Liquid Mixing in Stirred Tanks

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Cover Story

Part 1

Liquid Mixing in
Stirred Tanks
A method of quantifying mixing according to a mixing index is presented. This index can
evaluate and predict mixing intensity related to fluid velocities in stirred tanks
David S. Dickey the chemical pro- B
MixTech, Inc.

cess industries d
he stirred tank is one of the (CPI). While the
most common and versatile processes can be
pieces of chemical process very different, the
equipment. While every underlying fluid N
chemical engineer has had a course dynamics are quite L
about chemical reactors and has similar. A rotating Z
encountered the concept of a con- impeller in a cylin-
tinuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), drical tank causes H Wp W
very few of those same engineers fluid motion and
can evaluate or predict the mixing liquid blending to
performance of a stirred tank. While promote the de-
some stirred tanks are used as con- sired process re- C Cc
tinuous flow reactors, others are sults. The ability Zd
used as batch reactors. Many more to quantify liquid
stirred tanks are used for physical motion in a stirred
processing of formulations without tank is a basic
any chemical reactions. A method step toward un-
of quantifying mixing according to a derstanding how FIGURE 1. A basic stirred tank with its important parameters is shown here
mixing index can evaluate and pre- mixing influences
dict mixing intensity related to fluid process results. The idea of a one-to-ten scale has
velocities in stirred tanks. It is time to revive, update and two especially useful features to de-
Various size stirred tanks are used extend the concept of a one-to-ten scribe the often vague and otherwise
to carry out an enormous variety of scale used to describe the fluid mo- imprecise measure of mixing inten-
process objectives in nearly all of tion associated with mixing intensity. sity. These scale values will be called

NOMENCLATURE {fViscosity(NRe)} viscosity correction factor mechanical energy

B baffle width, in. for impeller power
MI Mixing Index, 1 to 10 scale Subscripts
D impeller diameter, in.
Nindex Pumping Index, dimen- Axial related to axial flow, pitched-
EP pumping efficiency number
sionless pumping capacity blade or hydrofoil motion
H liquid level, in. for recirculation flow eq equivalent
N rotational speed, rpm NP power number Hydraulic fluid motion effect
P power, hp NQ pumping number Hydrofoil related to hydrofoil impellers
Q volumetric flow or pumping capacity, NRe Reynolds number Mechanical impeller motion effect
gal/min Pitched related to pitched-blade
T tank diameter, in. Greek symbols turbines
u velocity, ft/min ε dissipation of kinetic energy per unit Radial related to radial flow, straight-
V volume, gal mass, m2/s3 blade motion
W impeller blade width, in. η Kolmogorov length, meters Straight related to straight-blade
μ dynamic viscosity, centipoise turbines
Dimensionless groups and variables ν kinematic viscosity, m2/s Tip impeller tip, peripheral motion
{fIndex(NRe)} viscosity correction factor ρ fluid density, (relative to water) Turnover turnover time, volume/pump-
for MI as function of Reyn- τ time, min ing capacity
olds number φ efficiency — kinetic energy divided by


Mixing Technology Group NOV
ent mixers is important at all stages be considered and evaluated. The
of mixer design and use. practicing engineer or scientist prob-
With an older, existing stirred-tank ably has little or no relevant back-
mixer, it was most likely designed ground in liquid-mixing fundamen-
for a different process, product or tals and even less time to learn or
quality standard. Those differences investigate mixing when faced with
mean that the mixer design may not a process problem or the produc-
be effective for the current situation. tion of a new product. Some basic
When process problems require so- concepts used by equipment manu-
FIGURE 2. This pitched-blade turbine has four lutions, new products must be pro- facturers and mixing experts can be
blades duced, or production improvements adapted for use by practicing engi-
Mixing Technology Group NOV are sought, different options need to neers to evaluate and improve pro-

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FIGURE 3. A typical three-blade hydrofoil impeller
Built to Your Specifications
is shown here
mixing indices. First, the limits from
one to ten describe the range of in-
tensities commonly associated with
industrial stirred-tank processes. A
mixing index of one is considered to
be the minimum level of liquid mo-
tion capable of moving all of the liq-
uid in a stirred tank. A mixing index
of ten is an upper limit to intensities
encountered in most industrial pro-
cess applications. Higher intensities
and mixing index values are possible
but less common. Second, the differ-
ence in intensity between consecu-
tive mixing index values, such as the
difference between an index of two • Investment Cast Bodies
and three, is about the limit of differ-
entiation possible with any descrip-
• Live-Loaded Packing
tion of mixing intensity. The definition • ISO 5211 Actuation Mount Pads
and calculation of the mixing index
will further describe the meaning of • Variety of Seat and Seal Materials
this type of mixing intensity. • 100% Certified ASTM Materials
Most industrial stirred-tank prob-
lems, process improvements and • Designed and Tested to ASME B16.34
product changes involve existing
equipment. Often the existing mix-
ers are more than twenty-five years
old. Only a few chemical engineers
In Stock and Ready to Ship
will have an opportunity to specify a
new stirred-tank mixer for their pro-
cess. Many of those engineers who
do get to select new equipment may
rely on the knowledge and experi-
ence of an equipment manufacturer
to get the right size mixer. Even with
ISO 9001

