Activity 4 - NOTICE ME (General Psychology)

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Instruction: Provide a description of each of the stages of human development .You may use your own
experiences as told by your caregivers or your observations in other individuals. Limit your answers to
three sentences.

1. The prenatal stage begins at conception and continues until birth.
2. It is a period of rapid growth and differentiation, during which the baby's vital organs and
systems form, setting the stage for their lifelong health and development.
3. Factors such as maternal nutrition, health, and prenatal care significantly influence the
outcome of this stage.

1. Infancy is a stage marked by rapid physical and sensory development.
2. Babies rely on their caregivers for everything, from feeding to emotional support.
3. They learn to trust their primary caregivers and develop basic motor skills, setting the
foundation for future relationships and independence.

2 to 5-6 YEARS OLD

1. At this stage, children are typically eager learners, full of curiosity and imagination.
2. They are becoming more independent, exploring their surroundings, and starting formal
3. Socially, they begin to form friendships and develop basic interpersonal skills, while their
cognitive abilities continue to grow, allowing them to grasp more complex concepts and engage
in creative play.

1. In this stage, children are typically in the midst of their primary education.
2. They continue to develop academic skills, expand their knowledge, and become
more independent in their learning.
3. Friendships become increasingly important, and children develop a stronger sense
of identity within peer groups.

10 to 21 YEARS OLD.
1. This stage is characterized by significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes.
2. During adolescents I experience puberty, undergo rapid physical growth, and
grapple with issues of identity, independence, and peer relationships.
3. It's a period of self-discovery, increased autonomy, and preparation for adulthood.

20s and 30s

1. In this stage this a time of exploration and transition.
2. They often complete their education, establish careers, and form more
independent lives.
3. They navigate the complexities of relationships, including dating, marriage, and
starting families.

40s and 50s

1. It is a stage of reflection and adjustment.
2. Individuals often balance career and family responsibilities, experiencing the challenges of
raising children and potentially caring for aging parents.
3. My mom said this stage is marked by a search for meaning and a deeper understanding of
one's life journey.

60s and 70s to death

1. In late adulthood and on the journey towards the end of life, individuals face physical and
cognitive changes associated with aging.
2. They may retire from their careers and experience the joys and challenges of
3. Health and mobility can become more limited, and many focus on spending quality time with
family and friends.

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