Functioning of Basic School As Effective Way of 2016 Procedia Social and

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 208 – 213

Future Academy®’s Multidisciplinary Conference

Functioning of basic school as effective way of socialization of rural

school children
Bibigul Almurzayevaa, Orynkul Shunkeyevaa, Danna Naurzalinaa*, Altnay Zhaitapovab,
Karlygash Satubaldinac, Shandoz Tulegenovad
K.Zhubanov Regional State University of Aktobe, Moldagulov str. 34, Aktobe 030000, Kazakhstan
Abylay Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Muratbayev str. 200, Almaty 050022, Kazakhstan
Aktobe Regional Training and Methodical center, Satpayev str. 20, Aktobe 030000, Kazakhstan
Akkemer Resource Center, Akkemer, Mugalzhar area, Aktobe region 030000, Kazakhstan


The scientific and methodological article examines the current state of small rural schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Geographical features of a site of the Republic of Kazakhstan testify that its most part is made by the regional centers with the
developed infrastructure and an education system. Research objective - to open features of functioning of basic school as
effective way of socialization of school students of rural small schools of the Aktobe region. Methodological basis for carrying
out research are theoretical bases of pedagogical research, and also educational and educational concepts. Results of research
allowed to establish efficiency of creation of the resource center (basic school) - the organizations of the general secondary
education. Results of investigation showed positive dynamics in mastering pupil’s necessary vital information, as well in
instilling of sociocultural skills. Analysis of the work showed that resource centers would solve many problems of quality
education in small rural schools. We noticed mutually cooperation of pedagogical staff of the resource centers of small schools
that formed a basis for their creative self-realization amplifies
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under
Peer-review under responsibility
Academy® Cognitive
Cognitive Trading.

Keywords: School; Students; Teachers; Parents.

* Corresponding author. Danna Naurzalina Tel.: +7 747 7212560,.


1877-0428 © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Future Academy® Cognitive Trading
Bibigul Almurzayeva et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 208 – 213 209

1. Introduction

Geographical features of Kazakhstan location testify the most of the country represent regional centers with a
developed infrastructure and educational system. A special place in this system takes an ungraded school - 56.5% of
the total. At this point in Kazakhstan function as independent small schools (primary, basic and secondary) and
resource cents with surrounding magnetic schools.
Currently, it is the rural school becomes the main cultural and information center of the area, where students and
teachers, and the villagers themselves are involved. The practical orientation of educational activity is agricultural in
nature: lessons of labor training, cycles of varieties disciplines, directions of educational work are carried out in the
field, on the farm, in greenhouses, in the pastures. However, all cultural, entertainment and educational work is also
carried out within the walls of rural schools: events of state character, national holidays and entertainment, reporting
activities of the village administration and district electoral activities, awareness - raising activities, etc. Therefore,
in the area it is a stabilizing factor in the lives of rural settlements with all its social and economic problems.
The first effect that can occur in small schools - is the effect of the community, perhaps the most important and
powerful. The main task of the modern school is successful socialization of his pupils, forming the basis for future
adult life, human values. The specific features of rural schools allow much easier to create a family atmosphere, the
labor community. The second possible effect of small schools a special relationship with their parents and the
outside world (society). In small schools there are more opportunities to organize a meaningful dialogue between the
teachers and parents and the complicity of both in school life. Thus, a school in the village often deters the village
from extinction, often - the main socio-cultural and information center of the village, and in some places and the
main organizer of social and economic life in the countryside.

2. Purpose and Methods of the study

Active citizenship takes place through participation in social activities, in the implementation of the pedagogical
process of active forms and methods of education, promote the development of students' skills in solving various
The purpose of research - to reveal the peculiarities of the support school as an effective way of socialization of
schoolchildren at small rural schools Aktobe region.
Material and methods: the educational process of small schools of Aktobe region of Kazakhstan.
The methodological basis for the study is the theoretical basis of pedagogical research, as well as educational
and training concept.
Set of methods: methods of organization studies (theoretical analysis of the philosophical, psychological and
pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem, modeling, and analysis of methodical work of secondary
schools); data collection methods (surveys, interviews, and diagnostics); methods of data processing and
interpretation (comparative benchmarking).

