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ENVIRONMENT: SCIENCE ‘A Comprehensive Exploration 1* Edition, Vol. 1 Published and distributed by: Negros Oriental State University South Kagawasan Avenue, Capitol Area Dumaguete City 6200 Negros Oriental Philippines Philippine Copyright, ©2023 By Johann Heinrich P. Malongo Edwin F. Romano, Jr. Geraldine S. Quifiones Copyright Registration Certificate No.: No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, distributed, or transite form or by any means, including photocopying, Fecording, or other on sf mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except cil ® of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other ee, ik wit permitted by copyright law. Likewise, any sale or distribution © consent of the authors is strictly prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. By the Authors Preface... Introduction. Course Learning Outcomes Contents Directions How to Use to Module Properly. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance. Specific Learning Outcomes... Motivation/Prompting Questions Introduction Discussion Difference between Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Environmental Management, and Environmental Engineering Environmental Science Environmental Studies Environmental Management Environmental Engineering Importance of Environmental Science Classification of Natural Resources. Renewable Natural Resources Nonerasable Natural Resources Ecosystem Services Definition of Environment Physical Constituent Atmosphere. Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere... Exosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere. Biosphere. Learning Activities/ Exercises Teacher Intervention Practice Task/ Assessment Feedback to Assessment. Assignment The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems. ee Specific Learning Outcomes Motivation/Prompting Questions Introduction Discussion How to achieve environmental sustainability? The Three Principles of Environmental eee Environmental Protection... Social Equity Economic Viability. Learning Activities/ Exercises... Practice Task/ Assessment Feedback to Assessment Assignment Is Ig h Ig Ig Chapter 3: The Interplay of Science, Matter, Regia and Ecosystems, ™ 20 Specific Learning Outcomes... Motivation/Prompting Questions Introduction Discussion How Do Scientists Leam about Nature? A Story about a Forest How do scientists answer questions about how nature works?,, 9) Science Matter... Matter can Change Forms in Two Ways a Physical Change Chemical Change Energy Energy Cycle Three Laws of Matter and Energy, Conservation of Matter Conservation of Energy Second Law of Thermodynamics Ecosystems Ecosystems: Abiotic (non-living) Components Ecosystems: Biotic (living) Components Producers Consumers Respiration... Biodiversity Connections: Energy Flow in Ecosystems Some necessary concepts Food chain Food Web Trophic Levels... Producers Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers Tertiary Consumers Energy Pyramid - Biomass... a ‘So what types of solid waste materials qualify as asa 9 biorenewable resource?.. - Agricultural Residues Food Processing Waste Municipal Solid Waste Animal Waste Ecological Efficiency The Basic Ideas of Energy Flow in Ecosystems........0.-22: 30 Sunlight as the Ultimate Source Producers and Consumers Trophic Levels Energy Loss Decomposers Learning Activities/ Exercises. 31 Practice Task/ Assessment Feedback to Assessment Assignment. 32 Chapter 4: —_ Interconnections in Nature: Exploring the Intricate Ecology of Life... 33 Specific Learning Outcomes. 34 Motivation/Prompting Questions Introduction Discussion Concept of Ecology Habitat. 35 Biosphere or Ecospher 36 Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere Ecological Niche Population... 37 Ecosystem Community Climax Community Biotic Community or Biome Forest Biomes Grassland Biomes..............+ 38 Desert Biomes Tundra Biomes Aquatic Biomes Types of Ecological Interactions Competition... 38 Predation Mutvalism Commensalism The Importance of Ecological Interactions Learning Activities/ Exercises. Practice Task/ Assessment Feedback to Assessment ‘Assignment i i f Energy Forms: ring the Multitude of F : Chapter Exaletpmprehensive Overview. Specific Learning Outcomes. . Motivation/Prompting Questions Introduction Discussion44 Unders' tanding the Different Forms of Energy Potential energy Types of Potential Energy Gravitational Potential E, Elastic Potential Ener, nergy Chemical Potential Energy," Electrical Potential Ener, Magnetic Potential Energy Kinetic energy Measuring Kinetic Energy.. Translational Rotational Vibrational Mechanical Energy... Forms of Mechanical Energy Elastic Potential Energy Gravitational potential energy Kinetic energy Thermal energy Electrical Energy Forms of Electrical Energy. Direct current (DC) Electricity Alternating Current (AC) Electricity Static Electricity Electromagnetic Radiation Radiant Energy Light Energy Infrared Energy Ultraviolet Energy. X-ray Energy Thermal Energy ae Conduction. 7 Convection. Radiation Sound Energy Forms of Sound Energy Audible Sound Infrasound Ultrasound Chemical Energy Forms of Chemical Energy Fossil Fuels AT Chapter 6: Batteries Food Chemicals Nuclear or Atomic Energy Applications of Nuclear Energy.........-...+0 Electricity Generation Medical Applications Military Applications The Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy Learning Activities/ Exercises Practice Task/ Assessment. Feedback to Assessment Assignment Sources of Energy: Fueling Our Future. Specific Learning Outcomes... Motivation/Prompting Questions Introduction Discussion Understanding Renewable Energy Water Energy. .. Dam-Based Hydropower Run-of-River Hydropower Advantages of Hydropower Energy Clean and Renewable Reliable and Flexible. Water Management Challenges Associated with Hydropower Environmental Impact Limited Sites Tidal Energy Tidal Range Systems. Tidal Stream Systems Advantages of Tidal Energy Renewable and Predictable Environmentally Friendly High Energy Density Long Lifespan Challenges of Tidal Energy High Initial Costs Limited Deployment Locations. Environmental Impact Maintenance and Durability Wind Energy Wind Turbines Wind Conversion..............-+ Power Distribution Advantages of Wind Energy Clean and Renewable Abundant Resource 53 34 55 56 57 58 « SF Energy Independence Low Operational Costs.....-..-+.-0ee. ChallengesofWindEnergy = 62 Intermittency Visual and Noise Impact Land and Wildlife Concerns Biomass Energy Biomass Combustion Biomass Gasification..........0+0--..-.ccc, Anaerobic Digestion meet Biofuels Benefits of Biomass Energy. Renewable and Carbon-Neutral Waste Management and Sustainability Local Energy Production Potential for Energy Independence Challenges of Biomass Energy Feedstock Availability and Logistics Environmental Impact Air Pollution Concerns Geothermal Energy.......---..c0essseereeetee esse see eeeeenes 65 Geothermal Power Plants Geothermal Fluid Extraction Power Generation Benefits of Geothermal Energy Renewable and Sustainable Low Emissions Baseload Power Heating and Cooling Applications Challenges of Geothermal Energy Resource Dependence Exploration and Drilling Risks Environmental Considerations... High Initial Investment Solar Energy Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Systems Solar Thermal Systems. essen Key Aspects and Benefits of Solar Energy Renewable and Abundant Clean and Environmentally Friendly Distributed Energy Generation Long-Term Cost Savings Versatile Applications Challenges of Using Solar Energy- Intermittency and Storage Upfront Costs Land Use and Aesthetics . 7 70 ‘Transportation Power Generation Heating and Cooling...........sssscsccsesseserens mn Industrial Processes Backup Power Challenges Associated with Using Oil as an Energy Source Environmental Impact Finite Resource Price Volatility Natural Gas... Power Generation Heating and Cooling Industrial Processes Transportation 73 Advantages of Natural Gas as an Energy Source Lower Emissions Abundance and Availability Energy Efficiency it 74 Challenges and Considerations Methane Emissions Infrastructure Requirements Non-Renewable Resource Coal Power Generation Industrial Applications. Residential and Commercial Heating Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) Technology Coal Gasification Coke Production. Challenges Associated with Coal as an Energy Source Environmental Impact Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Finite Resource and Mining Impact Health Concerms Nuclear Energy... Power Generation High Energy Density Low Carbon Emissions Energy Security Continuous Power Generation Research and Innovation Challenges Associated with Nuclear Energy............... 78 Radioactive Waste Safety Concems Non-Renewable Resource Cost and Economics. 