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Programming for Engineering System Design

Engineering System Design 2


Programming for Engineering System Design

(includes slides by Shanika Karunasekera)

Adrian Pearce

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Programming for Engineering System Design

In this section you will learn how to write computer

programs to solve engineering system design problems
using MATLAB

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Programming for Engineering System Design

A bit about myself

• Adrian Pearce:
– Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information

• Education:
– B. Sc. (First Class Honours) in Computer Science
• University of Melbourne
– PhD in Computer Science (Specialization: Artificial Intelligence)
• Curtin University of Technology

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Programming for Engineering System Design

A bit about myself

• Academic Experience:
– Academic in the department from 2000 – to date
– Teaching
• Computer Graphics, Autonomy & AI Planning, Theory of Computer
Science, Logic Programming

– Research Interests
• Artificial Intelligence
• Automated Planning
• Optimisation
• Reasoning about Actions & AI Decision Making

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Getting help

• Consultation:
– Regular consultation: Wednesday 3 pm – 3:45 pm
• Office: 6.20 Doug McDonell (DMD) Building
– Additional consultation by appointment
• Email:

• ‘Ed’ Discussion Board

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Programming for Engineering System Design


• Upon successful completion of this section you will be

able to:
– develop programming solutions to engineering design problems
using the top-down approach to design;
– write computer programs to solve engineering design problems;
– understand the role of computer programs in solving complex
engineering problems.

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Programming for Engineering System Design


• Programming for Engineering System Design - Lecture

Notes & Slides
(Available on LMS)


Elsevier, 2009 ISBN 9780750687621

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Programming for Engineering System Design


• Introduction to computer programming

• Role of computer programs in Engineering System


• Introduction to MATLAB

• First MATLAB program

• Input/output in MATLAB

• Introduction to basic programming capabilities

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Introduction to programming

• A computer program is a sequence of instructions

(commands) to perform a user-defined task

• The language used to write a computer program is called

a programming language
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Programming for Engineering System Design

Role of computer programs in Engineering System Design

• Understand the behaviour of a engineering system

before building it
1. Develop a mathematical model of the system
2. Use the model in a computer program to mimic the system
behaviour – simulation

Solar Oven Simulation

Design Building Heating

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Let us look at some motivating

examples in
Engineering System Design

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Chemical Process Alarm Generator

Temperature VT
Alarm AOUT
Ch Generator
Pressure VP

Chemical Process

Example taken from ESD 2 - Part 1

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Chemical Process Alarm Generator

Problem 1: Given VT ,VP , VTR and VPR what is AOUT ?

This is straightforward to compute because there is

specific solution

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Chemical Process Alarm Generator

Problem 2: Design a Chemical Process Alarm Generator

with probability of false alarms is less than 0.01.

– temperature and pressure measurements are performed by

devices which have a margin of measurement error

– therefore, the alarm generator will sometimes generate alarms

when neither the temperature nor the pressure had exceeded
the threshold – false alarms

This problem is easier to solve through writing a computer

program that mimics the behaviour of the system -

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Analog-to-Digital Converter

Analog Digital
Signal v(t) Signal
Sampler Quantizer Encoder

Example taken from ESD 2 - Part 1

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Analog-to-Digital Converter

Problem 1: Given sampling frequency and the number of

quantization levels, how much memory is required to store
a song which is t seconds in duration?

This is straightforward to compute because there is a

specific closed form solution.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Analog-to-Digital Converter

Problem 2: An engineer has built an A/D converter and now

wants to verify if it is working properly

– For a given input signal, a sampling rate, the number of quantization

levels, is the digital signal output from the A/D converter accurate?

Manually computing the output digital signal would be

tedious and therefore, this problem is easier to solve
through a computer simulation.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Example: Parachute design problem.

