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Group Portfolio Assignment: Dismantling and

Assembling a Computer
Shanique Thompson-(2207138), Garrett Grant-(2205586), Alliahj Steele-(2203278),

Chadwick Hewitt-(2108178).

Faculty of Engineering and Computing, The University of Technology, Jamaica

CMP3025: Computer Hardware

Mr. Theophilus Eze

March 29, 2023

Table of Content
Introduction 3
Scenario 3
Disassembly of a Computer 4


In this portfolio, we will be taking a look at how to troubleshoot a computer or how to disassemble
and assemble a computer.


Mr. Okilo brought a computer to you and asked you to:

1. What are the steps to be taken before an individual starts dismantling a computer?
2. Dismantle this computer to finish and take pictures of each component/step on every step of

the way

3. Describe what each component does and what each connected to

4. Assemble this computer back and take a picture of each component/step on every step of the


5. Take a picture of the last task before you power on the computer after the coupling

6. Partition the hard drive as you like it (2, 3 etc.)

7. Load any Operating System (OS) of your choice.

8. Load any Application System (AS) of your choice.

9. Write your reasons for choosing the OS and the AS that you have used.

Disassembly of a Computer

Before dismantling a computer you are instructed to ensure that the computer is not

connected to a power source because high voltage could result in electrocution. We were also

instructed to not touch the motherboard or put it down unprotected without putting it on a

static mat to protect it from damage. When taking out the necessary parts in the computer we

were told to also handle the parts with care because they are very sensitive and we didn't want

to damage it. While dismantling we also had to ensure that we unsecured the necessary

components of the pc to remove the parts and then know exactly how to fit them back up.

The motherboard is an important component in the overall operation of a computer system. It

is in charge of facilitating communication between the various hardware parts. During the

disassembly of a desktop computer, it was discovered that the motherboard had Dual-In-Line

Memory Module (DIMMI) slots, which were used to connect the RAM. Since these slots are

larger than the SODIMM slots are mostly found in laptops and other small computing

devices, they can accommodate larger RAM modules and offer more bandwidth for data

transfer. Additionally , the motherboard had a PCI slot that enables the connection of

network cards, modems, , and other peripherals.

Central Processing Unit Fan

A fan is typically mounted on top of the CPU to keep it cool and prevent overheating. As the

CPU processes more data, it generates a lot of heat. The fan's job is to draw hot air away from

the CPU, which aids in cooling and maintaining safe operating temperatures. As Alan

Hughes points out in his article on, the fan in desktop computers is frequently

integrated into the power supply unit. If a CPU becomes overheated, the computer may
perform a forced shutdown and reboot to avoid damage or other issues. If proper thermal

management is not implemented, the risk of a fire or other hazards may increase. In addition

to the CPU fan, some computer systems may have additional fans or cooling solutions, such

as case fans, liquid cooling systems, or heat sinks.

Random Access Memory

The most well-known type of computer memory is RAM. This is what enables your

computer to browse the internet before quickly switching to loading an application or editing

a document. RAM serves as a temporary storage and access location for applications. It stores

the data that your computer is currently using so that it can be accessed quickly. The most

well-known type of computer memory is RAM. explains that

standard sizes of desktop RAM include 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB,making it simple

to find the right amount of memory for your computer. Due to its ability to handle multiple

tasks at once, desktop RAM is faster to add than laptop RAM. RAM, as opposed to a hard

disk drive or solid-state drive, cannot retain data permanently and requires resetting every

time the system shuts down. This is due to the fact that RAM is a type of volatile memory

that only holds data while it is receiving power. The more RAM you have in your computer,

the faster it will run. Every open application (including browser tabs) consumes RAM. When
you run out of RAM, your computer has to move things around to make room on the hard

disk, which slows it down.

Hard Disk Drive

According to the website computer hope, explained that a hard disk drive (also known as a

hard drive, HD, or HDD) is a type of non-volatile data storage device. It is typically installed

internally in a computer, directly connected to the disk controller on the motherboard. To be

usable by users, a computer must have an operating system that interprets keyboard and

mouse inputs and allows software applications such as internet browsers and word

processors, to run. Installing an operating system on a computer requires the use of a storage

device, such as a hard drive. PATA (Parallel ATA), SATA (Serial ATA), USB, and SAS

(Serial Attached SCSI) interface cables are commonly used to connect HDDs to computer

systems. These cables connect the hard drive to the computer's motherboard or interface card.

The way sectors are arranged on a disk platter has changed as hard drive technology has

advanced. Sectors were originally arranged horizontally, now they are stacked vertically. This

modification was required because, as hard drives got smaller, a phenomenon known as the

"Superparamagnetic Effect" led to sectors randomly flipping magnetic charge based on

temperature, which could lead to data loss. The vertical arrangement of sectors aids in

preventing this problem. Smallbusiness.chron, explained that “The hard drive, which

typically stores data and applications within a computer, contains four key components: the
platter (for storing data), the spindle (for spinning the platters), the read/write arm (for

reading and writing data), and the actuator (for controlling the read/write arm's actions”).

Hard drive manufacturers seal them in airtight rooms to prevent dust particle contamination

because even a single dust particle can completely damage a hard drive. When you open a

hard drive, you'll see a stack of shiny, round disks that look like CDs at its core. All of your

computer's data is permanently stored on these disks, and the remaining components of the

hard drive only serve to protect and make the data accessible.

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