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Task 1 – Make sentences with the words below using the apostrophe ‘s’ to express possession:

a. Father / credit card:

b. Teacher / computer:

c. Friend / dress:

d. Dog / bed:

e. Cell phone / case.

Task 2 – Unscramble the words to form complete sentences:

a. Don't - my – I – mother – like - ‘s - boyfriend.

b. From – house – when – move – did – parents - ’ - you – away - your?

c. Dog – what – name - ‘s - your – is?

d. My – love – bedroom – I – wallpaper – new - ‘s.

e. Eyes – have – mother - I – my – father - ‘s - sister – my - ‘s - and - has - my.


Task 1 – Complete the sentences with ‘on’, ‘in’ or ‘at’:

a. I keep all my socks ______ this drawer.

b. I have all the documents __________ this e-mail.

c. I’m pretty sure she works _________ Easy Factory.

d. She lives ________ a two-story house.

e. There are 5 pillows ___________ the couch.

f. I’ll be there __________ 3 p.m.

g. I think they live ______ 367 Jackson Street, downtown.

h. You should study _________ your bedroom.

Task 2 – Write a paragraph about your best friend and give the following information:

 Name
 Place of origin
 Age
 Complete Address
 Year and how you met
 Place of living (house, apartment, etc...)
 Place of work/study
 Where you usually meet
 Where you like to go together
 What you like to do together









Task 1 – Interview someone from your family about the following topics, use there was/were to

 What their childhood home was like:

 Who lived with them:
 Places around their house:







Task 2 – Think about a fun school trip and mention the places and activities there was/were:









Task 1 – Answer the questions in complete statements:

a. Have you ever traveled abroad?

b. Have you ever eaten crab?

c. Have you ever been to a theme park?

d. Have you ever seen a horror movie?

e. Have you ever had a pet?

Task 2 – Write questions for the answers below:

a. __________________________________________________________________________?
- No, I have never been there.

b. __________________________________________________________________________?
- Yes, I have seen it many times
c. __________________________________________________________________________?
- No, I haven’t eaten yet.

d. __________________________________________________________________________?
- Yes, I’ve already done it.

e. __________________________________________________________________________?
- Yes, I have.

Task 3 – Complete the sentences with in the simple past or present perfect:

a. I ________________________ (see) this episode a million times.

b. She ___________________ (go) to the party last weekend.

c. ________ she ________________ (be) to that park lately?

d. We __________________________ (not sleep) much last night.

e. ___________ he _______________ (read) this book yesterday?

f. They __________________________ (not study) English.

g. _______ you ever ________________ (play) basketball?

h. She ___________________________ (eat) pizza on Friday.


Task 1 – Unscramble the words below to form sentences:

a. Have – there - I – never – been.

b. Sushi – you – eaten – have – ever?

c. Hasn't – yet – seen – she – it.

d. Basketball – school – has – in – she – high – played?

e. New – have – bought – a – car – they.

f. Traveled – you – by – have – ever – plane?

Task 2 – Write past experience sentences with the words below:

a. you – study - English?

b. She – not – be – abroad.

c. They – see – movie?

d. He – play – American Football?

e. You – take – pictures.


Task 1 - Write about one interesting experience you have had related to the following topics:

a. Food

b. Drink

c. Movie

d. Book

e. Trip

Task 2 – Write questions for the answers on Task 1:





Task 3 - Write past sentences using the words below:

a. You - watch – last Sunday?

b. She – eat – French Fries – Yesterday.

c. He – clean – house – Thursday?

d. I – not - travel – last month.

e. You – take – pictures – last vacation?


Task 1 – Write down your plans related to the following topics:

a. Trip:

b. Christmas Holiday:

c. Studies:

d. Shopping:

e. Weekend plans:

Task 2 – Write down future predictions related to the following topics:

a. Health

b. Technology
c. Energy

d. Entertainment

e. Social Medias


Task 1 – Write future plan questions using the words below:

a. What - you – do – next weekend?

b. She – study - next year?

c. Where - they – go – on Saturday?

d. He – buy – car?

e. It – rain – tomorrow?

Task 2 – Write future prediction questions using the words below:

a. Scientists – discover – cure for cancer?

b. When – corruption – end?

c. She – get married?

d. They – find – energy?

e. We – drive – flying cars?


Task 1 – Complete the examples below:

a. If I study hard, ______________________________________________________________.

b. If it rains on the weekend, ____________________________________________________.

c. If my Internet stops working, __________________________________________________.

d. If I have enough money, ______________________________________________________.

e. If I eat too much, ____________________________________________________________.

