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Theme 1: Introduction to Markets Market Failure

and Market Failure □ Negative Externalities
□ Positive Externalities
The Economic Problem □ Public goods
□ Assumptions in economics □ Information gaps
□ Positive and normative economic
Government intervention and
□ The problem of scarcity government failure
□ Renewable and non-renewable resources □ Indirect taxation (ad valorem and specific)
□ Opportunity cost □ Subsidies
□ Production possibility frontiers □ Minimum prices
□ Specialisation and the division of labour □ Maximum prices
□ Functions of money □ Tradeable pollution permits
□ Free market economies, mixed economy □ State provision of public goods
and command economy
□ Provision of information
□ Regulation
How Markets Work □ Government failure
□ Rational decision making
□ Utility maximisation
□ Theory of demand
□ Price elasticity of demand
□ Income elasticity of demand
□ Cross price elasticity of demand
□ Theory of supply
□ Elasticity of supply
□ Price determination
□ Functions of the price mechanism
□ Consumer and producer surplus
□ Alternative views of consumer behaviour
Theme 2: The UK Economy – □ Relationships between current account
and other macro objectives
Performance and Policies

Aggregate demand
Economic Growth
□ Components of AD: C+I+G+(X-M)
□ Real and nominal GDP
□ AD curve - movements along and shifts of
□ GDP and GNI
AD curve
□ Understanding of Purchasing Power
□ Consumption - factors affecting
□ Investment - factors affecting
□ Limitations of GDP when measuring living
standards □ Government expenditure (G)
□ Economic well-being and happiness □ Net trade (X-M)

Inflation Aggregate supply

□ Process of calculating the rate of inflation □ The characteristics of AS
using CPI □ The characteristics of AS
□ Limitations of CPI as a measure of □ The AS curve - distinction between
inflation movement along, and a shift of, the AS curve
□ Causes of inflation (demand-pull, □ Short-run AS - factors influencing SRAS
cost-push, money supply)
□ Long-run AS- factors influencing LRAS
□ Effects of inflation on consumers, firms,
the government and workers □ Keynesian and classical LRAS curves
□ Disinflation and deflation (causes, effects,
policies) National Income
□ Circular flow of income
Unemployment □ Injections and withdrawals
□ Measures of unemployment □ Equilibrium levels of real national output
□ Under-employment □ Use of AD/AS diagrams to show how
□ Economic inactivity shifts in AD or AS cause changes in real
GDP and prices
□ Causes of unemployment
□ The multiplier - ratio, process
□ Significance of migration and skills for
employment & unemployment □ Calculations of the multiplier using the
formulae 1/(1-MPC) and 1/MPW, where
□ Effects of unemployment on consumers, MPW=MPS+MPT+MPM
firms, workers, the government and society

Economic Growth and Cycles

Balance of payments
□ Causes of economic growth
□ Trade in goods and services
□ Output gaps
□ Components of the balance of payments
on current account □ Trade (business) cycle
□ Current account deficits and surpluses
□ The impact of economic growth - benefits
and costs
Demand-side Policies
□ Monetary policy instruments
□ Quantitative Easing
□ Fiscal policy instruments
□ Distinction between government budget
(fiscal) deficit and surplus
□ Use of AD/AS diagrams to illustrate
demand-side policies
□ Awareness of demand-side policies in the
Great Depression and the Global Financial
Crisis of 2008

Supply-side Policies
□ Distinction between market-based and
interventionist methods
□ Use of AD/AS diagrams to illustrate
supply-side policies
□ Strengths and weaknesses of supply-side

Conflicts and trade- offs between

objectives and policies
□ Potential conflicts and trade-offs between
the macroeconomic objectives
□ Short-run Phillips curve
Theme 3: Business Behaviour □ Types of price competition including limit
and predatory pricing
and the Labour Market

