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A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of
Master of Engineering (Civil – Environmental Management)

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Thank you very much for your courage and support, may Allah bless my beloved

Hisam bin Hussain

Aqilah Husna
Anwar Hazim
Ammar Hakimi

and sister


I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johan bin Sohaili for his continue support, generous guidance, help,
patience and encouragement in the duration of the thesis preparation until its completion.

Last but not least, I would also want to thank to my friends and any party who
has contributed into the completion of this thesis. Your contributions are really meaning
to me. To all of you, thank you very much.


For the past four decades treatment and disposal of scheduled wastes
resulting in many environmental problems such as illegal dumping, illegal export
and import of wastes. Nevertheless, with new technology development and
increasing commitment, many types of scheduled wastes can be recovered or
recycled. However, there are three main issues to consider when discussing
scheduled waste management hierarchy, which are lack of awareness on the
importance of scheduled waste recovery or recycling, regulatory constraints, and
lack of knowledge on the state-of-the-art technology for the recovery or
recycling processes. The aim and objectives of the study are to produce the
recovery or recycling process flow for potential scheduled wastes that can be
recovered or recycled, identify the waste acceptance criteria and material balance
calculation. The study was conducted through an evaluation and comparison on
the recovery or recycling processes done by the related industries in Malaysia
and site visit to recycling factory. From the study, it was found out that out of
total 77 types of scheduled wastes listed in the Environmental Quality
(Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 First Schedule, there are 41(53%) types
are being recovered or recycled while the flow of recovery or recycling processes
for 16 (21%) types of scheduled waste has been reviewed. In addition, the waste
acceptance criteria have been identified from the minimum level of acceptance
prior to recovery or recycling processes. The material balance calculation which
indicates the percentage of treated or recovered waste materials, residual sludge
material generated and wastewater discharged if the plant is operated at its
maximum capacity is also been addressed in order to enable the factory or
consultant have the certainty to invest in the required new technology, hence to
ensure efficient scheduled wastes recovery activities.


Dalam tempoh empat dekad yang lalu, rawatan dan pelupusan sisa
terjadual mengakibatkan banyak masaalah alam sekitar. Walaubagaimanapun,
dengan kemajuan teknologi terkini dan komitmen yang tingg, berbagai jenis sisa
terjadual boleh diperoleh semula atau dikitar semula. Namun, terdapat 3 isu
utama yang perlu dipertimbang bila membincangkan tentang hiraki pengurusan
sisa terjadual; iaitu kurangnya kesedaran tentang kepentingan peroleh atau kitar
semula sisa terjadual, kekangan peraturan dan pengetahuan yang cetek tentang
teknologi pembinaan untuk proses perolehan semula atau kitar semula. Tujuan
dan objektif kajian adalah untuk menghasilkan proses aliran peroleh semula atau
kitar semula sisa terjadual yang berpotensi untuk diperoleh atau dikitar semula,
mengenalpasti kriteria kebolehterimaan sisa dan pengiraan keseimbangan bahan.
Kajian dijalanakan melalui penilaian dan perbandingan terhadap proses peroleh
dan kitar semula yang telah dilaksanakan oleh industri yang terlibat di Malaysia
dan lawatan ke kilang kitar semula. Hasil dari kajian, didapati daripada jumlah
77 jenis sisa terjadual yang disenaraikan dalam Peraturan Alam Sekitar (Sisa
Terjadual) 2005, Jadual Pertama, 41 (53%) jenis boleh di peroleh atau dikitar
semula sementara aliran proses peroleh atau kitar semula 16 (21%) jenis sisa
terjadual telah dikaji. Berikutan itu, kriteria kebolehterimaan sisa telah
dikenalpasti dari tahap minimum untuk penerimaan sebelum proses peroleh atau
kitar semula. Pengiraan keseimbangan bahan yang menentukan peratus
perolehan semula bahan dari sisa terjadual, sisa terhasil dan penghasilan air sisa
jika kilang beroperasi pada tahap kapasiti yang maksimum juga dikenalpasti bagi
membolehkan pengusaha kilang atau perunding kitar semula sisa terjadual yakin
untuk melabur dalam teknologi kitar semula sisa terjadual untuk memastikan
kecekapan aktiviti kitar semula sisa terjadual.




1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Aim and Objectives 4
1.4 Scope of Project 5

1.5 Significant of the Study 5

2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Hazardous Substance and Scheduled Waste 8
2.3 Types of Scheduled Waste Generated in Malaysia 10
2.4 Problems Associated with Scheduled Waste 14
2.5 Environmental Requirements on Scheduled Waste 15
2.6 The Basel Convention 19
2.7 Conclusion 21

3.1 Informations Gathering 22
3.2 List of Data Collected 23


4.1 Introduction 27
4.2 Dust, Slag, Dross Or Ash Recovery 27
4.2.1 General Elements of Dust, Slag, Dross Or 27
4.2.2 Statement of Need 28
4.2.3 Waste Acceptance Criteria for Solder and 28
Aluminium Dross
4.2.4 Recovery Process Description 29

4.2.5 Material Balance 32


4.3 Waste Catalyst Recovery 32

4.3.1 General Elements of Waste Catalyst 32
4.3.2 Statement of Need 33
4.3.3 Waste Catalyst Acceptance Criteria 33
4.3.4 Process Description for Gold Recovery 34
from Waste Catalyst
4.3.5 Process Description for Silver Recovery 35
from Waste Catalyst
4.3.6 Process Description for Palladium 37
Recovery from Waste Catalyst
4.3.7 Material Balance 40
4.4 Waste Oil Recovery 42
4.4.1 General Elements of Waste Oil 42
4.4.2 Statement of Need 43
4.4.3 Waste Acceptability Criteria for Waste Oil 43
4.4.4 Waste Oil Recovery Process Description 44
4.4.5 Material Balance 52
4.4.6 Oil and Water Mixture Or Ballast Water 54
4.4.7 The Recovery Oil 56
4.5 Waste Coolant Recovery 56
4.5.1 General Elements of Coolant 57
4.5.2 Statement of Need 57
4.5.3 Waste Coolant Acceptability Criteria 58
4.5.4 Waste Coolant Recovery Process 59
4.5.5 Material Balance for Coolant Recovery 61
4.6 Solvent Recovery 61
4.6.1 General Elements of Solvent 61

4.6.2 Statement of Need 62

4.6.3 Waste Solvent Acceptability Criteria 62
4.6.4 Solvent Recovery Process Description 64
4.6.5 Material Balance 65
4.7 Used Industrial Container Recovery 67
4.7.1 General Elements of Industrial Container 67
4.7.2 Statement of Need 69
4.7.3 Waste Acceptability Criteria for Used 69
Industrial Container Recovery
4.7.4 Industrial Container Recovery Process 70
4.7.5 Material Balance 73
4.8 Used Rags and Filters Recovery 73
4.8.1 General Elements of Rags and Filters 73
4.8.2 Statement of Need 74
4.8.3 Used Rags and Filters Waste Acceptability 74
4.8.4 Used Rags and Filters Recovery Process 75
4.8.5 Material Balance 78
4.9 Conclusion 78

5.1 Conclusion 79
5.2 Recommendations 80


Appendix A 85



2.1 Examples of typical scheduled wastes 10

2.2 Reported incidents of scheduled wastes illegal disposals in 15
3.1 41 Types of scheduled wastes listed in the Environmental 23
Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005First
Schedule are found being recovered or recycled

3.2 Recovery Percentage for 16 Types of Scheduled Wastes 25

4.1 Solder and aluminium dross waste acceptance criteria 29

4.2 Material balance for solder and aluminium dross recovery 32

4.3 Waste catalyst acceptance criteria 34

4.4 Material balance for waste catalyst recovery 40

4.5 Potential land-based and water-based sources of used oils 44

4.6 Waste oil acceptance criteria 45

4.7 Material balance for waste oil recovery 53

4.8 Material balance for oil and water mixture or ballast water 56

4.9 Standard and specification of recovered waste oil 56

4.10 Waste coolant acceptance criteria for recovery 58

4.11 Material balance for coolant recovery 61

4.12 Boiling point, density and TLV of some common solvents 63

base on Material Safety Data Sheet
4.13 Waste solvent acceptance criteria 64

4.14 Material balance for waste solvent recovery 67

4.15 Industrial container acceptance criteria 69

4.16 Material balance for industrial containers recovery 73

4.17 Used rags and filters acceptance criteria 75

4.18 Material balance for rags or filters recycling 78




2.1 Waste Management Hierarchy – “3 Rs” Concept 7

2.2 Scheduled waste generation Malaysia 1994 – 2005 12
2.3 Types of scheduled wastes can be recycled or 13
2.4 Examples of scheduled wastes illegal disposals will 16
pollute soil in the area

2.5 Overview of the scheduled waste management in 20

4.1 Ingot produced after smelting 30
4.2 Aluminium melting rotary furnace 30
4.3 Aluminium dross 30
4.4 Typical process flow diagram and material balance for 31
solder and aluminium dross recovery

4.5 Typical gold recovery process flow and material 36

balance by ion exchange

4.6 Typical gold recovery process flow and material 38

balance by acid treatment

4.7 Typical silver recovery process flow and material 39

balance by acid treatment

4.8 Typical palladium recovery process flow and material 41

4.9 Typical process flow and material balance across the oil 48
recovery distillation process

4.10 The typical flow and material balance of the 49

evaporation process
4.11 The typical flow and material balance of waste oil 51
pyrolysis recovery process

4.12 Schematic diagram of pyrolysis system 52

4.13 Gravity oil water separator 53

4.14 Stainless steel wire mesh bag filters 53

4.15 The typical flow of oil and water mixture centrifuge 55

system recovery process

4.16 Typical process flow and material balance across the 60

coolant recovery
4.17 The typical flow diagram of solvent separation and 66
evaporation recovery process

4.18 Types of industrial containers 68

4.19 The typical flow process of containers recycling 71

4.20 Cleaning Of Containers 72

4.21 A: typical industrial washing machine; B: industrial 76

dryer used for rags/filters cleaning

4.22 The typical flow process of contaminated rags or filters 77



AuCl auric chloride

Ag silver
AgCl Silver chloride
CCA Copper-chrome-arsenic
CPI Corrugated Plate Interceptor
DOE Department of Environment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPU Economic Planning Unit
GDP Gross Domestic Product
H+ hidrogen
HCL hydrochloride acid
HDPE High-density polyethylene
HNO3 nitric acid
IBC Intermediate bulk container
IC Integrated Circuit
N2 nitrogen
NaCl Sodium chloride
NaNO3 Sodium nitrate
NH4 Ammonium
N2H4 hydrazine

NH4Cl Ammonium chloride

PCB Printed Circuit Board
Pd2+ palladium
R Resin
SS Suspended Solids
SW Scheduled Waste
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
WAC Waste Acceptance Criteria



A Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 85



1.1 Preface

According to the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations,

2005 scheduled waste means any waste falling within the categories of waste listed in
the First Schedule. Due to its quantity, concentration, physical, chemical or infectious
characteristics, scheduled waste may cause to an increase in mortality, or an increase
in irreversible or incapacitating illness. Nevertheless, scheduled waste may pose a
substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when
improperly treated, stored or disposed of, or otherwise mismanaged.

