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Internship Report

(BYCO Oil and Petroleum Limited, Karachi.)


Khaqan Majeed
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)


This is to certify that work in this dissertation/report has been carried out by Mr. Khaqan
Majeed and completed under my supervision, ORC-2 BYCO Oil and Petroleum Limited,
Karachi, Pakistan.

Supervisor: ______________
Engineer. Abdul Qader
Assistant Advisor
Advisory Department ORC-2
BYCO Oil and Petroleum Limited, Karachi.



First of all we are bow before ALLAH, The Almighty to thank for his countless blessing
and bounties.

Secondly we are highly thankful to Engr. Abdul Qader our internship advisor, who
guided us, encouraged us and accepted nothing less than our best efforts.

We are also thankful to our Parents who kept our spirit high and didn’t let us down.
Special thanks to our Friends for their continuous support and technical assistance.

At last but never the least we are thankful to all members of operation department at
ORC-2 (BYCO) specially Eng. Hisham Hafeez Khan , Eng. Muhammad Noman and Mr.
Hafiz Junaid for their precious time and value able advices.

This report consists learning that we got during internship period at ORC-2 BYCO Oil
and Petroleum Limited Karachi. Safety is always first priority in any industry. We have
discussed safety target of BYCO, main hazard which can occur in refinery area and emergency
alarms for different alarming situation.

Second thing, upon which whole refinery is dependent, is utilities. To run plant it requires
water and power. Water treatment plant, power house, cooling tower, compressor, boiler and fire
line network is discussed in utilities.

Refinery Process is divided in black oil movements, white oil movements and oil
movements. Black oil movement is treatment of crude oil. Products of crude distillation unit are
further treated to meet end user requirements. White oil movement is treatment of Overhead
product Naphtha. Naphtha is treated in hydro treating unit to convert sulfur and nitrogen into
hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Naphtha contains hydrocarbons C1 to C10 which are separated
in gas treatment unit where we get LPG, light naphtha and heavy naphtha. Light naphtha is
treated in isomerization unit to convert n-paraffin to iso-paraffin. Heavy Naphtha is treated in
plat former to crack into lighter hydrocarbons to make gasoline.

Table of Contents
1- Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)............................................................................................... 1
1.1- Targets .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1- LTI .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2- Safety Signs ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1- Blue ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2- Green......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.3- Yellow ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2.4- Red ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3- Main Hazards ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3.1- Fire ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3.2- Chemical.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3.3- Confined Area ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.4- Electric....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.5- Noise Hazard ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.6- Radiation ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.7- Thermal ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.8- Physical...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4- Emergency Alarms ........................................................................................................................ 2
2- Utilities .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1- Water treatment: .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1- Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) ................................................................................................ 3
2.1.2- Multi Media Filter (MMF) ..................................................................................................... 4
2.1.3- Reverse Osmosis (RO) ........................................................................................................... 5
2.1.4- Electro De-Ionization............................................................................................................. 6
2.2- Boilers ........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1- Flash Vessel ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.2- DEARATOR .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.3- Boiler ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3- Cooling Tower ............................................................................................................................. 12

3- Black Oil Movements .......................................................................................................................... 14

3.1- CRUDE OIL DISTILLATION UNIT ........................................................................................................ 14
3.1.1- Feed .......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.2- De-salter.................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.3- Furnace (1F-1) ........................................................................................................................... 16
3.1.4- Fractionating Column (1C-1) ..................................................................................................... 16
3.1.5- Accumulator.............................................................................................................................. 18
3.1.6- Strippers .................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.7- Chemical Dosing........................................................................................................................ 19
4- White Oil Movements ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.1- Naphtha Hydro treating Unit (Plant-6) ............................................................................................ 20
4.1.1- Feed Surge Drum (6C-3)............................................................................................................ 20
4.1.2- Pumps and Heat Exchangers..................................................................................................... 20
4.1.3- Furnace (6F-1) ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.1.4- Reactor (6C-1) ........................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.5- Reactor Product Separator (6C-2)............................................................................................. 21
4.1.6- Product Flash Drum (6C-5)........................................................................................................ 21
4.2- Gas Treatment Plant (Plant-8) ......................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1- DE-ETHANIZER (8C-1) ................................................................................................................ 23
4.2.2- De-Butanizer (8C-5) .................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.3- De-Isohexanizer (8C-13)............................................................................................................ 24
4.3- Isomerization Unit (Plant-16) .......................................................................................................... 26
4.3.1- Liquid Preparation .................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2- Panex Unit ................................................................................................................................. 27
4.3.3- Molex Unit........................................................................................................................... 28

List of Tables
Table 1 Boiling ranges of crude oil fraction ............................................................................................... 14
Table 2 Trays Distribution in Fractionator ................................................................................................. 18
Table 3 Contaminats value in Panex Feed .................................................................................................. 27

List of Figures
Figure 1 DAF System ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2 Process Flow Diagram ofMMF ........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3 Process Flow Diagram of Sea water RO .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 Process Flow Diagram of Brackish Water RO and CEDI .................................................................. 7
Figure 5 Diagram of DE aerator .................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 Process flow diagram of Boiler ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7 Diagram of DEsalter ...................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8 Process flow diagram of DE salter................................................................................................. 16
Figure 9 Process Flow Diagram of CDU ....................................................................................................... 19
Figure 10 Process Flow Diagram of Plant-6 ................................................................................................ 22
Figure 11 Process flow diagram of M.E.A ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 12 Process flow diagram of Gas treatment Plant ............................................................................ 25

1- Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)

Safety always has been first priority in industry to make life and environment safe. For
BOPL safety now means tomorrow is safe. For everyone who work there safety training and
obey the safety rules are compulsory.

1.1- Targets
BOPL has safety targets to make environment safe.


1.1.1- LTI
BOPL keep zero last time injury. Every time when accident occurs, injury rate should be

1.2- Safety Signs

There are many sign to guide the labor. They have different color which their strength.