79 Promoting Family Planning What are major urban resource and environmental problems? Resource and Environmental Problems the Urban Areas 94 Water Pollution Solid Waste Noise Pollution Traffic Congestion. uecvnewsnens: OF Heat Island Effect Loss of Green Space Inequality. Urban Sprawl Gobbles Up the Countryside Advantages of Urbanization Economic Growth Innovation. Education Healthcare Calture Opportunity Disadvantages of Urbanization Pollution Crime Homelessness Traffic Congestion. Cost of Living Poverty and Urban Living: Its Connection Case Study. sanicasieeeiseerlen Five Major Cities Dealing with Poverty and Overcrowding How Does Transportation Affect Urban Environmental Impacts? Air Pollution Greenhouse Gas Emissions............sscessscseeeeeseenee 100 Traffic Congestion Noise Pollution ‘Urban Heat Island Effect Pros and Cons of Motor Vehicle The Pros of Motor Vehicles Convenience Efficiency Freedom The Cons of Motor Vehicles. Pollution Accidents Traffic Congestion Additional Thoughts on the Pros and Cons of Motor Vehicles Pros Cons Reducing Automobile Use Walking and Biking 96 98 Public Transportation ; Carpooling and Ride-sharing Telecommuting ‘Working from. Home. genie Additional Tips for Reducing Autom< ni Plan Your Trips % Combine Trips Park and Walk ; How can we make cities more sustainable and livable? Smart Growth Smart Growth Tools. Limits and regulations Zoning Planning Protection Taxes Tax Breaks Eco-City Key Aspects and Characteristics ofan Eeo-City Renewable Energy Sustainable Transportation Green Building and Infrastructure... Efficient Resource Management Biodiversity and Green Spaces Community Engagement and Social Equity Sustainable Food Systems Resilience and Adaptation ‘Things can be Done to Make Cities More Sustainable and Livable Investing in Renewable Energy Improving Public Transportation Creating More Green Space... Encouraging Walking and Biking Reducing Waste Conserving Water Supporting Local Businesses Getting Involved in Yo The Concept of Smart Cities Learning Activities) Exercises, Practice Task/ Assessment Feedback to Assessment it uur Community 4 pee Preface Welcome to the fascinating world of Enviconmental Science! Volume 1 of the book embarks on a journey to the intricate connections between the environment, human society, and the urgency of sustainability. Our planet, {sa complex system of interconnected components, and understanding its dyaamics is crucial for our survival and ihe well-being of future generations. Chapter 1 introduces us to the fundamental concepts of Environmental Science, starting with its definition, scope, and importance. We delve into the multidisciplinary nature of this field, which drews upon knowledge from various scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and sociology. We also explore the significance of Environmental Science in addressing the critical environmental challenges that we face today. The urgency of environmental sustainability is the central theme of Chapter 2. We discuss the need to preserve Barth's vital systems, such as its atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. We examine the impact of human activities on these systems and the consequences of neglecting their preservation. By highlighting the interconnectedness ofthese systems, we emphasize the importance of sustainable practices to ensure a thriving planet for future generations. Chapter 3 focuses on the interplay of science, matter, energy, and ecosystems. We delve into the fundamental principles of ecology, exploring the intricate relationships between organisms and their environments. We examine the flow of matter and energy through ecosystems, understanding how disturbances can disrupt these delicate balances. ‘Through this exploration, we gain insight into the resilience and vulnerability of Earth's ecosystems. Building upon the ecological principles introduced in the previous chapter, Chapter 4 delves deeper into the interconnections in nature. We explore the intricate ecology of life, examining the relationships between organisms and their interactions within food chains, webs, and ecological pyramids. We also investigate the concept of biodiversity and its significance in maintaining ecological stability and fimctioning. Chapter 5 presents a comprehensive overview of the multitude of energy fonns that exist in our world, We discuss the various types of energy, ranging from solar and wind power to fossil fuels and nuclear energy. We examine theadvantages and disadvantages of each energy source, considering their environmental, social, and economic impacts. By understanding the diverse energy options available, we ean make informed choices to support sustainable energy practices. In Chapter 6, we shift our focus to the sources of energy that fuel our future. We explore renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power, which offer promising altematives to fossil fuels. We discuss the potential of these renewable sources to mitigate climate change, reduce pollution, and promote energy independence, Additionally, we investigate emerging technologies and innovative solutions that bold promise for a sustainable energy future. Finally, Chapter 7 addresses the critical challenges and opportunities essociated with human population growth and urbanization. We examine the impacts of population growth on resources, ecosystems, and social systems. We explore the concept of urbanization and its effects on land use, transportation, and infrastructure. By understanding these challenges, we can identify opportunities for sustainable development, smart urban planning, and the promotion of resilient and inclusive communities. ‘Throughouttthis book, we invite you to engage with the content, reflect on the concepts presented, and consider the implications of our collective actions on the entvironment. Environmental Science is a dynamic field that requires Collaboration and a decp understanding of the interconnections between science, society, and nature. Together, let us ‘embark on this enlightening journey to explore and protect our precious planet. The Authors Dumaguete City, Philippines March 2023 VOLUME 1 Environmental Science: A Comprehensive Exploration [ntroduction Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses the study of the environment, its components, and the interactions between living organisms and their surroundings. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the complex web of interconnections between the natural world and human society, seeking to unravel the environmental challenges we face and discover sustainable solutions. Environmental science encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology, ecology, economics, and sociology. By integrating these diverse perspectives, we gain a holistic understanding of the intricate systems that sustain life on Earth. Throughout this journey, we examine pressing issues such as urgency of environmental sustainability, environmental ecology, forms and sources of energy, population growth and urbanization including the delicate balance between human needs and environmental preservation. By studying the latest research and scientific advancements, we aim to equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions and contribute to the well-being of both present and future generations. Join us as we embark on this comprehensive exploration of environmental science, embracing its multidisciplinary nature and seeking to create a more sustainable and harmonious world. Course Learning Outcomes Atthe end of the module, the students should be able to understand the fundamental concepts and principles of environmental science, including ecosystems, biodiversity, _ hatural resources, and environmental sustainability, and to recognize the interconnections _ and complex relationships between human activities, ecosystems, and the environment, and comprehend the impacts of human actions on the natural world. Contents The module contains the following chapters: 1. Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earthy, The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems SVitay Sp Interconnections in Nature: Exploring the Intricate Ecolo, By Sli Exploring the Multitude of Energy Forms: A Com prehensive ‘ ife Sources of Energy: Fueling Our Future erView NAWAWLN Human Population Growth and Urbanization: The Challenges and 0 Directions on How to Use the Module Properly PP erty, To maximize your leaming experience in this module, Please follow the ie below: e There are 7 chapters in this module. Each chapter is discusgeq Cor emphasizing the major concepts that you need to lear. They are also i" Ping a teacher-talk manner for better comprehension. If there are terms that te ney familiar to you, please find their meanings before Proceeding to the next Section e Each chapter starts with specific leaming objectives (SLOs). Read and uundertg, them because these are the things that you need to learn and develop. ¢ Be diligent in answering the learning activities/exercises (LAEs). The activites LAEs are designed to help you achieve the SLOs. | ¢ If you have questions about the contents of the module, please contact yor | professor through text or email, or you may call him/her. ' ¢ Your instructor shall check the practice task/assessment and assignment. f | iw nan Wy! | | \ | y ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration yo, , Chapter 1 - Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES delicate balance Necessary for the ™~ 1. Cite the difference between environmental environmental studies, environmental management, and environmental science from engineering: 2. Identify the scope and importance of Environmental Science in the modem world; 3. Identify the physical constituents of the environment; and 4. Understand the importance of environmental science. MOTIVATION/PROMPTING QUESTIONS Open your eyes and start looking around for a while. Focus your attention to nature and appreciate the beauly of it. Nature can be one of the most beautiful things human beings can be grateful for. Introduction The study of Environmental Science encompasses environmental issues relative fo their scientific, social, and cultural aspects. The subject matter focuses on identifying, understanding, and resolving environmental problems and finding solutions from diverse options. Despite its complexity, environmental issues can be appreciated in three general categories: the impact of human activities on the environment, the use and consumption of natural resources, and actions taken in solving environmental problems. This chapter will give the students insight into the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the It allows us to comprehend the impiig, UrVivey : Atione our choices and actions on the snet Os og enabling us to make informed decig, M, fi "sions Promote sustainability and environ 4 stewardship. CI Environmental Science can iy considered a multidisciplinary accdemic fet that incorporates physical, Chemica, biological, anc even geological componen of nature into the study of the environmen including the relationship and effects of suc, components with any life form on earth (ee Figure 1). It also centers on the impact onthe environment as a result of human activities, For environmental science, the most relevent disciplinary subjects are atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, computer _ science, ecology, geography, geology, mathematics medical science, oceanography, physics, and statistics (Open Library Publishing Platform, n.d.). Environmental Studies, on the olhet hand, lean more towards social sciences in understanding human sacs concerning environmental programs 3 policies. It analyzes the relationship be™ 4 ‘ _ 1s of issues ralat the interdisciplinary aspec’ id oJ t. Environme" to the — environment. te instance is defined Management for insta! ‘ toinl practice of organizing various acini e human otfeets and inflyence on Ih at environment. It is a system th integrates processes for summarizing, reporting, developing, crafting, executing, and evaluating different environmental policies where it involves stakeholders and demands a multidisciplinary perspective, As an example, this system deals with the process of minimizing waste and maximizing compliance. Environmental Engineering on the other hand centers on design and technology in addressing and achieving envionmental quality across all aspects. !mpertance of Envitonmental Science The world around us is rapidly Shanging and because of this, the earth &XPeriences immeasurable transformations. _ Some of these changes may be good for humanity but many changes are deemed detimental fo the environment. The study of Snvitonmental science is important for us to ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. 3 Chapter 1 - Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance understand these changes and how it affects the world we live in today. Furthermare, itis an avenue for leaming especially on the prudent use of Earth's natural resources to sustain every life form on the planet. Unprecedented _ pressures brought on by humans are pressing down on the planet, endangering the health of our ecosystems. Environmental science aims to shed light on how life on Earth is maintained, what causes our numerous environmental issues, and how to address them. The field of — environmental science and management studies the relationships and interactions between people ‘and the environment. Let's look at a Figure |. Environmental Science encompassing all fields of scientific knowledge such as social and natural sciences, humanities, ethics, laws even Major change that is politics (Source: Maritime Knowledge powered by virtual Gury). currently taking place and how it relates to environmental science. The significant change is the massive increase in the number of humans on earth. For most of human history, the population was less than a million people, but today’s population has risen fo over seven billion. This equates to seven thousand more people. As the human population has grown, so has the demand for natural resources and ecosystem services on ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. Chapter 1 - Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance 4 which we rely for survival. Natural resources include a wide range of substances and energy sources that we extract from the environment and use. Classification of Natural Resources « Renewable natural resources are those that can be replenished over time {see Figure 2). -@ 4 . vaigtt’ * RENEWABLE natured ryparery, Al. — wnedy Figure 2, Examples of renewable naturairesources. « Nonrenewable natural resources are substances that have a finite supply and willrun out (see Figure 3). sntnaraly NONRENEWABLE oo A endti Figure 3. Examples of nonrenewable natural resources. Services Whar nawre provides us Cool uerperatures Figure 4. Biodiversity and Ecosystem services (Source: Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science). Natural resources are being depleted ata faster rate than in the past as the human population grows. Although renewable natural resources can be replenished, they cannot be replenished quickly enough to meet human demand when they ae depleted. Worse, when nonrenewable natural resources are depleted too quickly, they are on the verge of becoming extinct. Natural resources have been referred fo 0 the environment’s merchandise, ad ecosystem services are the faciilies on which we rely tohelp produce the merchandise. Ecosystem services are natural processes in the environment that provide Us with the resources we require to sustain Ife. Water and cir purification, nutrient cycling: climate regulation, plant pollination, and waste recycling are all common ecosystem ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo..1 Chapter 1- Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance —_eeeeee services. Ecosystem services, like some natural resources, Ae limited and can be depleted if not managed properly (see Figure 4). Let us now connect the dots and consider population growth and its impact on both natural resources and ecosystem services. As the human population grows and natural resources and ecosystem services are rapidly depleted and potentially degraded, the future of humans on Earth is jeopardized, This Is just one of the many reasons why environmental science is important and valuable. Definitions of Environment Some important definitions of the environment are as under: 1. According to Boring, “A person's environment consists of the total of the simulation which he teceives fromhis conception until his death". It can be resolved that what Boring means when he soid the word “environment” would be that it comprises various types of forces such as Physical, intellectual, mental, Political, economical, cultural, social, moral, and emotional. 