Increasing volume of scheduled waste generated daily demands good

management system as well as effective support of infrastructure. High volume
of waste generated by Malaysian industries for the past three decades provides
enough supply of wastes for recovery purposes (Azni, 2004). With decreasing
capacity of treating scheduled waste at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd, there is need to
recover or recycle scheduled wastes for other uses.

Scheduled wastes such as spent solvent, spent oil, slag and dross, as well as
contaminated rag generated during manufacturing or packaging has been found
having significant values. Hence, recovery and recycling of scheduled waste can
offer a number of environmental in terms of reducing the volume of scheduled waste
that needs to be finally disposed. In addition, recovery and recycling would help

industry to obtain alternative resources and give meaning to a concept of “waste to

wealth” which is also able to reduce their manufacturing cost. As pollution is bad for
business, innovative environmental management methods are designed to satisfy all
regulatory requirements, to protect and enhance the value of physical assets as well
as corporate reputations.

1.2 Problem Statement

There are three main issues to consider when discussing scheduled waste
management hierarchy of reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover. The three main issues
are lack of awareness on the importance of scheduled waste recovery and recycling,
regulatory constraints, and lack of knowledge on the state-of-the-art technology for
the recovery and recycling processes.

Manufacturing industry plays an important role for Malaysia’s economic

growth for the past four decades. This sectors contribute to Malaysia’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) grows 18.2% from 2004 to 2008 (EPU, 2008). The
Malaysian Government is intended to focus its effort on developing the country’s
agricultural industry as stated in The Ninth Malaysia Plan, however the
manufacturing industry turn up as the leading sector for development process and
economic growth.

The existing management systems in Malaysia for industrial wastes give

priority to end-of-pipe approach which promotes the use of treatment and disposal
method, rather than recovery or recycling (Ahmad Fariz Mohamed, 2008).
Consequently, this approach has been found creating many environmental problems
such as new land requirements for disposals and illegal dumping as the industrial
activity generates huge amount of wastes.

Scheduled waste management in Malaysia is well-established after more than

35 years of experience commencing from the enactment of Environmental Quality
Act 1974. Nonetheless, problems associated with scheduled waste management such

as lack of sustainable awareness, enforcement, periodical monitoring as well as

illegal dumping still exist that necessitate urgent intervention from relevant

It should be stressed that the best scheduled waste management is by reducing

the generation of the wastes, nevertheless, reuse or recycling and recovery of wastes
by the local industries can promote local sustainability initiatives. As such, specific
legislations on “green” production for industries such as implementation of cleaner
technology should be enacted to facilitate this initiative.

Regulation 6 in the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations

2005 and the amendment Regulations 2007 defines in a very general manner the
recovery of material or product from scheduled waste. The 77 types of scheduled
wastes listed in the First Schedule should be defined specifically by waste acceptance
criteria prior recovery and recycling processes. A complete description of scheduled
waste should identify source, type, categories and also the process involved in the
generation of the scheduled waste. The chemical composition such as heavy metals,
sulfur, benzene, etc should be defined as well.

In addition, the criteria to be met before waste is accepted for recovery

and recycling would enable the factory to have the certainty to invest in the required
new technology. Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Document states that
the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) contains the level of pollutants (impurities) in
the scheduled wastes that can be accepted in the recovery process, as well as the level
or percentage of precious metals that can be economically recovered. Basic processes
used for recovery facilities are electrolysis, distillation, extraction, salvation,
smelting, chemical stripping, etc. (DOE, 2007).

Recovery and recycling of scheduled wastes, such as waste catalyst, spent or

waste solvent, contaminated rag, paper and plastic, used drum, used HDPE container,
etc. has become an important support industry. This is in line with the increasing
volume of scheduled waste generated plus increasing demand for limited natural
resource. Therefore, it provides alternative resources for the recycling industry and
reduces dependency on natural resource such as oil for plastic and metal for drum.

However, the infrastructure for physical system such as transportation,

handling facilities, and transfer station and treatment plant for industrial waste
recovery is not fully established. These infrastructures are important to ensure that
industrial waste recovery and recycling are done in sustainable manner and able to
minimize impact to the environment and human health. Subsequently, there are also
weaknesses in other sectors such as legislation, governance, technology, physical
system, economic and human resource (Ahmad Fariz, 2008).

Malaysia is targeting to achieve 30% of total solid and scheduled waste

recycling in 2020 besides 5% currently (Utusan Malaysia, 2009). Therefore, the
current management approach needs to be changed towards a more sustainable
management regime as there are now technology and demand to recover and recycle
waste including scheduled waste for other uses. Through the Ministry of Natural
Resources and the Environment and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government,
scheduled waste recovery and recycling has been identified as an important activity.
In addition, The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water plus Key
Performance Indicator as announced by Prime Minister recently could speed up the
invention of scheduled waste recovery technology.

Thus, the study would guide the investors on how the scheduled waste can be
recovered and the quantity produced in Material Balance calculation for recovery and
recycling processes.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the project is to produce the recovery and recycling process flow
of selected scheduled wastes.

The objectives of the study are:

(i) To initiate the possibility of scheduled waste recovery and recycling

processes based on the Environmental Quality Act requirements

(ii) To organized recovery and recycling processes of selected scheduled

waste listed under Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste)
Regulations 2005
(iii) To formulate the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) and Material
Balance calculation for the recovery and recycling processes.

1.4 Scope of Project

The scope of this study is the recovery and recycling processes practiced by
factories in Malaysia who are involved in the scheduled waste recovery and
recycling. Assessment on physical and chemical characteristics, WAC and material
balance calculation will be based on current practice and findings by the related

1.5 Significant of the Study

Scheduled waste recovery or recycling contributed significantly to economic

benefits and environmental protection. Currently, the amount of scheduled waste
generated by the manufacturing industries in Malaysia shows increasing trends.
Therefore, the study would help the Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant,
investors and also private and government sectors to create an innovative technology
in recovery or recycling processes for scheduled waste as listed in the Environmental
Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005.


2.1 Introduction

Protection of human health and the environment was to be accomplished by

“cradle to grave” tracking of scheduled wastes through the use of a manifest. There
are a number of concepts about waste management which vary in their usage
between countries or regions. Some of the most general, widely-used concepts
include "3 Rs" reduce, reuse and recycle, which classify waste management
strategies according to the desirability in terms of waste minimization as showed in
Figure 2.1. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most waste minimization
strategies. The aim of the waste hierarchy is to gain the maximum practical benefits
from products while generating minimal waste.

Many authorities agree, the 3 R’s are the most immediate and effective way
organizations and individuals can conserve resources, prevent pollution and save
money. Waste prevention, or “source reduction,” means consuming and throwing
away less or cutting down on waste and using products made to last rather than
disposable. Reusing products when possible is even better than recycling, because the
item does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again. Recycling turns
materials that would normally be turned to waste into valuable resources. In addition,
“3 Rs” Concept is buying products that are less toxic for instance polystyrene
container or contain less packaging, using reusable containers and other reusable

items, maintaining and repairing products, participating in recycling programs, and

buying products made from recycled materials.

Source Reduction


Recycling and Composting

Landfill with Energy Recovery


Figure 2.1: Waste Management Hierarchy – “3 Rs” Concept

Landfills have a significant impact on the environment. Burying waste in

landfills also means valuable resources are lost, including those involved in
producing some other valuable products. Malaysia will not be able to rely on landfills
for ever as suitable space is limited.

Recently, the private and government sectors in Malaysia are actively

promoting the concept of 3 R’s. Some of the activities are encouraging the use of
recycled bags in shopping complex, practicing “separation at source” for solid waste
collection starting with Putrajaya residents, promoting the use of composed fertilizer
in agriculture industries, etc.

The launching of the National Green Technology Policy on 24 July 2009

marks an important milestone in Malaysia journey to the future, as Malaysia take
cognizance of the need for better and more efficient use of technology which will
also be less harmful to the environment. In conjunction with the policy, the
government will embark on a focused effort to increase public awareness so that the
development of green technology would be well received by all members of the

society. There will be promotion, education and information dissemination to create

the buy-in of the public to support the 'green economy' and adopt 'green practices' as
part of their lifestyle. Under this thrust, the Malaysian Government will lead by
example by adopting Green Technology in government facilities (Mohd Najib Bin
Haji Abdul Razak, 2009)

2.2 Hazardous Substance and Scheduled Waste

Hazardous waste is a discarded substance that because of its quantity,

concentration, physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may cause or
contribute to a serious illness or pose a substantial or potential hazard to human
health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of
(Naval School, 1997).

In relation, hazardous substance is a material with a substantial potential to

pose a danger to living organisms, materials, structures, or the environment. Such
dangers include explosion, fire hazard, corrosion, toxicity to organisms, or other
detrimental effects. There are a range of adverse environmental effects which can
result from poorly managed waste disposal measures. These include such effects as
contamination of ground water and other water bodies by leachate and creation of
health hazards and offensive odors. As scheduled wastes are very toxic and
dangerous to the environment as well as to human health, improper waste
management will result in classification as a ‘non-compliances’ or an illegal dumping

Provided that, scheduled waste is a hazardous substance that has been

discarded or otherwise designated a waste material, or one that may become
hazardous by interaction with other substances. Simply, a scheduled waste is
something which has been left where it shouldn't be and may cause harm. Any
activity, which involves any hazardous substance also, has the potential to have a
significant adverse effect on the environment and on the health of the community.

Properties associated with scheduled waste are as following:

(a) Toxicity

Wastes that produce injury upon contact with or accumulate in man and other
organisms which includes mutagens, teratogens, carcinogens, and bioaccumulation
for instance cleaning products, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc.

(b) Reactivity

Wastes that tend to explode (dynamite), react spontaneously (calcium

carbide), or react vigorously with air, water or other substances, or subject to heat
or shock (magnesium) for instance waste from cyanide plating, bleach, and other

(c) Corrosiveness

Wastes that require special containers to prevent corrosion of standard

materials, for instance acids and bases.

(d) Flammability

Wastes that pose a fire hazard for instance petroleum products, paper.

(e) Radioactivity

Substances that emit some form of radiation, for instance plutonium,

monazite (sand mining).

(f) Infectious

Biological materials such as blood specimens, tissue, dressings etc. Usually,

like radioactive materials, subject to special facilities and controls.

Having discussed some of those things which make wastes hazardous, it is the
potential for toxicity, particularly to humans, which has caused the greatest public
concern. Toxic effects can range from mild allergic reactions to death through three
main exposure routes; inhalation entry via the respiratory tract; ingestion entry via
the gastrointestinal tract; and dermal contact entry via the skin. The following list in
Table 2.1 is not complete, but indicates various types of scheduled waste.