1.2.1- Blue
Blue color is compulsory which should be obeyed whatever the circumstances are.

1.2.2- Green
This color guides about safety. Green tell what should do according to equipment or

1.2.3- Yellow
Yellow color is warning color.

1.2.4- Red
Red color is about fire. Equipment with red color is about fire.

1.3- Main Hazards

BOPL has listed main hazard which may occur in refinery. According to them safety
measurement are done. Main hazards are:

1.3.1- Fire
Fire may occur in refinery site due to hydrocarbon leakage. So safety measurement is
done to control fire if it occurs.

1.3.2- Chemical
As BOPL is dealing with crude oil to make pure products from it.
During the production there may be leakage of hydrocarbons. To control
chemical leakage different safety measurement are done.

1.3.3- Confined Area

There are site that may be have a way to get in for different purposes but it may harmful
for irrelevant people so they are cleared confined areas. To go in confined area, relevant person
should obtain permit.

1.3.4- Electric
Electric shock may occur as there are different wires.

1.3.5- Noise Hazard

Equipment installed in refinery creates noise which is also hazard. To avoid results of
noise hazard, ear plug is used.

1.3.6- Radiation
Radiation equipment are installed for different purposes. When they
are switched on, common labor is kept away from site. Only men in
appropriate radiation dress are allowed to enter radiation zone.

1.3.7- Thermal
Different equipment like furnace, stack, heat exchanger, boiler, steam
lines have thermal effect. So always keep a distance to avoid thermal affects.

1.3.8- Physical
Moving machinery like cranes, are working on site. Irrelevant person
should remain away from site because they can make physical damage.

1.4- Emergency Alarms

Emergency is held if any following case occurs.

 Fire
 Chemical Leakage
 Radiation Exposure
 Equipment Damage

During emergency, everyone should be gathered at assembly point.


2- Utilities

Utilities are section of industry that provides power, water and other things to run the
production unit. Commonly they include:

 Water Treatment
 Boiler
 Compressor
 Cooling Tower
 Power House
 Fire Water Network

2.1- Water treatment:

In BOPL water is obtained from two sources:

 Sea Water
 Boring Wells

Sea water is pumped from sea to open channel. Two submersible pumps are used to
extract water from sea.

In boring well, water from 1oom depth is extracted. Currently 20 pumps are working.
Water from sea and boring wells is transported through open channel whose length is 1.5 km.

Water treated for use in boiler to form steam, for making steam water should be distilled.
To make distilled water different process are being used.

 Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

 Multi-media Filter (MMF)
 Reverse Osmosis (RO)
 Electro De-Ionization

2.1.1- Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

Air is introduced to water stream that adheres or traps solid particles.
This increases buoyancy of particles and they came out at surface. DAF is
first in water treatment. In this stage water before treatment has 40,000 TDS.

Before DAF, chemical pretreatment is done. Chemical treatment is

done to control pH, to make flocks and corrosion. We are using following
chemical in water treatment:

 Caustic Soda to maintain

 Sodium hypochlorite
 Fe2Cl3

 Poly electrolyte

DAF is simply open water tank which contain scrapper. Water from
chemical pretreatment is injected into water tank. A water recycle is made in
DAF, in which air is inserted. This air traps or adhere solid particles with it
and due to buoyancy, they are deposited on water surface. Poly electrolyte
helps to make flocks. These suspended particles are removed from surface by
scrapper. After DAF treatment water turbidity is equal 5 NTU. In DAF
system 5 pumps are being used, 3 for feed and 2 for back wash.

Open Channel
Water Intake Channel

Feed Pump
Pre chlorination



Backwash Underground
Pump water tank
Air Blower

Figure 1 DAF System

2.1.2- Multi Media Filter (MMF)

Multimedia filter consist bed filter bed. Filter bed consists of three different material type
layers. Above of all is anthracite, intermediate layer is sand and third layer is gravel. Anthracite
has small particle size, sand has intermediate and gravel has large particle size. Large suspended
particles are trapped in anthracite layer while in sand layer intermediate sized particles are
trapped. Small size particles are trapped in bottom layer. This arrangement is made so that all
particles should not deposit on first layer to back wash repetition.

Water from DAF, is send to MMF to remove further suspended particles. At inlet
turbidity of water is 5 NTU while after treatment it is less than 1 NTU.

Filter Feed
Media Filters

Filter Feed

water tank
Figure 2 Process Flow Diagram of MMF

2.1.3- Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis relies on differences between the physical and
chemical properties of the solutes and water to achieve separation. A high
pressure feed stream is directed across the surface of a semipermeable
material, and due to a pressure differential between the feed and permeate
sides of the membrane, a portion of the feed stream passes through the
membrane. As water passes through the membrane, solutes are rejected and
the feed stream becomes more concentrated. The permeate stream exits at
nearly atmospheric pressure, while the concentrate remains at nearly the feed
The smallest unit of production capacity in a membrane plant is called
a membrane element. The membrane elements are enclosed in pressure
vessels mounted on skids, which have piping connections for feed, permeate,
and concentrate streams. A group of pressure vessels operated in parallel is
called a stage. The concentrate from one stage can be fed to a subsequent
stage to increase water recovery (a multistage system, sometimes called a
brine-staged system) or permeate from one stage can be fed to a second stage
to increase solute removal (a two-pass system, also sometimes called a
permeate-staged system).
Here at ORC-2, RO is further divided in two categories i.e. Seawater RO and Brackish

a- Seawater RO
Water after treatment in DAF and MMF, contains 40000 TDS. Before
entering pressure vessel, water flow through 5um cartridge filter as a
minimum pre-filtration step for protection of the membrane elements. To

remove dissolved particles, high pressurized water at 903psig is passed from

15 pressure vessels in parallel arrangement. Each pressure vessel contains 7
membrane elements. Water is kept chlorine free as it will degrade the
membrane element. At outlet TDS are 400mg/l. Here recovery of solutes is
about 40%. This water can be used as fire water, CW makeup water, process
water, potable water and utility water but cannot be used for boiler. For use in
boiler further treatment is done.

