Accounting Systems

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Accounting Systems






Accounting Systems

4.26 Match the following processes and their sequence with the appropriate baseline accounting

system module. (Q4.2)

Process Baseline Accounting System Module

Create invoices Sales cycle

Enter bills Purchasing cycle

Create purchase order Purchasing cycle

Enter time Payroll cycle

Pay employees Payroll cycle

Calculate payroll Payroll cycle

Pay bills Purchasing cycle

Make deposits Banking

Receive customer payments Sales cycle

Pay payroll liabilities Payroll cycle

4.29 Select an authentic enterprise of your choice, and describe how the enterprise processes

sales transactions with customers. (Q4.6) List the following:

1. Swimlanes (major participant)




2. Activities

Customer places order

Salesperson verifies order and customer information

Salesperson processes payments

Accounting creates invoice

Accounting delivers invoice to customer

Customer pays invoice

3. Gateways

Order approved?

4. Data Stores

Order database

Invoice database

Customer database

Payment database

5. Data Objects






I. Customer places order

II. Salesperson verifies order and customer information

III. Salesperson processes payments

IV. Accounting creates invoice

V. Accounting delivers invoice to customer

VI. Customer pays invoice


Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software or Visio Software

Software Videos: MS Excel BPMN Diagram Drawing or MS Visio BPMN Diagram Drawing

iBacci Chocolate needs your assistance in documenting its business processes for the payroll

cycle for entering time worked. The following is a narrative for recording employee time. When

an hourly employee arrives at work, he or she logs on to his or her computer station with a

unique user ID and password. The log-on activity is recorded by the system as the starting time

and saved in a Teem database table when the employee leaves for the day, he or she logs off,

activating the system to record the end of the time worked. Every Friday, the payroll clerk uses a

database query with the Time table to calculate the length of time worked for the week by each

hourly employee, total hours worked is stored in the Time table, complete the following.

1. Annotate the narrative.

2. Create a business process map organizer

3. Build a flowchart

4. Build a BPMN 2.0 diagram

Annotations of the Narrative

The following are the annotations for the narrative;

Activity 1: The employee logs on to his or her computer station with a unique user ID and


Input 1: The employee's unique user ID and password.

Output 1: The employee's start time is recorded in the Time database table.

Decision point 1: If the employee is not authorized to log on, the process ends.

Activity 2: The employee leaves for the day and logs off.

Input 2: The employee's unique user ID and password.

Output 2: The employee's end time is recorded in the Time database table.

Activity 3: The payroll clerk uses a database query to calculate the length of time worked for the

week by each hourly employee.


Input 3: The Time database table.

Output 3: The total hours worked for each hourly employee.

Business Process Map Organizer

The following is the business process map organizer for the iBacci Chocolate payroll cycle for

entering time worked;

Swimlane Activity Input Output Decision point

Employee Logs on Unique user ID Start time is If not authorized

and password recorded in time end process

database table

Employee Logs off Unique user ID End time is

and password recorded in

database table

Payroll clerk Calculates Time database Total hours

length of time table worked for each

worked hourly employee



Total hours
worked for
start time is End time is each hourly
Start recorded recorded employee

Employee Employee Payroll clerk End

Logs on logs off calculates
length of
time worked

BPMN 2.0 diagram

Yes End

Start Employee logs on Decision Payroll clerk calculates the

length of time worked End

No Employe
e logs off

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