Table 2.1: Examples of typical scheduled wastes (Environmental Protection Agency,


Major Group Sub-Group

Cyanides Cyanide containing wastes from treatment of
metals, Complex cyanides, etc
Acids Sulphuric acid , Hydrochoric acid, Nitric acid, etc
Alkalis Coustic soda, potash, alkaline cleaners, Ammoniom
hydroxide, Waste lime and cement, etc
Inorganic Chemicals Metal carbonyls, Mercury, mercury compounds,
Arsenic, arsenic compounds, etc
Reactive Chemicals Oxidising agents, Reducing agents, Explosives,
Highly reactive chemicals
Pesticides Inorganic, organometallic pesticides, Halogen
containing pesticides, Copper-chrome-arsenic
Paints, lacquers, varnish, Aqueous based wastes, Solvent based wastes, Paint
resins, inks, dyes, pigments residues, etc
and adhesives

2.3 Types of Scheduled Waste Generated in Malaysia

In 1994, Malaysia generates 417,413 metric tons of scheduled waste and

increased to 632,521 metric tons in 1996, later reduced to 548,916 metric tons in
2005 (DOE, 1995; 2003; 2006). The trend of scheduled wastes generation is shown
in Figure 2.2.

The trend of scheduled wastes generation shows that, the amount is adequate
for recovery. In 2006, 122 scheduled waste recyclers were licensed by the

Department of Environment, Malaysia and approximately 45.75% of hazardous

wastes have been recovered from total wastes generation from 2000 to 2005 (Ahmad
Fariz 2008). Using estimated value of RM 4,000 per metric ton, the estimated
value of industrial hazardous waste recovery within this period is RM 4.48 billion.

In conjunction, according to the Department of Environment, in 2007, eight

Written Approvals were issued for the import of 133,074 tonnes of wastes for use as
raw materials in industrial processes. The imported wastes comprised of copper slag,
waste gypsum arising from power plant, copper slag, spent acid, waste glass from
cathode ray tube and calcium hydroxide sludges. A total of 7,108 tonnes of
scheduled wastes were exported for recovery operations. The exported wastes were
derived from 57 waste generators and comprised mainly of metal hydroxide sludges,
electrical and electronic wastes, zinc dross and spent catalyst destined for metal
recovery in foreign countries.

A total of 68 Written Permissions were granted by the Director General

Department of Environment in 2007 for the construction of treatment and disposal
facility for scheduled wastes; 35 off-site partial recovery plants (e-waste), 18 off-site
recovery plants (non e-waste), 11 off–site full recovery plants (e-waste) and 4 off-site
storage facilities.

Neverheless, a total of 609 licences were issued for both existing and new
facilities for off-site recovery, off-site storage-transportation, scheduled wastes
incinerators, land treatment, off-site treatment and secured landfills.This data shows
that a significant amount of scheduled wastes have been recovered, with many types
of these wastes being traded in local and international market.

There are various types of scheduled waste specifically in Malaysia that could
be recycled, reused or recovered. Rags and filters for example, are used to clean a
variety of contaminated substances such as mixed solvent, organic-based oil, paint,
dye and grease, ink in printing and electronic industries that produce PCB, IC and
parts as well as other industry including adhesive industries and factories using paint
and ink products are categorized as scheduled waste.


Metric Tons (millions)


0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Figure 2.2: Scheduled waste generation Malaysia 1994 – 2005 (DOE, 1995;
2003; 2006).

A spent material is any material that has been used and as a result of
contamination can no longer serve the purpose for which it was produced without
processing. Spent material may be recycled for reuse either at the facility or off-site
of the generating facility. Spent solvent and spent coolant are some common type of
scheduled waste generated by a variety of industries in Malaysia and have great value
added after recycled or recovered.

Spent or discarded paints from paint product could be recovered and reused
for the production of lower quality paints where color control is not required.
Nevertheless, used industrial containers including high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
drums, intermediate bulk container (IBC), steel drums, tin, carboy and jerry can
could be reused after the process of re-conditioned. A lower quality paints produced
from spent or discarded paints would be used for re-conditioned industrial containers

The types of waste oil normally recovered are spent lubricating oil, hydraulic
oil, cutting oil, oily residue from automotive workshop, service station, oil or grease

interceptor, etc. Besides, oil could also be recovered from oil and water mixture of
ship industries. These types of wastes have potential adverse impact to the
environment through indiscriminate handling, storage, usage and disposal activities.

Aluminium, solder dross, brass dross and waste from electrical and electronic
assemblies’ have a potential for recovery and recycling activities. Figure 2.3 shows
types of scheduled wastes that could be recycled or recovered. Due to market need,
the recovered dust, slag, dross, ash and waste catalysts containing metal collected
from industries are known to be profitable business.

According to the above scenario, the proper management of scheduled wastes

through an appropriate method of waste identification from sources, transportation,
recovery and disposal is absolutely important to prevent environmental pollution.
Even though Malaysia through the department of Environment had introduced many
programs and planning to improve scheduled waste management scenario but it is
still unsatisfied. It is very true in the case of Malaysia which are generated a lot of
scheduled waste since 1989 and later facing difficulties in handling waste effectively
in the past and current year (Zulkifli 2008).


Figure 2.3: Types of scheduled wastes can be recycled or recovered

(A: HDPE containers; B: industrial drums; C: spent paint)

Therefore, both planning and design of hazardous waste management systems

require accurate prediction of hazardous waste generation and comprehensive
identification of waste for recovery and recycling technology.

2.4 Problems Associated with Scheduled Waste

The main problem in scheduled waste management is illegal dumping. The

illegal disposal of scheduled wastes on the land and in waters creates problems for
the environment, for people and their quality of life, as well as for fish and wildlife.
Paints, used solvent, motor oil, and other hazardous materials have been carelessly
tossed with other household wastes into state forests and state parks. Their
contaminants leach into groundwater supplies and in some cases directly into
exceptional value streams. The pollution is detrimental to fish, and wildlife suffers
when encountering objects like broken glass which are not natural to their
environment. Table 2.2 indicates reported incidents of scheduled wastes illegal
disposals in Malaysia while and Figure 2.4 shows scheduled wastes illegal disposals.

Secondly, scheduled wastes are often in diverse forms, particularly when

there is presence of mixed scheduled waste such as solvent mixed with acid or
alkaline. Such materials can present difficult handling problems, and pretreatment
systems or specific technologies may need to be applied to such materials. In some
cases, the development of an appropriate materials handling strategy and
pretreatment system can be a more difficult and costly problem than the treatment
itself (Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 1997)

Thirdly, to fulfill the concept of cleaner production is another challenge that

needs knowledge and creative state-of-the-art technology in managing scheduled
waste. Cleaner production concept is a method of company-specific environmental
protection initiative due to its daily operation. The purposes of cleaner production are
to minimize the wastewater and emissions caused by industrial production and
maximize product output at the same time (Johan Sohaili, 2009).

Table 2.2: Reported incidents of scheduled wastes illegal disposals in Malaysia

(The Star, 2003; 2006)
Year Location Amount and Type of Company
1989 Pantai Remis, Perak 1,500 tones of toxic wastes Unknown
1993 Bukit Merah, Perak Radioactive wastes Asian Rare Mitsubishi Kasei.
Earth Plant
1995 Pangkor Island, Perak Forty-one drums of highly Unknown
toxic potassium cyanide
1995 Penang Island 28 drums of Unknown
2001 Ulu Tiram, Johor 1,000 tones of metal ashes Foreign-based
2003 Ijok, Selangor 500 drums of paint sludge and Unknown
2005 Sungai Gatom, Johor 6,000 tones of aluminium Hong Poh Metal
2005 Sungai Kandis, Klang, 15,000 drums of sludge and oil Carbon World
Selangor Industries
2006 Sungai Klang, Selangor 400 tones of aluminium dross Unknown

In conjunction with slowing down of the rate of resources usable, and a

gradual shift from linear to more circular processes, similar to those found in nature,
the eventual goal of clean production is to achieve a 'closed loop' operation in which
all excess materials are recycled back into the process. The benefits of cleaner
production include decreased waste, the recovery of valuable by-products, improved
environmental performance, increased resource productivity, increased efficiency,
lower energy consumption, and an overall education in costs.

2.5 Environmental Requirements on Scheduled Waste

As stated by the Department of Environment, Malaysia has developed a

comprehensive set of legal provisions related to the management of toxic and
hazardous wastes. The regulation was based on the cradle to grave principle. A
facility which generates, stores, transports, treats or disposes scheduled waste is
subject to the following regulations:

Figure 2.4: Examples of scheduled wastes illegal disposals will pollute

soil in the area

(i) Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005

(Amendment) 2007
(ii) Environmental Quality (Prescribed Conveyance) (Scheduled Wastes)
Order 2005
(iii) Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Wastes
Treatment and Disposal Facilities) (Amendment) Order 2006
(iv) Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Waste
Treatment and Disposal Facilities) (Amendment) Regulations 2006
(v) Customs (Prohibition of Export) Order (Amendment) (No. 2) 1993
(vi) Customs (Prohibition of Import) Order (Amendment) (No. 2) 1993.

In relation, some of the guidelines prepared by the Department of

Environmental should be referred in correlation with related regulations:

(i) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Guidance Document For the

Construction of Scheduled Waste Recovery Plant (Off-Site)
(ii) Guidelines on the Installation of On-site Incinerator for the Disposal
of Scheduled Wastes in Malaysia

(iii) Guidance Document for the Preparation of Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) Report, Establishment of Industries Located within
Gazetted and EIA Approved Industrial Sites
(iv) Guidelines on Standard and Specification of Recovered Waste Oil in
(v) Guidelines for the Classification of Used Electrical and Electronic
Equipment in Malaysia

Specifically, the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations

2005 was enacted on 15 August 2005 (see Appendix A), to replace the
Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 1989. There are 77 types of
scheduled wastes listed in the First Schedule which are divided into 5 categories, as
stated under these new regulations, namely:

(i) SW 1 Metal and metal-bearing wastes (10 types of scheduled wastes

SW 101-110 )
(ii) SW 2 Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents which
may contain metals and organic materials (7 types of scheduled
wastes - SW 201-207 )
(iii) SW 3 Wastes containing principally organic constituents which may
contain metals and inorganic materials (27 types of scheduled wastes -
SW 301-327 )
(iv) SW 4 Wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic
constituents (32 types of scheduled wastes - SW 401-432)
(iv) SW 5 Other wastes (1 category – SW501)

Under the stated regulations, a waste generator may store scheduled wastes
generated by him for 180 days or less after its generation provided that the quantity
of scheduled wastes accumulated on site shall not exceed 20 metric tones. However,
waste generators may apply to the Director General of the Department of
Environment in writing to store more than 20 metric tones of scheduled wastes. The
containers that are used to store scheduled wastes shall be clearly labeled with the

date when the scheduled wastes are first generated and name, address and telephone
number of the waste generator.

The regulations also stated that land farming, incineration, disposal and off-
site facilities for recovery, storage and treatment can only be carried out at prescribed
premises licensed by the Department of Environment. However, with the signing of
the concession agreement between the Government of Malaysia and Kualiti Alam
Sdn. Bhd on 18 December 1995 (15 years concession period), all off-site treatment
and disposal (incineration, wastewater treatment, storage and secure landfill) of
scheduled wastes is not allowed.

