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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Vitali District/Quadrant 2.1


Quarter 2, Week 5

I. Learning Objective/s:

At the end of 50-minutes discussion, the Kindergarten-Coralat pupils is expected to do the

following with at least 80% level of proficiency;
a. identify roles and responsibilities of each family member
b. describe the household chores of each family member
c. shows importance of the roles and responsibilities of each family member by helping one

A. Content Standard:
The child demonstrates an understanding of acquiring new words/ widening his/her, vocabulary
links to his/her experiences

B. Performance standard:
The child shall be able to actively engaged in meaningful conversation with peers and adults using
varied spoken vocabulary

C. Lesson Integration: Numeracy and literacy

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Household Chores
Reference: Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Materials: Visual aids, worksheet, incentive chart, Video
Value Integration: Develop child socio-emotional and communication skills

Learning Task
III. Procedure
A. Preparation
Good Morning Children! (Good Morning Teacher Rose!) Okay, everybody please stand
up for our opening prayer. Let us check the attendance first before we are going to
proceed with our lesson. By the way, are you ready for our discussion? (Yes Teacher!) Very
Good! But before that, what will you do if your teacher is discussing in front? Yes anyone?
(Listen) okay very good! What else? (Sit properly) okay that is correct. Now, how about if
you want to answer my question? (Raise our right hand) Okay good! Now, let me see if you
are ready. Sit properly and we will start our lesson.

B. Motivation
I have here a responsibility chart I am going to group you into four groups if you
are going to participate and behave you are going to earn a chore stick and after that we
will count who will gain more chore stick will get a star reward. Do you understand? (Yes
teacher) very good! Before we start our lesson, let us watch a short video.
IV. Lesson proper
What can you tell about the video you have seen? (Helping each other) very well! What
else? (Everybody has their own role) correct. Now, I have here pictures what can you tell
about the pictures? (It is a picture of family members at home doing household chores)
very good!

Do you still remember our lesson yesterday? (Family members) very good! Who are the family
members ( Father, Mother, brother, Sister and Baby) that is correct!
Each member of the family has his/ her particular roles and responsibilities, but any member of
the family can do other household chores to make work easier.
What are some of the household chores that any member of the family can do at home? (Cooking,
sweeping, washing of plates, etc.) What is your father doing when he is at home? (Fixing our
house) How many chores can he do? (Many) How about your mother, what are the household
chores she does? How many chores can she do? How about your brother and sister, what are they
doing? How many chores can they do at home? How about you, do you know your role in the house?
What can you do? How many chores can you do? Who has more work at home? Who has less work?
Why being responsible is important? Do you help your mother, father, brother or sister? Why?

V. Generalization
Who among of your family member works to earn money? (Father) who is cooking for you?
(Mother) who is washing the plates? (Sister) who is watering the plant? (Brother) okay! Very
good. Every Family members has their own Household chore.

VI. Application
Directions: let us talk about the household chore you can see in the picture and put a check (/) if
you do this chore at home.
VII. Evaluation
Directions: Connect the dot to the correct household chore given.

Sweep the floor

Cleans the table

Fixing the bed

Fold the clothes

VIII. Assignment
Directions: Encircle the pictures that shows helping doing household chore

Prepared by:


Kinder Teacher

Checked by:

School Head

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