The 2014 Sandia Verification and Validation Challenge Workshop

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Journal of

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Guest Editorial

Introduction: The 2014 Sandia Verification and Validation Challenge Workshop

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Introduction and they concluded that a healthy diversity of opinions would per-
sist in the community [25].
Over the past 20 years, Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia)
The 2006 Validation Challenge Workshop posed problems with
and ASME [1–6] have played major roles in the development of
a hierarchical flow of information (i.e., materials level calibration,
V&V concepts, methods, and processes by building on the work
which informs validation at an “exploratory” level and
of many other individuals and organizations [7–12]. Along the
“accreditation” level) [26–30]. The hierarchy is a visualization of
way, Sandia has organized workshops to demonstrate the state-of-
how data and model predictions are used during multiple V&V
the-art and highlight particular V&V issues. The most recent, the
analyses [31]. It describes at a high level how the data and models
2014 Sandia V&V Challenge Workshop, was held at the third
relate to each other. This forms the basis for the selection and exe-
ASME V&V Symposium in Las Vegas, NV, on May 8, 2014. As
cution of V&V analyses as part of a larger strategy to improve
a challenge workshop, it was built around a challenge problem
predictions or assess credibility. The participants in the 2006
crafted to exercise specific ideas and spark discussions. The prob-
workshop had to apply multiple V&V methods across a predeter-
lem was released to the community prior to the workshop to allow
mined hierarchy, to make a final prediction and satisfy a regula-
participants time to prepare their responses. Challenge problems
tory requirement. These challenge problems illustrated that (1)
provide a common basis upon which a diverse group of partici-
uncertainty is pervasive throughout modeling work and V&V, (2)
pants can demonstrate methods and ideas and the workshops have
quantitative methods are needed to assess the uncertainty across
become a benchmark of sorts for the V&V community. The 2014
the hierarchy, and (3) a wide range of predictions and uncertainty
workshop focused on the overall V&V strategies to address the
estimates should be expected—even when the hierarchical infor-
challenge problem and also fostered discussion about how a V&V
mation flow is specified [32–35]. Several other UQ and V&V
strategy can establish or assess the credibility of a specific
workshops have focused on methods and theory [36], including
some that did not contain a challenge problem [11,12,37].
This special edition of the ASME Journal of Verification, Vali-
By 2012, the workshop organizers felt that adequate attention
dation and Uncertainty Quantification documents the workshop
was being paid to research on V&V theory and methods, and
and is organized as follows. This introductory paper discusses the
adoption of V&V methods and principles was spreading rapidly.
history of workshops and how the goals have evolved with the
Many journals from diverse engineering disciplines were publish-
V&V community—leading to the 2014 workshop. The next paper
ing V&V-focused papers and the topic was popular at
describes the problem statement and how the data provided for the
conferences—notably the ASME V&V Symposium. Both aca-
problem were created (the “truth model”) [13]. The full problem
demia and industry were researching and applying V&V methods,
description, posed to the participants in 2013, is available as a
however, very little was known about how to utilize the results.
technical report [14] but does not include the truth model. These
Decision makers and customers were struggling to understand and
two papers are followed by five contributions that describe the
interpret the evidence gathered from V&V methods. Unfortu-
participants’ responses to the challenge problem [15–19]. Two
nately, the two ends of this spectrum (research versus applica-
discussion papers are also included, in which the authors do not
tions) are not easily connected for several reasons: (1) the V&V
solve the problem but instead address relevant V&V topics while
community of practice is relatively small, (2) a huge range of
using the challenge problem as context [20,21]. The special edi-
expertise is required to perform all the V&V activities, (3) the
tion concludes with a summary paper that describes the responses
incentives of researchers (novel methods and skills, broad and
and lessons learned [22].
general impact, and publishing ideas) and practicing engineers
(delivering results, creating a process tailored to one organization,
A History of Challenge Workshops and maintaining competitive advantage) have limited overlap, and
The 2002 Workshop on Alternative Representations of Episte- (4) the benefits of V&V are hard to measure and communicate.
mic Uncertainty dealt with uncertainty quantification (UQ), or The organizers saw the need to continue developing V&V meth-
how to characterize, model, and propagate uncertainty with both ods, provide the community with V&V experience, and investi-
epistemic and aleatoric nature [23,24]. The workshop highlighted gate the decision-making process. In response, they launched
the importance of uncertainty, and the need to quantify uncer- efforts to develop a new problem and hold a third challenge
tainty and understand its impact on model predictions. This work- workshop.
shop’s goal was to compare different concepts and algorithms to
describe predictions that rely on uncertain information. The par- The 2014 Sandia Verification and Validation Challenge
ticipants found that each method had advantages and drawbacks, Workshop
The 2014 Sandia Verification and Validation Challenge Work-
The United States Government retains, and by accepting the article for shop was a daylong event with ten talks and follow-up discus-
publication, the publisher acknowledges that the United States Government retains, a
nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the
sions. After the organizers opened the workshop, nine participants
published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for United States government presented responses to the challenge problem or their views on the
purposes. role of V&V in decision support, followed by an open discussion.

Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification MARCH 2016, Vol. 1 / 010301-1
C 2016 by ASME
Copyright V
The participants were from academia, consulting firms, and the error. This requires careful considerations of the “meaning” of
U.S. research laboratories, and were predominantly engineers and each uncertainty and the implications for credibility, in addition to
mathematicians. The workshop was open to all attendees of the methods for UQ.
ASME V&V Symposium and an estimated 100 people attended The large scope also required a large commitment from the par-
some or all of the talks and discussion. ticipants, and the expectation was that all participants would be
Hu (Sandia National Laboratories) served as workshop modera- limited by time, resources, and expertise—it is a major challenge
tor and introduced the challenge problem [38]. This was followed to assemble a team that includes experts in verification, validation,
by six responses from: Shields et al. (John Hopkins University) UQ, physics domains, and systems engineering. That being said,
[39,40], Roy et al. (Virginia Tech) [41], Chen et al. (Northwestern several compromises were made to ensure the problem could be
University) [42], Xi and Pan (University of Michigan—Dearborn) solved in a reasonable timeframe.
[43], Mahadevan and Mullins (Vanderbilt) [44], and Beghini and
Hough (Sandia National Laboratories) [45]. For brevity, only the  The end decision of whether to replace the tanks is not part of
team leads are listed but each presentation was the work of a the challenge. The problem lacks the required context, such as
group. Three more speakers presented their thoughts on how cost of the tanks, the state of the company, risk tolerances, etc.
V&V plays a role in decision making, Paez (consultant) gave an Instead, an arbitrary criterion is created for the probability of
economic analysis of whether modeling, simulation, and V&V are failure. As a consequence, participants focused on a specific