3. Results of study

Analysis of scientific literature has allowed to allocate the notion of "social culture" its component parts:
1) an infinitely rich ideological universe of meanings, united in the system of language, science, religion,
philosophy, law, ethics, literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, drama, economy, political and
sociological theories, etc .;
2) material culture, which is the embodiment of all these meanings in a biological environment, starting with
simple tools and ending with the most complex equipment, books, pictures, etc .;
3) all covert and overt actions, ceremonies, rituals, actions in which individuals and groups make and receive one
or another set of meanings. Also by P. Sorokin, this concept is understood as one of the types of civilizations
(Sorokin, 1992).
To conduct a special study on the designated problem we have identified the main directions of the modern
Kazakh village school: cultural transmission, enculturation and socialization. Cultural transmission acts as a
mechanism by which there is a transfer of experience and knowledge to new subjects of education, enculturation as
the stage of entering the subject of education in the culture of its people and socialization as a process of the
occurrence of the individual in society, its social structure (Whiting,1975 and Erikson, 1963).
210 Bibigul Almurzayeva et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 208 – 213

Results of the study to determine the efficacy of creating a resource center (school support) - the organization of
secondary education, which are consolidated on the basis of educational resources nearby small schools to conduct
short-term training session and interim and final evaluation of students in order to ensure access to quality education
to students of small schools.
Support schools - social and cultural centers, which include rural libraries, health centers, creative clubs; school-
agro-biological laboratory with in-depth theoretical and practical training in agricultural profile; schools of not
class-lesson type of training involving organization of the educational process on the basis of collective training
sessions with different age composition of students.
Base of the study was the results of educational activities Akkemer high school of Mugalzhar district of Aktobe
region of Kazakhstan (magnetic School: Elek primary school, Koktobe primary school, school named after
Kotibarbatyr). Designated support school is a resource center that meets the geographical position and has a certain
material and technical base.
What have we got from work in the conditions of the resource center?
Analysis of school documentation, surveys and questionnaires of students and teachers indicated that students
increased interest in teaching, especially since they have access to quality education, through the acquisition of
modern information technologies. This provides conditions for the development of individuality, self-realization of
each student, satisfying their diverse learning needs. Scientific and methodical problem of Akkemer resource center
was built from the perspective of socio-cultural and information orientation: on the student as an evolving entity of
society; on the teacher as a medium of social and cultural values and teaching process, which are the driving forces
of dialogue and cooperation of its members in achieving their creative expression?
A feature of the children’s education in the resource center is the session and inter-sessional periods, where
conditions for creative self-expression of each entity are made. The implementation mechanisms of social-cultural
approach to teaching of arrived students: 4 - meals, lodging, training classes, electives, additional lessons of
developing character, educational activities, regional studies, etc. At the heart of the implementation of socio-
cultural approach and the creation of information space in the activity of small schools the process of
communication should be highlighted as a process of direct transmission of cultural values, the process of
communication between students and as a transfer through a learning process, with the help of subject matter and
teaching techniques.
Let us consider the model of socio-cultural and informational focus of the learning process in Akkemer support
school where each teacher creates a problem field on the basis of dialogue, communication, mechanisms of
influence on the personality of the rural student.
3.3. Mechanisms of action

3.2. Teacher
3.1. Dialogue, communication, information

3.4. Problem field

3.5. Transmission

3.6. Enculturation

3.7. Socialization

3.8. Pupil
Bibigul Almurzayeva et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 208 – 213 211

Fig. 1 Model of socio-cultural and informational focus of the learning process at Akkemer support school of
Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region, Kazakhstan.

The presented model allows determining the main activities of the educational process of selected educational

Table 1. The main activities of the pedagogical process at Akkemer support school of Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region, Kazakhstan
Periods Main activity directions
I Organizational- Development of the operating mode of the Resource Center with surrounding
mobilization magnetic schools of educational system of socio-cultural center, educational
work with all parties of the educational process
The creation of the Coordinating Council for the action mechanism
management; definition of performance criteria of socio-cultural and
information center
Activity program development on the formation of the problem field of socio-
cultural and informational educational space
II Compilation of contents and forms of influence mechanisms to the student
Activity-based personality of the rural school as a subject of society
Determination of the main activities of the dialog learning as the basis for the
information and socio-cultural training areas

Development and testing of the annual cycle of educational work, and

development of creative abilities of pupils aimed to the discovery and
Organization of monitoring and psycho-pedagogical diagnostics of all
participants of the pedagogical process
III Reflexive-synthesis Conducting reflective part of the special study on the methodological problem of
the Resource Center with the coordinating mechanisms