Five micron
Cartridge Filter
Energy Recovery

Inline Static
High Pressure
Feed Pump


Underground Reject Tank

RO Membrane 40% Recovery

Figure 3 Process Flow Diagram of Sea water RO

b- Brackish Water RO
After treating water in seawater RO, TDS come to 400mg/l which
categories it in brackish water. Permeate from seawater RO is treated in
brackish water RO system. This system contains 7 pressurized vessels. Water
at 144 psig is injected at outside of membrane element. Here after treatment
TDS is 20mg/l while recovery is about 90%.

2.1.4- Electro De-Ionization

To obtain TDS less than 0.1mg/l, permeate from 2nd pass RO is
further treated in electro de-ionization. It will make useable water for boiler.
Total number of CEDI is 24. In EDI the dissolved salts are ionized by the
application of voltage. Positive ions move towards cathode and negative ions
moves towards anode. It is a three layer compartment where salt is used as
electrolyte and its level is maintained at 0.5-2inches. In middle there is a
layer of resin, then 2 electrodes and then a membrane layer. Here recovery is

Five micron CEDI

Cartridge Filter 95% Recovery
Booster Pump High Pressure Boiler Feed Water

RO Membrane
90% Recovery
Underground Product
Water Tank Caustic Soda
Post pH
Feed Pump RO Membrane Feed Pump
90% Recovery

Underground BWRO
Figure 4 Process Flow Diagram of Brackish Water RO and CEDI

2.2- Boilers
Boilers are pressure vessels designed to heat water or produce steam,
which can then be used to provide space heating and/or service liquid
heating. Boiler is categories in two types i.e. water tube boiler and fire tube
boiler. In ORC-2, water tube boiler is used to make high pressure steam.
Three boilers are installed with common DE aerator but separate economizer
and stack assembly. Here we are using it to make steam. Three type steams
are used.
 HP
 MP
 LP

HP is high pressure steam at 43.7barg and 380oC. MP is medium

pressure steam at 18barg and temperature is 208oC while LP is low pressure
steam at 4.3barg and 157oC. LP is condensate of HP. HP is used to run
turbines. MP and LP are used process steam. To make steam from distilled
water, complete assembly of equipment is used.
Distilled water and condensate are generally used to make steam.
Distilled/Demin water is used only for first time run of boiler. In continuous
process demin water will be used as makeup water. Condensate water is used
as main process stream.
2.2.1- Flash Vessel
Condensate from BOPL is flashed in flash vessel. Vapors will rise
above and again added to LP steam. Liquid phase at bottom will be
deposited. Liquid phase contains heat which will be recovered by heating
DEMIN water in plate type heat exchanger. After flash tank, water is treated
in DE aerator.
A DE aerator is a device that is widely used for the removal of
oxygen and other dissolved gases from the feed water to steam-generating
boilers. In particular, dissolved oxygen in boiler feed water will cause
serious corrosion damage in steam systems by attaching to the walls of metal
piping and other metallic equipment and forming oxides (rust). Dissolved
carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid that causes further
At ORC-2, two DE aerators are used.
 LP DE aerator
 HP DE Aerator

DE aeration is done by two methods i.e. mechanical DE aeration and

chemical DE aeration. Mechanical DE aeration is done by help of steam. Steam is
injecting at the bottom of DE aerator and it cause to remove dissolved gases. While
in chemical DE aeration O2 scavenger is added to water stream. Here at ORC-2 we
are adding sodium sulphate as O2 scavenger. Most DE aerators are designed to

remove oxygen. It reacts with dissolved O2 and separate it water stream. Sodium
sulphite is non-scaling agent. Here both mechanisms are used for DE aeration.
Mechanical DE aeration occurs first than chemical DE aeration.

a- LP DE aerator
Feed water is sprayed by means of nozzle from top. LP steam is
injected at bottom through steam Spurger. Dissolved gases will be vaporized

Figure 5 Diagram of DE aerator

and will vent from top. DE aerator is kept at height to create pressure head. In
LP DE aerator water is discharged at low pressure 19barg. Water from LP
DE aerator is used at BOPL plant area as process water in re-boiler etc.

b- HP DE aerator
HP DE aerator works same like LP DE aerator. Water discharge is at
50.3barg. Discharge of HP DE aerator is used as feed water of boiler.
2.2.3- Boiler
Water from HP DE aerator is used as feed water in boiler. At ORC-2, all
three boilers are water tube boiler. A water tube boiler is a type of boiler in
which water circulates in tubes heated externally by the fire. The circulated
water is heated by the hot gases and converted into steam at the vapor space
in the drum. These hot gases are produced by burning fuel inside the furnace.
The whole assembly of boiler and process is discussed below.
a- Economizer
Economizer is installed to recover heat from flue gases of boiler by
heating feed water. Flue gases from boiler have large amount of heat while
feed water is at ambient temperature. If feed water is injected at ambient
temperature in boiler it will increase fuel consumption to gain heat. So before
injecting feed water in boiler, it is indirectly contacted with flue gases. Water
will gain heat from flue gases. Flue gases go from 292 oC to 186 oC
temperature. Now it can be vented in atmosphere. In ORC-2, three boilers are
installed. Each boiler is connected to separate economizer and stack column.

b- Steam Drum
A steam drum is a standard feature of a water-tube boiler. It is a
reservoir of water/steam at the top end of the water tubes. The drum stores
the steam generated in the water tubes and acts as a phase-separator for the
steam/water mixture. The difference in densities between hot and cold water
helps in the accumulation of the "hotter"-water/and saturated-steam into the
steam-drum. Different type chemical dosing is also done for different

