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Globalization and the

Hospitality and
Tourism Industry
Agapito, Erice Vielle
Martin, Mary Rose
Agapito, Ernes Vienne
Melendez, Charles Ivan
Buenaflor, Ash Airies
Santiago, Eunice Mae

May 16, 2023

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What is Globalization?
Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness
and interdependence of economies, societies, and
cultures worldwide. It has had a profound impact on the
hospitality and tourism industry, which relies on cross-
border movement of people, ideas, and resources.

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Hi everyone, today we're going to talk about the impact of globalization on the hospitality
and tourism industry. First, let's start with a definition. Globalization is a process of
increasing interconnectedness and interdependence between people, businesses, and
countries across the world. It has affected many aspects of our lives, including the
hospitality and tourism industry.

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How globalization affects hospitality?
Positive impacts: more customers, diverse workforce,
increased investment

Negative impacts: competition, cultural homogenization,

wage and labor issues

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on the hospitality industry. On
the positive side, globalization has led to an increase in the number of customers as
people travel more widely and frequently. It has also created a more diverse workforce,
with people from different cultures working together and learning from each other.
Additionally, globalization has led to increased investment in the hospitality industry.
However, globalization has also brought about increased competition, cultural
homogenization, and wage and labor issues, such as the exploitation of workers.

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How globalization affects tourism?
Positive impacts: increased travel, more cultural exchange,

Negative impacts: environmental degradation, overreliance

on tourism, cultural exploitation

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Globalization has also had both positive and negative impacts on the tourism industry. On
the positive side, globalization has led to an increase in travel and cultural exchange, as
people from different countries and cultures are able to visit and learn from each other. It
has also led to increased investment in the tourism industry. However, globalization has
also brought about environmental degradation, overreliance on tourism, and cultural
exploitation, such as the commodification of cultural experiences.

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Cultural Impacts of Globalization
Positive impacts: exchange of ideas and cultures, enrichment
of experience

Negative impacts: loss of authenticity, commodification of


Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Globalization has had a significant impact on cultural diversity in the hospitality and
tourism industry. On the positive side, globalization has led to the exchange of ideas and
cultures, enriching the travel experience for visitors and locals alike. However,
globalization has also led to the loss of authenticity, as cultures become commodified for
tourists. This can also lead to cultural homogenization, as cultures become more similar
and lose their unique characteristics. Strategies for preserving cultural diversity in the
hospitality and tourism industry include promoting cultural awareness and respect, and
supporting local businesses and communities.

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Economic Impacts of Globalization
Positive impacts: growth of industry, increased revenue, job

Negative impacts: inequality, loss of local businesses, price


Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Globalization has had a significant impact on the economic aspects of the hospitality and
tourism industry. On the positive side, globalization has led to the growth of the industry,
increased revenue, and job opportunities. However, globalization has also brought about
inequality, as multinational corporations may benefit more than local businesses and
workers. It has also led to the loss of local businesses, as multinational corporations may
dominate the market and engage in price wars.

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Environmental Impacts of Globalization
Positive impacts: increased awareness, eco-tourism

Negative impacts: pollution, deforestation, carbon footprint

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on the environment in the
hospitality and tourism industry. On the positive side, globalization has led to increased
awareness of environmental issues and the promotion of eco-tourism. However,
globalization has also brought about negative environmental impacts, such as pollution,
deforestation, and the carbon footprint of travel. Strategies for reducing the negative
environmental impacts of globalization in the hospitality and tourism industry include
promoting sustainable practices, reducing waste and energy consumption, and supporting
local environmental initiatives.

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Main Points
Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on the
hospitality and tourism industry, including increased
revenue and competition, but also environmental
degradation and labor issues.

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on the hospitality and tourism
industry. On the positive side, globalization has led to increased revenue and diversity in
the industry, as well as cultural exchange and the sharing of ideas. However, there are also
negative impacts such as increased competition and cultural homogenization,
environmental degradation, and labor issues.

The industry will continue to be affected by globalization and needs to find a balance
between economic growth and social responsibility.

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Implications for the Future
The industry needs to adapt to changing consumer
preferences and technological advancements, and
prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

As globalization continues to increase, it will continue to have a significant impact on the

hospitality and tourism industry. The industry will need to find ways to balance economic
growth with social responsibility, and adapt to changing consumer preferences and
technological advancements.

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Recommendations for sustainable globalization

Preserve cultural diversity and support local businesses

and communities.
Encourage sustainable practices and support local
environmental initiatives.
Promote responsible and ethical labor practices.

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

To achieve sustainable globalization in the hospitality and tourism industry, we

recommend the following:

- Preserve cultural diversity and support local businesses and communities.

- Encourage sustainable practices and support local environmental initiatives.

- Promote responsible and ethical labor practices.

By implementing these recommendations, the hospitality and tourism industry can

achieve sustainable globalization and continue to thrive in a globally interconnected

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Globalization has had a profound impact on the hospitality
and tourism industry, with both positive and negative
outcomes. As the industry continues to adapt to the
challenges and opportunities presented by globalization, it
will be important to prioritize sustainability and social
responsibility to ensure its long-term success.

Globalization and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

In conclusion, globalization has had a profound impact on the hospitality and tourism
industry, with both positive and negative outcomes. As the industry continues to adapt to
the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization, it will be important to
prioritize sustainability and social responsibility to ensure its long-term success. Thank
you for listening to our presentation.

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Thank you for
Agapito, Erice Vielle
Martin, Mary Rose
Agapito, Ernes Vienne
Melendez, Charles Ivan
Buenaflor, Ash Airies
Santiago, Eunice Mae

May 16, 2023

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