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Questions of the 1st midterm of Biotechnology-Time: 1 hr

1 Mention to the categories of Biomass raw materials.

2 Determine that each of products enlisted below belongs to which categories of

Biomass raw materials.

Bamboo Kochia

Sweet sorghum Rapeseed

3 Count 5 advantages of algae over crop plants.

4 Explain about Lignocellulosic materials, and determine their 3 main components
in the picture below:

5 Fill the blank with the kinds of lignocellulosic materials resources.

6 Explain about Pre-treatment step and its main purpose as well as 5 main
categories of pre-treatment.
7 Explain about “Gamma” pretreatment method. You can use the shape to illustrate
your data about “Gamma” pretreatment method.

8 What is “Ozonolysis” method.

9 What about these pictures. Please share your data about them.

10 Count the ”Biological pretreatment ways”.

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