 Hydrazine for O2 Exvanger

 Amine to keep pH < 7
 Phosphate as anti-scalant

c- Burner
Two burners are installed in boiler each with dual fuel system. In
dual fuel facility, they can be run either at furnace oil or fuel gas. Control
ratio of air to fuel is injected for complete combustion. Furnace oil is
atomized with help of steam. Steam makes furnace oil mist. This mist
formation completely burns otherwise showering of furnace oil by nozzles
will not help it to burn. As boilers are forced draught boilers air is forced to
combustion chamber by blower to maintain a positive pressure.
d- Down Comers and Riser Tubes
Water form steam drum comes by gravity via tubes called down
comers. Down comers passes through combustion chamber as it gain heat, its
vapors rise through tubes called riser. In down comers water from steam
drum goes down to mud drum. During pass of down comer from combustion
zone it get heat. Riser tubes connects mud drum to steam drum. Hot water
from mud drum goes through riser tubes to steam passing through
combustion chamber. The steam and water mixture enters the steam drum
through riser tubes; drum internals consisting of demister separate the water
droplets from the steam producing dry steam. Saturate water at bottom of
steam drum is again flows through down comers. By this cycle saturated
steam is generated in steam drum. Saturated steam discharges from top of
steam drum to make super heat steam.
e- Super Heater
Saturated steam from steam drum is further heated to convert rest
vapors to steam. It will create dry steam. This zone consist thin tubes of
steam and flue gases from combustion chamber. This zone is named
convection zone as heat is transferred from flue gases to steam tubes. Here
we get super heat steam which is ready for use in plant.
f- Water Drum/Mud Drum
The Mud drum is a unit which is located beneath the steam drum to
collect the solid materials which precipitate out of the boiler feed water due

to the high pressure and temperature conditions of the boiler. The process by
which suspended solids are collected in the boiler is referred to as cycling.
Cycling occurs because the boiler feed water is sent through the boiler drum a
number of times. This is done to produce the maximum amount of steam per
unit volume of feed water. On each run through the boiler drum, a portion of
the boiler feed water is vaporized. This results in an increase in the solids
concentration in the boiler drum. Eventually, the solids concentration hinders
the ability to maintain steam generation efficiency. At this time, a stream of
compressed air is used to blow the solids into the mud drum beneath the
boiler. The mud drum then stores these materials for later disposal. This
process of using compressed air to remove the collected suspended solids is
referred to as blow down.

Condensate BOPL

LP Deaerator
BOPL Steam
Condensate Steam HP Deaerator

Flash Vessel

Feed to BOPL



Steam Super


Figure 6 Process flow diagram of Boiler


2.3- Cooling Tower

Cooling tower is a device which removes heat from a medium and
rejects this heat to the atmosphere. The basic principle of cooling tower is
that of evaporation and condensation. Sensible heat is exchanged. Cooling
towers are classified in two categories.
 Natural draft cooling tower
 Mechanical draft cooling tower

In natural draft cooling tower air flow is due to largely difference in

density between the warm air in the tower and the external ambient air. They
are most economical. Mechanical draft cooling tower has large fan is used to
draw air through circulated water. It has further two types:
 Forced draft cooling tower
 Induced draft cooling tower

Here at ORC-2 we are using induced draft cooling tower. In induced

draft cooling tower water and air flow is counter flow. Four cooling towers
are installed. Each is further divided in two sections with common fan. At top
fan is installed. Below the fans, fins are made to control drift losses. As air
speed is high, large amount of water will be vaporized. To condense water
fins are installed. They will recover maximum vapor from air. Below fins
plate, feed water is sprayed. Fin frame are installed in cooling tower body to
increase contact time and area of water and air. Chemical treatment is done in
feed water. Following chemicals are injected;
 Active Bromine
 NaOCl
 Corrosion and Scale inhibitor

Some important terms used in cooling tower are;

a- Approach
The approach is the difference in temperature between the entering
water temperature and the entering air wet bulb temperature. It tells the
maximum level to which water can be cooled.
b- Range
The range is the temperature difference between the water inlet and
exit states. It tells to what extent water has been cooled.
c- Wet Bulb Temperature
The temperature measured by moistened thermometer of saturated air
when evaporation and condensation rate is in equilibrium.
d- Dry Bulb Temperature
Dry bulb temperature is temperature of ambient air.

e- Absolute Humidity
Absolute humidity is a measure of the actual amount of water vapor
(moisture) in the air, regardless of the air's temperature. The higher the
amount of water vapor, the higher the absolute humidity.
f- Relative Humidity
Relative humidity can be expressed as the ratio of the partial pressure
of the water vapor in mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of the water at
given temperature.

3- Black Oil Movements

Black oil movements involve treatment of crude oil. It covers crude

oil distillation, vacuum distillation and heavy gas oil treatment. Currently
only crude oil distillation unit (plant-1) is in working condition. Heavy gas oil
treatment (plant-4) and vacuum distillation unit (plant-2) are under
commissioning. So here we will cover only crude distillation unit (plant-1).


In any refinery crude distillation unit is first processing unit. Crude oil
is separated on basis of boiling point at atmospheric pressure to achieve
different products. Here at ORC-2, the crude is separated into five basic
streams which are then further processed to get end user required product.
Separation of the crude is accomplished by vaporizing and condensing the
crude under controlled conditions so that fractions boiling ranges can be
achieved. Below table shows crude oil fraction’s boiling ranges.

