Sage Green Minimalist Illustration Daily Self Reflection Planner

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Reflection in PerDev

COLINDRES, Kate Dominique A.

As I approach the final quarter of this school year, I take a moment to

reflect on my personal development journey and the activities my teacher
implemented to help us grow and gain self-awareness. Throughout the
year, I have engaged in various tasks and assessments, and while I excelled
in most activities, I faced challenges with my written exams and quizzes
compared to the previous semester. Self-awareness has been a key focus
of our personal development journey, and I am grateful for the
opportunities that allowed me to understand my strengths and areas for
improvement. Through hands-on projects and collaborative tasks, I have
discovered that I excel in teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
These skills have proven invaluable and will undoubtedly benefit me in the
future. However, I must admit that my performance on written exams
and quizzes this semester did not meet my expectations. It is
disheartening to see a decline in my results compared to the previous
semester. Nonetheless, I see this as a valuable learning opportunity.
Moving forward, I plan to allocate more time and effort to improve my
performance in written assessments. I will seek additional guidance from
my peers and make use of available resources to develop a more effective
approach to studying and preparing for exams. By adopting a systematic
study plan, I hope to enhance my understanding of the subjects and
improve my performance in written evaluations. Despite my struggles
with written assessments, I am proud of the progress I have made in
other areas throughout the year. The diverse activities assigned by my
teacher have allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, explore new
interests, and discover hidden talents. Engaging in these tasks has
broadened my horizons, fostered adaptability, and developed resilience
within me. By leveraging the strengths I have gained from other activities,
I will focus on honing my abilities in written assessments, continuing my
personal development beyond this school year. I recognize that personal
development is an ongoing journey filled with both successes and

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