On-site incineration of scheduled wastes is not encouraged. If it is deemed

necessary, the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 stated
that application for the installation of such incinerator must strictly adhere to the
Guidelines on the Installation of On-site Incinerator for the Disposal of Scheduled
Wastes in Malaysia. The guidelines which is published by the Department of
Environment, including carrying out a detailed environmental impact assessment and
display of the EIA report for public comments. Other types of facilities such as off
site recovery, recycling and treatment need approval or license to operate from the
Department of Environment including transportation license and Environmental
Impact Assessment approval.

In conjunction, waste generators may apply for special management of

scheduled wastes to have the scheduled wastes generated from their particular facility
or process excluded from being treated, disposed of or recovered in premises or
facilities other than at the prescribed premises or on-site treatment or recovery
facilities, as stipulated under Regulation 7(1), Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wastes) Regulations 2005.

Scheduled waste disposal is regulated by government through Section 34B of

the Environmental Quality Act 1974, on which violating of the act shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding RM 500,000 or to imprisonment for a period not more than 5

years or both together (EQA 1974). Figure 2.5 illustrates an overview of the
scheduled waste management in Malaysia.

2.6 The Basel Convention

In the late 1980s, a tightening of environmental regulations in industrialized

countries led to a dramatic rise in the cost of hazardous waste disposal. Searching for
cheaper ways to get rid of the wastes, “toxic traders” began shipping hazardous waste
to developing countries and to Eastern Europe. When this activity was revealed,
international outrage led to the drafting and adoption of the Basel Convention.

The Basel Convention was the only global legal instrument dealing with the
sound management of hazardous wastes, their disposal and transboundary movement.
It had achieved remarkable success in establishing a ban on the transboundary
movement of hazardous wastes from developed to developing countries.

During its first Decade (1989-1999), the Convention was principally devoted to
setting up a framework for controlling the “transboundary” movements of hazardous
wastes from developed to developing countries.

During its first Decade (1989-1999), the Convention was principally devoted
to setting up a framework for controlling the “transboundary” movements of
hazardous wastes, that is, the movement of hazardous wastes across international
frontiers. It also developed the criteria for “environmentally sound management”. A
Control System, based on prior written notification, was also put into place.

Malaysia has signed up for Basel Convention on the 8th October 1993. The
fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the
Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was
opened in Kuching on 23 February 1998. The President of the third meeting of the
Conference of the Parties, Mr. Bakary Kante from Senegal officiated the meeting

(Report Of The Fourth Meeting Of The Conference Of The Parties To The Basel
Convention, 1998)

During Basel Convention 2002, it was reported that Malaysia and other
signatory countries restricts the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final
disposal and restricts the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for recovery as
well. The Malaysian Government through the funding agencies provided special
capital allowance incentive to companies which generate wastes and intend to set up
facilities to treat their own wastes covering all capital expenditure incurred. The
Government also encourages industries to use locally produced wastes as raw
materials (Malaysia Country Fact Sheet, 2006).

Section 34b, Act 127

(500K/5 yrs/Both)
Section 34b, Act 127
(500K/5 yrs/Both) Section 34b, Act 127
(500K/5 yrs/Both)

Waste Prescribed
Transporter Premises

EIA Order, 1987 Prescribed EIA Order, Activity 18

Clean Air Regn., Sewage Conveyance, 2005.
& Industrial Reg., Written Approval,
Scheduled Waste Reg. Section 19, Act 127
2005, Dioxin & Furan Witten Approval, Section 19

2004 Act 127

License, Section 18
License, Section 18, Act

Figure 2.5: Overview of the scheduled waste management in Malaysia (Johan

Sohaili, 2009)

As noted by Secretariat of the Basel Convention on March 2009, currently

there are 172 Convention Parties and their fundamental aims are:

(i) Control and reduction of the transboundary movement of hazardous

and other wastes subject to the Convention
(ii) The prevention and minimization of their generation
(iii) The environmentally sound management of such wastes
(v) The active promotion of the transfer and use of cleaner technologies

2.7 Conclusion

Scheduled waste is a hazardous substance that needs proper management and

appropriate method of disposal. Many authorities agree that 3 R’s are the most
immediate and effective way of managing waste. However, problems related to
scheduled waste management is not only illegal dumping, but also handling and
pretreatment systems for diverse forms of scheduled waste as well as to incorporate
the concept of cleaner production which means a gradual shift from linear to more
circular processes. As scheduled waste has a great potential to be recycled or
recovered, the Department of Environment Malaysia has developed a comprehensive
set of legal provisions related to the management of toxic and hazardous wastes
which based on the cradle to grave principle. The enthusiastic effort is to realizing
the meaning of waste become raw material, waste become product and toxic waste
become non-toxic.


3.1 Informations Gathering

The approach of the present research includes a literature review and making
comparison and evaluation on the recovery and recycling processes done by the
scheduled waste recyclers in Malaysia Informations were collected from the
Department of Environment at Johor Bahru, Putrajaya and Ipoh. Informations
gathered for the study are;

(i) Type of scheduled waste that can be recovered or recycled

(ii) The recovery and recycling processes technology of scheduled waste
which is currently practiced
(iii). The Waste Acceptance Criteria and Material Balance calculation for
the recovery or recycling processes

Site visit to few scheduled waste recovery factories was conducted in 2009.
The purpose of the visit was to observe scheduled wastes recovery and recycling
processes done in the premise.

A common process for recovery and recycling selected scheduled waste has
been developed for the study. The selected scheduled wastes are:

(i) Dust, slag, dross or ash


(ii) Waste catalyst

(iii) Waste oil
(iv) Waste coolant
(v) Waste solvent
(vi) Used industrial containers
(vii) Used rags and filters

3.2 List of Data Collected

Through reviewing the literature and personnel interview, it was found out
that 41 types of scheduled wastes listed in the Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wastes) Regulations, 2005, First Schedule are found being recovered or recycled as
listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: 41 Types of scheduled wastes listed in the Environmental Quality

(Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005First Schedule are found being recovered or

Code Type of waste No. of

SW102 Waste of lead acid batteries in whole or crushed form 4
SW104 Dust, slag, dross or ash containing aluminium, arsenic, mercury, 18
lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper, vanadium, beryllium,
antimony, tellurium, thallium or selenium excluding slag from
iron and steel factory
SW107 Slags from copper processing for further processing or refining 1
containing arsenic, lead or cadmium
SW108 Leaching residues from zinc processing in dust and sludges form 5
SW110 Waste from electrical and electronic assemblies containing 4
components such as accumulators, mercury-switches, glass from
cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass or polychlorinated
biphenyl-capacitors, or contaminated with cadmium, mercury,
lead, nickel, chromium, copper, lithium, silver, manganese or
polychlorinated biphenyl
SW202 Waste catalysts 6
SW204 Sludges containing one or several metals including chromium, 4
copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium, aluminium, tin, vanadium
and beryllium
SW206 Spent inorganic acids 5

Table 3.1: 41 Types of scheduled wastes listed in the Environmental Quality

(Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005First Schedule are found being recovered or
recycled (continue)

Code Type of waste No. of

SW 301 Spent organic acids with pH less or equal to 2 which are 2
corrosive or hazardous
SW 305 Spent lubricating oil 10
SW 306 Spent hydraulic oil 9
SW 307 Spent mineral oil-water emulsion 9
SW 308 Oil tanker sludges 6
SW 309 Oil-water mixture such as ballast water 5
SW 310 Sludge from mineral oil storage tank 4
SW 311 Waste oil or oily sludge 7
SW 312 Oily residue from automotive workshop, service station, oil or 7
grease interceptor
SW 313 Oil contaminated earth from refining of used lubricating oil 1
SW 314 Oil or sludge from oil refinery plant maintenance operation 2
SW 315 Tar or tarry residues from oil refinery or petrochemical plant 1
SW 322 Waste of non-halogenated organic solvents 9
SW 323 Waste of halogenated organic solvents 7
SW 324 Waste of halogenated or un-halogenated non-aqueous 2
evaporation residues arising from organic solvents recovery
SW325 Uncured resin waste containing organic solvents or heavy metals 4
including epoxy resin and phenolic resin
SW 327 Waste of thermal fluids (heat transfer) such as ethylene glycol 1
SW401 Spent alkaline waste containing heavy metals 2
SW402 Spent alkalis with pH more or equal to 11.5 which are corrosive 1
or hazardous
SW409 Disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated with 7
chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes
SW410 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with scheduled 10
SW411 Spent activated carbon excluding carbon from the treatment of 2
potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin
SW412 Sludges containing cyanide 2
SW413 Spent salt containing cyanide
SW 414 Spent aqueous alkaline solution containing cyanide 4
SW415 Spent quenching oils containing cyanides
SW 416 Sludges of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish 3
SW 417 Waste of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish 5
SW 418 Discarded or off-specification inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye 5
or varnish products containing organic solvent
SW421 A mixture of scheduled wastes 1
SW 422 A mixture of scheduled and non-scheduled waste 3
SW 423 Spent processing solution, discarded photographic chemicals or 2
discarded photographic wastes
SW 429 Chemicals that are discarded or off-specification 1

In an effort of reducing the volumes of scheduled wastes generated for

disposal, it was found out that more than 80% of valuable resources from scheduled
waste can be recovered accept 30% for SW202 Waste Catalyst as listed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Recovery Percentage for 16 Types of Scheduled Wastes

Code Type of waste Recovery %

SW104 Dust, slag, dross or ash containing aluminium, arsenic, 99.90

mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper,
vanadium, beryllium, antimony, tellurium, thallium or
selenium excluding slag from iron and steel factory
SW202 Waste catalysts 30.00
SW 305 Spent lubricating oil 95 - 97
SW 306 Spent hydraulic oil 95 - 97
SW 307 Spent mineral oil-water emulsion 80.00
SW 308 Oil tanker sludges 95 - 97
SW 309 Oil-water mixture such as ballast water 95 - 97
SW 310 Sludge from mineral oil storage tank 95 - 97
SW 311 Waste oil or oily sludge 95 - 97
SW 312 Oily residue from automotive workshop, service station, oil 95 - 97
or grease interceptor
SW 314 Oil or sludge from oil refinery plant maintenance operation 95 - 97
SW 315 Tar or tarry residues from oil refinery or petrochemical plant 95 - 97

SW 322 Waste of non-halogenated organic solvents 82.00

SW 323 Waste of halogenated organic solvents 82.00
SW409 Disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated with 100.00
chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes
SW410 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with scheduled 90.00


4.1 Introduction

In the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005,

scheduled wastes are categorized based on type of waste rather than the source or
origin of the wastes. Generally, scheduled waste is generated by industrial activities
such as electronics manufacturer (Printing Circuit Board, Integrated Circuit and
parts), paint industry, ink industry, printing companies, adhesive industries,
mechanical workshop and factories using rags to wipe paint and ink products. Aware
of the need to set up a proper scheduled waste treatment and disposal facility in the
country, the Malaysian government has promoted the establishment of
environmentally sound treatment, recovery and disposal facilities. In relation, such
facilities are required to support the enforcement of legal provisions on scheduled
waste (DOE, 2006). By having such facilities, industries in Malaysia are able to
dispose scheduled waste in an orderly, regulated manner to avoid costly movements
to other countries, and even more importantly, to avoid unnecessary risk to public
health and the environment during its transport.