Table 1 Boiling ranges of crude oil fraction

Stream Boiling Range oF

Naphtha <320

Kerosene 320-510

Light gas oil 510-680

Heavy Gas oil 680-750

Furnace oil/ Residue >660

3.1.1- Feed
The feed to the unit normally imported mostly from Qatar Marine
crude. Oil is shipped from oil ship to directly unit by single point mooring
buoy facility. BYCO is first company of Pakistan having single mooring
point (SPM) buoy facility. The unit is designed to handle 115 MBPD. The
feed is pumped to the unit from crude storage by pumps located near the
crude tanks.
3.1.2- De-salter
After preheating crude oil in heat exchanger, it is pumped to de-salter
unit. The crude oil contains salt of calcium and magnesium in the form of
dissolved salt in the tiny droplet of water which forms a water-in oil
emulsion. This water cannot be separated by gravity or through mechanical
means. It is separated through electrostatic water separation. This process is
called desalting. In the electrostatic de-salter, the salty water droplets are
caused to coalesce and migrate to the aqueous phase by gravity.

The De-salter is installed before the Pre-heat section of Crude

Distillation Unit to operate at temperatures between 120-150 C. Desalter is a
horizontal unit electrodes and mesh to maintain water layer below oil. The
desalting operation is carried out by flushing the crude from bottom of de-
salter to fresh water of low salt content. De-salter contains 5 beds, first two
water bed, intermediate emulsion bed and top two beds are crude oil bed. As
crude is passed through water beds, it is washed. After water beds
electrostatic filed is established with help of electrodes. Caustic soda
injection is done as an electrolyte. This electrostatic field will emulsify salts
with water droplets in crude oil. These will settled down with gravity. The
De-salter carries out dehydration of the crude to bring down the water content
to below 0.1%. For high efficiency, high temperature and pressure is

Figure 7 Diagram of DEsalter


Figure 8 Process flow diagram of DE salter

3.1.3- Furnace (1F-1)

The desalted crude is passed through a series of heat exchangers (shell
and tube). Temperature then rises from 150oF to 350oF. But temperature of
feed in distillation requires 666oF. After pre-heating by heat exchangers, it is
then passed through a furnace. Its temperature is then raised to 710oF, in the
furnace 1F-1. 1F-1 is brickery type furnace with forced draft fan while
partially induced fan at outlet. Furnace is facilitated with dual burning
system. Crude oil is heated in two sections. Fist it is heated in combustion
zone which is called radiation zone then is heated in convection zone. From
here it flashes into the crude column 1C-1 at a temperature of 710oF and a
pressure of 30psig. Under these conditions, some of the crude is vaporized
and the vapor passes up the column whilst the remainder, as liquid, flows
down the column.
3.1.4- Fractionating Column (1C-1)
At about 666 oF, and about 30psig crude is fed just above 4th tray of
column as at this point feed will in equilibrium with column stream. Most of
the fractions in the crude oil vaporize and rise up the column through trays.
The different fractions are gradually separated from each other on the trays of
the fractionation column. The heaviest fractions condense on the lower trays
and the lighter fractions condense on the trays higher up in the column. At

different elevations in the column, with special trays called draw-off trays,
fractions can be drawn out on gravity through pipes, for further processing in
the refinery.
The main column is typically 50 m (164 ft) high and is equipped with
about 37 valve trays. The vapor goes up in tremendous amounts and at a high
flow rate, necessitating a large diameter column above the flash zone. At the
bottom of the stripping section, steam is injected into the column to strip the
atmospheric residue of any light hydrocarbon and to lower the partial
pressure of the hydrocarbon vapors in the flash zone. This has the effect of
lowering the boiling point of the hydrocarbons and causing more
hydrocarbons to boil and go up the column to be eventually condensed and
withdrawn as side streams. In the overhead condenser, the vapors are
condensed and part of the light naphtha is returned to the column as reflux.
Further reflux is provided by several pump around streams along the column.
In the distillation tower, heat required for separation is provided by the
enthalpy of the feed. For effective separation heat has to be removed from the
tower, in this case, by the overhead condenser and several pump around
streams along the tower length.
The side draw products (Kerosene, LGO and HGO) are stripped to
control their initial boiling point. The strippers contain several trays and the
stripping is done using steam at the bottom of the stripper or re-boiler type
side stream strippers. The end boiling point of the side stream is controlled by
the flow rate of the side stream product.
The overhead vapor is condensed at the top of the tower by heat
exchange with the cool crude coming into the unit and by air and cooling
water. The liquid product is called light straight run naphtha. Part of this
product is returned to the column as an external reflux. Down the column,
other products are withdrawn, such as heavy straight run naphtha, kerosene or
jet fuel, LGO and HGO. All of these products are withdrawn above the feed
tray. The atmospheric residue is withdrawn from the bottom of the column. It
is used as furnace oil currently. After installation of VDU, residue of CDU
will be treated to get asphalt and other products.
The main column is equipped with 37 valve trays. The trays
distribution between products as shown in

Table 2 Trays Distribution in Fractionator

Zone Number of Trays
Overhead product Naphtha to 13
Kerosene to light gas oil 10
Light gas oil to heavy gas oil 7
Heavy gas oil to flash zone 3
Flash zone to atmospheric residue 4

a- Re-boiler
Re-boiler is heat exchanger used to provide heat to the bottom of
distillation columns. It boils the partial bottom product of the distillation
column to generate vapors which are returned to the column to drive the
distillation separation. This stream is called bottom reflux.
b- Pump Around
A pump around circuit consist of withdrawing hot liquid from the
column, cooling it, and returning the cold liquid to the column. To achieve
this progressive cooling, pump around are used, one at the top of the column
(total pump around) and one at approximately middle of the column
(intermediate pump around). This pump around cooling accomplishes a
number of tasks. First, the cold liquid condenses more of the rising vapors
thus providing more reflux to compensate for the withdrawal of products
from the column.
Second, heat is removed from the column at higher temperatures. This
is in addition to the heat removal from the condenser which takes place at
relatively lower temperatures, thus the thermal efficiency of the column is
improved and the required furnace duty is reduced. Third, pump around
streams reduce the vapor flow rate throughout the column. Therefore, the
required column is smaller than what would otherwise be required if pump
around streams where not there. The drawback to using more pump around
streams is that they tend to reduce the fractionation because a more
fractionated liquid is mixed after cooling with a less fractionated liquid a few
trays above.
c- Reflux
In the overhead condenser, the vapors are condensed and part of the light naphtha is returned
to the column as reflux. Purpose of reflux is to increase purity and to maintain temperature
gradient by decreasing temperature in upper section.
3.1.5- Accumulator
At top of the column, vapors are routed to an overhead condenser,
typically cooled by water or air coolers. At the outlet of overhead condenser,

