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AP Daily Video 2.

4: Plasma Membrane

Please watch the video and then answer the questions below to demonstrate your understanding of the
What will we learn:
 How the structure of a Phospholipid establishes and maintains the internal environment of the cell
 The role phospholipids play in maintaining the internal environment of the cell
 The role proteins play in maintaining the internal environment of the cell
 The structural framework of the Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane

Cells have membranes that allow them to establish an internal environment

Cell membranes provide a ________ between the interior of the cell and the outside of the cell
Cell membranes control the _______ of materials in and out of the cell

Are phospholipids hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

Phospholipids are _________
___________ phosphate head is ________
____________ fatty acid tail is __________

Phospholipids spontaneously form a ________ in an aqueous environment

○ Tails are located _____ the bilayer
○ Heads are exposed to the aqueous ________ and the aqueous _______ environments

Embedded proteins can be hydrophilic or hydrophobic

Peripheral proteins
_____________ to the surface of the membrane
Integral proteins
- Span the membrane
- Hydrophilic with _____ and ______ side groups
- Hydrophobic with _______ side groups penetrate hydrophobic ______ of bilayer
- Example: Transmembrane Proteins

Embedded proteins play various roles in maintaining the internal environment of the cell
List the Membrane protein functions:

The Framework of the cell membranes is described as the Fluid Mosaic Model
Structured as a mosaic in a ______ bilayer of ________.

The structure (is / is not) static and is held together primarily by _________ interactions which are weaker
than covalent bonds
Most _____ and some ________ can shift and flow along the surface of the membrane or across the

Fluid Mosaic Model components include:

_________, a type of steroid, is randomly distributed and wedged between phospholipids in the cell
membrane of _________ cells.

Cholesterol regulates bilayer ________ under different environmental conditions

Diversity and location of the (molecules) carbohydrates and lipids enable them to function as _________
___________ - one or more carbohydrate attached to a membrane protein
___________ - lipid with one or more carbohydrate attached

Summarize the Key Takeaways below:

AP Daily Video 2.5: Membrane Permeability

Please watch the video and then answer the questions below to demonstrate your understanding of the

How does the cell membrane separate the internal environment from the external environment?
How does the cell membrane allow molecules to pass through?
What type of boundaries do cell walls provide?
What type of molecules are cell walls of plants, fungi, and prokaryotes composed of?

Structure of the Cell Membrane:

The structure of the cell membrane is made up of phospholipids.

Describe the structure of phospholipids:

Hydrophilic substances will be on the interior/exterior of the membrane

Hydrophobic substances will be on the interior/exterior of the membrane

Fluid Mosaic Model

The fluid mosaic model is a moving phospholipid bilayer composed of varying types of
List 3 of these molecules below…


Selective Permeability
____ nonpolar molecules pass freely.

List three examples…

1. ___
2. ___
3. ___

Large molecules or ions that are hydrophilic/hydrophobic cannot freely move across the

Transport Proteins
1. Channel Protein:
2. Carrier Protein:

Small polar molecules like, ___ can pass through freely in very small amounts.

Cell Walls
Cell walls are structural boundaries found in plant cells.

Cell Walls are responsible for:

- Protecting and maintaining shape
- Preventing cell rupture when water pressure is high
Cell Walls are/aren’t permeable (highlight one)
- Plasmodesmata:
What are cell walls in plants made up of?

What are cell walls in fungi made up of?

What are cell walls in prokaryotes made up of?

Let’s Practice...

Which of the following molecules would be able to pass freely through the membrane?
A) CO2
C) C6H12O6

Describe the structure of the cell membrane and how it allows for selective permeability.

Highlight the Correct Answers Below

Highlight below:





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