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Family Dynamics Through Family systems Theory






Family Dynamics Through Family systems Theory


Family events are common in every family holding significant meaning of bring families

together which is mostly characterized by joy and also challenges at times. Through family

systems theory we endeavor to explore the family dynamics during my brother’s wedding. This

wedding event holds a significant meaning to the family as it brings expectations, emotions and

interactions among family members. We will examine how different members of the family

navigate through the wedding and how it affects their relationships.

Family Portrait

My nuclear family has four members including my parents my brother and I. My father is

the cornerstone of the family holding the authoritative figure and acting as the decision maker.

He is also values traditions significantly and strives to ensuring that we hold this traditions. On

the other hand, my mother acts as a mediator in the family and is very emotional about the

wedding. She is very excited and expects every member to enjoy the whole event. My brother

seems stressed by the planning process and has a lot of pressure to meet the family expectations.

I on the other hand, I feel neglected somehow, I cope by seeking attention through cracking jokes

here and grandfather is proud of his grand-son and expects the wedding to strengthen

the family bonds. My grandmother on the other hand is very sensitive to the family financial

status and hopes that there will be no deficiencies and financial problems.

Family Dynamics Analysis

Family systems theory is founded on the concept that family is a unit where members

interactions influence each other’s behavior. It provides a multidimensional view of family


relationships (Thompson et al., 2019). We will explore each of the family systems concept to

understand the family dynamics as follows.

The first concept is triangulation. My mother role as the family mediator illustrates the

concept of triangulation as she is at the center between my father’s traditions and our (my brother

and I) desires. She is very good at mediation but at times it comes with a lot of pressure and

emotion strain on her.

The concept of differentiation is illustrated by my brother’s stress and my attention

seeking. The events hold a significant meaning to him as it reflects life transition phase as he is

going to be a husband now. The wedding requires him to meet family expectations and his

personal aspirations. My attention seeking on the other hand is my way of making my presence

felt dominated by my brother’s milestone.

The concept of boundaries is very core to the family equilibrium as illustrated by my

father’s concerns for traditions and my grandmothers concern for family financial constraints

which shows the need for clear boundaries within which family matters should fall. To ensure

individual needs are considered as well as the need to prevent conflicts, transparency on the

expectations, responsibilities and financial matters plays a central role.

The concept of subsystem dynamics is obvious in the family where parents make one

subsystem while siblings make another subsystem. The parents are heavily invested in the

wedding planning while the siblings deal with emotional impact of the event. The relationship

between the different subsystems influences significantly the overall family experience during

the event.

The concept of family roles is shown as my father is the decision maker and the provider

of the family as my mother is the nurture, emotional anchor and mediator in family conflicts. My

brother’s role as the bride is crucial while my attention seeking character poses me as the family

jester. By understanding and respecting the role played by every member can foster harmony and

success of the wedding event.

Finally, emotional fusion illustrates emotional relationship between family members. The

shared emotional entanglement between my father and my brother can affec5t the decisions due

to emotional fusion. In order to maintain emotional boundaries, it is important to recognize

emotions of each member.

Managing the Family Event

Family gatherings, like weddings, are crucial occasions that gather together not just

persons but also a complicated web of expectations, relationships, and emotions. A thorough

strategy is needed to comprehend and control these processes, and the Family Systems Theory

provides important insights. We investigate methods for boosting the group's experience at this

big occasion within the framework of my family.

The key to effectively managing the complexities of family relationships is open

communication. family gatherings provide a forum for everyone to voice their hopes, worries,

and wishes. Such discussions need to place a high priority on active listening, enabling each

person to experience hearing and understanding. This may include the family having open

discussions about their obligations in the run-up to the wedding. The family should proactively

prevent misconceptions by addressing possible disputes and appreciating other points of view.

Making sure that everybody’s concerns are satisfied requires setting clear boundaries.

Setting limits that take into account each person's viewpoint is essential in the family since

everyone has different concerns, from dad's upholding of conventional norms to grandmother's

voicing of financial anxieties. Transparent conversations about financial duties and budget

distribution may ease tensions while fostering teamwork. The family may create a supportive

atmosphere where individuality is respected within the family by acknowledging the different

limits of each family member.

The Family Systems Theory places a strong emphasis on the value of validating and

recognizing each person's unique feelings. My attention-seeking conduct and my

brother's anxiousness about the wedding are manifestations of our own emotional states. The

family may promote empathy and support by acknowledging and honoring these feelings.

Empathy prevents emotional fusion and fosters a secure environment where emotions are

addressed rather than suppressed. The family have the ability to have discussions where each

person can express their emotional experience, which strengthens the family ties via


Significant family events necessitate role flexibility to accommodate evolving dynamics.

Encouraging family members to adapt their roles according to their strengths and interests can

alleviate the pressure associated with predefined roles. In the case of my family, the wedding

planning could involve each family member contributing their unique skills, even if those skills

do not align with traditional roles. This fosters a sense of shared responsibility and promotes a

collaborative atmosphere where everyone's contributions are valued.

The dynamics of my family also show how tradition and change interact. Dad's need for

stability and tradition does not always clash with the changing dynamics of the family. Instead,

the wedding festivities will be a chance to respect history while welcoming fresh beginnings.

The family will create a harmonic equilibrium that appeals to all generations by combining

traditional traditions with cutting-edge methods. This supports the idea that tradition isn't

destroyed by change; on the contrary, it is enhanced and developed.


The circumstances surrounding my brother's wedding serve as a microcosm of the

complex relationships that emerge inside families during momentous occasions. The

interconnectivity of family members is shown by family systems theory, which also illuminates

their feelings, functions, and relationships. Families may traverse such occasions with better

harmony by comprehending and putting this theory's concepts into practice, strengthening their

bonds and creating enduring memories.



Thompson, H. M., Wojciak, A. S., & Cooley, M. E. (2019). Family-based approach to the child

welfare system: an integration of Bowen family theory concepts. Journal of Family

Social Work, 22(3), 231-252.

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