liquid (naphtha) and gases are separated in an accumulator at 40oC. Gases are
routed to a compressor for further recovery of LPG (C3/C4), while the liquids
(Naphtha) are pumped to a stabilizer column.
3.1.6- Strippers
The products are also drawn from different trays of the column. These
are called side draw-offs. The purpose of the side stripper is to remove some
light hydrocarbons by using steam injection. The lightest side draw-off from
the fractionating column is a fraction called kerosene, boiling in the range
150-280oC, which flows into a smaller column called side-stripper. Side
stripper contains three separate sections. They are kerosene, LGO and HGO
stripping section respectively. Stripper contains total 28 trays. Kerosene is
achieved at 354oF from first stripping section. It is run down. To make jet
fuel from kerosene then kerosene is further treated.
LGO at 510oF is stripped from second stripping section. This is used
as diesel oil. While from third stripping section, HGO at 663oF which is
currently mixed with furnace oil as plant-4 is under construction.
3.1.7- Chemical Dosing
In overhead product, total pump around and intermediate
pump around we are adding neutralizing amine and filming amine.
Neutralizing amine controls pH to avoid corrosion while filming amine
protects from fouling.

OFF Gas to Flare

Fractionator 1C-1

Crude Oil

E-2 E-7

E-3 E-6

E-5 DEsalter


Furnace Oil
Figure 9 Process Flow Diagram of CDU

4- White Oil Movements

White oil movements cover the treatment of over product (Naphtha)

from fractionator. Naphtha is treated in hydro treating unit then in gas
treatment plant. From gas treatment plant light naphtha is treated in
isomerization unit while heavy naphtha is treated in catalytic cracking unit
which is under construction.

4.1- Naphtha Hydro treating Unit (Plant-6)

The purpose of hydro treating plant is to remove sulfur and nitrogen
from naphtha (overhead product of fractionator). Hydrogen is added which
convert sulfur into hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen to ammonia.
The feed to this plant is the top product from the crude distillation
column and consists of all material boiling below 320oF and a stream of
hydrogen rich gas. The gas is the off gas from plat former, where hydrogen is
produced as a byproduct. The gas is compressed by a compressor after
passing through knock out drum, which removes liquids. Naphtha feed line
from plant-1 is divided in two lines 1P-53 and 1P-234. 1P-234 line is treated
in absorption column with hydrogen. Both lines are mixed before vessel 6C-
4.1.1- Feed Surge Drum (6C-3)
Naphtha feed line goes to vessel 6C-3 where naphtha is flashed.
Vapor goes to gas header line while water in naphtha is accumulated at
bottom due density difference. Boot is attached with vessel to collect water
and drain it.
4.1.2- Pumps and Heat Exchangers
To circulate naphtha through heat exchanger, furnace and reactor,
pump assembly is used. Three pumps are installed. Boost pump is installed in
series before 6G-1. Both pumps are motor driven pumps. Boost pump is for
boosting pressure of naphtha. Discharge of boost pump is suction of 6G-1.
This pump creates required pressure of naphtha stream. Third pump (turbine
driven) is standby pump. Naphtha is pre-heated in seven shell and tube heat
exchangers assembled in series. Cold naphtha flows through shell. Before
pre-heating hydrogen line is added to naphtha stream. The mixture of naphtha
and hydrogen is then heated up to a reaction temperature in exchangers and
then passes it into a furnace to raise the temp up to 480oF.
4.1.3- Furnace (6F-1)
In reactor high temperature is required. Temperature gained by pre-
heating is 480oF that is low. To boost temperature furnace is installed. Here
temperature will be at 580oF.

4.1.4- Reactor (6C-1)

Reactor conditions for naphtha hydro treating unit are around 580˚F
and pressure of 640psig. The naphtha hydro-treating unit uses a Nickel,
cobalt and molybdenum combination catalyst to remove sulfur and nitrogen
by converting it to hydrogen sulfide and ammonia respectively that is
removed along with unreacted hydrogen. Catalyst poisoned with time due
that temperature requirement also increases. When required temperature
reaches 750 F catalyst is changed. Some of the hydrogen sulfide-hydrogen
mixture is recycled back to the reactor to utilize the unreacted hydrogen,
using a compressor. Here the organic sulfur is converted into inorganic
sulfur. Hydrotreating reactions are classified as
a- Desulfurization

RSH + H2 RH + H2S

b- Denitgenation

C4H4NH + 4H2 C4H10 + NH3

4.1.5- Reactor Product Separator (6C-2)

Product of reactor contains naphtha with dissolved H2S and unreacted
hydrogen. They are cooled in heat exchanger by losing heat to reactor feed
naphtha. Before product separator, reactor product is washed by water as
formation of amine chloride occurs due to addition of filming amine. Water
absorbs amine chloride. In separator, product is flashed, vapors-gas vent from
top while water is accumulated in boot. Vent is sent to gas header. Water
from boot is regularly drained.
4.1.6- Product Flash Drum (6C-5)
Product from vessel 6C-2 contains unreacted hydrogen. To recover
hydrogen, product is further flashed in 6C-5 vessel. Unreacted hydrogen
recovered from top and recycled to reactor. Naphtha is sent to plant-8 for gas
treatment. Currently naphtha contains hydrogen sulfide.