new equipment, the engineer may BPE-2002 3 NSF/ANSI 61 & 372


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Mixing Technology Group NOV





FIGURE 4. A typical straight-blade turbine is
shown here 0.5

cesses involving liquid mixing. The

performance or capabilities of the
existing mixer should not be an un- 0.4
known process characteristic. 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Reynolds number
Many different mixing variables
for stirred tanks have been devel- FIGURE 5. The mixing index correction factors for viscosity as a functions of Reynolds number are plotted here
oped and reported over the years. This article and much of the mix- tion or mixing results depends on
These mixing variables are all based ing literature begin with the basic the process objectives and materials
on empirical observation of the fluid stirred tank, as shown in Figure 1. present. For liquid mixing, the fluid
motion, hydraulic forces and flow The primary length dimensions are viscosity is an obvious difficulty pa-
patterns of a mixer operating in a impeller diameter, D, tank diameter, rameter. The more viscous a fluid is,
stirred tank. Even the computational T, and liquid level, H, all of which are the more difficult it is to create and
methods rely on some connection treated as inch dimensions for this sustain motion in the fluid. Other
between the modeled variables and article. Some length dimensions are categories of processes will have dif-
observed process results. The typi- often represented as ratios, such ferent difficulty parameters. The dif-
cally observed quantities, such as as D/T and H/T, to generalize the ficulty for solids suspension will be
power number, tip speed, power per tank characteristics. The rotational related to particle size, density and
volume, Reynolds number, torque, speed, N, is typically reported in settling velocity. Gas dispersion dif-
blend time, pumping capacity, dis- revolutions per minute. For effective ficulty will depend on at least the
charge velocity, turnover time and turbulent mixing, baffles are needed volumetric flow of gas and usually
hydraulic efficiency are all of limited to convert the rotational (tangential) interfacial or viscosity effects. Even
utility to describe mixing intensity ex- flow created by the rotating impeller the difficulty of liquid blending may
cept when they are applied to either into the more effective axial or radial depend on additional factors, such
a similar impeller geometry or the flow. Standard baffles are typically as viscosity differences and interfa-
same size process tank. four vertical plates, mounted per- cial tension.
pendicular to and near the tank wall No one factor will completely de-
Background at 90-deg intervals around the tank. scribe the effectiveness or intensity
Back in 1975 and 1976, Chemical The baffle width, B, is typically about of liquid mixing, but making sure that
Engineering published a CE Refresher one-twelfth the tank diameter. Ro- fluid motion is present in all parts of
series called Liquid Agitation [1–12]. tational flow, without baffles, results a batch is essential. Higher velocities
Those mixer sizing procedures used in solid-body rotation of the liquid, are likely to be more effective, within
a systematic, flowcharted method which provides almost no mixing. practical limits. The article in Ref. 4
for sizing different general categories The presence of a strong vortex on provides a systematic way of defin-
of applications based on the fluid the surface is usually an indication of ing a “bulk fluid velocity” or effective
phases present. The procedures also rotational flow and poor mixing, al- recirculating velocity. The bulk veloc-
included the mechanical design of most never successful mixing. ity is a function of impeller pumping
mixing equipment and some general At the risk of stating the obvious, capacity and tank cross-sectional
scaleup and process categorizations the required size and corresponding area. The article describes the con-
on which to apply the procedures. performance of any mixer depends cept of a one-to-ten scale, which has
Since the time of the original articles, on three basic factors: the quantity been renamed in this article as a mix-
mixing equipment and technology of fluid to be mixed; the difficulty of ing index. The idea of a liquid mixing
have evolved. While the fluid flow re- creating motion in the fluid; and the index is that most of the mixing ef-
quirements are different for specific intensity or effectiveness of the fluid fects associated in a stirred tank can
processes, such as solids suspen- motion. The quantity of fluid can be related to the liquid velocities in
sion, emulsion formation, gas disper- be measured by either volume or typical flow patterns. The “Pumping
sion and viscous-liquid blending, a mass, but typically includes the den- Number” in Figure 2 of the article [4]
basic level of fluid motion is required sity, which relates the volume to the shows a strong function of the impel-
for all types of processes. mass. The difficulty of creating mo- ler to tank diameter ratio, D/T. More
recent studies typically find that the The experimental and analytical amount of manipulation of the vari-
pumping number is a characteristic methods for defining mixing proper- ables in the power number will tell you
of the type of impeller, independent ties often create empirical relation- if a mixer will provide sufficient mixing
of D/T, and is often related to the im- ships that, while useful for basic or not, because the relationship is in-
peller power number. analysis, often fail to include the ef- dependent of tank size.
The literature on liquid mixing de- fect of volume on mixer size or effec- Even the obvious effect of viscos-
scribes a pumping number or flow tiveness. The impeller power num- ity on power is not reflected in the
number in a few different ways [13], ber and pumping number are both power number. Instead, the power
depending on the impeller type and commonly reported impeller charac- number is typically correlated as a
flow pattern. A measured average teristics. The dimensionless impel- function of impeller Reynolds num-
velocity across the swept circular ler power number, NP, contains the ber, NRe.
area of an axial discharge impeller obviously important mixer variables:
or the cylindrical area around a ra- power, P; rotational speed, N; impel-
dial discharge impeller can be used ler diameter, D; and fluid density, ρ. (2)
to define a discharge pumping num- To make the power number dimen-
ber, NQ. As soon as the flow leaves sionless using U.S. customary units The conversion factor in the Reyn-
the discharge of an impeller, it begins requires a large conversion factor. olds number makes it dimensionless
to entrain surrounding fluid, increas- when using U.S. customary units
ing the effective volumetric pumping with density, ρ, in specific gravity
capacity. Depending on the impeller- (1) and viscosity, μ, in centipoise. Power
to-tank diameter ratio, D/T, the en- number correlations can be found in
trained flow will recirculate and can The power number is effectively a a number of references, but some of
be described by a circulating pump- constant for a given impeller geom- the more relevant ones are in mixing
ing number. The circulating pumping etry under turbulent conditions in a handbooks such as Refs. 14 and 15.
of an impeller is important for both baffled tank. Impeller geometry fac- The impeller Reynolds number is
the velocity and flow pattern in the tors, such as number of blades, blade similar in concept to a pipe Reyn-
tank. For example, the motion above width and blade angle, do affect the olds number but has entirely differ-
a down-pumping, axial-flow impeller power number, but D/T has a rela- ent values. Turbulent conditions in a
is a result of circulating flow. tively minor effect in most cases. No stirred tank exist for NRe > 20,000.

