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GRADE ____ Learning


A. Content Standards Skip this

B. Performance Standards Skip this
C. Learning Competency Skip this
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils/students will be able to:
a. understand the characteristics of the learners who
are gifted and talented in visual arts, music,
intellectual giftedness, and performing arts; and
b. appreciate the importance of how we should support
the learners who are gifted and talented in visual
arts, music, intellectual giftedness, and performing
arts ; and
c. demonstrate the ways to engage the learners who
are gifted and talented inside the classroom.

II. CONTENT Learners who are Gifted and Talented in Visual Arts, Music,
Intellectual Giftedness, and performing Arts

A. References/ Learning ● https://pediaa,com/difference-between-gifted-and

Materials -talented/
● The Gifted child
● https://www,

B. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A

C. Learner’s Materials Pages N/A

D. Textbook Pages N/A

E. Additional Materials from the Use APA7 for the references

Learning Resource (LR) Portal

F. Values Integration ● embrace everyone’s differences

● appreciate diversity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities Skip this Skip this

a. Opening Prayer Skip this Skip this

b. Greetings Skip this Skip this

c. Attendance Skip this Skip this

d. Classroom Skip this Skip this

e. Review Skip this Skip this

B. Motivation/ Drill Skip this Skip this

C. Lesson Proper
a. Activity The class will be divided into two. \

Please count off 1-2.

Group yourselves according to your

(The class will count off 1-2)
number and each group will be
given a task. I will give 2 pictures
for each group .And I want each
group to observe the pictures and
brainstorm about their observations
about the pictures.

For group 1, here are your pictures.

(Group 1 gets their pictures.)

For group 2, here are your pictures. (Group 1 gets their pictures.)
Each group will observe the Yes, maam.
pictures and give their thoughts
about the pictures. Understand

Okay, you have 5 minutes to work Yes, maam.

on your task and afterwards I will
call a representative of each group
to present your work. Each group
should prepare a list of its group
members for me to easily call the
name of the representative and give
grades. Do you understand the

Okay, you may start now. (Each group will do their task)

b. Analysis Are you done brainstorming class? Yes, maam.

Okay, kindly give me the list of the (Each group will give their list of
group members. group members to the teacher.)

Let's begin with group 1.

(The teacher will call 1 representative (The chosen representative will

of group 1.) represent their work)

As we observed and did

brainstorming about the pictures, we
concluded that the pictures are about
the childrens who are talented in
playing piano and painting.

Job well done, Group 1. You have

analyzed properly and appreciate the
content of the pictures.

Let’s give 3 very good claps to group 1. (The students clap their hands.)

Okay, let’s proceed to Group 2.

(The teacher will call 1 representative (The chosen representative will

of group 2.) represent their work.)

As we observed and did

brainstorming about the pictures we
came to understand that the pictures
are showing children who are
talented in singing and intelligent.

Job well done, Group 2. You have

analyzed properly and appreciate the
content of the pictures.

Let’s give 3 very good claps to group 2. (The students clap their hands.)

Okay, you may go back to your (The students go back to their

respective seats now. respective seats.)

I am so glad that all of you did the (The students will tell themselves
activity very well as a group. Tell “very good”.)
yourselves “very good” for doing a
very great job.

Now I want to ask you, how is your I feel great and happy ma”:am
feeling in doing the group activity? Yes, because I am able to recognize
Mila? what’s in the pictures.

Very good, Mila. What else? Yes, I feel happy ma'am because I am
Albert? able to work with my groupmates

Very good, Albert.

Now, from the pictures of group 1 and My observation about the pictures of
2, what is your general observation group 1 and 2 is it represents
about it? Yes, Ana. children who are good in playing
piano, singing, painting, and

Very well said, Ana. What else? Yes, My observation about the pictures of
Linda? group 1 and 2 maam is it shows the
talents of gifted children.

Very well said, Linda.

So the pictures are showing the gifted

and talented children.

c. Abstraction So our topic for today is about the

learners who are gifted and talented in
visual arts, music, intellectual
giftedness, and performing arts.

Gifted and talented learners are the

learners between the ages of four and
twenty-one whose abilities , talents, and
potential for accomplishments are so
exceptional or developmentally
advanced that they require special
provision to meet their educational
programming needs.