Task 2 – Complete the blank spaces with future with ‘will’ or ‘be + going to’ and the verbs in

a. A: Would you like something to drink?

B: I ___________________________ (have) a soda.

b. I think it _____________________________ (rain) tomorrow.

c. I__________________________________ (travel) next weekend.

d. Scientists believe they ____________________________ (find) the cure for cancer.

e. I _________________________________ (study) for my test this weekend.

f. If you don’t sleep enough, you _______________________ (feel) tired tomorrow.

g. A: Let’s go to the movies next Saturday?

B: Sure! I ________________________ (be) there.


Task 1 – Talk about your past habits concerning the following topics:

a. A cartoon:

b. A game:

c. A free time activity:

d. A house chore:

Task 2 – Rewrite the sentences from task 1 changing them to the negative form:




Task 3 – Rewrite the sentences from task 1 again, changing them to the interogative form:






Task 1 – Answer the questions below in complete statements:

a. Did you use to play video games when you were a kid?

b. Did you use to play on the streets when you were a kid?

c. Did you use to go to play sports when you were younger?

d. Did you use to believe in Santa Claus as a kid?

e. Did you use to have sleep over at your friends’ house?

Task 2 – Use the words below to form questions about past habits:

a. She – play – soccer.

b. You – watch – cartoons.

c. He – wear – glasses.

d. They – go – beach – summer.

e. Mother – take – school.


Task 1 – Write about 5 future inventions you hope will be created and how likely you think they may
be invented using ‘will’, ‘may’ or ‘might’:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Task 2 – Write your affirmations on task 1 in the negative form:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________


Task 1 – Look at the topics below and write in complete statements how likely do you think they
‘will’, ‘may’ or ‘might’ happen, you can use them in the negative form as well:

a. Scientists discover the cure for AIDS:

b. Robots with human feelings:

c. End of corruption in Brazil:

d. Holographic phone calls:

e. Teleportation:

Task 2 – Write about the probability of the following topics happening in your life using ‘will’, ‘may’
or ‘might’, you may use them in the negative form:

a. Get married (again):

b. Have (more) kids:

c. Graduate in college (again):

d. Become an actor/actress:

e. Study/work abroad:


Task 1 – Complete the sentences with ‘for’ or ‘since’:

a. I’ve been studying English _______________ 2020.

b. She’s been going to the gym ___________ 10 years.

c. They have been living here ____________ they were born.

d. He has been working there ___________ he moved to town.

e. We have been walking to school ___________ several weeks.

f. They’ve been taking dance classes ___________ three months.

g. He’s been watching this movie _____________ this morning.

Task 2 – Complete the senteces with ‘have’ or ‘has’:

a. She _____________ been reading that book for hours.

b. How long ___________ you been working here?

c. What ____________ he been doing lately?

d. They ___________ been living here since last year.

e. We ____________ been playing soccer together for 5 years.

f. How long __________ it been shutting down?

g. I __________ been driving for hour, I’m exausted.


Task 1 – Answer the questions below in complete statements:

a. How long have you been studying English?

b. How long have you been living in your current city?

c. What have you been doing in your free time?

d. How long has your friend been living in his/her current city?

e. How long have you been studying/working?

Task 2 – Write questions for the answers below:

a. __________________________________________________________________________?
- I have been reading this book for hours.

b. __________________________________________________________________________?
- She has been working there since last month.

c. __________________________________________________________________________?
- He’s been sleeping for 10 hours.

d. __________________________________________________________________________?
- Well, I’ve been taking my dogs for walk, reading books, watching TV shows...
e. __________________________________________________________________________?
- They’ve been living here since 2003.


Task 1 – Use the words below to form sentences in the present perfect progressive:

a. She – live – 2 years.

b. How long – you – work?

c. He – hasn't – study – lately.

d. We – haven't – drive – anymore.

e. I – run – two o’clock.

Task 2 – Unsramble the words below to form complete statements:

a. Much – been - he – lately- studying – hasn't.

b. Since - have – night – they – last – the - working – project – been – on.

c. Working – long – she – been – here – has – how?

d. Had – days - because – we – three - going – we – for - the – haven't – to – flu – been –

e. ‘s - last – been – he – playing – since – volleyball – year.


Task 1 – Complete the sentences with the corresponding reflexive pronoun:

a. I think she will hurt ___________________________ with those scissors.

b. She told me he cooked the meal______________________________.

c. They don’t go to school by ___________________________.

d. We clean the house __________________________.

e. You have to do the homework ____________________________.

f. It stops working by _____________________________.

g. You guys have to explain ______________________________.