2. Douglas and Holland define the environment as the total of all forces, influences, and Conditions which affect all aspects of living organisms as a Whole. These aspects include but Gre not limited to life, nature, behavior, growth and development, and maturation of ll living organisms, To sum up, the environment can be closely defined as a system surrounding all living organisms found on Earth alongside various factors affecting them may it biotic and abiotic factors. Thus, it is made up of three important constitutions such as physical, biological, and social, Sa Pr eee Pe Figure 5. Four segments of the earth that consists the environment (Source: Source: hitps:f/ Physical Constituent The physical constituent of the environment comprises the 4 elements (see Figure 5) of the universe according to Greek Philosophy such as ar, fire, water, and earth. It also includes climate, temperature, season, light. wind, soil, etc, This determines the type of habitation or living conditions of flora and fauna including the human population on Earth. Furthermore, the physical constituent is further divided into four segments namely: 1. Almosphere (gas) 2. The hydrosphere (liquid) —-— ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. Chapter 1 ~ Environmental Sciei 3. Lithosphere (solid) 4, Biosphere (wordwide summation of ll ecosystems] These four segments represent the important state of matter comprising the environment. This physical component of the environment only consists of non-iving things which influence the conditions, life, and growth of all living organisms on the planet. Atmosphere — it is a blanket of various gasses that surrounds the Earth and acts as a protective layer of the planet against the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and radiation. It is estimated to be 100 kilometers thick that engulfs the earth which is mainly composed of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, trace gases, water vapor, and other suspended particulates such as dust, ash, soot, and many others. Dea aera Lees Caine SaaS y “Figure 6 LeyersofEorh’s Atmosphere (Source:, Contributed by Samantha Penna). The atmosphere is further broken down info 5 major layers. These are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere (see Figure 6- 1. a. Troposphere - extends from the surface of the earth approximately : Definition, Scope, and Importance 6 up to 12 kilometers and Const about 10% of the ctmosphg height but contains 80% of ils The temperature in this sphere rq from 18°C to -15°C. This is the ensey atmospheric layer, as it js being compressed by the weight of the succeeding layets above it, Mos o the formation of Earth's Weather happens in this layer including « clouds that the weather generate, except for the thunder clouds, g cumulonimbus cloud where it can reach the lowest part of the nex layer. . Stratosphere - extends fiom approximately 12 - 50 kilometer above Earth's surface while the temperature in this sphere ranges from -569C to -2°C. Ozone {Oz} is an important chemical species that exit in this sphere. Because of the presence of UV radiationin this layer, the higher you go up, the warmer tt gets. This layer is weather-free cand almost clouc-free only that polr stratospheric clouds can stillbe found in its lowest and coldest altitudes. Its also the tighest pat of fhe atmosphere that jet planes oo reach. . Mesosohere - extends f" approximately 50 - 80 Komele® above Earth's surface and oot attitude. I? progressively colder with ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo.1 Chapter 1 ~ Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance coldest place within the Earth's system Is found in this layer and is EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE Stratosphere (12t050km) ——,—_‘adtnonde Troposphere {Oo 12km) > ‘oats Figure 7. Approximate distances of 5 major layers of Earth's atmosphere (Source:, Contributed by Samantha Penna). believed to be having an average temperature of about -85°C. Noctilucent clouds, the highest clouds in Earth's atmosphere are formed in this layer because the water vapor, though scarce, is still present at the top most portion of this layer. Most meteors bum up in this atmospheric layer. Sounding rockets and rocketpowered aircraft can reach the mesosphere. ¢. Thennosphere - Located between ‘about 80 and 700 kilometers above Earth's surface whose lowest part Contains the ionosphere which Produces charged ions and free electrons. Due to the very low density of molecules in this layer, the temperature increases with altitude. The aurora borealis and aurora australis are sometimes seen here. @. Exosphere ~ Located approximately about 700 and 10,000 kilometers above Earth's surface. The exosphere is the highest layer of Earth's ‘atmosphere and, at its top, merges with the solar wind. Most Earth satellites orbit in the exosphere (Alan Buis/NASA's Global Climate Change website). Hydrosphere - The hydrosphere |s part of the Earth's system that consists of all the water on the planet, including oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and the water in the atmosphere (see Figure 8). The hycrosphere Plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate and supporting life on the planet. 97.5% of Earth's water is seawater and thus salty, leaving only 2.5% fresh water. Within 2.5%, nearly 70% is frozen, and only 30% is underground, The frozen part of the hydrosphere consists of glaciers, ice caps, and icebergs. This part of the hydrosphere is called the cryosphere. Water Is essential to life, and the hydrosphere is home to a vast array of plants and animals, many of which are crucial fo the planet's ecosystems. The oceans, in particular, are an important part of the hydrosphere, covering more than 70% of the ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. ; Chapter 1 - Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance Earth's surface ond containing 97% of the planet's water. | be Ge btips:/ The hydrosphere is also closely linked to other parts of the Earth's system, including the atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. For example, water evaporates from the oceans and other bodies of water and enters the atmosphere, where it plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate. Water also interacts with rocks and soib, shaping the Earth's surface and contributing to the formation of important geological features such as canyons and waterfalls. Human activities, such as pollution and overuse of water resources, can have a significant impact on the hydrosphere, threatening the health of ecosystems and the availability of freshwater resources. It is important lo manage the hydrosphere Figure 8. The different components of hydrosphere (Source: sustainably to ensure that we can con} benefit from its many essential functions, The different Components oF f hydrosphere vary in their state (sold, Tui, gas) and the location where they are fe tis composed of the following: |, Oceans: It is the largest FeSEIVo oy water on Earth. The water here is salty, 2. Fresh water: itis less cbbunclant thay salt water and is available as: Q) Surface water: The Water present in lakes, rivers, and streams b) Groundwater: The wate; present beneath the Earth's surface in tock pores and the fractures of rock formations 3. Glacial water: The water that metts from glaciers 4. Water vapor: The water present in the atmosphere In addition to water, the hydrosphere also contains dissolved minerals, dissoved gases, and particulates. All forms of water on Earth are recycled and interchanged from one form to another through the water cycle (Science, n.d.). Uthosphere — is the solid outernod loyer of the Earth, which includes the ov! and the uppermost part of the mantle [32° Figure 9). It is composed of rocks, minerals and other geological materials and is upon which the Eats uit. foundation ecosystems and human societies are — ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo..1 9 Chapter 1 - Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance ———— eee Figure 9. Components of Lithosphere (Source: htips:// The lithosphere is made up of several large tectonic plates that move and interact with each other, resulting in geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic euptions, and the formation of mountain ranges. The lithosphere also includes important geological features such as minerals, ores, and fossil fuels, which are ctucial resources for human societies. The lithosphere is closely connected to other parts of the Earth's system, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. For example, the lithosphere infetacts with the atmosphere through weathering processes, which release gases Such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The lithosphere also supports the growth of Plants, Which are a crucial part of the biosphere, There are two types of lithosphere, ‘ne being oceanic (found in the ocean boss, where oceanic crust exists) and less Re dense continental lithosphere (where continental crust occurs). Lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates and a subfield of geophysics that includes studies of their motion and properties is called geodynamics. The boundary between lithosphere and asthenosphere is derived based on the difference in their mechanical properties and is generally associated with the isotherm of 1000°C (Polarpedia, n.d.). Human activities such as mining, deforestation, and land use changes can have a significant impact on the lithosphere, altering its structure and composition and affecting the health of ecosystems that depend on it. It is important to manage the lithosphere sustainably to ensure that we can continue to benefit from its many resources and functions. Biosphere - refers to the part of the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and oceans where living organisms exist (see Figure 10). It is the zone where life thrives and includes all living organisms such as plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi, as well as the ecosystems and habitats they inhabit. The biosphere is a complex and interconnected web of life, where each organism plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. It de ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vor, fi Environmental Scien« Chapter is a vital component of the Earth's life support system, providing essential services such as oxygen production, carbon sequestration, | and nutrient cycling, among others. The study of the biosphere is essential : to understanding how living organisms * interact with each other and their environment, and how human activities ' affect the delicate balance of this intricate web of life. Figure 10. Components of Biosphere (Source: The Importance of Blosphere The biosphere, often referred to as the “living Farth,"is a critical component of our planet and holds immense importance for the existence and well-being of all life forms, including The biosphere encompasses all ecosystems, organisms, and their interactions, creating a complex web of life and interdependencies. One key importance of the biosphere is its role in sustaining biodiversity. It is a humans. 