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Transition and laminar flow occur at lower Reynolds cause many laboratory-size containers and some pilot-
numbers — transition flow for 20,000 > NRe > 10, and scale tanks operate in the transition flow regime, scaleup
laminar flow with NRe < 10. The mixing index described at equal tip speed will also increase the Reynolds num-
in this article only applies to turbulent and transition ber. A higher Reynolds number will mean that the effect
conditions. Laminar mixing requires different impel- of viscosity will be less important at the larger scale.
lers, typically with large diameters capable of physically Therefore, equal tip speed may provide improved inten-
moving the fluid in all parts of the tank. The Reynolds sity because of the reduced effect of fluid resistance.
number is also not a measure of mixing intensity. It is A variety of “flowrate efficiency” definitions can be
only a representation of the type of flow created by the found in other references [16]. For constant impeller di-
impeller. Turbulent flow has chaotic patterns while lami- ameter and speed, flowrate divided by power can be ex-
nar flow follows streamlines. The inclusion of the impel- pressed as:
ler diameter squared in the Reynolds number means
that larger tanks will have higher Reynolds numbers and
more turbulent flow than in smaller tanks with the same (6)
velocities and fluid properties. Similar size effects exist
with turbulent pipe flow. For the efficiency of same-size impellers at different
The pumping number or flow number of an impeller speeds:
is another possibly useful parameter for the description
of mixing intensity. The pumping number, NQ, is also di- (7)
mensionless, making it independent of tank volume. The
pumping capacity, Q, can be defined as discharge, en- Impeller efficiency can be defined for any size and speed
trained, or circulation pumping. [17] assuming that neither NQ nor NP is a function of D/T.

(3) (8)