Task 2 – Use the words below to make complete statements using reflexive pronouns:

a. She – cook – dinner.

b. They - develop – app.

c. I – clean – bedroom.

d. We – dress – school.

e. You – walk – work.

f. It – stop – work.

g. He – wash – car.


Task 1 – Match the objects with the descriptions below:

( ) Pencil

( ) Coffee Mug

( ) Watch

( ) Laptop

( ) Boots

a. It's beautilful, small, round, silver, made of metal object.

b. They are gorgeous, knee high, black, made of leather.

c. It’s useful, cylindrical, yellow, made of wood and grafitti.

d. It’s fast and expensive, thin, rectangular, made of metal and plastic. I think it will be great for

e. It’s cool, big, cylindrical, made of porcelain and great to use for my breakfast.

Task 2 – Describe, in as many detail as possible, the following objects that you own:

a. Cell phone:

b. Backpack:

c. Favorite T-shirt:

d. Favorite shoes:

e. Television:


Task 1 – Describe three objects and challenge your classmates on the next class to guess:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________


Task 1 – Write a dialogue for each situation below:

Situation 1

Person needs a ride to school and call a friend to ask.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


Situation 2

Person lost her bill and calls the company to ask for a duplicate.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________



Task 1 – Write a dialogue for each situation below:

Situation 1

Kid wants to have a sleepover at a friend’s house, they ask parents for permission. Parents deny and
explain the reason.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


Situation 2

Student needs to ask permission to use their classmate’s cell phone to make a phone call.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


Task 1 – Look up on the Internet for 5 other idioms and write their meanings:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________________________________


Task 2 – Complete the dialogues using an idiom:

a. A: You finally came to visit me! It’s been years.


b. A: I’m going to really cool party next Saturday.

B: _________________________________________________________________________

c. A: How are your dance classes?


d. A: I’m having the worst day. My girlfriend just broke up with me. I’m so sad.

B: ________________________________________________________________________

e. A: I’m worried about this subject. I can’t understand it.

B: Don’t worry. ________________________________________________. I will help you.


Task 1 – Think about your 5 favorite places you have been to, and describe them below:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________________________________



Task 1 – Answer the questions below in complete statements:

a. Which chore nobody wants to do in your house?

b. Which chore everybody has to do in your house?

c. Does anybody cook for you?

d. Are there any chores you do for somebody else?

e. What are the chores you must do?

Task 2 – Complete the sentences with ‘somebody’, ‘anybody’, ‘everybody’ or ‘nobody’:

a. Is ______________________ home right now?

b. I can’t believe ________________________ speaks English here. I don’t know how I’m going
to communicate.

c. I need to talk to _______________________ about this problem.

d. It’s going to be the best party of the year, ________________________________ from my

school are going. I have to go, too.

e. I’m not taking __________________________ with me. I prefer to go alone.

f. I think there is _________________________ here. It’s all dark and silent.

g. I know ___________________________ here. I have been working here for 15 years.

h. I think I saw __________________________ going into the restroom. And I think I heard a


Task 1 – Write about three times you got hurt, mention where and how it happened:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

Task 2 – Look at the problems below and give advice:

a. I sprained my wrist playing volleyball this morning.

b. I cut my foot when a knife fell off my hand. It’s bleeding a lot.

c. I fell yesterday playing soccer and now my knee hurt pretty bad.

d. I was wearing very uncomfortable high heels today and now I have blisters all over my feet.

e. I had an ankle injury last night while playing handball.

Task 1 – Complete the blank spaces with the expressions from the box:

Heart disease Crack a rib Cavity on a tooth

Sorethroat stomachache Sore muscles

a. I ate too much last night, I couldn’t sleep because I had a really bad____________________.

b. I went to the dentist and fixed a ____________________________. It’s very painful.

c. My grandma went to the doctor last week and he diagnosed her with a
________________________. She must be very careful now, eat healthy and do some light

d. We were playing volleyball on the beach yesterday, today I woke up with

_______________________, I couldn’t move my arms.

e. He gave me such a hard hug one day he will ________________________, he should be

more careful giving hugs.

f. I drank very cold water under the hot sun, now I have a ______________________. I can’t
swallow anything.