Currently, there are two such facilities have been licensed for treatment and
disposal of scheduled wastes, one in Negeri Sembilan and the other in Sarawak. As
for the study, a common process for recovery and recycling of selected scheduled
waste has been developed and the residual sludge will be disposed at the prescribed
premise such as Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd.

4.2 Dust, Slag, Dross or Ash Recovery

Scheduled waste categorized under group SW 104 are dust, slag, dross or ash
containing aluminium, arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper,
vanadium, beryllium, antimony, tellurium, thallium or selenium.

4.2.1 General Elements of Dust, Slag, Dross or Ash

Dust produced in metal industry can be recovered to extract metal and

become raw material for new products production. Hence, the role of recovery in
metal industry is a critical component both from its contribution to the environment
and favourable economic impact on production.

Durinck,, (2008) stated that slags are an indispensable tool for the
pyrometallurgical industry to extract and purify metals. Slag represents undesired
impurities in the metals being smelted, which float to the top during the smelting
process. While metals start to oxidize as they are smelted, slag forms a protective
crust of oxides on the top of the metal and protects the liquid metal underneath.
When the metal is smelted to satisfaction, the slag is skimmed from the top and
disposed of in a slag heap to age. Aging slag is an important part of the process, as it
needs to be exposed to the weather and allowed to break down slightly before it can
be used.

As a by product of metal smelting, hundreds of tons of slags are produced

every year all over the world in the process of refining metals and making alloys. In
appearance, slag looks like a loose collection of aggregate, with lumps of varying
sizes. Slag actually has many uses such as in concrete, aggregate road materials, as
ballast, and is sometimes used as a component of phosphate fertilizer; hence slags are
rarely goes to waste.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (1983), dross is a

waste material rising to the surface of melted metals. It appears usually on the

melting of low melting point of metals or alloys such as tin, lead, zinc or aluminium,
or by oxidation of the metals. Due to impurities such as metal oxides, dross is also
refers to the lead oxides, copper, antimony, and other elements that float to the top of
the molten lead. It can easily be skimmed off the surface before pouring the metal
into a mold or casting flask into ingot.

4.2.2 Statement of Need

Based on the study, solder dross and aluminium dross are the most metal and
metal-bearing wastes being recycled and recovered in Malaysia. Due to the second
source of supply for raw materials, scraps are also an important indicator for the
sustainability of alloy and aluminium. As cited by Ahmad Fariz, (2008) metal
engineering includes solder and aluminium dross recycling and recovery is the third
types of industrial scheduled wastes recovered by the Malaysia.

Dross product is not entirely waste material; aluminum dross, for example, is
used in secondary steelmaking for slag deoxidation, reducing processing costs by
minimizing use of pure aluminum. Dross recycling is very attractive from both the
energy and the economic standpoints.

Solder dross alloy composition normally containing tin, silver and copper, or
antimony or bismuth with the ratio either tin (96.3%) : silver (3.2%) : copper (0.5%),
or tin (96.5%) : silver (3.5%), or tin (90%) : bismuth (5%) : silver (5%), or tin
(95%) : antimony (5%) (DOE, 2008).

4.2.3 Waste Acceptance Criteria for Solder and Aluminium Dross

The sources of wastes are mainly from the metal manufacturing industries.
Raw material must meet the acceptance criteria prior recycling and recovery as
categorized in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Solder and aluminium dross waste acceptance criteria (DOE, 2008).

Wastes materials Waste Acceptance Criteria1

Solder dross 15% solder alloy in solder dross
Aluminium dross Dross containing at least 1% of aluminium
metal from aluminium based industries

4.2.4 Recovery Process Description

The incoming raw material collected must confirm to waste acceptance

criteria before recovery processes. and will be sorted before being transferred into the
furnace batch by batch for smelting process. During the smelting cycle, a temperature
of 800°C is maintained in the furnace by controlling the amount of diesel fuel burnt
in the furnace (DOE, 2008). During the smelting process, the dross is formed and
need to be collected and stored for further smelting process, as these residue contain
metal oxide which can be recovered.

Molten dross will then undergo refining process where non-purified brass will
be re-introduced into the smelting cycle repeatedly until the desired dross
composition is achieved. Purified molten dross will then be casted into ingots and
lastly being packaged for commercial use.

The by-products of the recovery cycle will be slag, dust and fume (DOE,
2008). Slag containing high amount of impurities which are no longer usable will be
collected and sent to Kualiti Alam for safe disposal. Dust and fume generated during
the smelting process will then be collected by a series of cyclone dust filtered and
only clean air will be permitted to be released into the atmosphere. The collected dust
will also be sent to Kualiti Alam for safe disposal.

The collected residue from the furnace that contained different types of waste
may be classified as scheduled wastes under the Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wastes) Regulations, 2005, and require proper disposal. Figure 4.1, Figure 4.2 and

Figure 4.3 show ingots, furnace, and dross respectively while the process flow
diagram for solder dross recovery is shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.1: Ingot produced after smelting

Figure 4.2: Aluminium melting rotary furnace

Figure 4.3: Aluminium dross






Clean air

at 8000C DUST


(0.098%) (0.001 %) (0.001 %)

Dispose at Kualiti

(99.9 %)

Figure 4.4: Typical process flow diagram and material balance for solder and aluminium
dross recovery

4.2.5 Material Balance

Table 4.2 and Figure 4.4 represent the estimated value of material balance
across the maximum solder and aluminium dross recovery production process.
Depends on the plant capacity, from 100% of raw material collected, about 0.001%
will be the slag containing high amount of impurities which are no longer usable,
0.001% residue and 0.098% dross containing metal oxide which can be recovered.
Throughout the recovery process, it is estimated to recover about 99.9% of metal
ingots if the plant is operated at its maximum capacity.

Table 4.2: Material balance for solder and aluminium dross recovery

Raw Material Metal Ingot Recovered Dross Slag Residue

100% 99.9 % 0.098 % 0.001 % 0.001%

4.3 Waste Catalyst Recovery

Scheduled waste categorized under group SW 202 in the Environmental

Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 First Schedule is waste catalysts.

4.3.1 General Elements of Waste Catalyst

As defined in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1983), catalyst is a

substance that speeding up a chemical process. Hence, the production of many
chemicals involves catalysis. The influence on the reaction rate depends on the
frequency of contact of the reactants in the rate-determining step. In general,
catalysts increase the reaction rate and lower the activation energy by providing an
alternative reaction pathway to the reaction product. For this the catalysts react with
one or more reactants to form intermediates that subsequently give the final product.

Mori and McElroy (1996) have written that numerous metals are utilized as
catalysts. Major catalyst deactivation metals are nickel, vanadium, iron and arsenic,
whereas catalyst used in synthetic fuels have been identified as cobalt, molybdenum,
iron, nickel, chromium, and tungsten.

4.3.2 Statement of Need

Typical type of waste recovered under waste catalyst in Malaysia include

used rags contaminated with silver, expired silver epoxy conductor, silver sludge,
palladium in spent solution or in resin and gold in spent cyanide solution or in
deposited activated carbon and ceramic plated with precious metals.. The sources of
wastes are mainly from electronic industries (DOE, 2008)

Regardless of how catalysts are used, or whether they take the form of
monolithic structures, pellets, beads, extradates or solution, most companies
especially in the electronic and chemical process industries depend on precious
metals refiners to recover the valuable metals from their spent catalysts (Robert,

In economic point of view, waste catalyst recovery is not only profit making
business, but reinventing the use of materials is pollution abatement technology, as
electrical and electronics industries is the first types of industrial scheduled wastes
recovered by the recyclers .in Malaysia (Ahmad Fariz, 2008). Moreover, these
catalysts contain environmentally critical and economically valuable metals such as
gold, silver and palladium.

4.3.3 Waste Catalyst Acceptance Criteria

Prior to recovery process, samples of the waste materials are analyzed in

order to identify the percentage of precious metals and also other heavy metals that

are present in the wastes. This is important for the determination of the waste
composition and quantity of chemicals to be added in the reaction process.

The sources of wastes are mainly from the metal manufacturing and
electrolysis industries. Raw material must meet the acceptance criteria prior recycling
and recovery as categorized in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Waste catalyst acceptance criteria (DOE, 2008)

Wastes materials Waste Acceptance Criteria

0.05% gold for waste containing gold, or 2.5% silver for
Waste catalyst waste containing silver, or 0.005% palladium for waste
containing palladium

4.3.4 Process Description for Gold Recovery from Waste Catalyst

There will be two processes involved in the gold recovery, namely direct ion
exchange and acid treatment. The ion exchange process is designed to recover gold
in spent solution while the latter is for recovery of gold entrapped in the deposited
activated carbon (DOE, 2008).

The direct ion exchange gold recovery is a simple process with the use of
synthetic resins (equation 4.1). The waste catalyst containing gold will be directly
pumped into the resin column to undergo ion exchange process. The gold will be
"exchanged" and retained on the resin. The spent solution from the resin column will
be directed to waste treatment plant for further treatment.

Au+ + R- -> AuR (4.1)

The regeneration of the resin by the use of hydrochloride acid is the next step
to precipitate the gold from the resin and dissolved it into aqueous gold monochloride
(equation 4.2)
AuR + 2HCI -> AuCl + HR (4.2)

The aqueous gold is then reduced into the metal form by addition of
hydrazine in the drum. Gold ingots are obtained after further refining in the furnace.
(equation 4.3) The process flow diagram of ion-exchange gold recovery process is
shown in Figure 4.5.

2AuCl + 2N2H4 -> 2Au + 2NH4Cl + N2 (4.3)

Diluted nitric and hydrochloride acids will be added into the spent waste
catalyst solution in the case of recovery gold using acid treatment method (equation
4.4). The mixing process uses a stirrer. Gold monochloride in aqueous form will be
produced after solution is left to stand for a day.

Au+ + Cl- -> AuCl (4.4)

Before proceeding to the reduction process, the solution will be filtered using
fine nylon or steel mesh (depending on the nature of waste) to remove all the non-
metallic impurities, for instances, unburned carbon. The filtration is carried out by
transferring the solution into another drum fitted with mesh. After soaking for a few
hours, hydrazine will be added to reduce the aqueous gold into metal form followed
by the addition of polymer. The end product of gold ingot is obtained after refining in
the furnace (equation 4.5). The process flow diagram of acid treatment gold recovery
process from deposited carbon is shown in Figure 4.6.