1n, Scope, and Importance 10 reservoir of countless species, each py unique role in maintainin a F853, | balance and _— functioning. Biodiy, provides essential ecosystem services, SUCH oy air and water purification, nutrient Velin and pollination, which are vital for human survival and quality of life. The biosphere also Feguiates the — Earth's processes like photosynthesis, absorbs carbon dioxide and release, oxygen, helping to stabilize the composition of the atmosphere and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Addifionally, the biosphere acts as a natural carbon sink, storing climate. Thr vost amounts of carbon in forests, which helps regulate global carbon cycles. soils, and oceans, Furthermore, the biosphere supports human livelihoods and economies. Many communities rely ‘on the biosphere for food, medicine, raw materials, and cultural value. Biodiversity-rich ecosystems like foresis, wetlands, and coral reefs offer economic benefits through tourism, fisheries, and other industries. Preserving the biosphere is of utmost importance to ensure a sustainable future. 5Y protecting and conserving ecosystems promoting sustainable land and resouc? management practices, and mitigating climate change, we can safeguard the vitel services and resources provided by the biosphere for present and future generation write your thoughts about each question, 1. Do you think Earth will ever run out of water? I 2. Why Is it important for humans to become aware of their impacts on the environment? 3. As a student, what can you contribute to lessen the environmental problems that we are facing today? | 'denlity the following: whether it’s renewable Natural resources or nonrenewable natural Tesources, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo..1 n" Chapter 1~ Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance a TUN SS racial 1. Trees 2. Petroleum 3. Water 4. Fish 5. Coal 6. Sunlight 7. \ron ore 8. Crude oil 9. Wind 10, Minerals UPS Masada ed If you have questions about the activities of this module, please contact me through: Email: FB Messenger: Johann Heinrich Mobile Phone: 0997 066 6874 TASK/ ASSESSMENT 1. Case Study 1. You are the last person left on earth and can press a button (connected to nuclear bombs) destroying all life on the planet. Would you press the button or not and why? 2. Case Study 2. As ayoung child, Atam had a passion for animals and environmental issues. After he graduated from college, Atam landed a job in an organization whose mission is to create public awareness about endangered animals and other environmental ‘ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. ; Chapter 1 - Environmental Science: Definition, Scope, and Importance R issues. Atam's employer depends largely on grants and donations to fund the said programs. If you were Atam, what would you do if some of the funds were not used right? aT aera Answers to Learning Activity/ Exercise | * Answers may vary Answers to Learning Activity/ Exercise 2 S204NOSOI |DINJDU s|GOMSUBLUON “OL seoinosal Jono aiqomauey SeOuNOSel |OINJOU B|qOMaLELUON, S0iN0sal |DINJDU B|\GDMauUaLUON seounoseu |DUNJDU sIqoMoUeyY $801NOSOI |DIN|DU 8|GDMaUSLUON SBOINOSEJ |DINJOU a|gDMeUeY seounoseu |DINyoU ejgomeueY S@DuNOSAl [DINJOU a|qOMaLIa1UON, s@9JNOSEI JOUNYDU gIqDMaLAY i EST Answer the folowing questions. 1. Did you leam anything in this module? For you, why is it important to learn the basic concepts of environmental Science? )) 2 Define ond discuss brief jy, different components of ye hydrosphere. 3, Why do we need to recognizing the importance of the biosphere and why taking actions to protect it i crucial for the wellbeing of beth humanity and the planet as a whole? ("| ety TWO The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. ; Chapter 2— The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems " “ wh MOTIVATION/PROMPTING QUESTIONS hy Ba ml SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Focus on the fundamental environmental, social, and economic issues underlying sustainability; 2. Identify and advocate civic engagement and inclusive practices for applying sustainability principles to local issues; and 3. Remember and understand the capacity of ecosystems in providing for human needs. Imagine you are holding a coin, the other side Is the environment while the other is the economy. What if you cannot sustain the because you think the environment is less important than the economy? Would you rather hold your breath environment while counting your money? Introduction Environmental sustainability is the Tesponsible management of natural resources and ecosystems to ensure that they can continue to support present and future generations. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations to create a sustainable future. At its core, environmental sustainability is about reducing the negative Impact of human activities on the environment and promoting practices that minimize waste and pollution, conserve natural resources, and protect biodiversity. Achieving enviror sustainability requires a collaborative ef , between individuals, communi businesses, and governments, |t invove, making conscious choices ond taking gay, to reduce our impact on the environmeny and creating policies and practices ties promote sustainability at all evels of society How to ac! nvironm ntal sustainabiiy 2 Environmental sustainability is the practice of preserving natural resources ang ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. This involves taking a holistic approach to managing the natural environment in a way that meets the needs of society without compromising the health and Integrity of the planet (UN Environment Programme, 2021). It further refers to the responsible and efficient use of naturd resources and the preservation of ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations. It is the practice of balancing economic, social, and environmental facios fo maintain a healthy and resilient planet. The concept of environmental _ sustainability recognizes that our current activities and practices should not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. envionmentd Achieving ards mor? sustainability requires a shift tow sustainable practices, such as reducing ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. 