The impeller pumping capacity, Q, can be combined Other efficiency measures can be expressed as the
with the tank volume, V, to create a turnover time, kinetic energy of the fluid divided by the mechanical en-
τTurnover. ergy provided by the impeller [18]. The expressions for
the kinetic to mechanical energy ratios differ for axial flow
(4) impellers and radial flow impellers, because of the differ-
ent discharge areas.
If it were practical to predict an appropriate turnover
time for a process requirement, the tank volume and (9)
pumping number could be used in finding an impeller di-
ameter and rotational speed for effective mixing intensity.
However, because the turnover time and blend time are
closely related and always increase with the tank volume, (10)
an accurate prediction of appropriate times is difficult. A
larger tank is expected to take longer to blend and the The blade width, W, enters the expression for radial ef-
turnover time will also need to be longer. Estimating a ficiency because the height of the cylindrical, radial dis-
turnover time or blend time is difficult without previous charge area is the blade width. These efficiency defini-
experience with the same process in a similar-size tank. tions are characteristics of the impeller geometry and are
Overestimating a turnover time or blend time sounds like independent of the tank volume. Such efficiencies do
it would be conservative. However, a longer time esti- not provide any insight into which impeller and operating
mate will result in a lower pumping requirement, which condition will provide a successful process.
means that either the speed or impeller diameter may not About the only commonly used mixing measure that
be large enough to move all the liquid in the tank. provides a direct connection to some kinds of process
Another variable often used to describe impeller results is power per volume or, more scientifically, power
performance is the impeller tip speed. Tip speed, uTip, per mass. Local power per mass is an effective repre-
is just the peripheral velocity of the impeller and can sentation of kinetic energy dissipation. Energy dissipation
be computed from the rotational speed and the impel- can be directly connected to micro-scale turbulence by
ler diameter. the Kolmogorov length scale.

(5) (11)

Tip speed is sometimes held constant when doing The Kolmogorov length scale is typically expressed in
mixer scaleup, especially with geometric similarity. Con- metric units, with the length scale, η, in meters, the kine-
stant tip speed means that for turbulent conditions, the matic viscosity, ν, in meters per second and the kinetic
other local velocities at corresponding geometric loca- energy, ε, in meters squared per seconds cubed. The
tions in the tank are also held constant. Equal tip speed Kolmogorov length scale represents the smallest size
scaleup works much like a constant mixing index. Be- of turbulent eddies. At sizes less than the Kolmogorov
length scale, the motion becomes
chaotic molecular motion or heat.
There are also Kolmogorov time and
velocity scales with definitions based
Emerson Doubles Up on Safety
on the same variables.
The significance of micro-scale tur-
bulence in stirred tanks is that such
motion may directly affect the mixing
rates for chemical reactants. In fast
chemical reactions, especially ones
with series/parallel paths and interme-
diate products, the product distribu-
tion and production efficiency of such
reactions may depend on the local
kinetic energy dissipation (power per
mass). Because of the importance of
fast chemical reactions in some pro-
cesses, power per mass may be an
essential variable that may be decided
in pilot-plant studies or by previous
experience with similar reactions. Of
course, local energy dissipation is dif-
ferent at various locations in a stirred
tank. Greater energy dissipation oc-
curs near the impeller and lower dis-
sipation near the surface. The mass
in power per mass may be based on
the swept volume defined by the im-
peller rotation or the total tank volume.
Because of the comparable values of
power per mass and power per vol-
ume in a constant density fluid, a mod-
ified mixing index to include power will
be included later in connection with
chemical reactions in a stirred tank.
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ferent and can be difficult to tabulate
or remember. The idea of a mixing
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form of direct calculation and valu-
ation. The appropriate magnitude of
the index still depends on process
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knowledge, but the one to ten scale provides both lim- culation pumping capacity. The practical aspect of the
its and increments to mixing intensity. Any measure of “bulk fluid velocity” in feet per minute is that it is equal
mixing is empirical and depends on observation of ei- to six times the mixing index. The factor of six is just
ther physical or computational models. Correlations for an empirical factor that seems to work well for typical
power, blending and pumping all come from some type industrial mixing applications.
of empirical observations. The mixing index is just a con- The equivalent tank diameter, Equation (12), is just the
venient means of converting practical industrial experi- diameter for a cylindrical tank with the liquid level equal to
ence into an empirical relationship. the tank diameter, often called a “square batch.”

Definition of mixing index (12)