So who are gifted and talented learners?

● Gifted learners are those
learners who have
extraordinary intellectual
ability and creativity.
● Talented learners are those
learners who have exceptional
skills and ability in a specific
area such as arts, music,
science, and language. (The students listen attentively)

Qualities of the gifted and talented

● they learn more quickly and
independently than most
students their own age.
● They often have
well-developed vocabulary as
well as advanced reading and
writing skills.
● They are very motivated
especially on tasks that are
challenging or difficult.
● they hold themselves to
higher than usual standards of

So, class do you think that a learner For me ma'am, no, because a gifted
who is hard to understand a single and talented child has an advanced
sentence, can be considered as gifted knowledge about everything
and talented? Yes, Milba. especially in understanding

Very good, Milba.

Teaching strategies for gifted and

talented learners:
● treat students as individual
● let students explore their
● infuse enrichments into
● build in time for flexible
learning groups
● embrace creative questioning
● encourage self-directed
learning with learners

Causes of Giftedness:
● Genetic - the belief that smart
people marry smart people and
have and have smart children.
● Environmental - the belief that
you can make a child gifted by
exposing him/her to a variety
of enriching experiences,
beginning at early age.

Do you believe that we inherited our Yes, maam because I am made up of

personality and traits from our parents? DNA and other things that are from
Yes, Milka. my parents.

Very good, Milka.

So all the traits that we do have right

now as a person are coming from our

Let’s proceed with effects of Being

Gifted and Talented learner:
● increased risk of anxiety
● depression
● low self-esteem

Why do you think that there’s still a There’s still challenges for a gifted
problem or challenges of a gifted and and talented learner because her/his
talented learner?Yes, Joy. life is full of high expectations from
the people who know that she/he is
gifted and talented.

Very well said, Joy.

How about you Johnpaul? There’s still challenges for a gifted

and talented learner because people
don’t easily get them.

Very well said, Johnpaul.

Let us proceed to learners who are

gifted and talented in Visual Arts:

● Children gifted in visual art

develop the desire and the
ability to depict people and
other subjects from their
environment at an earlier age
than other children. The
elements of composition,
color, space, and movement
are handled with greater
sensitivity by visually gifted

Characteristics of the Visually Gifted:

Two characteristics are

associated with visually
talented children: behavioral
traits and characteristics of
their artworks.

Do you understand, class? Yes, maam.

Okay so let’s proceed to behavioral
● Early evidence
● Emergence through drawing
● Rapidity of development
● Extended concentration
● Self-directedness
● Possible inconsistency with
creative behavior
● Fluency of idea and expression
● Calculating Capacity

Characteristic of the Artwork:

● Verisimilitude (realism)
● Compositional control
● Complexity and elaboration
● Memory and detail
● Sensitivity to art media
● Random improvisation

Accommodations and Interventions:

● School’s Support
● Community Professional’s
● Parent’s Support

Why do learners who are gifted and Learners who are gifted and talented
talented in visual art need support? Yes, in visual art need support in order for
Layla. them to be able to continue getting
strength to do visual arts.

Very well said, Layla.

Let’s proceed to learners who are gifted

and talented in music:
● Learners who are musically
gifted and talented are
generally characterized by
having extraordinary listening
skills, super cognitive
knowledge, creativity, and
skillful performance. Their
brain seems to be especially
good at absorbing and
remembering musical
information and they derived a
lot of pleasure from recreating
it for themselves at will.

Do you love music, class? Yes, maam.

Okay, so for you, it is hard to make Yes, maam. Because it needs skills
music?Yes, Jona. and enough knowledge to make
beautiful music.

Very good, Jona.

Let’s proceed to the characteristics of a
musically talented learner.
● has good sense of rhythm
● well-coordinated
● discriminates musical and
other sounds very well
● understands musical
● enjoys music activities and
demonstrates musical feelings
● shows tonal memory
● respond readily to rhythm,
melody, and harmony
● uses musics to express feelings
and experiences
● makes of original tunes
● enjoys dance and dramatic
musical activities with musical

Accommodation and Intervention:

● support creativity
● encourage listening
● arrange for performance
● add other elements
● get parents involved

Do you understand, class? Yes, maam.

