Teaching 1

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1. What are the main reasons for learning

foreign languages?
2. What is MOTIVATION and types of
3. What is Extrinsic motivation? Discuss
factors that have an effect on extrinsic
motivation and what the teacher can do
about extrinsic motivation.
4. What is Intrinsic motivation? Discuss
factors affecting intrinsic motivation.

The Teaching and Learning of English
The way children learn a language/ mother tongue
The way you / other people learn English.
▪ Almost all children acquire a language, apparently without effort/ They
acquire language subconsciously.
▪ They seem to be able to learn languages with incredible facility. They
hear and experience a considerable amount of the language in
situations where he is involved in communication with an adult (a
▪ They are also capable of forgetting a language just as easily.
▪ Language acquisition.
The Teaching and Learning of English
Acquisition and Learning
• Acquisition: the way in which people ‘get’ language with no real conscious
effort (without thinking about grammar or vocabulary, or worrying about
which bits of language go where. They have exposure to it and
opportunities to use it.)
• In order for acquisition to take place, certain conditions need to be met
✔ Three features need to be present in order for children to acquire a
language: exposure to it, motivation to communicate with it and
opportunities to use it.
✔ During childhood children get an enormous amount of language exposure-
a vital factor; They have a strong motivational urge to communicate in
order to be fed and understood. Together with their parents (and later
other adults) they make language together. And then they try it out and
•Learning: a process that brings together cognitive,
emotional, and environmental influences for the purpose of
making changes in one’s knowledge, skills, values, and
worldviews. Learning also refers to a relatively permanent
change in behavior as a result of practice or experience.
•Acquisition is subconscious and anxiety free, learning is a
conscious process where separate items from the language
are studied and practiced in turn.
•Acquiring a language results in the knowledge of a language;
Learning a language results only in ‘knowing about’ the
language. Acquiring a language is more successful and longer
lasting than learning.
Should we attempt to replicate the child’s experience in the
language classroom?
American applied linguist Stephen Krashen:
Foreign language learning needs to be more like the child’s acquisition of his native language.

✔ Teachers should concentrate on acquisition rather than learning and that the role of the
language teacher should be to provide the right kind of language exposure, namely
comprehensible input.
✔ No need for formal instruction (teaching of a grammar point)

✔ Traditional foreign language teaching concentrated on getting the student consciously to

learn items of language in isolation, often unconnected with any real communication
✔ Students are put in communicative situations in the target language to perform
communicative activities.
• Spending all our time providing comprehensible input.
✔ not to ask the students to focus on how the language works.
✔ the ability to acquire language easily tends to deteriorate with age
✔ teenagers and adults have perfectly good reasoning powers and may
want to think consciously about how language works.
✔ one of the biggest differences between them and children acquiring
their first language is the amount of exposure they get (in terms
of hours), and the situation in which this language is used.
✔Students get a great deal of comprehensible input.
•Roughly-tuned input: students have to deal with language that
is at a higher level than they are capable of producing. This
input can come from a number of sources: teacher talking to
class, reading and listening material. While students are
involved in reading and listening, they will be subconsciously
acquiring ‘new’ language that appears in the text.
•Finely-tuned input for presentation stage
•Practice output: controlled repetition and practice of language
•Communication output: activities in which students use
language as vehicle of communication and where the students’
main purpose is to complete some kind of communication task.
•The natural language acquisition can be difficult to replicate in
the classroom, but there are elements which can help the
students learn effectively.
✔ “Engage” is related to a teaching sequence where teachers try to
arouse students’ interest by involving their emotions.
✔“Study” focuses on the language and how the language is
✔ “Activate” refers to the exercise and activities which are
designed to get the students using language as freely and
communicatively as they can.
•There are teaching approaches that stress the need for
acquisition (rather than conscious learning) and communicative
activities in the classroom.

• Teaching and learning are related to each other. Language

learning cannot be separated from language teaching.
• To learn is to know something while to teach is to let learners
know something.
• Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, encouraging the
learners to learn, and setting the condition for learning.

• An effective teaching considers some crucial aspects. It includes

well-planned curriculum , efficient classroom activities, focused
instruction. With regard to the above aspects, teaching is not
only a matter of transferring knowledge.
• Which do you think is more difficult for the teacher: organizing
communication output or presenting new language.
• Make a list of activities that could be used in the classroom for
communication output.
• Look at an English language textbook and see if you can identify what
activities it suggests. The activities give input or are designed for output
• What is the difference between LANGUAGE ACQUISITON and LANGUAGE

• How to make language learning similar to language acquisition.

• Watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxt3ZRhZEBs in which

Stephen Krashen introduces his Language acquisition theory
• Read chapter 5 : Describing Language
• The syllabus is the framework for a course of study listing the content of the course-
what the students are going to learn or what will be taught, restrict the themes and
topics of the teaching material, the activities the students are asked to perform.
• The syllabus is the first stage in planning a language course.
Factors that influence the design of a syllabus – The blueprint for language study over a
given period.
a. Needs
• A syllabus designer should consider what the students need.
The air traffic controller needs a special kind of spoken English to perform speaking and
listening. The medical student needs an ability to read scientific English (reading skills)
• The framework of a general syllabus teach the four skills and possible sometimes place
greater emphasis on certain skills and interests if this seems appropriate after getting
information about the group
b. Situation (the situation in which the teaching takes place)
•The number of students in a class; The type of classroom; The aids
and materials available.
•The aim of the institution and its attitude toward the learning of
•The time allotted to the language class; How classes are sequenced.
c. Students
•There are motivational differences between students of different
ages and levels
A young child cannot achieve the same amount of formal grammar as
a young adult or deal with the same wide range of themes and topics.
•Consider the educational background of the student (postgraduate
students vs secondary students)
▪The idea of a language function is that it describes what is done
with the language.
The language of inviting ‘Would you like to go to the cinema’ or ‘How
about going to the cinema?’
Inviting is a language function. For every function, there are a
number of different ways in which the function can be expressed.
▪ Greeting, inviting, complaining, apologizing, offering, requesting,
giving advice, agreeing and disagreeing, suggesting, expressing
pleasure and displeasure, …
Learners should be taught to understand functional language, they
should be able to perform functions such as apologizing, and asking
•Traditional syllabuses emphasize on grammatical items: present
simple, present continuous,…. . They teach the grammar of the
language without giving the students knowledge of or practice in
how it was used. They fail to teach the use of language.
•Students must somehow learn the grammar of the language. As the
grammar is learnt, the students will also be shown how to use it to
perform functions that are relevant to their needs. Both
grammatical items and functional realizations should be taught side
by side.
•At different levels, students are expected to use the language they
know for the purpose of communication. Beginners can
communicate with limited amount of English (asking for direction).
3. Situations and context
Language happens in situations and in order for students to be able
to use it they should realize in what situation certain pieces of
language are used.
Students learn the language and the situation it occurs in at the
same time.
‘It’s warm in here’
✔A request
✔ An expression of satisfaction or pleasure.
✔A suggestion
✔In each case, the sentence is performing a different language
function(requesting, suggesting, etc)
The Elements of Language
1. Grammar
2. Vocabulary
3. Pronunciation
Forms and Meanings
1. One form, many meanings
2. One meaning, many forms
Language skills
✔ In a general English course we will attempt to give students a
grounding in 4 skills.
✔ Students are expected to perform in the 4 skills at their given level of
English and be efficient in this performance. (Writing tasks)
✔ Students can take a higher level of English in the receptive skills than
in the productive skills
Language variables

1. Pronunciation and accent

▪That the students sound exactly like an American is not necessarily
a goal.
▪Communicative efficiency supposes that a student can say (and be
understood) what it is he wishes to communicate. Teachers and
students should insist on a level of pronunciation that ensures
communicative efficiency
2. Speaking and writing
▪Students of English need to be able to recognise the difference
between more speaking-like and writing-like language and to use
these differences creatively.
• Register refers to both the topic we are speaking about and the tone (for example
formal or informal) that we wish to adopt
Language varieties
• There are regional variations in Britain in pronunciation, word choice and grammar.
(The southern English Standard (spoken by the middle class from the south of England
to be considered superior to all others. The language of culture, of British
• English has many varieties ( British English, American English, Jamaican English,…)
• International English belongs to everyone who speaks it, but it is no one’s mother
• Global English
✔ Students should be aware of the difference in language varieties and should be given
opportunities to experience different Englishes, though not in such a way as to make
things incomprehensible to them.
• What the student should learn depends to a large extent upon his needs
A ‘general’ English will be for those who don’t have clearly defined needs
• The syllabus will change depending on factors such as the type of students and the
situation they are learning in.
• Students need to know the grammar of the language and how to perform certain
language functions as well.
• A realistic goal in language teaching is communicative efficiency. The students
should be able to communicate efficiently with what they have got. Even if the level
of this language is fairly low.
• Students should be able to perform efficiently in all of the 4 skills and the sub-skills
will be determined by level.