1 6 chapter 2 - The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems Water Conservation Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Vehicle and Fuel Use ‘Sustainable Buildings Realllence Energy Sustainable Acquisition Figure 11. Concept of Environmental Sustainability. (Source: Department of Energy) greenhouse gas emissions, conserving biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, and minimizing waste and pollution. It involves ‘adopting more sustainable approaches to resource use, including the use of renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture practices, and sustainable urban planning and development (see Figure 11). The goal of — environmental sustainability is to ensure that the natural fesources we rely on are conserved and used in a way that meets our needs without compromising the ability of future generations fo meet their own needs. By promoting sustainable practices, we can create a more equitabble and resilient world that supports the health and well-being of allliving beings. The Three Principles _of _Environmental Sustainability The three principles of envronmental “slainabiity are often refered to os the ‘hree pillars" of sustcinability. These principles, (see Figure 12), are environmental protection, social equity, and economic viability. iO? 1s TTT ly aS T ul Figute 12. The three pillars of sustainability. (Source: Future Leam) These three principles are interdependent, and achieving environmental sustainability requires a balance between them. For example, promoting economic growth while ignoring environmental protection or social equity can lead to unsustainable practices and negative ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. ; Chapter 2— The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems 1g impacts on the planet and its inhabitants. By r adopting a holistic approach to sustainability - fone that considers all three principles, we can | create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for ourselves and future . generations. . Environmental Protection: —_This | Principle focuses on minimizing the negative tees impact of human activities on the natural environment (see Figure 13) This includes eee tne DIY frdiccion Frakes ee conserving natural resources, reducing living: housing: diversity of leadership; race relations: and i pollution, and protecting biodiversity. To Social Equity: This principle focuses on, ya exploit natural resources without exhausting ensuring that all individuals have access to 7 them and contributing to their recovery for resources and opportunities needed to live g 3 i, subsequent uses, a special environmental dignified and fulfilling life. The concept is ill protection is required which must also take presented in graphical form in Figure 14 14 into account the needs of the population and below. This includes promoting social justice , 1 the economic resources of the society in reducing poverty, and providing access to 43. Which they are applied (Bravo, 2022). education, healthcare, and basic services he ENVIRONMENTAL <9. ith, sontina PROTECTION Gm a Se nes A | sytosonarevscre rene naee weratoeanes IN| Sagieseatactedsenesnaremeschacs Ways to Protect environment jp e ae poke — Solar roof ENERGY-SAVING panels ~~ — , Lamps Insta solar isenetson 2 CHANGING @ TRANSPORTATION HABITS @ VEGETARIAN { FOOD = Figure 13. Infographics showing the concept of Environmental Protection _ (Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. 1 7 Chapter 2 - The Urgency of Environmental Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems Economic Viability EOS) Yields Prices. Productivity Figue 15.A conceptual framework of the economic viabilily (Source: Agroecelogy info Poo)). Economie Viability: This principle focuses on creating a sustainable economy that is resilient and can adapt to changing conditions. This includes —_ promoting environmentally — sustainable == economic growth, promoting sustainable business practices, and promoting the use of renewable resources (see Figure 15). To practice environmental sustainabllity (see Figure 16), individuals and organizations can adopt a variety of strategies. These may include reducing energy consumption and waste, conserving natural resources, protecting habitats and biodiversity, and adopting sustainable land use practices. Governments and businesses can also play a role by enacting policies and regulations that promote environmental sustainability, and by investing in clean and renewable energy sources. The goal of sustainability is to create a world in which humans can thrive while also preserving the planet's natural resources and ecosystems for future generations (World Wildlife Fund, 2020). By working towards this goal, we can create a more equitable, healthy, and sustainable environmental future for all. e PAPER ENERGY SAVING CONSERVATION ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY RENEWABLE ENERGY WASTE CONSERVATION ~MANAGEMENT WATER Figure 16, Environmental aspects leacing fo envisonmental sustainabiity [Source: Spark Minda). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vor ; Chapter 2- The Urgency of Environmental ‘Sustainability: Preserving Earth's Vital Systems TR LEARNING ACTIVITIES/ EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 FILL IN THE |LANKS i. is the practice of preserving natural resources and ecosystems for the benefit of cument and future generations. 2. Managing the natural environment in a way that meets the needs of society without compromising the of the planet. 3. _ States that oa productive system must meet the needs of the society without jeopardizing the natural resources and wellbeing of future generations. 4,___ states that to exploit natural resources without exhausting them and contributing to their recovery for subsequent uses, special environmental protection is required which must also take into account the needs of the population and the economic resources of the society in which they are applied. 5, and carn also play a role by enacting policies and regulations that promote environmental sustainability. 1. What is the main goal of environmental sustainability? 2. As a student, what steps can you take to help achieve this goal? 3. What do you think are the steps that your country's government should do to attain sustainability? eee OE In 2021, we consumed 1.7 times Tey, resources than Earth generates areal because our economic outlook is baseg of production, use, and disposal. such oy economy is not sustainable, with the Conceyy ePvror men of environmental sustainably in mind, wh steps could a. we humans do; and b. big corporations and dovemment, do. FEEDBACK TO ASSESSMENT Answers to Leaming Activity/ Exercise 1 Sassoursng pur SjuaUMLIaA0|) uonoajolg [eywauTOnANy Augers onmouooy Aygayor poe myeay Aqyrqeureysng yewoumonang aww Answers to Leaming Activity/ Exercise 2 * Answers may vary Answer the following questions. 1. Define the importance of eat principle of environmenid sustainability. eee a ee ji ? 2. Research and discus ™ sustainable technology- et ee ee ea Malia The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. , Chapter 3- The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems % SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES 1, Contrast physical changes with chemical changes in the matter; 2. Define science, matter, energy, and systems; 3. Discuss the building blocks of matter: and 4. Describe the law of conservation of matter. MOTIVATION/PROMPTING QUESTIONS Open your television at home and tune in to a channel with shows related to scientiic documentaries, After watching the show, try to identity some current scientific debates and controversies related to the study of matter, energy, and systems, and how scientists approach these debates and controversies, Introduction Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems are fundamental concepts in understanding the natural world around us. Science is a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the wodd through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It provides us with the tools to explain natural phenomena and make predictions about future events based on empirical evidence and logical teasoning. In this chapter, you wil leam more about how scientists study nature and about the matter and energy that make up the Physical world within and around us. You will also leam how scientists discovered three scientific laws, or rules of nature, goveming the changes that matter and 4, undergo. “= a, How Do Scientists Learn about Nature A Story about a Forest “Imagine that you learn of @ logy company’s plans to cut down all act on a hillside in back of your house, You a very concerned and wan! to know assible harmful environmental effect of tig action on the hillside, the stream at the bottom of ihe hillside, and your backyard, One way to learn about such effet isp conduct a controlled experiment, just as environmental scientists do, They begin identifying key variables such as water logy and soil nutrient content that might change after the trees are cut down, Then, they set up two groups. One is the experimental ‘group, in which a chosen variable is changed in a drown way. The other is the control group, in which the chosen variable is not changed The scientists’ goal is to compare the two ‘groups after the variable has been changed ‘and to look for differences resulting from the change. Jn 1963, botanist F. Herbert Bormann JSorest ecologist Gene Likens, and their colleagues began carrying out such « controlled experiment. The goal was to compare the loss of water and soil nutrients from an area of imcut forest (the control site) with an area that had heen stripped of is trees (the experimental site). They built V- shaped concrete dams across the creeks a the botioms of several forested valleys in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampsiire. The dams were designed so that all surface water leaving each forested valley had t0 flow across a dam, where scientists could measure its volume and dis nuirtent content. First, the investigators measured the amounts of water and dissolved soil nutrients Slowing from