Non-price competition in markets

Businesses and Growth
□ Monopoly
□ Sizes and types of firms
□ Price discrimination
□ Divorce between ownership and control
□ Natural monopoly
□ Survival of small firms
□ Monopsony
□ Principal-Agent Problem
□ Contestability including barriers to entry &
□ Public and Private Sector businesses
exit, contestability and the conduct of firms
□ Business growth (organic and external)
□ Constraints on business growth
Labour Market
□ Demergers
□ Demand for labour
□ Business objectives
□ Supply of labour
□ Market failure in labour markets: the
Revenues, Costs and Profit geographical and occupational mobility and
□ Revenue immobility of labour

□ Costs in the short run □ Wage determination in competitive and

non-competitive markets
□ Economies and diseconomies of scale
□ Maximum and minimum wages
□ Minimum efficient scale
□ Public sector wage setting
□ External economies of scale
□ Policies to tackle labour market immobility
□ Normal profits, supernormal profits and
losses □ Significance of the elasticity of demand for
labour and the elasticity of supply of labour
□ Profit maximisation
□ Shut Down point
Government intervention
□ Government intervention to control
Market Structures mergers
□ Efficiency - a) Allocative efficiency b) □ Government intervention to control
Productive efficiency c) Dynamic efficiency monopolies:
d) X-inefficiency
□ Government intervention to promote
□ Perfect competition competition and contestability
□ Monopolistic competition □ Nationalisation versus privatisation
□ Oligopoly □ Limits to government intervention in
□ Overt and tacit collusion; cartels and price different markets
□ Simple game theory: the prisoner's
dilemma in a simple two firm/two outcome
Theme 4: A Global Perspective □ Factors influencing floating exchange
□ Competitive devaluation/depreciation and
Globalisation its consequences
□ Characteristics of globalisation International competitiveness
□ Factors contributing to globalisation in the □ Measures of international
last 50 years competitiveness: Including relative unit
□ Impacts of globalisation and global labour costs
companies on individual countries, □ Factors influencing international
governments, producers and consumers, competitiveness
workers and the environment
□ Specialisation and trade including
absolute and comparative advantage Poverty and Inequality
□ Patterns of trade (geographical and □ Distinction between absolute poverty and
commodity) relative poverty
□ Trading blocs and the World Trade □ Measures of absolute poverty and relative
Organisation (WTO) poverty
□ Terms of trade □ Causes of changes in absolute poverty
and relative poverty
□ Free Trade Areas
□ Distinction between wealth and income
□ Customs Unions
□ Single Markets
□ Measurements of income inequality:
□ Monetary Unions
□ Causes of income and wealth inequality
□ Restrictions on free trade including tariffs within countries and between countries
and quotas
□ Impact of economic change and
□ Impact of protectionist policies on development on inequality
consumers, producers, governments, living
□ Significance of capitalism for inequality
standards, equality
Balance of payments
Emerging and Developing
□ Components of the balance of payments:
current account, capital account, financial Countries
account □ Measures of development
□ Causes of deficits and surpluses on the □ Factors influencing growth and
current account development
□ Measures to reduce a country's imbalance □ Strategies influencing growth and
on the current account development
□ Significance of global trade imbalances □ Trade liberalisation
□ Foreign direct investment
Exchange rates □ Privatisation
□ Floating exchange rates □ Human Capital
□ Fixed exchange rates □ Microfinance
□ Managed exchange rates □ Buffer stock schemes
□ Infrastructure □ The economic effects of changes in direct
and indirect tax rates on other variables:
□ Overseas aid
□ Distinction between automatic stabilisers
□ Debt relief
and discretionary fiscal policy
□ World Bank
□ Distinction between a fiscal deficit and the
□ International Monetary Fund (IMF) national debt
□ Distinction between structural and cyclical
□ Factors influencing the size of fiscal
The Financial Sector
□ Role of financial markets
□ Factors influencing the size of national
□ Market failure in the financial sector debts
□ Role of central banks □ The significance of the size of fiscal
deficits and national debts

Role of the state in the

macroeconomy Macroeconomic policies in a global
□ Public expenditure context
□ Crowding out □ Use and impact of macroeconomic
policies to respond to external shocks to the
□ Taxation - Direct and Indirect global economy
□ Distinction between progressive, □ Measures to control global companies'
proportional and regressive taxes (transnationals') operations
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