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The Story of helping.



One deep morning, Randolph was taking a swim and happily greets
everyone he passed through. “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Seahorse, good day”,
Randolph greets. “Hello Randolph, good to see you”, they replied.
They wave their fins as they greet each other. “How are you Ms.
Star?, he stopped by the starfish’s area. “Im fine Ran”, she responds.
Then a group of tuna dive together and wave to others. “Woah! They
look amazing!” Randolph said in amusement. “Hey!Hey! Look Randolph.” Said the shark while
showing his sharp teeth. “Woah! slow down Mr. Shark you shock me”, Randolph said while
nervously smiling. “Well it looks terrifying and dirty as well”, he continues. Randolph continues
to swim and greets everyone until he passed through the grumpy
old whale. “H.h.hi Will, good day”, Randolph greets with a smile.
“Get lost you noisy little dolphin”, Will replied. Those words make
Randolph’s day sad and nobody could relieve it. He swims and
ponder how to soften Will’s heart. While on his way, he met Mr.
Seahorse. “What on ocean makes you that sad, Ran?”, he said. “Nothing Mr. Seahorse”, he
sadly replied. “Oh! I know, probably it’s the grumpy old whale again, right?”, he continues.
Randolph sigh and said, “he hates me because im noisy”. “W.w.wait he said that? He’s right..”,
said Mr. Seahorse while comforting Randolph. But randolph look at him in despair and said,
“really, oh! Im so sorry for…” “No.no.no what I mean is he’s right you’re noisy but in a way that
everyone likes, you see, my wife loves your voice and Ms. Star feels alive when you are around,
isn’t that amazing, you make everyone happy”, Mr. Seahorse explained. But the dolphin is still
sad, he has the eagerness to become Will’s friend. “I believe you got me Ran, I need to go my
wife’s waiting”, Mr. Seahorse calmly said. “Bye”, Randolph said.
He never looked back and continues to swim. Under deep
thoughts he never noticed where he was. It was dim and grassy
place, scary place deep in the ocean. He only knew that he was
there when his tail got stuck on a grass. He tried to pull it but it
does’nt work. “Help! Come on!”, Randolph began to panic. “Mr. Seahorse”, he shouted. Even
he pull it hard it wont work. He tried to whirl and swim up and down but that moves injured his
tail. He cried in pain and stop for a while. In his mind is himself together with other sea
creatures and Will rejoicing and having fun. He couldn’t think of way how to be Will’s friend. He
is grumpy and selfish and yet Randolph wants to be his friend. As Randolph was in his self again
he saw a whale roaming nearby. He constantly visualize who is it. “Will, Will”, he shouted. The
moment the whale look at him he knew it was Will. “Help, Im stuck, Will”, he yelled loudly. But
Will ignored him as if he could not hear him yelling. “Wait Will Im stuck help me!”, he added.
Then Will disappear in Randolph’s eyesight, making him more terrified. He cant move any
longer because his tail is in pain. The only thing he could do is to imagine that he is not in that
situation. Somehow, two hungry bad sharks came. “Well, well, well look what we have here my
friend”, one said while showing its large and sharp teeth. “Food, hmmm best for lunch”,
another replies. “Wait, I’ll go with the head”, “No! that’s my part, isnt it?”. And the two start to
argue. Randolph was afraid but then he stopped the two. “Wait a moment, you two are fighting
over my head, you know, my head does not taste good”, he said. “Are you fooling us, weve
taste lots of dolphins like you, so better be ready”, one shark said. Before the sharks turn
Randolp into pieces, a group of tuna, seahorse, starfish,
and other sea creatures came. They swim around the
sharks and Randolph. “Stay away you brats”, said Mr.
Tuna. “Yeah”, all shouted. The two sharks feel terrified
and turn away. Starfishes cut the grass and good sharks
help randolph get home. Ms.Starfish healed his wound
and he tells everything that happens, after that they let him take a rest. Everyone is ready to
take a rest also, because they get tired looking for Randolph. A loud bang terrifies everyone,
they gather around and ask what happened. Nobody know that Will is inside the fisherman’s
net. “Greedy people, let me go”, he angrily said. But the fishermen cannot understand what he
is saying, all that they could see is his waggling tail. Will is afraid of other sea creatures seeing
him weak and helpless. “I am strong, I am brave, and if I got out from this stupid net, you’ll
regret this”, he yelled. His yelling makes other sea
creatures understand what’s going on. “It’s Will he can
handle it”, tuna said. “Let’s see, that is big boat and it
means strong net and using a strong net it can catch big
fish”, shark added. “Help him, let’s help Will”, hurriedly
said Randolph. Everyone stares at him as if he is
committing the worst crime. “What? Ran are you crazy? He let you die earlier and now you
want to save him”, octopus said. “Yes”, everyone agreed. “He needs us, he’ll die if we don’t…”
“Let him die”, others said. “You saved me from those hungry sharks because you are kind and
helpful, don’t let your anger take it away”, Randolph said. That moment everyone realizes what
they are saying. “Yes, Will might be a grumpy old whale and he hates everyone but didn’t you
see, he is among us”, he added. After that everyone make their move to save Will. Sharks
hurriedly attack the boat while the octopus spray ink in fisherman’s faces. Starfishes cut the
rope and tuna let Will out of the net. The terrified and wounded Will did not know what to feel
that moment. The Fishermen sail away and never turn back. “T.t.thank you so much everyone, I
maybe dead if it wasn’t all of you, you saved me”, Will said while crying. “Don’t thank us, it was
Ran who saved you”, Mr. Seahorse explains. Randolph enters the conversation carried by the
tuna. “You’re among us, you’re
a friend. Friends that swims
together, live together, right?”,
Randolph said. “Thank you so
much Ran, I promise to be
better and no more grumpy old
whale”, swearing Will said. After
that, every sea creature live in
prosperity and love.

The End
Moral Lessons

Helping others especially in times of need even they seem unlikely.

Be good all the time because It always comes back at you.

Helping others without expecting in return.


A story of a friendly dolphin who met the unfriendly whale.

The story began when, Randolph (dolphin) roam around the ocean. He met different sea
creatures, there were the seahorse, starfish, tuna, sharks and more. He was greeting everyone
who he passed by until he went to Will (whale). Will just smirk and ignore him. It makes
Randolph sad, yet he thinks of other way to make Will his friend. Randolph is clever and very
creative, it's his character that makes every creature likes. He swam over and over again. While
thinking, Randolph came to a place where no one goes. It was dim and dark. He was afraid but
couldn't go back because his tail got stock on a long grass. He called everyone yet no one
responds. After a while, he saw will diving near him. He shouted for help and trying to get off
from the grass. Will saw him but he never helped. Instead of helping Randolph, he went away
and dived deep. Randolph was hopeless and the only way that makes him feel good is to think
of his friends and that will can be his good friend. Then bad sharks came, they discussed about
dividing Randolph. Randolph feels scared. A little while, a large group of sea creatures came,
they gather around Randolph and the sharks. These hungry and bad sharks finally got their tails
out of Randolph's sight. The night after that while everyone were taking a rest, some fishermen
caught will. They have guns and dynamite. The silent night became a nightmare to will. His ego
brought him to a fisherman's net. He doesn't want other sea creatures see him as captive and
weak. But in the end, big sharks attack, dolphins swam around the boat, octopus attack with
their inks. The fishermen can't take it anymore and let go of Will. After that, Will apologize to
everyone for his attitude and became their friend.

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