an undisturbed forested area in one of the valleys. These measurements showed that an undisturbed mature fores i$ very efficient at storing water and retain" chemical nutrients in its soils. ‘Next, they set up an experimental forest area in another of the forest's valleys. O” winter, they cut down all the trees aud. dem {in that valley, leit tham where they fll, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo.1 chapter 3- The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems the area with herbicides to prevent ‘eregrowth of vegetation. Then, for 3 years, they compared the outflow of water and murients in this experimental site with those in the control site. With no plants to help absorb and retain water, the amount of water flowing out of the deforesied valley increased by 30-10%. As this excess water ran rapidly over the und, it eroded soil and carried dissolved murienis out of the deforested site. Overall, the loss of key nutrients from the experimental forest was 6 to 8 times that in the nearby uncut control forest. This controlled experiment revealed one of how scientists can learn about the effects of our actions on natural systems such as forests” (www. H ler abs nofure works? Here is a more formal outine of the steps scientists often take in trying to understand the natural world, although they do not always follow the steps in the order listed. This outline is based on the scientific experiment carried out by Bormann and likens (Core Case study), which illustrates the nature of the scientific process shown in Figure 2 The diagram in Figure 17 illustrates what scientists do. Scientists use this overall Plocess for testing ideas about how the natural world works. However, they do not Necessarily follow the order of steps shown hete, For example, sometimes a_ scientist Might start by coming up with a hypothesis fo Snswer the initial question and then run SsPetiments to test the hypothesis. 21 Figure 17. Diogram that illustrates what scientists do. (Source: hitp:// 's a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world. It involves using a combination of observation, experimentation, and analysis to develop theories and explanations about how the world works. Science seeks fo explain natural phenomena and make predictions about fulure events based on empirical evidence and logical reasoning. Scientific knowledge is constantly evolving, as new evidence is discovered and new theories are proposed and tested. The goal of science is to develop a deeper understanding of the — ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. Chapter 3- The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems 22 ! environmental world around us and to improve our abliity to predict and control natural phenomena, ultimately leading to advances in technology and improvements in our quality of life. Science plays a critical role in environmental science by providing a systematic andevidence-based approach to understanding the environment, It provides tools and methods for observing, measuring, and analyzing the natural world, and for testing hypotheses and making predictions about the impacts of human activities on the environment. In envronmental science, scientists use the scientific method to study various such as climate change, air and water pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. They collect through _ observations, issues, data experiments, and modeling, and use | statistical methods to analyze and interpret the data. Science also provides a foundation for developing solutions to environmental problems. Through research = and experimentation, scientists can identify the root causes of environmental issues and develop strategies for mitigating or adapting to their Impacts. Science-based solutions can help to inform policy decisions and promote sustcinable practices that protect the envionment and support human well-being, Mi Defined as anything that has mass (Weight) ond takes up space. People, atoms, cars, water molecules, Cells, Sagi, atoms, etc. are all examples of Tate, includes al physical substances crouny or from the air we breathe to the foodwe ft the stars in the sky. Mater can exis ny i states, including solid, quid, and gas, The basic bulking books of may ‘are atoms, which are composed of g NUcley id neutrons, of protons and neutrons, surrounded by g cloud of electrons. Different elements ae defined by the number of protons jn the nucleus, which determines the element, atomic number. Molecules are formed when two q more toms bond together chemicaly Molecules can be made up of atoms of the same element (such as Oz, which is made up of two oxygen atoms), or different elements (such as HO, which Is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom), The state of matter depends on the temperature and pressure of the substance, ‘At low temperatures and high pressures matter exists in a solid state, where the particles are tightly packed and do not move ground freely. At higher temperatures ond lower pressures, matter exists in aliquid state, where the particles have more freedom 4 movement. At even higher temperaturesand lower pressures, matter exists in a gaseovs siate, where the portcies move feel independently of each other. ; aso ei Other states of matler can i such as plasma, which is a high-eneroY a of matter that occurs at vey A nsates temperatures. Bose-Einstein conde! NVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. 1 23 chapter 3~ The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems nother state of matter that occurs at i tremely IOw temperatures and Involves the e mnerging of atoms into a single quantum entity. itter_ can Ct int « Physical Change - a change from one physical state to another (€.g. evaporation of water to create water vapor), There is no change in chemical composition. «Chemical Change - involves rearrangements of atoms in the molecules during a chemical reaction. For example, the buming of coal involves chemical and physical change. The solid carbon of the coal combines with gaseous oxygen to produce gaseous carbon dioxide and water vapor. The energy locked up in the coalis released as heat. 1s a fundamental concept in physics thatrefers to the ability of a system to do work. tis scalar quantity, meaning that it has Magnitude but no direction. Energy can take any forms, such as thermal, electical, kinetic, potential, and chemical energy, and ©an be transformed from one form to nother. Energy can neither be created nor destoyed: it can only be transformed from ne form to another. This is known as the law °F conservation of energy. For example, when ball Is thrown, it has kinetic eneray due to its motion. When it hits the ground, some of that energy Is transformed into thermal energy due to the friction between the ball and the ground, The total amount of energy remains constant, but its form changes. Energy Cyle Energy from the Sun is the driver of many Earth System processes. This energy flows into the Atmosphere and heats this system (see Figure 18). It also heats the Hydrosphere and the land surface of the Geosphere and fuels many processes in the Biosphere. Differences in the amount of energy absorbed in different places set the Atmosphere and oceans in motion and help determine their overall temperature and chemical structure. These motions, such as wind pattems and ocean currents redistribute energy throughout the environment, Eventually, the energy that began as Sunshine (short-wave radiation) leaves the planet as Earthshine (light reflected by the Atmosphere and surface back into space), and infrared radiation (heat, also called the planet which reaches the top of the Atmosphere. This flow of energy from the Sun, through the environment, and back into space is a major connection in the Earth system; it defines Earth's climate (My NASA Data, n.d.). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. , Chapter 3 - The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems q Figure 18. Diagram showing paris of the Earth system: Mater and Energy Cyele (Image Ctedit: NASA's Godard Space Fight Center) The matter and energy cycle refers to the movement and transformation of matter and energy through various _ physical, chemical, and biological processes in natural systems. In this cycle, matter and energy are: neither created nor desitoyed, bul are constantly recycled and transformed into different forms. The matter cycle involves the movement of matter through various stages, including Production, consumption, decomposition, and recycling, For example, in the carbon cycle, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into organic matter through photosynthesis. The organic matter is then consumed by animels, which exhale carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. When plants and animals die, their bodies decompose and release carbon backinto the sol, where cay be reused by other organisms or release back into the atmosphere through natud processes. The energy cycle involves the conversion and transfer of energy from one form to another. Energy can be transformed Into different forms, such as kinetic, potential thermal, electromagnetic, ond nuclea energy. For example, in the water cycle, sola energy drives the evaporation of water fron the surface of the Earth, which Ine condenses into clouds and falls back fo? Earth as precipitation. The precipitation then be stored in groundwater o sufoe water bodies and used fo gered? hydroelectric power. =_— ENV! chapter |RONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. 