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(f) attend or reside in a facility established for instruction, recreation or residence of persons on

(g) refrain from visiting houses of ill-repute;

(h) abstain from drinking intoxicating beverages to excess;

(i) permit to probation officer or an authorized social worker to visit his home and place or work;

(j) reside at premises approved by it and not to change his residence without its prior written approval;

(k) satisfy any other condition related to the rehabilitation of the defendant and not unduly restrictive of
his liberty or incompatible with his freedom of conscience.

PD 968, Section 10. Conditions of Probation.

(a) present himself to the probation officer designated to undertake hi pervision at such place as may be
specified in the order within seventy-two hours from receipt of said order;

(b) report to the probation officer at least once a month at such time and place as specified by said

The court may also require the probationer to:

(a) cooperate with a program of supervision; (b) meet his family responsibilities;

(c) devote himself to a specific employment and not to change said employment without the prior
written approval of the probation officer;

(d) undergo medical, psychological or psychiatric examination and treatment and enter and remain in a
specified institution, w en required for that purpose;

(e) pursue a prescribed secular study or Vocational training;

EX 2: Mdanay was convicted of a crime punishable by 4 years and imprisonment. Previously, he as

convicted of another crime punishable by months imprisonment. He is qualified to apply for probation
with respect to the 4 years imprisonment because his previous conviction only had a penalty of 5
months conviction is qualified to apply for probation with respect to the 4 years imprisonment.

4. who has been once on probation under the provisions of this Decree; and

5. who are already serving sentence at the time the substantive provisions of this Decree became
applicable pursuant to section 33 hereof (this decree became effective on July 24, 1976).

punishable b

EX: Ramos we convicted of a crime years and imprisonment. Previously, he was convicted of another
crime punishable by 7 months imprisonment. He is disqualified to apply for probation with respect to
the 4 years imprisonment because he already had a previous conviction of which he was sentenced to a
penalty of imprisonment of at least 6 months and 1 day.

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