Task 2 – Write a diologue for each situation below:

Situation 1

Person is feeling headaches and talks to a friend. Friend gives advice.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


Situation 2

Person is at the doctor’s office explaining his/her symptoms. Doctor explains what the problem is
and gives a treatment.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________



Task 1 – Look at the topics below and write in details what people should and shouldn’t do, in your

a. Sleep:

b. Exercise:

c. Sports:

d. Sugar:

e. Fast food:

f. Diets:

g. Fruits and vegetables:

h. Carbohydrates:

i. Meat:

j. Other:

Task 2 – Unscramble the words below to form complete statements:

a. Day – hours – body – healthy – sleeping – a - your – is – eight – for.

b. You – is – water – good – drinking – for – much.

c. Fast – important – cholesterol – if – avoiding – food – is – you – high – have.

d. Avoids – exercises - diseases - practicing - heart.

e. Will – blood - lower – reducing – high – salt – pressure – risk – of – the.


Task 1 – Answer the questions in complete sentences:

a. Have you ever felt stressed? If so, why?

b. Have you ever seen a psychologist/psychiatris? If so, for how long? Was it helpful?

c. What do you recommend to keep a healthy mind?

d. What should people avoid to have a healthy mind?


Task 1 – Fill in the blank spaces with the conjunctions from the table, do not use them more than

However Because Otherwise Meanwhile

Or So Whether Instead of
a. I didn’t go to the party. _____________________ I was feeling sick.

b. I was nervous, __________________ I took a relaxing medication.

c. I prefer drinking tea, _____________________ drinking milk.

d. My mother was mad at me, ___________________ she knew I was right.

e. I’m not sure __________________ I go or not.

f. Do you prefer staying home and watching tv, ______________ goin___ going to the mall
with me?

g. She was playing soccer, _____________________ I was cleaning the house.

h. I have to get a good on this test, ___________________ I will fail the class.


Task 1 – Unscramble the words below to form complete statements:

a. On – don't – working – weekends- I – mind.

b. Out – I – going – don't – like – tonight – feel.

c. Would – consider – she – abroad – never – moving.

d. My – losing – can't – I – risk – job.

e. Jar – won't – breaking – the – he – admit.

f. Enjoy – night - books – late – I – at – reading – until.

Task 2 – Write about the topics below in complete tatements:

a. A movie you couldn’t stand watching:

b. Something you would never admit being true.

c. Something you enjoy doing with your friends:

d. A food you avoid eating:

e. A place you would consider living:

f. Something you don’t want to do but you don’t mind doing:


Task 1 – Write about the topics below giving emphasis the way you have learnt in this lesson:

a. A movie you do love:

b. A sport you really hate:

c. A free time activity you actually enjoy doing:

d. Something you did enjoy doing last week:

e. A trip you really want to take:

Task 2 – Write a small text about travelling using the words below:

- Backpacking

- Hiking

- Digital nomad

- Couch surfing

- Wanderlust











Task 1 – Use the words below to ask ‘would rather’ questions:

a. Pizza/burger:

b. French/German:

c. Cook/Clean:
d. House/apartment:

e. Dog/cat:

Task 2 – Answer the questions you made on Task 1 and justify your answers:

a. ___________________________________________________________________________


b. ___________________________________________________________________________


c. ___________________________________________________________________________


d. ___________________________________________________________________________


e. ___________________________________________________________________________



Task 1 – Check the appropriate alternatives to say that something applies:

a. I should study hard for the test.

( ) me neither

( ) me too

( ) So should I

( ) So do I

b. We didn’t go to the gym last week.

( ) me neither.

( ) me too.

( ) So do I.
( ) Neither did I.

c. I’ve seen this movie before.

( ) me neither.

( ) me too.

( ) I have too.

( ) I haven’t either.

d. She doesn’t have a car.

( ) He doesn’t either.

( ) So does he.

( ) Neither does he.

( ) He does too.

Task 2 – Check the appropriate alternatives to say that something doesn’t apply:

a. I went to the mall last Saturday.

( ) me too.

( ) me neither.

( ) I didn’t.

( ) I don’t.

b. She can cook very well.

( ) so can I.

( ) me neither.

( ) I can’t either.

( ) I can’t.

c. They are studying for the test.

( ) I am not.

( ) Neither am I.

( ) me neither.

( ) I can too.
d. He wasn’t dancing last night.

( ) neither was she.

( ) She was.

( ) She wasn’t either.

( ) So was she.


