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Galatomanna? 2. Ebola reservoir- bats? 3. Acute hep c what to do/give? 4. Ebola incubation time BE2adays 5. HIV first line ? NOUNS 6. Chicken pox incubation (OROIidays 7. Hep A how many doses of vaccines 2 i think 8. A bunch of kids jaundice (ebv) 9. Highest mortality pregnancy 3rd trimester (hev) 10. Chronic of which disease develops hepatocellular carcinoma (hep something) 11. Deafness complications caused by? (lassa or dengue or yellow) 12. Most common cause of encephalitis, 13. Empiric therapy endocarditis 14. Asplenia 15. Mmr vaccine contraindicated in (pregnancy) 16. Waterhouse (n. Meningitis) 17. Painless cutaneous lesions on hands and soles of feet- janeway lesions 18. Feet lesion raised nodules (nodules was mentioned in question stem) - Osler nodes 19. Botulism food borne incubation 12-36 hours 20. Botulism symptoms - paralysis descending and flaccid and no change to mental status 21. Tick born encephalitis - most people are asymptomatic 22. Not tick borne- Lassa fever 23. _IRIS- answer has HIV in 24. Most common cause of bacterial meningitis? Strep pneumonia 25. Who's at biggest risk of severe influenza? Above 65 years and pregnant 26. Botulism treatment- anti- botulism treatment 27. Single stranded rna , fecal Oral route 28. Another fecal oral q probably same answer 29. Choose false statement about Small pox- no vaccine 30. Severe influenza, not a treatment - aciclovir? 31. Safety level 1 (a ventilated cabinet with protective gear) 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Safety level 4 (no cure ) Resolved hep b has? anti-HBs and antiHbc-IgG Hcv extrahepatic symptoms except psoriasis Most common cause of meningitis in hiv patients (cryptococcal one) Lymphogranuloma venereum by clamydia trachoma Infective endocarditis most commonly caused by?(idk which bacteria) Which does not cause endocarditis? I think cochlear implant flappy baby by botulism

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