• The velocity v(t) at time t, of a falling parachute is given by

the following analytical equation:

v(t) = (gm/c)(1 – e-(c/m)t)

g - gravitational constant
m - mass
c - drag coefficient (depends
on the design of the parachute)

Problem 1: Find the velocity after t seconds - m, c, and g are


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Programming for Engineering System Design

Click to edit
Example: Parachute
Master title
• Problem 2: Design a parachute that attains a given
velocity v, after t seconds

v(t) = (gm/c)(1 – e-(c/m)t)

This problem can be solved using a numerical method

and is relatively straightforward to do using a computer

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Role of Computer Programs

• Computer programs have many uses beyond

engineering system design:
– general purpose computer applications
– as large scale software systems – Google, Facebook etc
– medical, e-Commerce applications
– many more

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How can computer programs help solve problems

• Computer programs:

– Allow us to automate computational tasks, hence perform

them more efficiently than a human could do

– Can achieve repetition at high speeds

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Computer Software, Hardware & Operating System

• Software: Computer programs are referred to as the

software – in this module you will learn how to write
• Hardware: The device that
runs the computer program
e.g. computers, smart phones

Von Neumann architecture

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Click to edit
Computer Software,
Master title
style & Operating System

Central processing unit Memory:

(CPU): – Used for storing program
– this is the brain of the data

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Computer Software, Hardware & Operating System

• Input-output Devices:
– used to communicate with the users and other systems

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Click to edit
Computer Software,
Master title
style & Operating System

Storage Media Directory (Folder)


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Computer Software, Hardware & Operating System

• Operating System: Pre-installed system software that
help run programs we write
– e.g. Microsoft Windows, Unix, Linux, MAC-OS, iOS, Android

Computer Programs (Software) interacts with the outside

world (e.g. users) through input-output devices (hardware),
with the support provided by the operating system.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Programming Languages

• Many different programming languages exist today

– Basic, C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Fortran, Pascal, Algol,
Haskell, Prolog, Lisp, Smalltalk, Assembly, MATLAB etc

• Programming languages have many different

– High-level vs Low-level
– Procedural, Object-oriented, Functional, Logic-based, Multi-
– Interpreted vs Compiled
– Platform dependent vs platform independent

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Computer Programs (Software)

• In the coming lectures you will learn how to write

computer programs using MATLAB.

• You will also learn general computing concepts and

develop computational thinking skills that will be useful
when learning any programming language.

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Introduction to MATLAB

• Powerful modelling and simulation platform

• Widely used by engineers and scientists

• Supports a programming environment

• Has built in capabilities to make programming easy

• Has a large number of toolboxes that give additional

computational capabilities

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Programming with MATLAB

• A MATLAB program consists a sequence of instructions


• When a program runs, it executes these commands one

at a time

• A basic instruction:

disp(‘Hello World!’);

– displays the message Hello World! on the screen

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Programming for Engineering System Design

A closer look at the disp command

disp(‘Hello world!’);

• The instruction has two parts:

– Command: in this case, disp is the command which tells the
computer to display something on the screen.
– Input Arguments:
• What is provided within parenthesis, in this case the phrase
Hello world! (within single quotes) is the input
argument. This will be what is displayed on the screen.
• The single quotes around the phrase indicates that it is a
string – you will learn this later.
• This command has only one input argument, but commands
can have more than one input argument as you will see later.
– The semicolon ends the command and is optional– we will see
the effect of the semicolon later.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Executing (Running) an instructions

• MATLAB instructions can be run in the interactive mode.

• Start MATLAB

• Enter the following on the command window.

>> disp(‘Hello world!'); <- what you type

Hello world! <- program output

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Programming for Engineering System Design

MATLAB Programs (scripts)

• A program is a sequence of instructions

• You can type a command at a time (or multiple

commands) in the command window to execute the task.

• However, these instructions will be lost when you exist

MATLAB and restart.

• A program is a sequence of instructions that is readily

executed whenever one wants to – therefore, programs
are saved in files for later execution.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Building your first MATLAB Program

Let us try it out!

