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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Vitali District/Quadrant 2.1


Quarter 3, Week 7

I. Learning Objective/s:

At the end of 50-minutes discussion, the Kindergarten-Coralat pupils is expected to do the

following with at least 80% level of proficiency;
a. identify different kinds of numbers and objects
b. Match numerals to a set of concrete objects
c. Count with one to one correspondence

A. Content Standard:
The child demonstrates an understanding of concepts of size, length, weight, time, and money

B. Performance standard:
The child shall be able to use arbitrary measuring tools/means to determine size, length, weight
of things around him/her, time (including his/her own schedule)

C. Lesson Integration: Numeracy and literacy

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Matching Objects
Reference: Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Materials: Visual aids, worksheet, incentive chart, Video
Value Integration: Develop child socio-emotional and communication skills

Learning Task
III. Procedure
A. Preparation
Good Morning Children! (Good Morning Teacher Rose!) Okay, everybody please stand
up for our opening prayer. Let us check the attendance first before we are going to
proceed with our lesson. By the way, are you ready for our discussion? (Yes Teacher!) Very
Good! However, what will you do if your teacher is discussing in front? Yes anyone?
(Listen) okay very good! What else? (Sit properly) okay that is correct. Now, how about if
you want to answer my question? (Raise our right hand) Okay good! Now, let me see if you
are ready. Sit properly and we will start our lesson.

B. Motivation
I have here an incentive chart I am going to group you into three groups if you are
going to participate and behave you are going to earn a star and after that, we will count
which group gain more star will get a reward. Do you understand? (Yes teacher) very good!
Let us sing first a song entitled “this is the way” and then after that let us look at a
picture and describe the picture all about.
IV. Lesson proper
Look at Ana and Toni. They are preparing some important items in their personal Go Bag in
times of emergency. Let us help them name and count how many objects they have in their
Go Bag. Can you count how many objects they have? (They have 5 objects) okay can you name
Ana‘s Go Bag items? (She has radio, candle, flashlight, cup noodles and juice.) When do we
use these objects? (If we are going to prepare for an emergency) okay good! How about
Toni? (He has comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoo.) We use this objects if we
are preparing for an emergency like earthquake, fire and typhoons.

V. Generalization
Ana has five objects for her Go Bag. She has radio, candle, flashlight, cup noodles
and juice. Toni has five objects for her Go Bag. He has comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap
and shampoo. We use these objects when we prepare for emergencies like earthquake,
typhoons, and fire.

VI. Application
Directions: Look at the objects carefully. Draw a line to match the objects to its correct

VII. Evaluation
Directions: Look at the set of objects. Count the objects correctly and encircle the correct
VIII. Assignment
Directions: look at the pictures and count how many objects are there write the correct numeral
inside the box.

Prepared by:


Kinder Teacher

Checked by:

School Head

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