6G-1 1P-234

H2S 6E-6 6E-4 6E-2

6GT-2 6E-41
From Plant-1
6E-5 6E-3 6E-1 1P-54
6E-7 Naphtha

H2 H2

6C-5 6C-2

To Plant 8
Figure 10 Process Flow Diagram of Plant-6

4.2- Gas Treatment Plant (Plant-8)

The purpose of gas recovery plant is to separate the light ends from
various other refining units. The other function is to remove the light ends
from the naphtha fraction of crude to produce the most useful feedstock for
the plat-former. Naphtha from HTU is dived in two lines DE ethanizer and
DE botanizer. Depending on composition of naphtha, it is sent in DE
ethanizer or DE botanizer.
4.2.1- DE-ETHANIZER (8C-1)
The purpose of this unit is to separate the ethane and lighter products
from the heavy naphtha. the naphtha from the hydro-treating unit is then fed
into the de-ethanizer column. In this unit ethane and lighter products are
separated from heavy naphtha along with some hydrogen sulfide. The top
product ethane and methane are used as fuel gas in furnaces and boilers. The
de-ethanizer column operates at an overhead accumulator of below 450psia at
125oF. The bottom product is C3 and above naphtha which leaves at 265oF.
Top and bottom reflux are kept to maintain temperature. Intermediate reflux
is also installed to separate water.
Column contains 29 plates. Bubble cap trays are used as vapor load is
low. In top product stream from heavy naphtha bottom product of de
isohexanizer is mixed. This stream is mixed to absorb higher carbon
hydrocarbon from vapors. Overhead accumulator separate ethane and lower
hydrocarbon from top product and send it to fuel gas.
Bottom product contains carbons C3- C10. It is feed for DE botanizer.
4.2.2- De-Butanizer (8C-5)
The bottom product from the De-ethanizer column is then fed into the
De-butanizer column for further separation of lighter products. In De-
butanizer the Butane and lighter products are withdrawn as the top product
along with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) at 136oF and 110psig. Some of this
condensate from overhead accumulator is returned as reflux. LPG’s and H2S
are sent to the amine treatment plant. The botanizer has a re-boiler, which
uses 200 psig streams as the heating medium. The bottom product from de-
butanizer at 334oF passes into de-isohexanizer. DE-butanizer contains 24
Amine Treatment
The de-butanizer overhead product is washed with a solution
containing lean mono-ethanol amine (MEA) to remove hydrogen sulfide and
other sulfur compounds MEA absorber. The propane/butane mixture is
preheated in exchanger 8E-6 and is then separated in the propane/butane
splitter 8C-11. The propane vapor condenses overhead, is condensed in air
cooled condenser 8E-7 and collects in accumulator 8C-12. Some of the
product is returned as reflux whilst the remainder is sent to LPG storage.

Rich M.E.A is sent plant-9 to remove H2 S from it and make lean M.E.A.
Hence plant-9 is under construction.

Figure 11 Process flow diagram of M.E.A

4.2.3- De-Isohexanizer (8C-13)

The bottom product containing C5 and higher hydrocarbons from the
de-butanizer column is then fed into the de-isohexanizer column. In this
column iso-hexanes and pentanes are separated as the top product along with
iso-butane called light naphtha. Light naphtha is used as the feed for
isomerization unit. Bottom product contains C7 and higher hydrocarbons
called heavy naphtha used as a feed for plat-forming unit.
DE iso-hexaniser is the tallest tower in BPPL and contains most
fractionating trays 70. This is because it is designed to separate two materials,
iso-and normal hexane, whose boiling points are very close :( 140oF and
156oF). Other purpose to maximum trays is to keep minimum amount of
benzene in light naphtha. Benzene in light naphtha is not desired because it
forms coke in isomerizer unit and damage catalyst.

To Fuel Gas

8C-13 De-isoheaxanizer
Plant-6 Light Naphtha to
Naphtha Plant-16 (isom)



8C-6 8C-12

8C-11 C3-C4 Stripper

8C-5 De-Butanizer

8C-7 M.E.A


To Plant-9 Propane

Figure 12 Process flow diagram of Gas treatment Plant


4.3- Isomerization Unit (Plant-16)

Isomerization unit is for conversion of n-paraffin to iso-paraffin. Iso-
paraffin is branch chain compound which has high octane number. Our basic
purpose is to increase octane number of light naphtha from 65 to 95. There
are two reasons for using isomerization process for light naphtha. The first is
that light hydrocarbons tend to hydrocrack in reformer. Second is that C6
hydrocarbons tend to form benzene in reformer. Gasoline specification
requires very low value of benzene due its carcinogenic effect.
In isomerization three units are installed. First is liquid preparation,
second is panex and third is molex.
4.3.1- Liquid Preparation
The isomerization unit is specifically designed to for the continuous
catalytic isomerization of paraffin. Light naphtha from the de-isohexanizer
unit is used as a feed for the isomerization unit. Feed contains contaminants
like moisture and sulfide which damage expensive platinum catalyst. Water
must be removed from feed as water is poison to catalyst. It is first passed
through a filter unit. Two filters are installed before sulfur guard bed. Both
are cartridge filter. They remove contaminants and free water.
a- Sulfur Guard Bed
The feedstock is heated to a required temperature for sulfur removal,
usually 250oF and passed down flow over the adsorbent. Sulfur guard bed
contains a nickel based sodium zeolite catalyst. Chemi-adsorption occur in
sulfur guard bed. The purpose of sulfur guard bed is to protect the panex
catalyst from sulfur in liquid feed. Sulfur is removed here.
b- Dryers
After removing of sulfur particles isomerization feed is then passed
through heat exchanger tube side and air coolers. Feed is pumped to dryers at
100oF (38oC). Low temperature must be maintained for proper drying. There
are two dryers in the isomerization unit along with six control valves. The
liquid feed dryers are used to dry the panex liquid feed to less than 0.1ppm.
1lb water can damage 100lb catalyst so water is kept below 0.1 ppm.
Molecular sieves are used in dryer to adsorb water. The piping is designed so
that either dryer can be in the lead or the lag position in series flow operation.
Either dryer can be operated individually while the other is being
regenerated. Makeup hydrogen to the dryers comes from the plat-forming
unit at 100oF.
Allowable values of contaminants in feed are shown in table. Before
sending feed in reactor, contaminants values should be below values shown
in table otherwise they would activate catalyst.

