Spider Uk

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OPL: 11; SPL: 7; DPL: 11; FWPL: 8; HP: 1
Real Name: William "Billy" Braddock
Age: 31
Height: 6-2
Weight: 220
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Fair
Race: Human Mutate
Identity: Secret
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Adventurer
Base of Operations: Loomworld
Team Affiliations: Web Warriors; Spider Army



SKILLS: Acrobatics 1 (+9/+11/+17) [Agile Feint], Athletics (+9/+13), Close Combat [Unarmed] 3 (+13),
Deception (+5), Insight 5 (+9), Intimidation (+5), Perception 2 (+6/+14), Persuasion 4 (+9), Ranged
Combat [Web Shooters] 7 (+12), Stealth (+10), Technology 4 (+7)

ADVANTAGES: Accelerated Climb*, Agile Feint[/i], Benefit (1) (Status – Captain Britain Corps),
Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive Strike*, Equipment (1), Evasion 2, Fighting Climb*,
Improved Defense, Inspire (1), Leadership, Move-by Action, Power Attack (1) (Unarmed), Redirect,
Takedown (1), Uncanny Dodge

Spider-Senses: Enhanced Advantages 11 (Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive
Strike*, Evasion 2, Fighting Climb*, Improved Defense, Move-by Action, Redirect, Uncanny Dodge),
Enhanced Skills 4 (Acrobatics 6 ranks, Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 ranks), Enhanced Skills 4
(Perception 8 ranks, Flaw: Limited to Danger Sense checks), Enhanced Agility 2, Enhanced Dodge 2,
Enhanced Parry 2, Senses 6 (Danger Sense [Mental, Ranged, Extra: Extended, Counters
Concealment]); 31 pts
Spider-Strength: Enhanced Skills 2 (Athletics 4 ranks); 2 pts
Does Whatever a Spider Can: Enhanced Advantages 1 (Accelerated Climb*, Leaping 2 (30 ft), Speed 1
(4 mph/60 fpr), Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 [Normal speed]); 7 pts
Web Shooters: 37 pts Traits, Removable (-7 pts); 30 pts
Web Swinging: Flight 4 (32 mph/500 fpr; Flaw: Platform); 4 pts
Web Slinging Array: 30 pt Array; 33 pts
Web Slinging: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Strength/Damage;
1st: Hindered and Vulnerable, 2nd: Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra: Extra Condition, Split, Flaw:
Diminished Range [10/25/50], Limited to two Degrees); 30 pts
Web Throwing: Move Object 10 (Extra: Split, Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50]); 1 pt
Web Nets: Ranged Shapeable Area Movement 1 (Safe Fall, Extra: Affects others, Shapeable Area [30
ft volume], Attack, Quirk: Requires anchor); 1 pt
Web Spinning: Create 10 (Extra: Stationary, Tether, Flaw: Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50],
Permanent, Quirk 3 [No complex objects, Stationary requires anchor, Web objects dissolve after 1
hour]); 1 pt

(5 pts)
Captain Britain Costume: Protection 1, Subtle; 2 pts
Extra Web Fluid Canisters: Feature 1 (Can eliminate Web Fluid Power Loss Complication at GM
discretion); 1 pt

Initiative +8 (+10 with Spider Sense)
Close Attack +10
Unarmed +13 [Unarmed +9]
Ranged Attack +5
Web Shooters +12 [Web Slinging Affliction +10; Web Throwing Move Object +10; Webbing Over the
Eyes Affliction +10]

Dodge +11 (+13 with Spider Sense) [DC21/23] Parry +11 (+13 with Spider Sense) [DC21/23]
Toughness +9 (+8 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +8, Will +7
Enemy: Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Sandman, Mysterio, Electro, The Chameleon, The Kingpin,
Mr. Negative, Rhino, Kraven the Hunter and on and on...
Honor: As a member of the Captain Britain Corps of his world, he is duty bound to defend England.
Power Loss: Sometimes the flu, a radiation drain or just his own mental state can cause him lose his
powers. If he does, his stats change to STR 2, STA 2, AGL 2, DEX 1, and FGT 4.
Power Loss: Those web shooters seem to run out of fluid at the most inopportune times.
Power Loss: Web Swinging (Flight) can only be used if there are tall, sturdy structures available to
anchor web lines to, like multiple story buildings or thick trees.
Relationships: He has become a leader of the Web Warriors and an ally to all of the Spiders across
the Multiverse.
Responsibility: With great power comes great…
Secret Identity: William Braddock, a Captain Britain of Earth-243.

Abilities 102 + Skills 12 (24 ranks) + Advantages 6 + Powers 71 + Defenses 6 = 197 / 197

Build Comments: Spider-UK was one of the leaders of the Spider-Army. He was an OK character but
he didn’t grab me, kind like the main Captain Britain. His ultra-heroic nature was a good balance with
Superior Spider-Man’s…Otto-ness. And Jab is right. It's amazing how great most of the Spider
costumes are. This one is one of my faves.

Since his world was destroyed during the Incursion events, he’s become the leader of the Web
Warriors, a group of Spiders that travel the multiverse to assist the Earths that lost their Spiders
during the Spider-Verse event. He got offed during Spider Geddon event but since that's not
Thorpocaverse canon, he's still around.

The Story so Far: A rookie member of the Captain Britain Corps of Earth-J243, Spider-UK came to
learn of the Great Hunt when Morlun was detected on Earth-1983. Killing the Spider-Man of that
world, and after watching two other Spider-Totem-connected people getting manslaughtered, he
runs away to warn Saturnyne and Roma of the murders.

However, Saturnyne, more distraught over the Incursions, grew angry at what she felt was something
insignificant and ordered Roma to throw him out. However, Roma was much more sympathetic and
charged Billy with protecting the other Spiders, considering that their murder must have been for a
truly sinister purpose, for which she gave him a talisman to enable him travel through the Multiverse.

During his mission, he came across a certain Spider-Woman. He would later travel with Old Man
Spider-Man to recruit Spider-Girl and her brother, although they arrived too late to save her father.

After different complications, the Spider-Army managed to defeat and the Inheritors. When the
different Spider-Men that formed the Spider-Army started returning to their respective realities,
Spider-UK couldn’t do so, as his universe had been destroyed as a result of the Incursions. He
decided to stay in Loomworld, the Inheritors' former base, and form the Warriors of the Great Web,
in order use the Web of Life and Destiny to reach out any universe in need of a Spider-Man.

Characterization: Billy has all the heroic attributes of a Spider-Man and Captain Britain. He has a
Spider Talisman that allows him Multiversal travel.

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