The mixing index, MI, begins where the definition of
“Scale of Agitation” left off in Liquid Agitation [4]. The
original article only applies to pitched-blade turbines. The The equivalent tank diameter is in inches and the vol-
following definitions and calculations will be expanded to ume is in gallons. To calculate the velocity across the
include hydrofoil impellers and straight-blade turbines. area based on the equivalent diameter, a pumping index,
The typical pitched-blade turbine, shown in Figure comparable to a dimensionless pumping number times
2, has four blades, mounted at a 45-deg angle to the a D/T factor will be defined for each type of impeller. The
horizontal with the actual blade width one-fifth of the turbulent pumping index numbers for the standard im-
impeller diameter. pellers are shown in Equation (13).
A typical three-blade, narrow-blade hydrofoil impeller
is shown in Figure 3. While different mixing equipment
manufacturers make different hydrofoil impellers with
different blade shapes, camber and widths, most com-
panies offer an impeller with similar power number and
pumping numbers for comparable performance.
A typical straight-blade turbine is shown in Figure 4.
This straight-blade turbine has four blades, mounted (13)
vertically with blade widths one-fifth of the impeller di-
ameter. The flow from this type of impeller is radial to The mixing index, MI, is the pumping rate, Q, for the
the wall of a baffled tank with recirculation above and impeller in cubic inches per minute divided by the cross-
below the impeller. sectional area based on the equivalent tank diameter di-
As with most scientific and correlated mixing results, vided by six.
the effects of transitional flow conditions, different liquid
levels, multiple impellers, and adjustments to impeller ge-
ometry are not provided in the reported results. By focus- (14)
ing on a practical definition of the mixing index and years
of experience with the method for estimating mixing in- The coefficient in the MI calculation converts inches per
tensity, calculations can be reduced to simple formulas minute to feet per minute and makes the mixing index
and correction factors. one sixth of the bulk velocity.
This approach to the development of a mixing index Multiplying the pumping index for each impeller times
could be considered as a layered process. The first step the rotational speed times the impeller diameter cubed
or layer is the development of basic formulas for the mix- and replacing the equivalent tank diameter with a cube
ing index in turbulent conditions. For turbulent conditions, root function of the tank volume forms the basis for the
the pumping index (equivalent to the pumping number in MI formulation. Rearranging the terms and pumping
the original article [4]) is a constant multiplied by a D/T index numbers, coefficients can be found to calculate
function. To provide index calculations into the transition MI values for each impeller type. Since the functional
range, correction factors will be provided. The effects of relationships were developed for turbulent conditions
liquid level will be handled directly using the actual tank with constant pumping index numbers, a fractional fac-
volume, which creates an equivalent tank diameter to tor needs to be multiplied times the turbulent values to
use in the mixing index calculation. Multiple impellers can correct for the effect of viscosity. based on a Reynolds
be calculated separately and then combined by a formu- number correlation. The MI values for each impeller type
lation that produces reasonable results for most practical are shown in Equation (15).
impeller spacings. Adjustments to the MI number could
be made for impeller geometry modifications but are not
addressed in this article.
The basic idea of a mixing index comes from the ar-
ticle by Hicks and others [4]. The assumption is that by
using a “pumping number” that is a function of both D/T
and Reynolds number, a “bulk fluid velocity” across an
equivalent tank cross-sectional area can be calculated.
The “bulk fluid velocity” is a representation of the recir- (15)
For the purpose of evaluating an existing mixer appli- the process result and are often applied in liquid stor-
cation, the MI is a useful value. Rounded to one or at age applications.
most two significant figures, the MI should indicate the Mixers capable of a MI = 2 will:
expected mixing intensity. The utility of MI for evalua- • Blend miscible fluids to uniformity if the specific-gravity
tion can also be seen when the volume is reduced. A differences are less than 0.1
smaller batch volume should effectively increase the • Blend miscible fluids to uniformity if the viscosity of the
mixing intensity and may be an economical and safe most viscous is less than 100 times the viscosity of the
way to test the effect of increased mixing intensity on other fluid
a process. Changes to batch volume should have an • Establish complete fluid-batch control
effect equivalent to a somewhat larger mixer. If the in- • Produce a flat but moving fluid batch-surface
creased intensity shows positive process results, other Mixing indices of 3 to 6 are characteristic of fluid ve-
modifications to the mixer, such as a larger or differ- locities in most industrial mixed batches, especially those
ent impeller, could be considered. As with all changes used to accomplish a physical process, such as formula-
to a mixer, careful considerations need to be given to tions and heat transfer.
possible mechanical effects, such as motor overload or Mixers capable of a MI = 6 will:
shaft critical speed problems. • Blend miscible fluids to uniformity if specific-gravity dif-
The index correction factors as a function of Reynolds ferences are less than 0.5
number are shown on the graph in Figure 5. The curve • Blend miscible fluids to uniformity if the viscosity of the
for turbines was developed for pitched-blade turbines, most viscous is less than 5,000 times the viscosity of
but can be a good approximation for straight-blade tur- the other fluid
bines. The curve for hydrofoils is indicative of the fact • Suspend trace solids (<0.2%) with settling rates from
that the narrow, shallow angle blades become less effec- 2 to 4 ft/min
tive than wider blades as the viscosity increases and the • Produce surface rippling at lower viscosities
Reynolds number decreases. Mixing indices of 7 to 10 are characteristic of appli-
Examples of expected intensities and process results cations requiring high fluid velocities for a rapid process
[4] can be summarized as follows for mixing of the lower result, such as a critical chemical reactor.
viscosity material in baffled tanks: Mixers capable of a MI = 10 will:
Mixing indices of 1 and 2 are characteristic of ap- • Blend miscible fluids to uniformity if specific-gravity dif-
plications requiring minimum fluid velocities to achieve ferences are less than 1.0