Determination of the prospects for further development of the Resource Center

as an information and socio-cultural one

For the coordination of support and magnetic schools of resource centers in the regions the workshops were held
with school coordinators to make a single work plan and create the Coordinating Council of rural schools. The
results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics were analyzed: if at the beginning of the special work on
methodological problem the students showed a certain percentage of uncertainty, passivity and anxiety (18% -
increased according to the results of drawing tests "Cactus" and Kuznetsova questionnaire on the determination of
the level of self-esteem formation) and the adaptation of the students was extremely slow; before the end of the
training session there was an increase in the attention of pupils at lessons, activity in extra-curricular activities.
Especially pupils liked lessons on-line, work in a virtual laboratory, protection of educational projects, as well as
participation in the military - patriotic club "Arystan" and mastering the skills of martial arts.
During the sessions at "Akkemir" support schools on teaching blocks in the laboratory and practical lessons in
core subjects were conducted. On learning blocks II the students of the 8th grade participated actively in the
activities of "Mukagali-study", "Ecology and Physics", "Common Tasks", 9th grade pupils – "mechanical problems"
and circles "Drama" and "Crafts". In medico-psychological unit conducted trainings on "Friendship", "I am member
of", "to gather fruit." In the block "Intellectual Development" the off-class events were organized. The educational
lessons on the theme "My Motherland", "One Fatherland, one Choice, one President," contests "Journey into the
212 Bibigul Almurzayeva et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 208 – 213

world of computer science, physics, mathematics," "Cosmic Voyage" were conducted. In their spare time the
students worked in Internet.

Table 2. The quality of students' knowledge of magnetic Kyzylzhar school district.

No School Number of Knowledge quality at Knowledge quality Knowledge

students 1st quarter before sessions quality at the
end of the
1 Yelek 5 20% 20% 40%

2 Koktobe 5 50% 0% 25%

3 Kotibarbatyr 7 33% 0% 25%

Overall, the session results show a positive trend in mastering the necessary vital information, and social and
cultural skills by the students.

The work analysis showed that by establishing the resource centers many problems of quality education in small
rural schools are solved:
− Educational - teaching process in the magnetic school is built with the focus on the teaching quality,
qualitative obtaining the necessary information enabling operate with it successfully in life, build
relationships with the society of the village, to be an active member in it;
− Management mechanism of ungraded schools is changed by creating a Coordinating Council (the
Coordination Council consists of the Directors of the magnetic and support schools, representatives of
local government offices, departments of education, social partners), aimed to the creation of a unified
information and socio-cultural environment;
− Scientific - methodical system is improved: socio-cultural space includes the participation of scientists
of Aktobe region and Kazakhstan in the development of influence mechanisms on the child's
personality; the participants of the pedagogical process of Resource schools became active in research
− Mutual cooperation of teaching staff at resource centers of small schools is strengthened, which serves
as the basis for their creative self-realization;
− The quality and level of achievement of students' knowledge and their versatility, overall development
and education as a social and cultural phenomenon is observed;
− Student interest in the knowledge of natural history aspects of their region as a historical and political,
geographic, demographic aspects are strengthened.
Besides, the establishment of resource centers allows for enhanced psychological support of the educational
process due to the following factors:
− Students are trained without separation from families: reduced percentage of maladjustment, family
upbringing is maintained.
− Problem-based learning in interactive mode puts the child in a position to compete with each other,
fosters the skillful construction of arguments and counterarguments, forms the basis of critical thinking;
− The individual talents of students are identified, allowing teachers of further education and homeroom
to work in groups of different ages;
− Students master modern information technologies that improve the quality of knowledge.
Summarizing the results of the special work on the socio-cultural and informational support of the learning
process of Akkemer resource center it should be noted that this form of existence in the modern education is one of
the leading effective forms of quality education as an information and social and cultural phenomenon.


Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and society. (2nd Ed, Rev. & Enl.). New York : Norton. HQ781 .E75 1963
Bibigul Almurzayeva et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 208 – 213 213

Sorokin, P.A. (1992) Civilization. Society. Moscow, M .: Politizdat.

Whiting, B. and J. Whiting (1975). Children of Six Cultures: a psychocultural analysis. Cambridge, MA, Harvard
University Press.

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