Verb To Be - Simple Past

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23/08 à 27/08/2021
Professora: Liliana Pianezzola Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Turma: 9º ano

/ cloudy / rainy). Today is Thursday.

O verbo TO BE no Simple Past (ou Past Simple) equivale tanto ao pretérito perfeito quanto
ao pretérito imperfeito de ser/estar na Língua Portuguesa. O verbo TO BE é definitivamente um dos
principais verbos da Língua Inglesa, pois corresponde ao verbo ser/estar em português.É importante
destacar que o verbo TO BE possui forma irregular, tanto no presente como no passado, isto é, não
seguem as mesmas regras de conjugação dos outros verbos. No presente, temos as formas: am, is, are;
no passado: was/were, ou seja, apenas duas formas. No Simple Past, o verbo TO BE não possui forma
contraída, ou abreviada nas formas afirmativa e interrogativa. Somente na forma negativa teremos a forma
abreviada ou contraída.
Na forma afirmativa do Simple Past, o verbo TO BE tem duas formas WAS ou WERE,
conforme quadro abaixo.
I was (Eu era Eu estava) We were very tired last night.
(Estávamos muito cansados ontem à noite.)
You were (Você era Você estava)
It was too cold yesterday. (Estava
He was (Ele era Ele estava) muito frio ontem.)

She was (Ela era Ela estava)

It was (Ele/ela/isso era Ele/ela/isso estava)

We were (Nós éramos Nós estávamos)

You were (Vocês eram Vocês estavam)
Na forma negativa do Simple Past,
They were (Eles/elas eram Eles/elas estavam)
colocamos o NOTdepois do verbo TO BE.

Full form Contracted form
I was not (Eu não era Eu não estava) I wasn't
You were not (Você não era - Você não estava) You weren't
He was not (Ele não era Ele não estava) He wasn't
She was not (Ela não era - Ela não estava) She wasn't
It was not (Ele/ela/isso não era - Ele/ela/isso não estava) It wasn't
We were not (Nós não éramos Nós não estávamos) We weren't
You were not (Vocês não eram Vocês não estavam) You weren't
They were not (Eles/elas não eram - Eles/elas não estavam) They weren't

Examples: They were not good students. (Eles não eram bons alunos.) Mary wasn't the
main actress. (Mary não era a atriz principal.)
Para fazer uma pergunta com o verbo TO BE no Simple Past, precisamos inverter a ordem da
frase afirmativa, ou seja, o verbo vem antes do sujeito.


Was I ....... ? (Eu era .......? Eu estava...?) Were you
Were you ....... ? (Você era .......? Você estava...?) occupied when I called to
Was he ....... ? (Ele era .......? Ele estava....?) you? (Você estava ocupado
Was she ....... ? (Ela era .......? Ela estava...?) quando eu liguei para você?)
Was it ....... ? (Ele/ela/isso era .......? Ele/ela/isso estava...?) Was he a
Were we ....... ? (Nós éramos .......? Nós estávamos...?) scientist? (Ele é um
Were you ....... ? (Vocês eram .......? Vocês estavam...?) cientista?)

Were they ....... ? (Eles/elas eram .......? Eles/elas estavam....?)

1. Complete with the correct form of the Verb To Be, in the Simple Past, to complete the sentences:

a) They in Natural History Museum yesterday.

b) Nick taken to the hospital early last morning.
c) My parents very tired after their trip to Newcastle.
d) Helen on a ferry boat going to Sweden yesterday.
e) The article in the local newspaper very interesting.
f) Those houses built two hundred years ago.
g) Last winter the coldest winner in our region.
h) I on a long trip to the USA two years ago.

2. Choose the correct negative form of the verb TO BE to complete the sentences:

a) My father at the bus stop.

b) Karen in the kitchen last night.

c) The garden colorful.

d) After the football match you here for celebration.

e) I with my sister at the market when I saw Peter.

f) Vicky and Tom lucky yesterday.

g) The pupils bored last afternoon.

h) My little dog very dirty last night.

i) Carol and I at the cinema last weekend.

j) Josh surprised when you arrived.

3. Put the words in order to form sentences:
a) was / yesterday / not / happy / Henry / . ______________________________________________
b) were / last / you / night / where / ? ______________________________________________
c) the / what / film / like / was / ? ______________________________________________
d) were/ concert / your / the / friends / at / . ______________________________________________
e) sucessful / the / was / at / Mary / race / . ______________________________________________

4. Rewrite these sentences in the Interrogative Form:

a) We were at the party yesterday. ______________________________________________
b) You were at the hospital last week. ______________________________________________
c) He was angry with you two days ago. ______________________________________________
d) They were happy with the results. ______________________________________________
f) You and Alex were my neighbor. ______________________________________________

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