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Hello World in MATLAB

• The first program that is learnt in any programming

language is the “Hello world” program:
– a program that prints a message “Hello world!” to the screen

• Let’s take a look at “Hello world” in MATLAB.

• In the following examples:

– The double right bracket >> is the MATLAB command prompt
– User input command is shown is slanted courier font
– MATLAB output is shown in bold courier font

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Hello World in MATLAB

% HelloWorld.m
% This program writes a message to the console
% Version: 1.0 Date: 27/02/2014
% Author: Shanika Karunasekera(

% Display a message on the console

disp('Hello world!');

>> HelloWorld
Hello world!

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Programming for Engineering System Design

A closer look at – Hello World

• Lines 1- 4 and line 6 of the program are comments.

– Comments in MATLAB start with character “%”
– Comments are ignored by the computer – they are for the
benefit of the human readers of the program
– Commenting code for future readability and understandability is
strongly recommended
– Develop this habit from the beginning
– Include the author, version, date and a high level introduction at
the top
– The examples shown in the lecture slides will have minimal
commenting to fit the slide space - do not use programs in the
slides as examples of good commenting

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Programming for Engineering System Design

When writing computer programs, strictly

following the rules of the language , referred to as
the SYNTAX , is important.

If you do not, the programs will either fail or will

not do what was intended.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Running (Executing) the program

• Start MATLAB by clicking on the icon.

• Use MATLAB editor to write the program:
1. Choose File->New-Script and the editor will open.
2. Type in the program lines in the editor.
3. Choose File->Save As and enter the name of the file as
HelloWorld and save – the program will be saved in a file
named HelloWorld.m which is a MATLAB script file. You
may choose any name for the file but always use a
meaningful name.
• Run the program:
1. Click on the green arrow on the top menu to run the program
OR enter HelloWorld on the command window prompt.
2. Observe the output on the command window.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Running (Executing) the program

• A MATLAB program is stored in a script file


• MATLAB script files have a .m file extension.

• When you run the program, MATLAB interprets the

commands and performs the necessary actions to
complete the task based on the commands.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Receiving user input from the keyboard

• The first program (HelloWorld) demonstrated how the

disp() command in MATLAB was used to display a
string on the screen - console output.

• Programs can also accept user input.

– the next example will demonstrate how to accept user
input from the keyboard.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Receiving user input from the keyboard

% InputDisplay.m
% This program demonstrates how a program can
% accept user input from the keyboard
% Version 1.1 30/03/2015
% Author Shanika Karunasekera
% Prompt user for a number
a = input('Enter a number: ');
% Display a message on the console

>> InputDisplay
Enter a number: 3

>> InputDisplay
Enter a number: 3.5
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Receiving user input from the keyboard

• The first command:
a = input(‘Enter a number: ’);
accepts input from the keyboard.

• The input command three parts:

– Command: input tell the computer to accept input from the
– Input arguments: as with the display command Enter a
number: is an input argument that gets displayed on the screen.
– Output arguments:
• a is an output argument
• The value user entered is stored in a, in the computer
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Programming for Engineering System Design

Receiving user input from the keyboard

• The second command:

display the number user entered on the screen.

• The disp command:

– is the same as what you saw in the first example
– in this case, you will see that the input argument, a, does not have
single quotes around it as in the case of the first example
– this implies that the value that is carried in a, rather than the
character a, should be displayed.
– this command displays the value the user entered.

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Receiving user input from the keyboard

• Now consider what happens if the user enters something
other than a number.

>> InputDisplay
Enter a number: hello
Error using input
Undefined function or variable ’hello’.
Error in InputDisplay (line 8)
a = input(’Enter a number: ’);
Enter a number:

• The syntax of the input command you used is only able

to accept numbers
– we will next see how the change the command to so that it can
accept numbers as well as other characters.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Receiving user input from the keyboard

% InputDisplay.m
% This program demonstrates how a program can
% accept user input from the keyboard
% Version 1.2 30/03/2015
% Author Shanika Karunasekera
% Prompt user for a character string
a = input(‘Enter a character string: ’, ‘s’);
% Display a message on the console

>> InputDisplay
Enter a character string : 3.5
Second input argument - tells the
computer to accept any character
String not just a number
>> InputDisplay
Enter a character string : hello
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Programming for Engineering System Design

Formatted output in MATLAB

• In the previous examples you saw the simplest form of

output command in MATLAB – the disp command.