Table 3 Contaminats value in Panex Feed

Contaminants Value
Sulfur <0.5ppm
Nitrogen <0.5ppm
Water <0.1ppm

4.3.2- Panex Unit

Panex is reaction unit which convert n-paraffin to iso-paraffin. Feed
from dryes is sent to surge drum by pumping.
a- Feed Surge Drum
The purpose of this drum is to provide liquid feed surge capacity for
the panex unit. It provides suction head to pump to keep high flow rate. The
dried liquid feed from the feed surge drum is pumped by reactor charge
pump. At discharge of pump valve is installed which is called yarway valve.
This is opened when minimum flow of feed is achieved. Feed flows through
the reactor exchanger. Here hydrogen combines with the hydrocarbons. After
this a small quantity of Perchloro ethylene is also purged in feed as catalyst
promoter. Catalyst has metal and acidic promoter sides. Transition metal
traps atomic hydrogen. While acidic side of catalyst lose electron. Perchloro
ethylene loses its electron to keep catalyst stable.
b- Reactors
After exiting the reactor charge heater, the combined stream then
flows to the reactor series. Two reactors are installed in series. In first reactor
benzene is saturated by reacting benzene with hydrogen. Saturation of
benzene is exothermic reaction which increases temperature of reactor while
high temperature is not desired for isomerization. . After exiting the first
reactor the stream then passes to the hot combined feed exchanger, where the
first reactor heat of reaction is partially removed. It is then passed through the
second reactor where isomerization is completed. In second reactor
isomerization of hexane occurs at small temperature. Small amount of
heptane present in feed is cracked into propane and butane.
c- Stabilizer
After the second reactor the stream is then routed to the cold
combined heat exchanger, it is then routed to the stabilizer. The purpose of
stabilizer is to remove dissolved gases from isomerate. Steam from bottom of
stabilizer is injected which removes C3, C4 and HCl (Formed from perchloro
ethylene). Bottom product contains iso-paraffin and unconverted n-paraffins.
Stabilizers basic purpose is to reduce Reid vapor pressure by removing gases.

d- Scrubber
The gases are then passed through gas scrubber to remove hydrogen
chloride. Gases are injected from bottom while caustic soda is showered from
top column. Caustic soda absorbs HCl and leaves from bottom while propane
and butane from top are accumulated for further treatment.
4.3.3- Molex Unit
Molex unit is installed to separate n-paraffin and iso-paraffin which
are made in Panex unit. It contain rotary valve and adsorption chamber.
The molex feed from penex stabilizer bottom, is pumped to chloride
guard bed. Chloride guard bed remove chlorides from the molex feed.
Cartridge filter is installed to make more pure from contaminants.
a- Rotary Valve
The adsorbent is equally divided into eight beds contained in one
chamber. At one time there are two streams entering and two streams leaving
the chamber through the bed lines connected to the rotary valve.
b- Adsorbent Chamber
The streams entering the chamber are the feed and DE-sorbent.
Extract and raffinate exit the chamber. The pump around stream continually
circulates from the pump around pump to the top of the chamber, through the
chamber, and back to the pump. The pump around stream is used to control
the rate of flow through discrete sections of the chamber referred to as zones.
1- Adsorption Chamber (Zone 1)
The normal paraffin in the feed are adsorded by the adsorbent and the
iso-paraffin are rejected.
2- Purification Chamber (Zone 2)
The beds between the extract bed line and the feed bed line. Zone II
acts as a non-selective void flushing zone or purification zone.
3- Buffer (Zone 3)
The bed between the DE sorbent bed line and raffinate bed line. Zone
III acts as a buffer zone separating adsorption and desorption zones.
4- Desorption (Zone4)
The beds between the extract bed line and DE sorbent bed line. In
zone IV the normal paraffin in the adsorbent are desorbed and exchanged
with the DE sorbent. This is referred to as the desorption zone.
c- Extract Column
After passing through rotary valve the feed is then passed to the
extract column. The normal paraffin in the feed is adsorbed by the adsorbent
and the iso-paraffin are reject. The extract contains straight chain
hydrocarbons. The extract contains the n-paraffin and DE sorbent, leaves the

chamber between zone 2 and flows through the rotary valve, protective
strainers, extract mixing drum and then to the extract column.
d- Raffinate Column
The raffinate is the final product contains iso-pentanes and iso-
hexanes and collected as raffinate. The raffinate containing the higher octane
iso-paraffin and DE sorbent leaves the chamber between zones 1 and 4,
flowing through the rotary valve, and to the raffinate mixing drum. The
raffinate column sends the lighter DE sorbent components overhead and
drops the n-paraffin out the column bottom. The iso-paraffin are sent to
storage after being cooled in the raffinate bottoms.

5- Oil Movements

Oil movements are related to handling of crude oil before process and
final products after process. It deals lodging, preparation, monitoring and
transport of crude oil while it deals with achievement, supply and tank
control of final product.
There are 37 tanks are installed for final product while 6 tanks for
crude oil storage. Four type tanks are used for storage of oil which are

5.1- External Floating Tank

External floating tanks are used for crude oil storage.

5.2- Internal Floating Tank

Internal floating tank is used for storage of volatile products. It helps
to control formation of vapors which can cause increase in pressure.

5.3- Fixed Roof

Fixed roof tank is used for heavy products

5.4- Pressurized Tank

Pressurized tank is used for gas e.g. LPG.

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