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• Blend miscible fluids to uniformity if the viscosity of the
most viscous fluid is less than 50,000 times that of the
other fluid
• Suspend trace solids (<0.2%) with settling rates of 4
to 6 ft/min
• Provide surging surfaces at low viscosities
Process results will vary, especially if the average
viscosities put the Reynolds number in the transition
range. Any time the viscosity is considered to be non-
Newtonian, process applications become more diffi-
cult and the effective mixing index will be reduced. No (17)
mixing-index calculations should be taken as absolute
results, but rather considered as approximations to typ- These diameter calculations can also be used to look at
ical industrial conditions. diameters for other types of impellers by using the differ-
For process improvement or modification situations, ent MI calculations.
especially with a variable speed drive on the mixer, calcu- At this point, the mixing index has been defined for the
lating the mixer speed needed to create a desired MI for single impeller in the “square-batch” tank. Many tanks
an existing batch volume and impeller diameter may be do not have a liquid level equal to the tank diameter and
more useful. The following calculations for mixer speed many more batch tanks have variable liquid levels, such
can be used: as while the batch is being created or as it is emptied.
The MI calculations were developed using tank volume
for a reason. Any stirred tank will have a liquid volume,
but the same volume may not have the same liquid level
in different tanks. Different MIs can be calculated for dif-
ferent levels in batch tanks. Changes to volumes in batch
tanks can result in higher or lower MI values at different
times in a batch process.
The liquid level is normally measured from the center
of the bottom to the liquid surface. The shape of the tank
bottom, such as flat, dished, elliptical, hemispherical or
(16) conical, will affect the liquid level even for the same vol-
ume. While bottom shape may have an observable effect
Changes in mixer speed should be made only with a on solids suspension, the effect on liquid motion is usually
review of the mechanical design. Lower speeds rarely only minor and within the accuracy of the mixing index.
cause problems, but increased speed may cause a In the extreme of a low liquid level, below the impeller, no
motor overload or operation above the natural frequency mixing will take place. The amount of impeller coverage for
of the shaft. Either type of mechanical problem could satisfactory mixing depends on several factors, including
damage the mixer and even cause safety issues. impeller diameter, rotational speed and fluid properties. As
Notice that the fractional Reynolds number index a general guide, the impeller needs to be covered with
correction is now in the denominator, meaning that to liquid to about half an impeller diameter above the top of
maintain the same mixing index the mixer speed must the impeller to avoid excessive splashing.
increase in the transition region. Also, in the transi- At the point where the liquid level is significantly greater
tion flow range, the speed change may be enough to than the tank diameter, multiple impellers may be needed
change the Reynolds number, which could change the to adequately control liquid motion in the entire batch.
index correction factor. In rare cases, more than one “Significantly” will depend on the fluid viscosity and im-
iteration to the adjustment mixer speed may be neces- peller location, but the distance from the top of the im-
sary. Mixer speed changes can be expensive with gear peller to the liquid surface is especially important. Too
driven mixers. Although the speed change may seem much surface motion and splashing may cause air incor-
possible, a larger gear reducer may be needed to han- poration or foaming. Too little surface motion may cause
dle the increased loads. problems with ingredient addition, even liquids, but es-
Because of the several potential mechanical and cost pecially with the addition of solids.
problems with a speed change, an impeller diameter or Multiple impellers are an obvious and common solution
type change may be a better way to get process im- to handling liquid levels, especially those greater than the
provement. Most mixer drives operate at one of a few tank diameter. The question then becomes, how should
standard speeds. Starting with a standard speed of the the MI be calculated for multiple impellers. Rigorous
existing speed, the mixing index can be used to calculate calculations by impeller control zones are more compli-
a potential impeller diameter. cated than the accuracy of the MI justifies. A simple, but
adequate calculation for the total MI can be done with
separate calculations for each impeller, using the actual
impeller diameter, rotational speed by any means, the turbulent power
and the total tank volume. Obviously, can be calculated from a rearrange-
using the total volume with each im- ment of the power number.
peller neglects the benefits of the
other impellers. Taking a sum of each (19)
individual impeller’s MI squared and
then the square root of the total gives The turbulent power number, NP, (20)
a good estimate for the total MITotal. for the common impeller types men-
tioned earlier are as follows: In the transition region, as the fluid
viscosity increases, the impeller
(18) power will also increase. As with the

The MITotal becomes more accu-

rate the more similar the impellers PVDF FLUOROPOLYMERS
are in size and type and the more ®
evenly spaced they are. Stirred
tanks rarely have more than three
impellers, so the square root of the
sum of squares is usually an easy
calculation. The whole concept of
the mixing index provides a con-
venient and consistent measure of Outstanding Chemical Resistance
mixing intensity without extensive
research or analysis. Proven performance against chlorine,
bromine, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid,
Evaluating mixer power chlorinated solvents and more.
The entire development of the mixing
index has focused on the ability of the

Kynar® and Kynar Flex® are registered trademarks of Arkema Inc.

mixer to pump and recirculate liquid.
All of that fluid motion requires an ap-
plication of rotational force by the im-
peller blades on the fluid. The power
Use temperatures up to 150ºC, radiation
provided by the mixer drive creates resistant, meets many flame and smoke
the force that rotates the impeller and ratings and is abrasion resistant.