Learners who are gifted and talented in

intellectual giftedness:

● Learners whose intellectual

abilities , creativity, and
potential for achievements are
so outstanding that the child’s
needs exceed differentiated
general education
programming , adversely
affects educational
performance, and requires
specifically designed
instruction or support services.

Do you think you are intellectually No, maam.Because I have poor

gifted? Yes, Ina. comprehension skills.

But are you content and happy with Yes, maam.

what you have Ina?

Very good Ina. We have differences as

individuals and the only way to make
us happy and beautiful creatures is to
embrace our differences.

Different Types of Intellectual Gifted

● successful
● challenging
● underground
● drop outs
● double-labeled
● autonomous

Characteristics of intellectually gifted

● unusually keen sense of humor
● idealistic standards and and
sense of justice
● intensity
● intensified self-awareness and
and feelings of being different
● unusual amounts of
● enjoys intellectual activities
and and elevated levels of
● flexible thought process and
conceptualized thinking.

Do you understand, class? Yes, ma'am.

There are ways to engaged intellectual

gifted students:
● keep the student’s personality
in mind
● challenge them enough
● complex problem-solving

Learners who are gifted and talented in

Performing Arts:

● Learners can demonstrate

unusual adeptness or skills in
the field of drama, music,
dance, and/or visual arts.

Characteristics of learners who are

gifted and talented in Performing Arts:
● Communicates their visions in
performing arts
● Unusual ability for aesthetic
● compelled to perform/produce
● exhibits creative expression
● desire for creating original
● keenly observant
● continues experimentation
with preferred medium
● excels in demonstrating the
performing arts

Accommodation and interventions:

● solid support system from
parents and mentors

Do you understand the discussions, Yes, maam.


d. Application Since we are done discussing the

learners who are gifted and talented in
visual arts, music, intellectual
giftedness, and performing arts . Get ½
sheet of paper and in your own words
write your own definition of a gifted
and talented learner.

Do you understand, class? Yes, maam.

Okay, I will give you 5 minutes to do

this activity. You may start now.

(after 5 minutes)

Are you done, class? Yes, maam.

Okay, pass your paper in the front. (The students will pass their papers
in the front.)

V. EVALUATION Instruction: Answer the following

questions in a 1 whole piece of paper.

1. Who are gifted learners?

Answer: Gifted learners are those
learners who have extraordinary
intellectual ability and creativity.

2. Who are talented learners?

Answer: Talented learners are those
learners who have exceptional skills
and ability in a specific area such as
arts, music, science, and language.

3. In what way do those musically

talented learners express their feelings
and experiences?
Answer: Musically talented learners
express their fee;ings and experiences
through the use of music.

4. What are the causes of Giftedness to

a learner?
Answer: The causes of Giftedness to a
learner are genetic and environmental.

5. What desire and ability can be

develop to the children who are gifted
and talented in visual arts?
Answer: Children gifted in visual art
develop the desire and the ability to
depict people and other subjects from
their environment at an earlier age than
other children.

6. Who are the musically talented

Answer: Learners who are musically
gifted and talented are generally
characterized by having extraordinary
listening skills, super cognitive
knowledge, creativity, and skillful

7. Who are the learners who are gifted

and talented in performing arts?
Answer: Learners can demonstrate
unusual adeptness or skills in the field
of drama, music, dance, and/or visual

8. Who are the learners who are

intellectually gifted?
Answer: Learners whose intellectual
abilities , creativity, and potential for
achievements are so outstanding that
the child’s needs exceed differentiated
general education programming ,
adversely affects educational
performance, and requires specifically
designed instruction or support

9. What are the effects of being gifted

and talented to a learner when there’s
no solid support from her/his parents
and teacher?
Answer:The effects of being gifted and
talented to a learner when there’s no
solid support from her/his parents and
teacher are increased risk of anxiety,
depression, and low self-esteem.

10. How do those learners who are

gifted and talented in performing art
communicate their vision?
Answer: Those learners who are gifted
and talented in performing art
communicate their vision through
performing art.
VII. REMARKS Skip this

VIII. REFLECTION For your reflection, I want you to

answer this question individually:

● Are you happy and proud (The students answer the

of yourself even though you question individually.)
are not a gifted and talented

Prepared by

- Korine C. Bentulan
- Aila Jean Asoy
- Joan Baron
- Dhai Jean Archival

Checked by


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