• Sometimes it is necessary to display strings in a specific

customized format.

• Formatted output can be printed using the fprintf


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Formatted output in MATLAB

% FormattedOutput.m
% Prompt user for a number
a = input(‘Enter a number: ’);
% Prompt user for a string
b = input(‘Enter a character string: ’, ‘s’);
% Display a message on the console
fprintf('The number you entered is: %d \n', a);
fprintf('The string you entered is: %s \n', b);

>> FormattedOutput
Enter a number: 3
Enter a character string: hello
The number you entered is: 3
The string you entered is: hello

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Formatted output in MATLAB

• The following command are used for displaying
formatted output on the screen:
fprintf('The number you entered is: %d \n', a);
fprintf('The string you entered is: %s \n', b);

Format Strings (%d and %s):

• When displaying the output on the screen, these will be replaced
with the value of the second input argument (a and b
• The letter in the format string indicates the type of data in the
second argument
%d - integer
%f - float (a number with decimal points)
%c - character
%s - string

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Formatted output in MATLAB

fprintf('The number you entered is: %d \n', a);

fprintf('The string you entered is: %s \n', b);

– Non-printable characters (\n):

• The letter n, preceded by \, called an escape character, makes this
pair non-printable characters, but has a special meaning when
displayed - \n is a new line.
• After displaying the first string, the next string is displayed on
a new line as a result of this.
• Following are other possible escape characters.
\b - Backspace
\f - Form feed
\n - New line
\t - Horizontal tab

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Formatted output in MATLAB

>> a = 3;
>> b = ‘hello’;

>> fprintf(’The number is: %d and the string is: %s

\n’, a, b);

The number is: 3 and the string is: hello

>> fprintf(’The number is: %4d and the string is:

%s \n’, a, b);

The number is: 3 and the string is: hello

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Formatted output in MATLAB

>> c = 4.2365
>> fprintf(’The floating point number is equal to
%f\n’, c);

The floating point number is equal to 4.236500

>> fprintf(’The floating point number is equal to

%0.2f\n’, c);
The floating point number is equal to 4.24

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Getting help on MATLAB commands

• In you need more information about a command type the

following in the MATLAB help command cab be used.
>> help fprintf

• If you did not know the name of the command, just type
help to get a categorized list of commands.

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Programming for Engineering System Design

How do you learn programming?

• The only way you learn programming is by doing it


• You will probably find it hard and will make a lot of

mistakes at the start, but unless you do the programming
yourself you will not be able to learn programming

• MATLAB is available in the engineering labs

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Programming for Engineering System Design

How do you learn programming?

• As a student, you can get MATLAB installed on your

personal computers following the instructions below:
– There is a directory called ‘MathWorks - Matlab 2014b’ in the L:
drive that students can access when logging into Lab PCs
– In this directory, you will find the required documentation, with
the Activation key info as well as Mathworks account and
installation info
– There is also a Patch directory to update the 2014b installation
to the current level

Get started with programming today and you will start

enjoying programming!

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Building blocks of a computer program

• You have now learnt one fundamental capability or a

feature in programming:

Input-output: the ability to accept input from the keyboard

and displaying output on the console (you will learn more on
input-output later).

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Programming for Engineering System Design

Building blocks of a computer program

• Following are four additional fundamental features that

you will require to learn to write more complicated
– Calculation – Perform computational tasks
– Functions (abstraction) – Creating self-contained modules
that can then be put together to create a program
– Selection (Making choices) - Branching
– Iteration (Doing repetitive actions) - Looping

• In the coming topics you will learn these!

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