2AuCl + 2N2H4 -> 2Au + 2NH4Cl + N2 (4.5)

4.3.5 Process Description for Silver Recovery from Waste Catalyst

Silver recovery process is specifically designed for the waste materials that
contain silver. There are two types of waste that are subjected to this recovery





GOLD (100%)


regenerant AQUEOUS


GOLD IN SEMI- Wastewater

SOLID FORM treatment plant



(30 %)

Figure 4.5: Typical gold recovery process flow and material balance
by ion exchange

process, namely ashes from rags contaminated with silver and silver sludge (DOE,

Waste material is transferred into the drum and diluted with nitric acid using a
hand pump. The acid acts to dissolve the silver and to form silver nitrate. Non-
metallic impurities such as epoxy and ceramic are separated from the aqueous silver
solution by manually transferring the mixture into another drum with pump and filter
mesh. The impurities will be sprayed with water to wash out any residual silver from
the impurities. The resulting non-metallic impurities are non-toxic materials and will
be discarded as normal solid waste. The chemical reaction between silver and nitric
acid is shown in equation (4.6).

Ag+ + HN03 -> AgN03 + H+ (4.6)

The silver nitrate solution will be added with sodium chloride aided with
polymer to obtain aqueous silver chloride. Mixing is achieved using a stirrer.
Assisted with agitation, the sediment layer containing silver chloride will be mixed
with hydrazine and water to precipitate out the silver. Silver in semi-solid form will
be transferred to the furnace for refining. The upper layer that contains spent acids
will be pumped to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment. The process flow
diagram of silver recovery from wastes is shown in Figure 4.7. The chemical
reactions are as in equation (4.7) and (4.8).

AgN03 + NaCI -> AgCl + NaNO3 (4.7)

AgCl + N2H -> Ag + NH4Cl + N2 (4.8)

4.3.6 Process Description for Palladium Recovery from Waste Catalyst

The palladium recovery process is an ion-exchange process to recover both

palladium from waste spent solution and resins. The waste is pumped to the resin
column to undergo ion exchange to retain palladium on the resin. The spent solution
after resin treatment will be directed to the wastewater treatment plant.



HNO3 Yes
GOLD (100%)





treatment plant


(30 %)

Figure 4.6: Typical gold recovery process flow and material

balance by acid treatment



SLUDGE (100%)




SILVER CHLORIDE Wastewater treatment

AQUEOUS plant (70%)





(30 %)

Figure 4.7: Typical silver recovery process flow and material balance by acid

The regeneration of resin by the use of ammonium solution is the next step to release
palladium from the resin and dissolved it into aqueous palladium. The reactions
taking place are as in equation (4.9) and (4.10).

Pd2+ + R2- -> PdR (4.9)

PdR + 2NH4+ -> Pd2+ + (NH4)2R (4.10)

The aqueous palladium is then reduced to its solid form by the addition of
hydrazine in the drum as in equation (4.11). The palladium end product is cast into
ingots in the furnace. The process flow diagram of the palladium recovery from
wastes is shown in Figure 4.8.

2Pd2+ + 2N2H4 -> 2Pd + 2NH4+ + N2 (4.11)

4.3.7 Material Balance

Table 4.4, Figure 4.6, Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8 represent the estimated value
of material balance across the maximum waste catalyst recovery production process.
Depends on the plant capacity, from 100% of raw material collected, about 30% will
be the metal ingots. Throughout the recovery process, it is estimated to produce about
70% will be the wastewater which need proper treatment if the plant is operated at
its maximum capacity.

Table 4.4: Material balance for waste catalyst recovery

Raw Material Metal Ingot (gold, siver and palladium) Wastewater

100% 30 % 70%




regenerant RESIN / SPENT



N2H4 WASHING Wastewater treatment

plant (70%)





(30 %)

Figure 4.8: Typical palladium recovery process flow and material balance

4.4 Waste Oil Recovery

There are nine types of scheduled waste containing oil listed in the
Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 First Schedule have a
common recovery process

4.4.1 General Elements of Waste Oil

Waste oils are petroleum or synthetic oils that have been previously used for
lubricating, heating, corrosion protecting or other purposes and no longer meet the
requirements of these applications due to the loss of original properties and presence
of contaminants or impurities. Wherever possible, every effort should be made to
encourage the resource recovery such as re-refining, re-conditioning and re-
processing of used oils, particularly since virgin petroleum oil is a non-renewable
fossil fuel resource that is in high global demand.

Almost all of the manufacturing activities use oil products such as lubricating
oil, heat transfer oil, fuel, hydraulic oil, gear oils used in cars or bikes, etc. The used
oil can pollute the environment if it is not disposed of properly despite it has high
energy value and can be used as fuel for a lot of industries. Waste oil poured directly
onto the ground or into storm drains, or tossed into trash cans even in a sealed
container can contaminate and pollute the soil and all water bodies such as
groundwater, rivers and streams.

Oil and associated contaminants floating on the groundwater beneath the site
are a continuing source of water bodies’ contamination either ground or surface
water. Removing the oil will keep the floating contamination from moving off the
site and will reduce the chances of water pollution that the public will be exposed.
This action will accelerate the overall site cleanup by removing a known source of
ongoing groundwater contamination; however, it does not constitute the complete
and final cleanup plan for the site.There are some general facts about used oils as
revealed by Vander Pol, (2006):

(i) one litre of used oils may contaminate up to 1 million litres of

freshwater – enough to supply 50 people with drinking water for 1
(ii) used oil concentrations of 50 - 100 ppm can disrupt sewage treatment
(iii) one barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil is needed to manufacture 2½
quarts of lubricating oil, but only 1 gallon of recycled oil is needed to
manufacture an equal amount of re-refined lubricating oil
(iv) two gallons of recycled oil can generate enough electricity to run the
average household for almost 24 hours

There is a promising market for Refined Fuel Oil (RFO) both locally and
internationally. In Malaysia, the demand for recycled oil is continuing to escalate as
the oil production is expected to reduce 3.98% between 2008 and 2018 and oil
consumption is set to increase by 16.45% as reported in The Malaysian Oil Report

4.4.2 Statement of Need

The types of waste oil normally recovered are spent lubricating oil, hydraulic
oil, cutting oil, oily residue from automotive workshop, service station, oil or grease
interceptor, etc. There are some potential land-based and water-based sources of used
oils generated for recovery as listed in Table 4.5.

4.4.3 Waste Acceptability Criteria for Waste Oil Recovery

Used oil is hazardous as it can contain such contaminants as lead,

magnesium, copper, zinc, chromium, arsenic and chlorinated compounds (US
Department of Energy, 1987). The processes within the plant will only be able to

accept oily wastes that meet or fall within a certain acceptable range to ensure
compatibility with the waste processing systems employed.

In this regard, all waste samples must first be analyzed at an accredited

laboratory prior to commencement of collection from waste generators. Waste
collected must meet the acceptance criteria prior recovery as categorized in Table
4.6. Once the samples have been analyzed and found to meet the required criteria, the
waste will be transported to the recovery facility for storage and further treatment.

Table 4.5: Potential land-based and water-based sources of used oils recovery
(VanderPol, 2006)

Type of Type of Waste Oil Sources of Waste Oil

Land-based Vehicles and Machinery: cars, trucks and motorcycles; heavy trucks
Sources and buses; small engine equipment i.e. lawn
Commercial Operators: vehicle repair and servicing stations;
automotive dealerships airports and
railways; hotel and tourism trade; fishery
and farming operations;
telecommunications; refrigeration and air
conditioning repair shops
Industrial Operations: electricity generating; plants and
transformer; sub-stations, oil refineries and
processors; construction and general trades;
mining and metal operations
Water-based Port Reception Facilities: ports and terminals
Sources floating barges;
marinas, harbors, anchorages and boatyards
Ships an Small Watercraft: oil tanker and cargo vessels; cruise ships
commercial fishing vessels; recreational

4.4.4 Waste Oil Recovery Process Description

The classical and most feasible solution to the waste oil recovery is
distillation, evaporation or pyrolysis (DOE, 2008). Most of the commonly waste oil
has boiling points no higher than 200oC. Hence the oil can be separated from the

Table 4.6: Waste oil acceptance criteria (DOE, 2007, 2008)

Waste Materials Waste Category Waste Acceptance

Gasoline or diesel engine oil SW 305- Spent lubricating Physical properties : liquid
Industrial gear oil or car oil Color: Light yellow to
differential oil SW 306- Spent hydraulic oil dark brown
Power steering oil SW 308- Oil tanker sludges Specific gravity: 0.5 – 1.0
Manual or automatic SW 309 – Oil-water mixture Viscosity: < 80 cst
transmission oil such as ballast water Moisture content: < 30%
Circulating oil or turbine oil SW 310- Sludge from Heavy metal: < 100 ppm
Refrigeration system oil mineral oil storage tank Total halogen: < 1000
Mineral oil, polyalphaolefin SW 311- Waste oil or oily ppm
(PAO), or diester based sludge Boiling point: 100 – 200
compressor oil SW 312- Oily residue from C
Heat transfer oil automotive workshop, Flash point: 75 – 88 0C
Electrical insulating oils service station, oil or grease Recovered: 80% – 88%
(e.g. interceptor
transformer dielectric oils) SW 314 – Oil or sludge from
Hydraulic or trans-hydraulic oil refinery or petrochemical
system oil plant
Marine engine oil SW 315 – Tar or tarry
Oily tank washings (slops) residues from oil refinery or
Oily solids (sludges) petrochemical plant
Oily ballast water (from oil
tankers) oily bilge water
mixed oily liquids
Machine tool oil
Two-stroke engine oil
Drilling oil
Pneumatic system oil
Chain oil (industrial or
chain saw)
Conveyor lubricating oil

dissolved substances which normally have much higher boiling point by distillation.
The process requires minimal manual operation and the process is done is batches.
There is no chemical reaction involves but physical separation. The process is
selected due to the operational stability and easiness of maintenance of the system.
As oil is inflammable which pose fire hazard to the surrounding, close monitoring
and proper safety procedures are necessary to ensure safety.

The waste oil will normally undergo two stages of the process i.e. separation
and recovery process. During separation process, the waste oil collected need to
undergo physical separation process for large suspended solid removal before

transferred for the recovery process. Waste oil which contain water but immiscible
with water will be pumped to a decanter where the water separated will be discarded
as scheduled waste (DOE, 2008).

Waste oil from waste generators will be stored temporarily in an overhead

collection tank with minimum height of 3 meters (DOE, 2007). The oil will flow by
gravity from the overhead tank to a primary screener or Desorber to separate oil and
water or liquid without using electricity or filters. The CPI (Corrugated Plate
Interceptor) in the Desorber is used to remove heavier oil, grease, settable solids and
floating light oil. At this stage the feed is still contaminated with water, fine particles
and dissolved solids. The solid matter shall be screened or separated out and
collected in a waste container. Estimated 2% of solid wastes or impurities is collected
from the primary screening process and shall be stored and handle as a schedule
waste prior disposed of at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd. (DOE, 2008)

The outflow from the desorber will be enter the oil water separator tank
where water or moisture will be stripped and the water by virtue of density difference
settles down at the bottom of tank while the oil is removed from the unit via the
outlet located at the top of the equipment. Water accumulated at the bottom of the
tank is periodically removed through the opening of the water drain at the bottom.
Pneumatic pump will be used to transfer oils from one container to another. Since the
pump is driven by high pressure air from air compressor, it is spark and explosive
proof. All containers will be covered during transferring process to minimize fugitive
vapor. The water will be directed to the oil interceptor before being disposed to
nearby wastewater treatment plant. The captured oil will then be directed back to the
collection tank for reprocessing. The sludge will be extracted out to be dried,
thickened and disposed.