1 25 3 - The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems ————— three Laws of Matter and Energy io. 1 the total amount of matter on earth Is constant. The chemical and physical nature of matter changes: but the atoms that makeup matter are neither destroyed nor created. In other words, nothing ever goes away. Conservation of Eneray: as matter changesits physical/chemical nature, energy wil be converted from one form to another, but the total amount of energy remains the same (7s conserved'). This Is the Fist Law of Thermodynamics. Second of The ics: when energy is changed from one form to another, some of the useful energy is always degraded to lower-quality, less useful energy. Figure 28 illustrates this very clearly. A consequence of the Second Law is that no physical/chemical process can be 100% efficient. A community of living organisms, fogether with their physical and chemical environment, functioning as an ecological unit. Ecosystems can be as small as a single Pond or as large as the entire planet, and they can be found in a wide variety of environments, Including forests, grasslands, deserts, and oceans. Ecosystems are made \ of both biotic and abiotic components. stems: oti | Components * These are the physical and chemical factors that influence organisms: climate, altitude, soil_fertity, Precipitation, dissolved oxygen (in water), and salinity (e.g. in coastal and marine ecosystems}. * Species distributions are limited by these physical factors «= =Acclimation can help organisms adjust fo gradual enviionmental changes, but threshold effects will occur when limits to acclimation are met. « Limiting factors: offen one abiotic factor is of overiding importance in ‘an ecosystem. Examples - ore soil moisture in deserts, dissolved oxygen in lakes, and salinity in estuaries. Components. Despite the tremendous number of species in mest ecosystems, all organisms in ‘an ecosystem can be classified into a small number of categories: Producers: “make their food [energy and nutrients] from chemical compounds obtained from their [abiotic] environment”. Nearly all are photosynthesizers (plants and some bacteria) that make sugar from carbon dioxide and water, using the energy of sunlight. This includes green plants on land and microscopic algae (phytoplankton) in freshwater and marine ecosystem. Consumers: get their energy and nutrients by feeding on other organisms or their remains. « — Herbivores eat plants ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vox; Chapter 3 - The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems 26 * Camivores (primary, secondary, tertiary) eat other animals *° Scavengers eat dead organisms * ~Detritivores fragments wastes of other organisms eat and * Decomposers (mostly some bacteria and fungi) eat dead organic matter, releasing nutrients into soil or ' sediments. Respiration: (i.e., cellular respiration) is the chemical reaction by which all organisms » Telease the energy contained in food. The : reaction combines oxygen with sugar to Produce carbon dioxide and water. As this happens some of the energy locked up in the sugar is made available to the organism. The test is released to the environment as heat. vi Biodiversity: i» policy against disasters." : * Genetic diversity hin . anf “nature's insurance Species diversity Ecological (landscape diversity) Functional diversity eee uC) (erent) eect) (magnified) eer uet a Some necessary concepts: Food Chain - a linear Sequencg @ organisms through which nutrients ong energy pass as one organism eats ANother, |, @ food chain, each organism Occupies j different trophic level, defined by how eneray transfers separate it from the base input of the chain. To summarize, a food chop, is a sequence of organisms, each of Whichis a source of food for the next (see Figure 19), Food Web —a diagram that shows the complex network of feeding relationships among different organisms in an ecosystem, i consists of interconnected food chains, which show how energy and nutrients flow through ‘an ecosystem (see Figure 20). In a food web, producers, such as plants, are at the bottom of the pyramid, os their food through Photosynthesis. Herbivores, which feed on plants, are next in the food chain, followed by camivores, which feed on other animal. they produce Figure 19. An example of marine Food chain (Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.). _—— jRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vo. 1 ENV! 3-The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems chopter omnivores, which feed on both ants ‘and animals, can be found at various jovels of the food web. ; in addition to primary producers, perbivores: and carnivores, there are also decomposers and detritivores in food webs, pecomposers, such as fungi and bacteria, break down dead organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the soil. Detritivores, such os worms and scavengers, feed on dead rgonic matter and help break it down into smaller particles that can be consumed by decomposers. 7\ aM, 2 Hes 2Oe " oe > N + Ng? sah bftps:// Trophic Levels - refer to the position of Gn organism in a food chain or food web. They are defined by how organisms obtain nergy and are typically categorized into four Main goups: producers, primary consumers, Secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers (see Figure 21), Producers, also known as autotrophs, Ste oganisms that Produce their food ‘hough photosynthesis, They are the oF ie Figure 20. Difference between Food Chain and Food Web (Source: 27 foundation of most food chains and food webs, as they provide energy and nutrients to all other organisms in the ecosystem. Examples of producers include plants, aigae, and some bacteria. Primary consumers, also known as herbivores, are organisms that eat producers to obtain energy. They occupy the second trophic level in a food chain or food web. Examples of primary consumers include deer, rabbits, and insects. Secondary consumers, also known as camivores, are organisms that primary consumers to obtain energy. They occupy the third trophic level in a food chain or food web. Examples of secondary consumers include wolves, snakes, and birds of prey. Tertiary consumers, also known as top predators, are organisms that eat other camivores to obtain energy. They occupy the fourlh and highest trophic level in a food chain or food web. Examples of tertiary consumers include lions, sharks, and eagles. Eneray Pyramid - is a graphical representation of the flow of energy through on ecosystem, with the primary producers at the bottom and the top predators at the top. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A Comprehensive Exploration vor; 2 Chapter 3 - The Interplay of Science, Matter, Energy, and Ecosystems teferred to as biorenewable resources, ons forms of organic materials, including sel matter both living and in waste form, gs, as animal matter and their waste Produets, The pyramid shows the relative amount of energy available at each trophic level, with the amount of energy decreasing as it moves up the pyramid. Partial food web: North American grassland and forest 8 ee z oe it em a’ ruc tan en velo) cack bau haus wreican| ar covers sy ervey of | <—— nsicates rection of energy few varia concur. (© Creytapece Grameen , Tralaze obs saconany conse owes ss neh Boy brcion rv Figure 21. An illustration of Trophic Level of a partial food web (Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.) Energy pyramids can help us understand =the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels and how changes in one part of the ecosystem can affect the others (see Figure 22). Biomass - refers to the Grasshopper \ \ total mass of living organisms in Primary Consumérs A ie agiven area or ecosystem. This \ includes all the plants, animals, / fungi, and microorganisms in the mene ecosystem, as well as the dead nytt oon G319A D355 Primary Producers organic matter, or detritus, which they Figure 22. An ilustration of Energy Pyramid (Source: hitps://thebiolcgynotes. com/pyramid-otene’ayY produce. (see Figure 23) On the other hand, defnition-levelsimportance-examples/-)- the term Biomass Resources, sometimes me,

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