Modals Exercises

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Modal Verbs

Exercise 1: Choose the most appropriate modal verb from the list
1. I am sure, they _____________ appreciate the contribution. (will - can - ought to)
2. It’s such a cloudy day! It _____________ rain this evening. (must - may – can )
3. It was so foggy that we _____________ see each other. (might not - could not - ought not to)
4. You __________ leave your cell phones at the reception desk. It’s the rules here. (should - have to – can)
5. They _____________ put off the meeting. I’m not quite sure. (must - would - may )
6. She did badly at the English test. She ________ revised her lessons well. ( might / should have / ought to )
7. I guess, you _____________ apologize before it is too late. (will - would - ‘d better)
8. If I were you, I _____________ choose the one in the middle. (will - would - must )
9. Stop eating junk food, otherwise you _____________ get sick. (will - can – should)
10. They _____________ worry about casual mistakes. (won’t - can’t - needn’t)
11. The CD player isn’t working. The children_________damaged it. (must be - must have - mustn’t have)

Exercise 2: Fill in each gap with an appropriate word or phrase from the list.

1- We ……………………….be at the bus stop at 08:00 if we don’t want to miss the bus.
may -- have -- must
2- a- Why don’t you read this story? You …………………like it.
b- You ……….go to the university to register: you can send your application by email.
must -- need to -- wouldn’t -- may -- needn’t
3- Workers …………………bring their old uniforms. The company will give them new ones.
need -- not need -- needn’t
4- You ……………………….buy a ticket for the match; I have got two invitations.
wouldn’t -- can’t -- needn’t
5- Jane: Look! Is that Tim crossing the street?
Rich: No, it ……………………Tim . He is on holiday in Turkey.
can’t be -- shouldn’t be -- needn’t be
6- Richard can’t find his mobile phone. He …………………..left it in his father’s car.
might have -- would have -- will have
7- I wish I ……………………….help you, I’m too busy right now.
will -- may -- could
8- Sami ………………..have cheated in the exam. He is honest and hard-working.
won’t -- doesn’t -- can’t
9- You …………………………….carry this suitcase; the porter will take care of it.
needn’t -- couldn’t -- wouldn’t
10- My parents ………………………..Travel at the weekend if the weather is nice.
have -- may -- need
11- Oh my God! There is a lot of traffic again; I ……………..get to the office on time.
needn’t - mustn’t - can’t
12- "……………………you make a photocopy for me, please?" Lina asked.
Must -- Don't -- Could

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