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Archival, Dhai Jean

Asoy, Aila Jean

Baron, Joan
Bentulan, Korine

Learners who are Gifted and Talented in Visual arts, Music, Intellectual
giftedness, and Performing arts.
Gifted and talented learners are the learners between the ages of four and twenty-one
whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishments are so exceptional or
developmentally advanced that they require special provision to meet their educational
programming needs.
Qualities of the gifted and talented learners:
 they learn more quickly and independently than most students their own age.
 they often have well-developed vocabulary as well as advanced reading and
writing skills.
 they are very motivated especially on tasks that are challenging or difficult.
 they hold themselves to higher than usual standards of achievements
Teaching strategies for gifted and talented learners:
 treat students as individual
 let students explore their passions
 infuse enrichments into activity
 build in time for flexible learning groups
 embrace creative questioning
 encourage self-directed learning with learners
Causes of Giftedness:
Genetic – the belief that smart people marry smart people and have and have smart
Environmental – the belief that you can make a child gifted by exposing him/her to a
variety of enriching experiences, beginning at early age.
Effects of Being Gifted and Talented learner:
 increased risk of anxiety
 depression
 low self-esteem
Learners who are gifted and talented in Visual Arts:
Children gifted in art develop the desire and the ability to depict people and other
subjects from their environment at an earlier age than other children. The elements of
composition, color, space, and movement are handled with greater sensitivity by visually
gifted students.
Characteristics of the Visually Gifted:
Two characteristics are associated with visually talented children: behavioral traits and
characteristics of their artworks.
Behavioral Traits:
 Early evidence
 Emergence through drawing
 Extended concentration
 Self-directedness
 Possible inconsistency with creative behavior
 Fluency of idea and expression
 Calculating Capacity
Characteristic of the Artwork:
 Verisimilitude (realism)
 Compositional control
 Complexity and elaboration
 Memory and detail
 Sensitivity to art media
 Random improvisation

Accommodations and Interventions:

 School’s Support
 Community Professional’s Support
 Parent’s Support
Learners who are Gifted and Talented in Music:
Learners who are musically gifted and talented are generally characterized by having
extraordinary listening skills, super cognitive knowledge, creativity, and skillful
performance. Their brain seems to be especially good at absorbing and remembering
musical information and they derived a lot of pleasure from recreating it for themselves
at will.
 has good sense of rhythm
 well-coordinated
 discriminates musical and other sounds very well
 understands musical relationships
 enjoys music activities and -demonstrates musical feelings
 shows tonal memory
 respond readily to rhythm, melody, and harmony
 uses music to express feelings and experiences
 makes of original tunes
 enjoys dance and dramatic musical activities with musical elements
Accommodation and Intervention:
 support creativity
 encourage listening
 arrange for performance
 add other elements
 get parents involved

Learners who are gifted and talented in intellectual giftedness:

Learners whose intellectual abilities, creativity, and potential for achievements are so
outstanding that the child’s needs exceed differentiated general education programming
, adversely affects educational performance, and requires specifically designed
instruction or support services.

Different Types of Intellectual Gifted students:

 successful
 challenging
 underground
 drop outs
 double-labeled
 autonomous

Characteristics of Intellectually Gifted Students:

 unusually keen sense of humor
 idealistic standards and sense of justice
 intensity
 intensified self-awareness and feelings of being different
 unusual amounts of information
 enjoys intellectual activities and elevated levels of comprehensions
 flexible thought process and conceptualized thinking.

Ways to Engaged Intellectual Gifted Students:

 keep the student’s personality in mind
 challenge them enough
 complex problem-solving

Learners who are Gifted and Talented in Performing Arts:

Learners can demonstrate unusual adeptness or skills in the field of drama, music,
dance, and/or visual arts.

Characteristics of learners who are gifted and talented in Performing Arts:

 communicates their visions in performing arts
 unusual ability for aesthetic expression
 compelled to perform/produce
 exhibits creative expression
 desire for creating
 original product
 keenly observant
 continues experimentation with preferred medium
 excels in demonstrating the performing arts

Accommodations and Intervention

 encourage activities that related in performing
 support from teachers
 support from parents

References :
 Kelvin Seifert, Rosemary Sutton, Gifted and Talented Students, Retrieved from
and-talented-students/ accessed on September 28, 2023
 Mary Codd (2004), Gifted and Talented in Visual Arts, Retrieved from accessed on September 28, 2023
 GE McPherson (1997), Gifted and Talented in Music, Retrieved from accessed on September 28, 2023
 Davidson (2017), Intellectually Gifted, Retrieved from
accessed on September 28, 2023

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