© Copyright 2018. All rights reserved

moves the fluid. The power applied
to the fluid also results in turbulent Build an entire fluid handling system with
energy dissipation. All the turbulence components made of reliable Kynar®
in the liquid motion eventually de-
grades to molecular motion or heat.
All mixers are 100% power efficient in
converting impeller power into heat.
However, that energy dissipation also
creates the micro-scale turbulence Versatile Kynar® fluoropolymer is used
that may help bring chemical reac- extensively in general chemical processing,
tants together quickly enough to pro-
high-purity semi-conductor, pharmaceutical,
duce desired reaction products.
Being able to predict the amount
pickling/steel industries and pulp &
of power transferred from the mixer paper industries.
to the fluid has important potential
benefits for chemical reactions, but 800.596.2750
is also essential for mechanical de-
sign of the mixer. The impeller power
helps define the requirements for a
motor. The motor speed and speed
reduction establish the torque re-
quirements for the strength of the
drive, shaft and impeller blades.
Once the impeller diameter, type
and rotational speed are decided For details visit

vince.indd 1
8/16/18 10:14
MI, the turbulent power can be multiplied by a correction 100

factor to describe power requirements in the transition


Viscosity factor
(21) 10

A graph of the correction factors as a function of Reyn-

olds number is shown in Figure 6. Straight

If the impeller power is used for motor sizing, the motor

should have a 15% greater power rating than the calcu- 1
lated impeller power. Although constant under turbulent 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Reynolds number
conditions, actual impeller power can vary with respect FIGURE 6. This graph shows the viscosity correction factors for impeller
to extreme factors, such as large D/T and close off-bot- power as a function of Reynolds number
tom clearance, C/D. Large D/T, greater than 0.5, and/or
C/D, less than 0.5, can increase power requirements for needed in the MI calculation, can be used to calculate
some impellers. an impeller power value. Whatever value is available for
The power requirements for a mixer with multiple im- design or evaluation, the impeller power can be derived
pellers can be obtained by simply calculating the im- as a process requirement. For any given impeller type,
peller power for each impeller and then adding the in- various combinations of impeller diameter and speed
dividual power values together. If some of the impellers will establish an impeller power. For the same MI, higher
are separated by less than half an impeller diameter, the power inputs can be achieved at smaller D/Ts. Calcula-
actual power may be a little less than the sum of power tions for a mixing index can be developed from impeller
values. When using power for mechanical design, the power, D/T, liquid density and batch volume by the fol-
motor power should be used, because process changes lowing formulas:
or other factors may ultimately be able to apply the full
motor power to the mixing equipment.
If power is important to the process variables, as when
small-scale turbulence influences chemical reactions,
then impeller power is important. As a rough guide to
local energy dissipation, about half of the impeller power
is dissipated in the volume around the impeller and the
remaining is spread throughout the tank. As a further
note about fast reactions, simple reactions such as acid- (22)
base neutralization happen so fast and irreversibly that
almost any amount of turbulence is enough to make These calculations are only for turbulent conditions. Cal-
them happen. Blend-time measurements often use acid- culations in the transition region involve correction factors
base reactions with a color-change indicator to observe for both the power and the index. Those formulations are
the location of the final color removal for a measure of possible, but more complicated than usually needed. Of
mixing uniformity. The blend time is closely related to the interest, both the pitched-blade turbine and hydrofoil im-
tank turnover time, which is driven by impeller pumping peller have the same MI for the same power and D/T.
and tank volume. The blend time is primarily a function of Those same formulas can be rearranged to calculate a
the time required to circulate the reactants and to avoid power requirement for MI and the other parameters:
locations of weak motion. Many types of blending pro-
cesses can be evaluated by the mixing index.
The chemical reactions most likely to be influenced
by small-scale turbulence are combinations of series
and parallel reactions with multiple kinetic steps, each
with different reaction rates. In such reactions, impeller
