 kg/m3 of cement using treated wastewater.

Table 9 Table 10
Percentages of elements in concrete with 350 kg/m3 of cement using drinking water Percentages of elements in concrete with 350 kg/m3 of cement using treated
(EDX test). wastewater.

Element Element Element Confidence Error Element Element Element Confidence Error
number symbol name concentration (%) (%) number symbol name concentration (%) (%)
20 Ca Calcium 7.9 0.7 20 Ca Calcium 12.1 0.7
14 Si Silicon 12.9 0.5 14 Si Silicon 7.7 0.9
8 O Oxygen 72.6 0.7 8 O Oxygen 74.2 1.0
13 Al Aluminium 2 1.7 13 Al Aluminium 1.7 2.7
19 K Potassium 0.8 2.7 19 K Potassium 0.7 4.3
26 Fe Iron 0.4 6.6 26 Fe Iron 0.6 8.0
12 Mg Magnesium 0.6 5.9 12 Mg Magnesium 1.2 5.0
16 S Sulfur 0.2 6.6 16 S Sulfur 0.4 6.2
17 Cl Chlorine 0.0 12.6 17 Cl Chlorine 0.2 12.6
11 Na Sodium 1.5 34 11 Na Sodium 1.1 8.9

chlorination at 90 days and control samples at the same age. The slump, setting time, compressive strength at the age of 3, 7, 14, 28,
same results of a one way ANOVA statistical test were obtained 56 and 90 days, tensile strength, water absorption and surface
from the curing concrete samples with treated wastewater. resistivity for two types of concrete samples made with treated
Our results of setting time and compressive strength tests of wastewater and cured with treated wastewater. Our results were
concrete samples were in agreement with the work of Cebeci in good agreement with the results of the Al-Jabri et al. (2011)
and Saatci (1989) [6], Ghazaly et al. (1992) [7], Lee et al. (2001) study [16]. We also carried out three types of tests, including the
[32], Al-Ghusian and Terro (2003) [11] and Mehrdadi et al. resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing, SEM and
(2009) [15]. Al-Jabri et al. (2011) used different percentages of EDX. The results of resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and
tap water and wastewater to produce concrete samples. They con- thawing indicated that concrete samples made with the treated
ducted slump tests, compressive strength tests at age of 7 and wastewater had about 11 percent compressive strength at 21 days
28 days and surface water absorption tests. In our study, we tested less than concrete samples made with drinking water.
260 G. Asadollahfardi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 253–261

Table 11 cured with treated wastewater before chlorination and the con-
Results of the ANOVA test for compressive strength of concrete samples made with trol samples.
300 kg/m3 at 90 days.
7. The results of resistance of concrete samples to rapid freezing
Groups Count Sum Average Variance and thawing indicated that concrete samples using the treated
A300 3 946.9 315.63 37.203 wastewater had about 11 percent compressive strength at
B300 3 913.9 304.63 37.123 21 days less than concrete samples using drinking water.
C400 3 898 299.33 46.333

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit.

Between Groups 414.8 2 207.39 5.1564 0.0498 5.14325
Within groups 241.3 6 40.22
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