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worth the cost [46], Elele (U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center) dis- prediction and did not have to speculate on the intended use of
cussed how V&V can be used to assess risk levels and impact on the model. The participants and audience were expected to be
projects [47], and Brodrick (U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center) V&V analysts and not systems engineers or decision makers,
discussed how models are currently used to support qualification so this challenge was limited to fit their backgrounds. Never-
activities, and a vision for how V&V and UQ should be incorpo- theless, the additional context was included to raise awareness
rated into that process [48]. After the workshop, several of the of how V&V eventually impacts decisions.
participants continued to refine their solutions and discussion  The data, model, and code were supplied. This removed all
topics, which led to the creation of this special edition. choices about model development and design of experiments,
but greatly reduced the workload. Four finite-element mesh
resolutions were available, based on the same geometry, which
The Challenge Problem could be solved using the provided code. The code was
The scenario described in the challenge problem is an engineer- described as a finite-element solver, but was actually an alge-
ing project to predict the behavior of a population of simple stor- braic function. This enabled anyone to easily and cheaply run
age tanks under a variety of loads. Various experimental studies the code, but the model behavior was not the same as a finite-
have been completed, and limited data are available. In addition, a element model—and code verification was not sensible. The
finite-element model has been developed to predict structural data were created from a truth model—not physical
response—but not mechanical failure. The scenario ends in a deci- experiments.
sion whether the entire population should stay in service or needs  Only a single structural mechanics example was provided. The
to be replaced; however, the challenge is simplified into three organizers wanted a compelling engineering problem rather
tasks: predict probability of failure plus an uncertainty estimate, than a generic mathematical exercise, but needed to keep it
assess the credibility of the prediction, and describe the V&V simple and accessible for engineers from any physics disci-
strategy used. This paper reveals the motivations and the impor- pline background. Inevitably, some domain knowledge was
tant features; the problem statement is described in the following helpful in interpreting the results.
papers [13,14].
The challenge problems must trade-off the flexibility to allow a The challenge workshop was not a competition and there is no
variety of V&V approaches and the constraints required to focus “best” strategy. The responses were not scored or ranked. In fact,
the participants’ attention. This problem de-emphasizes individual the open-ended problem formulation meant that direct comparison
V&V methodologies and focuses on strategies to gather and inte- of responses was impossible. Discrepancies could not be traced to
grate V&V evidence. This was accomplished by defining an open- a single cause because so many different assumptions and method
ended set of objectives—in contrast to the more prescriptive nature choices were made by each team. Also, no limits were placed on
of previous challenge problems [24,28–30,36]. The principle chal- the time invested in the problem, and the participating teams had
lenge was to develop a defensible V&V strategy, which prioritized a wide range of effort levels and priorities. The only step taken to
which analyses to complete and which methods to use. The partici- ensure fairness was to provide all the teams access to the same
pants were free to choose how to use the data and model to achieve information and instructions. The organizers did not collaborate
the ultimate prediction and had the opportunity—but not the with any of the participants or reveal the source of the data prior
obligation—to perform many analyses: UQ, calibration, solution to this special edition. The sources of the data, the truth model,
verification, validation, etc. In addition, participants had to inte- are now available [13]. Again, the organizers stress that scoring
grate the results and communicate their conclusions. This parallels the approaches by comparing to the “truth” is not the intention of
the projects tackled by engineering organizations; the purpose is to this activity—indeed, it is not clearly understood how to objec-
supply credible advice to support technical decisions and there is no tively judge any of the approaches at all. The organizers are not
set of instructions to follow. This focus on V&V strategy is a small interested in the “correct result”; the goal is to learn about differ-
step toward bridging the gap from theory and methods to the proc- ent V&V strategies.
esses needed to support decisions. The question is now: Which V&V
analyses are the appropriate analyses to perform, in order to make the
desired predictions? The next question will be: How do these analyses Conclusions
support and impact the ultimate decision? Sandia has used challenge workshops as benchmarks of the
To successfully investigate these questions about V&V strat- V&V community. The community has evolved from developing
egies, the challenge problem required a great deal of complexity individual UQ and V&V methods, for investigating how to inte-
and context. The scope of the problem enabled participants to con- grate analyses across a hierarchy and now designing the appropri-
struct their own hierarchy based on the available data and models. ate hierarchy. Development and demonstration of individual
This also raised the question of how to aggregate or integrate methods are still absolutely critical, but this workshop emphasized
uncertainty estimates from different analyses—for example, V&V strategy as the current challenge. The quality of the work-
uncertainty from a mesh convergence study, uncertainty and vari- shop responses and the discussions at the ASME V&V Sympo-
ability of material properties, plus the effects of measurement sium indicate that the V&V community is growing, and V&V

010301-2 / Vol. 1, MARCH 2016 Transactions of the ASME

theory and methods are maturing. Again, the workshop saw a [13] Hu, K. T., and Orient, G. E., 2016, “The 2014 Sandia V&V Challenge: Prob-
healthy diversity of V&V strategies, which reflect the different lem Statement,” ASME J. Verif., Validation, Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p.
priorities and backgrounds of the participants. A summary of the [14] Hu, K. T., 2013, “2014 V&V Challenge: Problem Statement,” Sandia
responses and commentary is included in the following paper National Laboratories, Report No. SAND2013-10486P.
[22]. The major lesson is that we need more experience with a [15] Choudhary, A., Voyles, I. T., Roy, C. J., Oberkampf, W. L., and Patil, M.,
larger variety of case studies and we need to learn how to judge 2016, “Probability Bounds Analysis Applied to the Sandia Verification and
Validation Challenge Problem,” ASME J. Verif., Validation, Uncertainty
the efficacies of V&V strategies. Quantif., 1(1), p. 011003.
Looking forward, a major obstacle will be the vast scope of [16] Li, W., Chen, S., Jiang, Z., Apley, D. W., Lu, Z., and Chen, W., 2016,
V&V, which relates to the fields of statistics, probability theory, “Integrating Bayesian Calibration, Bias Correction, and Machine Learning
numerical algorithms, systems engineering, and many intermedi- for the 2014 Sandia Verification and Validation Challenge Problem,” ASME
J. Verif., Validation, Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p. 011004.
ate topics. It is difficult to merge quantitative and rigorous meth- [17] Mullins, J., and Mahadevan, S., 2016, “Bayesian Information Fusion for
ods with the qualitative and subjective aspects of credibility. The Model Calibration, Validation, and Prediction,” ASME J. Verif., Validation,
next challenge may concern the role of V&V with respect to mod- Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p. 011006.
eling and simulation and the decision-making process. [18] Beghini, L. L., and Hough, P. D., 2016, “Sandia V&V Challenge Problem: A
PCMM-Based Approach to Assessing Prediction Credibility,” ASME J.
The workshop organizers hope that the V&V community will Verif., Validation, Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p. 011002.
build upon the work in this special edition and make use of this [19] Xi, Z., and Yang, R. J., 2016, “Reliability Analysis With Model Uncertainty