power and local energy dissipation can be important.
Because impeller power, power per volume, or power
per mass can be important, including at least the impel-
ler power in a form of evaluation for the mixing index (23)
may have advantages in some situations. An estimate Instead of power, the formulas can also be rearranged
of process power for an application can come from a for power per volume or power per mass as desired.
variety of sources, such as pilot plant testing, previ-
ous process experience, or literature references. If the Final remarks
process requirement is in the form of power per mass The mixing index provides a simple measure of mixing
or power per volume, the tank volume, which is also intensity for many different kinds of stirred tank applica-
tions and processes. The index is not intended to be a 12. Gates, L. E., Hicks, R. W., Dickey, D. S., Application Guidelines for Turbine Agitators,
Chem. Eng., December 6, 1976, pp. 165–170.
test for subtle differences between mixing situations, but
13. Nienow, A. W., On Impeller Circulation and Mixing Effectiveness in the Turbulent Flow
rather a simple way of evaluating or designing mixers for Regime, Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol 22, No. 15, pp. 2,557–2,565, 1997.
stirred tanks. Many applications require a means for pro- 14. Paul, E. L., Atiemo-Obeng, V. A., Kresta, S. M., Eds., “Handbook of Industrial Mixing,
cess comparisons, improvements, or alternatives. n Science and Practice,” John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2004.
Edited by Gerald Ondrey 15. Kresta, S. M., Etchells III, A. W., Dickey, D. S., and Atiemo-Obeng, V. A., Eds. “Advances
in Industrial Mixing,” John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2015.
References 16. Jaworski, Z., Nienow, A.S. and Dyster, K.N., An LDA Study of the Turbulent Flow Field in
a Baffled Vessel Agitated by an Axial, Down Pumping Hydrofoil Impeller, Can. J. Chem.
1. Gates, L. E., Henley, T. L., Fenic, J. G., How to Select the Optimum Turbine Agitator, Chem. Eng., Vol. 74, pp 3–15, 1996.
Eng., December 8, 1975, pp. 110–114.
17. Bakker, A. and Van den Akker, H.E.A., The Use of Profiled Azial Flow Impellers in Gas-
2. Dickey, D. S., Fenic, J. G., Dimensional Analysis for Fluid Agitation Systems, Chem. Eng., Liquid Reactors, Fluid Mixing IV, Inst. Chem.Eng. Symp. Ser. No 121, pp 153–166,
January 5, 1976, pp. 139–145. 1990.
3. Dickey, D. S., Hicks, R. W., Fundamentals of Agitation, Chem. Eng., February 2, 1976, 18. Grenville, R. K., Giacomelli, J. J., Padron, G, and Brown, D. A. R., Impeller Performance
pp. 93–100. in Stirred Tanks, Chem. Eng., August, 2017, pp. 42–51.
4. Hicks, R. W., Morton, J. R., Fenic, J. G., How to Design Agitators for Desired Process
Response, Chem. Eng., April 26, 1976, pp. 102–110. Author
5. Gates, L. E., Morton, J. R., Fondy, Philip L., Selecting Agitator Systems to Suspend Solids David S. Dickey is a consultant at MixTech, Inc. (112 Simmons
in Liquids, Chem. Eng., May 24, 1976, pp. 144–150. Drive, Coppell, TX 75019; Phone: 937-431-1446, Email:
6. Hicks, R. W., Gates, L. E., How to Select Turbine Agitators for Dispersing Gas Into Liquids, and has worked in the field of indus-
Chem. Eng., July 19, 1976, pp.141–148. trial mixing for over 40 years. He started his own consulting
business, MixTech, Inc., in 1998. He teaches continuing educa-
7. Hill, R. S., Kime, D. L., How to Specify Drive Trains for Turbine Agitators, Chem. Eng., tion courses on liquid mixing, liquid mixing scaleup, and pow-
August 2, 1976, pp. 89-94. der mixing for the Department of Engineering Professional De-
8. Ramsey, Wayne, D., Zoller, G. C., How the Design of Shafts, Seals and Impellers Affects velopment, University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has a B.S. in
Agitator Performance, Chem. Eng., August 30, 1976, pp. 101–108. chemical engineering from the University of Illinois and a M.S.
9. Meyer, W. S., Kime, D.L., Cost Estimation for Turbine Agitators, Chem. Eng., September and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Purdue University. He
27, 1976, pp. 109–112. is a Fellow of AIChE, Member of ACS, ASME and IFT. He received the Award for Excel-
lence and Sustained Contributions to Mixing Research and Practice from the North
10. Rautzen, R. R., Corpstein, R. R., Dickey, D. S., How to Use Scale-up Methods for Turbine American Mixing Forum (NAMF) in 2005. Dickey has authored numerous articles
Agitators, Chem. Eng., October 25, 1976, 119–126. and book chapters on various aspects of mixing technology and equipment.
11. Hicks, R. W., Dickey, D. S., Applications Analysis for Turbine Agitators, Chem. Eng., No-
vember 8, 1976, pp. 127–133.

For details visit


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