The oil is then being directed through a couple of stainless steel wire mesh
bag filters to eliminate unwanted suspended solids with the help of a pressure pump.
The stainless steel wire cloth bag filters remove any type of suspended solids ranging
from 2 to 50 micron and the filter media is washable for reuse.

The waste oil recovery process could be carried out through distillation,
evaporation or pyrolysis method for recovery process. The detail of the process are as
the following:

(a) Distillation

As for distillation method, the clean oil is fed into the vacuum dehydration
system to remove access water (below 50% of oil saturation point), dissolved gasses
and cracked oil (DOE, 2008)

Then the oil would be to channel the outflow from the dehydration system to
the membrane separator where the oil will pass through an electric field to remove
oxidation products where positively charged particles are drawn to the negative pole
and vice versa. The schematic flow diagram is given in Figure 4.9.

(b) Evaporation

Another alternative for waste oil recovery is through evaporation.

Evaporation involves the utilization of thermal oil heater to supply the desired heat
during the vaporation process. (DOE, 2008). The ultimate of this method is to ensure
that water contain in the waste oil will be remove through evaporation, while the
solids is settle at the bottom of distiller, prior removed and stored in the drum for
disposal at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd.

The vacuum evaporator evaporates unwanted vapor in oil. To purify the oil,
the metal jacket will be heated at 140oC below atmospheric pressure to eliminate
water vapor in the oil with the application of venture vacuum pump. The heated
vaporous will then be condensed into droplets when passing through a condenser.

The condensed water will then be passed through the oil interceptor before
being discharged. The purified oil will then be channeled and stored into the product
tank for further use or sell. The typical flow of the evaporation process is shown in
Figure 4.10.








(3%) OIL
Dispose at
Alam Wastewater
( 97%)

Figure 4.9: Typical process flow and material balance across the oil recovery
distillation process







SLUDGE OIL Wastewater

(5%) plant

at Kualiti


Figure 4.10: The typical flow and material balance of the evaporation process

(c) Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is another alternative method for waste oil recovery. The waste oil
collected need to undergo physical separation process, before transferring to the
pyrolysis process. Pyrolysis will involve heating process where the water content will
be removed from waste oil by heating up the oil at 400 - 600oC in an oxygen-free
atmosphere. At such high temperature, most organic substances are decomposed by
thermal cracking into gaseous, liquid, and solid (DOE, 2008). Pyrolysis is the term
used to describe the process of this conversion. The term destructive distillation is
often used as an alternative term for pyrolysis.

Waste oil containing recoverable oil will be injected into the pyrolysis reactor
at atmospheric condition, which later will be heated up to 600°C. During the
pyrolysis process, about 97% of oil, gas and water vapour will be recovered. All
substances will be directed into a cyclone separator to completely separate liquids
from solids.

The volatile gases will pass through condensers which most of the organic
contents will be condensed into liquid phase as light oils. The uncondensed gases
will then be recycled as fuel to heat up the pyrolysis reactor. The final product of
waste oil pyrolysis process contains high energy value, acts as replacement for fuel
oils or diesel which can be used as burner fuels for boilers, generators and other
energy requirement applications. The typical flow of waste oil pyrolysis recovery
process is given in Figure 4.1, while Figure 4.12 is the schematic diagram of
pyrolysis system. Any residual released gas which is estimated 2% will be trap by the
wet scrubber.

It is estimated that 1% of the end product of pyrolysis will be tar (sludge)

and char (coke) a solid material with a density between 150kg/m3 and 300 kg/m3
derived after the pyrolysis process (DOE, 2008). Char is the remaining end product
which could be used for the plant operation or sold as fuel. Sludge produced, need to
be proper disposed at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd.




at 400 – 6000C

(2%) (98%)


SLUDGE OIL Wastewater

OUT INTERCEPTOR treatment plant

Dispose at
Alam (97%)

Figure 4.11: The typical flow and material balance of waste oil pyrolysis recovery

WET Wastewater
SCRUBBER Treatment Plant
Gas to purification
(gas release to

OIL Heat


Heavy Light
Oil Oil

Pyrolysis gas to Heating Unit

Figure 4.12: Schematic diagram of pyrolysis system

4.4.5 Material Balance

Figure 4.9, Figure 4.10, Figure 4.11 and Table 4.7, represent the material
balance across the maximum oil recovery production process. Depends on the plant
capacity, from 100% of waste oil collected, it is estimated to recover total 97% of
recovered oil in distillation process, 95% of recovered oil in evaporation process and
97% in pyrolysis recovery system. The residual sludge that need to be proper
disposed is estimated to be 3% in distillation process, 5% in evaporation process and
1% in pyrolysis process.

Table 4.7: Material balance for waste oil recovery

Recovery Method Incoming Waste Oil Recovered Oil Residual

Distillation 97 3
Evaporation 100% 95 5
Pyrolysis 97 1

Figure 4.13: Gravity oil water


Figure 4.14: Stainless steel

wire mesh bag filters

4.4.6 Oil and Water Mixture or Ballast Water

Large quantities of waste water and oils mixture are continuously generated
by ship activities to provide stability and maneuverability during a voyage. The oil
and water mixture generated from these sources predominately those recovered from
ballast water. These oils are composed primarily of the fuel used by particular ship.
Steel drums or skid tank will be used to store the oil and water mixture. They are
tough for handling, transportation and storage. Incoming oil water mixture varies
depend on the type of ship.

In general, the oil and water mixture will undergo two stages of the recovery
process i.e. separation and recovery as mentioned above. In spite of the salinity
presence in ballast water, the recovery process should be done separately from other
waste oil materials if the above processes (distillation, evaporation or pyrolysis)
needs to be applied.

One other alternative for oil and water recovery is through centrifuge system.
The oil and water mixture collected need to undergo separation process by means of
gravitation separation in the skid tank. By leaving the oil in the skid tank undisturbed
for enough time (normally 2 days), they will eventually settle at the tank bottom and
can be easily removed. Then the oil will undergo the centrifuge system
(hydrocyclones) at high pressure producing a rotor jet speed of 4,000 to 8,000 rpm
for further separation in order to get better impurities removal (DOE, 2008).

Debris and dirt will be pushed against the side inner wall of the rotor bowl
while the clean oil is fed into the product storage tank. When sufficient time is not
available, the centrifuge separation process may be accelerated by heating the oil to
some safe temperature (with a steam coil heater to 90oC). Most of solids and sludge
generated from centrifuge system are collected in the sludge holding bin, prior
disposed at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd. The centrifuge system for oil and water mixture
recovery process as well as the material balance is shown in Figure 4.15 and Table






at 90oC

treatment SUSPENDED

SYSTEM Kualiti Alam


Figure 4.15: The typical flow of oil and water mixture centrifuge
system recovery process

Table 4.8: Material balance for oil and water mixture or ballast water recovery

Raw Material Recovered Oil) Sludge

100% 80 % 10%

4.4.7 The Recovery Oil

The final recovered oil will meet specifications as set up in Guidelines on

Standard and Specification of Recovered Waste Oil in Malaysia by the Department
of Malaysia as tabulated in Table 4.9

Table 4.9: Standard and specification of recovered waste oil (DOE, 2009)
Parameters / Constituents Allowable Level

Arsenic 5 ppm maximum

Cadmium 2 ppm maximum
Chromium 10 ppm maximum
Lead 100 ppm maximum
Total Halogen 1000 ppm maximum
Flash point 37.7oC or higher
Benzene 5% maximum
Appearance The recovered waste oil must have a clear
and bright appearance
Benzo (a) pyrene 10 mg / 1 kg oil (10 ppm) maximum
Dibenz (ah) anthracene 10 mg / 1 kg oil (10 ppm) maximum
Benz(a) anthracene 100 mg / 1 kg oil (100 ppm) maximum
Benzo (b) fluoranthene 100 mg / 1 kg oil (100 ppm) maximum
Benzo (k) fluoranthene 100 mg / 1 kg oil (100 ppm) maximum
Chrysene 100 mg / 1 kg oil (100 ppm) maximum
Indeno (23-cd) pyrene 100 mg / 1 kg oil (100
ppm) maximum

4.5 Waste Coolant Recovery

Scheduled waste categorized under group SW 307 spent mineral oil-water

emulsion of Environmental Quality (Schedule Waste) Regulations, 2005.

4.5.1 General Elements of Coolant

As cited by Kidd (1995), coolant is a complex form of multilayered

heterogenous waste. Heat generated from friction between the object and the blade in
cutting operations can be reduced by applying coolant. The machine coolant is
primarily aqueous and contain water soluble oil consisting of ethanol amine
emulsifier derived from fatty acids, both synthetic and natural. This emulsion carries
away metal turnings from a part being machined on a lathe or other machining tool.
When the coolant becomes spent, it contains chlorosolvents carried over from other
cutting as well as a fair amount of tramp oil from machine bearings. This results in a
multiphasic aqueous waste that requires treatment of metal and organic contaminants.

There are various sources of coolant which can be collected from industries
and such as:

(i) metal-working using highly productive machinery with high cutting

(ii) machinery operations that apply grinding, turning, machining and
(iii) polishing done by Precision Parts Manufacturers lubricating in wet
and dry wire drawing surface treatment in rolling mills industry

Clean coolants ensure highly-effective machining with fine tolerances, while

dirty coolant wears spindles, pumps and tools. Coolants polluted by leaked oil, are
broken down by bacteria, lose their original properties and start smelling.

4.5.2 Statement of Need

There are four types of contaminants that need treatment in waste coolant
(DOE, 2008). The first contaminant is tramp oil which consist of free-floating oil,
unstable oil coolant emulsion and microscopic oil particles. The second contaminant
is suspended solids which exist in the form of particles from machine operation can

be present in the coolant, inhibiting heat transfer efficiency of the coolant. Thirdly,
bacteria from water multiplies in warm conditions of the machine tool coolant sump.
Finally the level of dissolved solids present in all water resources will contaminate
coolant as dissolved solids reaches its threshold.

4.5.3 Waste Coolant Acceptability Criteria

Upon receiving, the waste will be analysed to reconfirm their characteristic

based on the information furnished by the spent coolant waste generators. The waste
spent coolant must meet the acceptance criteria prior recycling as categorized in
Table 4.10.

Table 4.10: Waste coolant acceptance criteria for recovery (DOE, 2008)

Wastes materials Waste Acceptance Criteria2

Spent mineral oil-water Physical properties: Liquid
(coolant) Color : Light yellow to dark brown
Chemical Properties : Inorganic
Oil contents 2500-5000 mg/L
TDS : <650 ppm
SS : <1000 ppm
pH : 7.3 – 8.9
Water content (%) : 70-80%
Oil content (%) : 20-30%
Boiling point (oC) : 120
Flash point (oC) : 88
Specific gravity : <1.0
Flammability : Yes
Bacterial count : 107 - 109 No./ ml
Emulsion concentration : 25% lower than new
Free oil : 5000 ppm
Recovered (%) : >80%

4.5.4 Waste Coolant Recovery Process Description

The coolant recovery system is devided into tramp oil removal, suspended
solids removal and bacterial disinfections (DOE, 2008). Waste coolant from waste
generators will be stored temporarily at the collection tank. A series of wire mesh
particle filters (100 mesh, 150 mesh and 200 mesh) will be used consecutively to
screen out various size particles to prevent clogging from build up at only 1 filter.
With this design the frequency of filter cleaning is reduced. At this stage the feed is
still contaminated with oil, fine particles passing 200 mesh filter and dissolved solids.