• What is the best way of finding out what your students’ needs are?
• How important is it to teach grammar? What is the best way to do it?
• List as many functions as you can. Then select one and see how many
ways there are of performing it.
• How important is good English pronunciation to you and to your
• Write down what you think are the needs of your group. Describe the
situation and describe what kind of students you are. What does this
tell you about the syllabus you would like to be given.
•Application of Language Acquisition in ELT
• Hấp thụ trực tiếp (acquisition). Đây là hoạt động diễn ra khi ta tiếp xúc trực tiếp với ngoại ngữ nhằm mục đích giao
tiếp, tương tự như quá trình trẻ em học tiếng mẹ đẻ. Trong quá trình này, thông qua sự giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ
chúng ta muốn học (như xem phim, đọc sách, nghe người bản xứ nói), chúng ta lưu dữ kiện ngôn ngữ vào não bộ một
cách tiềm thức.
• Học gián tiếp (learning). Đây là hoạt động diễn ra khi ta học các kiến thức về một ngôn ngữ, ví dụ như khi ta học thuộc
danh sách từ vựng, cách chia động từ, công thức của các thì, cấu trúc ngữ pháp, chú ý khi sử dụng, vân vân. Học gián
tiếp là đa phần những gì diễn ra trong trường lớp truyền thống.
• Ứng dụng trong giảng dạy:
• Theo lý thuyết này, cách tốt nhất để học một ngôn ngữ là bằng giao tiếp tự nhiên. Để giỏi tiếng Anh, học viên cần tiếp
xúc với tiếng Anh thực tế, do người bản xứ nói và viết, về những điều mà học viên quan tâm.
• Language Acquisition - Learn from your surroundings
• Theo Stephen Krashen - nhà ngôn ngữ học nổi tiếng của Mỹ và thế giới, ông cho rằng Thụ đắc ngôn ngữ (Language
acquisition) là quá trình chúng ta hấp thụ ngôn ngữ một cách trực tiếp thông qua những dữ kiện có được khi xem
phim, đọc sách, nghe nhạc,... bằng ngôn ngữ chúng ta muốn học; khác với việc học gián tiếp trên lớp (learn).
• Vậy tại sao “thụ đắc” (acquisition) cũng quan trọng không kém “học” (learn)?
• Vì học trực tiếp giúp tăng sự lưu loát (fluency), còn học gián tiếp giúp nâng cao sự chính xác (accuracy).
• Sách, truyện, nhạc, phim,... là các hình thức thụ đắc nhanh và thuận tiện nhất!
• Học cách phát âm từ căn bản:
• Luyện tập cách suy nghĩ bằng tiếng Anh:

Nói chuyện, nói chuyện, và nói chuyện (tất nhiên là bằng tiếng Anh)
• Lý thuyết Hấp thụ ngôn ngữ (Second Language Acquisition) là nền tảng
rất quan trọng của một giáo viên giỏi. Hiểu được những kiến thức tổng
quan này là chúng ta sẽ nắm được cách não bộ vận hành khi tiếp
nhận ngôn ngữ mới. Từ đó chọn lựa được phương pháp giảng dạy phù
hợp và hiệu quả nhất cho học trò mình.
• Hiểu được (Comprehensible)
• Hứng thú (Compelling)
• Lượng đủ lớn (Massive Input)
• hNếu chúng ta có thể tối ưu hóa nội dung tiếp nhận thì chúng ta sẽ đạt được khả năng ngoại ngữ một cách nhanh nhất. Krashen cho
rằng nội dung đầu vào tối ưu khi có các đặc tính sau: - Có thể hiểu được: Đây là đặc điểm cơ bản và cần thiết nhất vì nếu chúng ta
không hiểu được nội dung thì đối với chúng ta lời nói chỉ là tiếng ồn và chữ viết chỉ là ký tự vô nghĩa. Chúng ta sẽ không thụ đắc được
gì hết cho dù có nghe/đọc bao nhiêu đi nữa.
• - Gây hứng thú: Nội dung tốt là nội dung làm cho chúng ta tập trung vào ý nghĩa mà nó chuyển tải thay vì đặc điểm hình thức của nó.
Nội dung lý tưởng là nội dung khiến chúng ta hoàn toàn tập trung vào việc hiểu nghĩa đến mức “quên” rằng mình đang nghe/đọc
tiếng nước ngoài. - Không có trình tự văn phạm cụ thể: Như đã giải thích trong Giả thiết Trình tự tự nhiên ở trên, nội dung được
thiết kế theo một trình tự nhất định là không cần thiết, đặc biệt trong điều kiện tập thể.
• Lượng đủ lớn: Đây là đặc điểm rất quan trọng vì quá trình tích lũy tự nhiên phải diễn ra đủ lâu thì mới phát huy hiệu quả. Để i+1
xuất hiện, nội dung đầu vào phải nhiều và đa dạng. Bên cạnh đó, trạng thái tâm lý lúc tiếp xúc với ngôn ngữ cũng có ảnh hưởng quan
trọng đến hiệu quả tích lũy (Giả thiết Bộ lọc cảm xúc). Nếu bị các yếu tố tâm lý cản trở, ngôn ngữ sẽ không thể đến được cơ quan
tiếp nhận ngôn ngữ (Language Acquisition Device – LAD) trong não (xem sơ đồ bên trên) ngay cả khi ta hiểu được ý nghĩa của chúng.

• Cụ thể, các trạng thái sau sẽ quyết định mức độ tiếp nhận ngôn ngữ của chúng ta: - Động lực: người có động lực tìm hiểu cao hơn
thường sẽ tiếp nhận tốt hơn - Tự tin: người tự tin vào khả năng của bản thân thường sẽ tiếp nhận tốt hơn - Lo sợ: mức độ lo sợ (của
cá nhân hoặc tập thể) càng thấp thì tiếp nhận càng tốt Mô hình thụ đắc ngôn ngữ của Krashen mặc dù bị giới hàn lâm chỉ trích nhưng
lại được giới thực hành (giáo viên và những người làm quản lý giáo dục) nhiệt tình ủng hộ. Lý thuyết này được ứng dụng rộng rãi
trong lĩnh vực giảng dạy tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai (English as Second Language – ESL) trên toàn thế giới từ lúc mới xuất hiện
cho đến hiện nay.
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