Task 1 – Rewrite the phrases and correct the mistakes in each on them:

a. I live in a beautiful house with my wife and two childs.


b. I need to buy some cutlery for my new home. I will get a couple of forks and knifes. And I will
get new furnitures for my bedroom.


c. My family and I live in a farm with many animals like: cows, dogs, sheeps, chickens, etc...


d. I’m only 30 years old and I have three ex-wifes. I think I have too many.


e. When I served for the army there were twelve man in my class and only one women.


Task 2 – Write the plural forms of the words below and make a sentence using each one.

a. Child:

b. Person:

c. Woman:
d. Half:

e. Foot:


Task 1 – Complete the sentences with ‘that’, ‘who’ or ‘which’:

a. I’d rather not to talk with people ____________ yell.

b. My dog, __________ is black one, is very energetic and sweet.

c. My sister, ___________ moved to Australia last year, is coming to visit us this vacation.

d. I don’t like __________ dress you bought last week.

e. I have a car __________ I use only for work.

f. I have a laptop, __________ is really fast, I use it only for work.

Task 2 – Unscramble the words below to form complete statement, don’t forget to add commas
where necessary:

a. Drives – have – itself- I – car – have – a - that.

b. Don't – I – who – hate – pay – people – attention.

c. Wet – my – which – black – is – shirt – is.

d. Any – people – English – who – there – speak – are – don't.

e. People – that – many – I – movie – like – die - the.

f. Gotten – my – which – has – worse – stressful – week – always – is.


Task 1 – Describe the last 5 items in clothing you bought in details (if you don’t remember which
were, you may describe any other piece of clothing you want):


2. _______________________________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________________________________


5. _______________________________________________________________________________


Task 2 – Look at the situations below and write a dialogue:

Situation 1

Person bought a product online and had a shipping problem. Person calls the store to solve the

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


Situation 2

Person bought an item of clothing online and when the product arrived, it wasn’t the one he/she
bought. Person calls the store and explain what he/she wanted and he/she got.

A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


A: _______________________________________________________________________________


Task 1 – Report the speeches below:

a. Amy: “I have to work tomorrow.”

b. Cristina: “Can you speak English?”

c. Bob to Mark: “I am studying for a test.”

d. Natalie: “I will go out on the weekend.”

e. James: “My mother has been there.”

Task 2 – Report one thing each of the people have said/told/asked you:

a. Your teacher:

b. Your mother/father:

c. Your friend:

d. Your co-worker:

e. A relative:


Task 1 – Read the dialogue below and answer the questions:

A: Hi Bob! How are you?

B: Hi Amy! I’m fine, what about you?

A: I’m great!

B: Great?! Wow... Is there a good reason?

A: Yes!!! I have been promoted at work.

B: Congratulations! Way to go.

A: Thank you Bob. What about you, any news?

B: Well, nothing as interesting... I traveled last week.

A: Cool! Where did you go?

B: I went to Rio de Janeiro.

A: That is very interesting. How was it?

B: Really fun. I met some nice people. There are many beautiful beaches and the weather is great!

A: What a fun.

a. Report a question from Amy:

b. Report a question from Bob:

c. Report something Amy told Bob:

d. Report something Bob told Amy:

e. Report something Amy said about Bob’s trip:

f. Report something Bob said about Amy’s promotion:


Task 1 – Complete the sentences with ‘much’ or ‘many’:

a. Where I live there are _______________ buildings and cars.

b. I have so _______________ to do until it’s finished.

c. We have so ______________ things to do. We need your help.

d. My mother gave me ____________ pieces of advice.

e. I don’t have _________ time. What do you want?

f. There was so ____________ noise, I had to leave.

Task 2 – Write ‘C’ if the nouns are countable and ‘U’ if they are uncountable:

( ) Water
( ) Milk

( ) People

( ) Flower

( ) House

( ) Soda

( ) Chocolate

( ) Toy

( ) Baggage

( ) Story

( ) Tree

( ) Beans

( ) Ice


Task 1 – Complete the sentences ‘some’ or ‘any’:

a. I have ___________ time to kill.

b. We need to buy __________ onions.

c. There aren’t ___________ fruits in the fridge.

d. My mother gave me ___________ good advice.

e. Is there ____________ ice for the soda?

f. I think we don’t _____________ chocolate for dessert.

g. There are ____________ bananas there.

h. Are there ___________ bananas in this dessert. I can’t eat them.

Task 2 – Complete the sentences with ‘a’ or ‘an’:

a. I ate _______ banana for breakfast this morning.

b. I have never had _______ egg for breakfast.

c. We need to buy ________ fresh apple for this pie.

d. I can’t choose _________ University.

e. We have __________ hour before the class starts.

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