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challenge problem (and those from prior workshops). These prob- Coupling With Parameter and Experimental Uncertainties: A Case Study of
lems are excellent case studies for teaching or demonstrating 2014 V&V Challenge Problem,” ASME J. Verif., Validation, Uncertainty
Quantif., 1(1), p. 011005.
V&V approaches and concepts and will spark discussions about [20] Hu, K. T., and Paez, T., 2016, “Why Do Verification and Validation?”
the role of V&V in engineering work. ASME J. Verif., Validation, Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p. 011008.
[21] Paez, P. J., Paez, T., and Hasselman, T. K., 2016, “Economic Analysis of
Model Validation for a Challenge Problem,” ASME J. Verif., Validation,
Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p. 011007.
[22] Schroeder, B. B., Hu, K. T., Mullins, J. G., and Winokur, J. G., 2016,
Acknowledgment “Summary of the 2014 Sandia V&V Challenge Workshop,” ASME J. Verif.,
This challenge problem and the resulting workshop were made Validation, Uncertainty Quantif., 1(1), p. 015501.
[23] Helton, J. C., and Oberkampf, W. L., 2004, “Alternative Representations
possible with support from the Sandia National Laboratories and of Epistemic Uncertainty,” Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 85(1–3), pp. 1–10.
ASME. We wish to thank Greg Weirs, Laura Swiler, Walt Wit- [24] Oberkampf, W. L., Helton, J. C., Joslyn, C. A., Wojtkiewicz, S. F.,
kowski, and the Dakota team at the Sandia National Laboratories, and Ferson, S., 2004, “Challenge Problems: Uncertainty in System
and Ryan Crane and the V&V Standards committees at ASME for Response Given Uncertain Parameters,” Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 85(1–3),
pp. 11–19.
helping make the workshop a success. We are especially grateful [25] Ferson, S., Joslyn, C. A., Helton, J. C., Oberkampf, W. L., and Sentz, K.,
to the workshop participants, who made this special edition possi- 2004, “Summary From the Epistemic Uncertainty Workshop: Consensus
ble, including those whose work does not appear in this issue: Amid Diversity,” Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 85(1–3), pp. 355–369.
Michael Shields, Thomas Brodrick, and James Elele. Sandia [26] Pilch, M., 2008, “Preface,” Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.,
197(29–32), pp. 2373–2374.
National Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory managed and [27] Hills, R. G., Pilch, M., Dowding, K. J., Red-Horse, J., Paez, T. L., Babuska,
operated by the Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of I., and Tempone, R., 2008, “Validation Challenge Workshop,” Comput.
the Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 197(29–32), pp. 2375–2380.
of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under [28] Babuska, I., Nobile, F., and Tempone, R., 2008, “Formulation of the Static
Frame Problem,” Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 197(29–32),
Contract No. DE-AC04-94AL85000. pp. 2496–2499.
[29] Dowding, K. J., Pilch, M., and Hills, R. G., 2008, “Formulation of the
Thermal Problem,” Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 197(29–32), pp.
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Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification MARCH 2016, Vol. 1 / 010301-3
[42] Chen, W., Apley, D., Li, W., Jiang, Z., and Chen, S., 2014, “A Bayesian
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[44] Mahadevan, S., and Mullins, J., 2014, “Bayesian Information Fusion
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[45] Beghini, L. L., and Hough, P., 2014, “Surrogate-Based V&V,” ASME Paper Albuquerque, NM 87185-0828
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[46] Paez, P. J., Paez, T., and Hasselman, T. K., 2014, “The Economics of Model Brian Carnes
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[47] Elele, J., and Hall, D., 2014, “Top-Down Risk Based Approach to M&S Mem. ASME
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[48] Brodrick, T., 2014, “Sample Problem From a DOD Perspective,” ASME Sandia National Laboratories,
Paper No. V&V2014-7217. P.O. Box 5800, MS 0828,
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0828

Vicente Romero

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V&V, UQ, and Credibility Processes Department,
Sandia National Laboratories,
P.O. Box 5800, MS 0828,
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0828

010301-4 / Vol. 1, MARCH 2016 Transactions of the ASME

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