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The world is continually facing changes.

Nowadays, innovation and new advances can be found

everywhere. For me, a clear example of innovation is this poster. It shows a hand, but not a
common hand, a robotic one. These are the reasons why I support this statement:

The first robot in history, called Elektro, was invented in 1939 by Joseph Barnett. However it
was a really simple model with a small amount of functions. Robots have developed since
then, however we are not used to see them regularly. According to the Cambridge Dictionary,
innovation means a new idea or method that is being tried for the first time. As mentioned, we
have not watched many robots yet, so at first view, this seems like a brand-new device.

Currently, there have been many advances in robotics. New robots with strong similarities to
humans are being made. These robots will provide a wide range of advancements in society.
Robots will substitute humans in many tasks. Additionally, some robotic prosthesis are being
manufactured for people with any type of disability. Thus, this image may refer to a robotic
hand prosthesis, or even to the bare hand of a robot.

To conclude, people have not seen many robots yet. Therefore, this photograph showing a
recent invention is a perfect representation of innovation.

218 words

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