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What aspects of both the traditional learning and #On0

lineLearning would you combine to get the best possible concept of education?"

In traditional school all students have the same lecture, despite having a different amount of
knowledge on the topic, while students in online learning can follow their own dynamic.

For example, if a student is familiar with the material he/she can go faster through it or even skip it,
while the ones unfamiliar with it, can easily learn the lecture following their own dynamic, take notes
and rewatch it if something is unclear.

, online 9learning is less stressful and more flexible. A student can through the given material
whenever and wherever they want; they don't have to be in a classroom in precise time - they can
learn their lessons at day or night, evening or can listen to their lectures in a coffee shop, at home or
in the park...

On the other hand, there are some aspects of traditional education that we have to include. School,
as a base of traditional education, is a community of teachers and students, and it gives us not only
general knowledge but helps us improve our social and communication skills because we interact
with others and share our opinions and ideas. Also, one of the best things about traditional learning
is active learning rather than the passive one. Tu dodaj nesto kao these are exactly the things I
would combine jer si sam obijasnila zas je to bitno pa ak ne kazes ovo opet malo skreces s teme

To sum it up - for the creation of the best possible concept of education???? Sta ova recenica
znaci. In my opinion, it is challenging to combine best of both worlds, but by doing so learning could
become much more effective and enjoyable.

Ispravio sam ti hrpu malih gresaka da bolje zvuci, mozes usporedit s originalnim ak oces i vratit sta ti
se ne svida, a ovo sta sam crveno napiso to moras sama rjesit

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