Next, the contaminated feed will be fed into the Desorber to remove free-
floating oil and oil coolant unstable emulsion completely (DOE, 2007). Due to the
density difference between settleability solids, coolant and oil under the gravity
effect, solids and coolant will settle below the top later of oil. A valve will be
installed at the bottom part of the Desorber to discharge the solids as well as coolant
for further recovery processes. The oil mixed coolant will be directed to the oil
interceptor before being directed back to the temporary collection tank for
reprocessing. The sludge will be extracted out to be dried, thickened and disposed.

The coolant is then being directed through a couple of stainless steel wire
mesh bag filters to eliminate unwanted suspended solids ranging from 2 to 25 micron
with the help of a pressure pump. The stainless steel wire cloth bag filters is
washable for reuse. The sludge will be removed for thickening and disposal.

After the removal of tramp oil and machine solids, coolant will be passed
through the disinfecting unit where it will be exposed to high strength UV light. The
wavelength of 253nm is lethal enough to destroy bacteria thus disinfects the coolant.
Coolant being opaque is thinned down into a fine sheet of paper before subjecting to
UV treatment. UV reflector bulbs are positioned inside the disinfection unit for
maximum destruction rate and area usage. Figure 4.16 shows the process flow and
material balance across the maximum coolant recovery.







Dispose at
Kualiti OIL

(80% )

Figure 4.16: Typical process flow and material balance across the coolant recovery

4.5.5 Material Balance for Coolant Recovery

Table 4.11 and Figure 4.16 represents the material balance across the
maximum coolant recovery production process. Depends on the plant capacity, from
100% of waste oil collected, it is estimated to recover about 80% of treated coolant
and generate about 15% of residual sludge material and 1% is estimated to be oil
particle if the plant is operated at its maximum capacity.

Table 4.11: Material balance for coolant recovery

Incoming Waste Treated Coolant Residual Sludge Oil Particle

100% 80.00 % 19 % 1%

4.6 Solvent Recovery

Scheduled waste categorized under group SW 322 is waste of non-

halogenated organic solvents and SW323 is waste of halogenated organic solvents of
Environmental Quality (Schedule Waste) Regulations, 2005.

4.6.1 General Elements of Solvent

Solvents have many diverse uses from paints and coatings, personal care
products and pharmaceuticals to pesticides, cleaners and inks. Thousands of
producers and manufacturers, and millions of workers, rely on solvents every day to
provide solutions to new manufacturing needs and to sustain excellence in functional

A solvent is a liquid that has the ability to dissolve, suspend, or extract other
materials without causing a chemical change to the material or solvent. Solvents

make it possible to process, apply, clean, or separate materials. The American

Solvents Council (2002) states that solvents operate on the principle of “like
dissolves like”; therefore, for a solvent to work it needs to have similar chemical
characteristics to the substance that it is trying to dissolve.

4.6.2 Statement of Need

Halogenated solvent is a synthetic solvents containing mixture of elements

such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Nevertheless non-
halogenated solvent is a petroleum solvent (Lee, 2008)

There are various types of solvent which can be collected from industries.
Table 4.12 lists down the examples of solvents to be recovered..The used solvents
can be recovered by distillation or evaporation to separate the more volatile materials
from less volatile materials by a process of vaporisation and condensation.
Considerably, the most numerous industrial applications of evaporation have been for
purification in chemical manufacturing and in processes involving solvent recycling
as well.

The solvents recovered have purity greater than 95%, varied from times to
times depends on the nature of the spent solvents (DOE, 2007). To purify spent
solvents which contain single solvent is simple. Whereas to separate mixed solvents
like thinner requires more tedious process like longer condensing columns and longer
evaporation time. The solvents that used in plating process may contain oil and
grease that needs to be removed as this contributes to inefficient in plating process.

4.6.3 Waste Solvent Acceptability Criteria

The solvent waste may be supplied from electronics manufacturer (PCB, IC

and parts), paint industry, solvent based paint manufacturers and paint packing

factories, ink industry from ink manufacturer and printing companies and other
industry including adhesive industries and factories using paint and ink products.

Upon receiving, the waste will be analysed to reconfirm their characteristic based on
the information furnished by the spent solvent waste generators. The waste spent
solvent must meet the acceptance criteria prior recycling as categorized in Table

Table 4.12: Boiling point, density and TLV of some common solvents base on
Material Safety Data Sheet

Solvent Boiling Point Specific Threshold Limit Value

C Gravity (ppm)
Acetone 56.0 0.791 750
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 80.0 0.805 200
Ethyl Acetate 77.0 0.902 400
Isopropyl Alcohol 82.4 0.785 400
Ethanol 78.0 0.785 1000
n-Propanol 97.0 0.804 200
Toluene 110.6 0.865 100
Xylene 137.5 0.871 100
Chlorinated Solvent
Methylene Chloride 40.0 1.325 100
Trichloroethylene 86.7 1.463 50
1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 75.0 1.437 350
Perch loroethylene 121.0 1.623 50

Table 4.13: Waste solvent acceptance criteria (DOE, 2007)

Wastes materials Waste Category Waste Acceptance Criteria

SW322- Waste of Physical properties: Liquid or
non-halogenated Emulsion
organic solvents Color : All Colour
Chemical Properties : Organic
From decreasing process of Water contents : ± 2%
PCB, IC, solvent based Sediment contents : ± 3%
paint, printing and adhesive pH : 4 – 8
industry. Boiling point (oC) : 182
Flash point (oC) : 174 - 212
Specific gravity : <1.0
Flammability : Yes
Recovered : 70%
Residue : 2 - 5%

SW323 - Physical properties: Liquid or

Waste of Emulsion
halogenated Color : Brown to Clear
organic solvents Water contents : ± 1%
Sediment contents : ± 2%
Chemical Properties : Organic
Boiling point (oC) : 114 - 117
Flash point (oC) : 96 - 155
Specific gravity : >1.0
Flammability : No
Water Solubility : Insoluble
pH : 4 – 8
Recovered : 95 - 98%
Residue : 2 - 5%

4.6.4 Solvent Recovery Process Description

Waste solvent could be recovered through separation and evaporation (DOE,

2007). After conforming to the waste acceptance criteria, the waste solvent will be
fed into the Desorber to remove solids, free oil and grease by separating the heavy
solids and grease from solvents. The coalescers in the Desorber will trap any free
water and act as pre-filter to other processes. The heavier solids will settle at the
bottom of the Desorber and will be extracted out to be dried, thickened and disposed
at Kualiti Alam Sdn. Bhd.

The solvent is then being directed through a couple of stainless steel wire
mesh bag filters to eliminate unwanted suspended solids ranging from 1 to 25 micron
with the help of a pressure pump. The stainless steel wire cloth bag filters is
washable for reuse. The sludge will be removed for thickening and disposal.

After separation process, which is the removal of solid contaminants and

grease by the Desorber and bag filters, the solvent will be fed into vacuum
evaporation chamber for moisture removal. The vaporizer is used to preheat the
solvent to the required temperature when it starts boiling while the pressure in the
chamber is kept below the atmospheric pressure.

The vaporized solvent is then drawn towards the refrigerated cooled

condenser where it is condensed to liquid form. The air gets sucked inside the
vacuum pump is directed out into the atmosphere. The process is continued till the
solvent is completely evaporated while the non-volatile residue or sludge will be
scrapped out through a valve system from the vacuum vaporizer. The typical flow
diagram of separation and evaporation recovery process is given in Figure 4.17.

The evaporation process works in an entirely closed system. The capacity of

cooling system is well enough to condense all the vapor hence the fume emitted into
the air is negligible.

4.6.5 Material Balance

Figure 4.17 and Table 4.14 represent the material balance across the
maximum solvent separation and evaporation recovery production process. Depends
on the plant capacity, from 100% of waste oil collected, about 0.02% will be the
settable solid. Throughout the recovery process, it is estimated to recover about 83%
of treated coolant and generate about 2.0% of residual sludge material and 15.0% is
estimated to be oily wastewater if the plant is operated at its maximum capacity.








Dispose at
Kualiti Alam




Figure 4.17: The typical flow diagram of solvent separation and evaporation
recovery process

Table 4.14: Material balance for waste solvent recovery

Incoming Waste Treated Solvent Residual Sludge Wastewater

100% 82% 2% 15 %

4.7 Used Industrial Container Recovery

Scheduled waste categorized under group SW 409 is disposed containers,

bags or equipment contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled

4.7.1 General Elements of Industrial Container

Most industries recognize that HDPE is the best plastic container of

choice to ensure purity of chemical contents. In addition, the IBC tank which is
super-sturdy and protectively enclosed industrial strength as well as chemical
resistance are being used for chemical storage. Figure 4.18 shows some industrial
containers used in the industries.

Steel containers and tin have been used for a long time as a means of storing
or transporting a variety of materials including resins, paints and some viscous
organic chemical. These containers are built to withstand the exigencies of transit.
Moreover, steel drums are typically made of a heavy gauge metal and are relatively

Excellent for storing large batches of materials such as distilled water,

solutions or select chemicals, the carboys represent the most popular shapes and sizes
used within the lab industry. In modern laboratories, carboys are usually made of
plastic, though traditionally were made of ferric glass or other shatter-resistant
glasses immune to acid corrosion or halide staining common in older plastic
fomulations. Carboys are also used to collect and store waste solvents.




Figure 4.18: Types of industrial containers

(A:Carboy; B:Tin; C:IBC Tank; D:Small Tin; E: Jumbo Bags)

Jerry can containers are used to transport chemicals of corrosive nature

namely acids and alkalis that are soluble in water. As it is to store water soluble
substances, jerry can could be recovered by manually washed that is spraying with

high pressure water. In addition, jumbo bags made of woven poly propylene
normally used to contain dust or granule in some industries can also be recovered.

4.7.2 Statement of Need

Many types of containers are being used in industries for chemical storage
such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) drums, intermediate bulk container (IBC),
steel drums, tin, carboy and jerry can (DOE, 2007). Containers tainted with
contaminants such as used or spent chemicals are considered as scheduled waste.
These containers should be recovered properly to ensure the materials will have no
unreasonable adverse effect on the environment, people handling the containers or
users of the end-use products manufactured.

4.7.3 Waste Acceptability Criteria for Used Industrial Container Recovery

The sources of containers are mainly from the various manufacturing

industries. The collected residue from the containers that contained different types of
waste may be deemed as "scheduled wastes" under the Environmental Quality
(Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005, and require proper treatment. The containers
collected must meet the acceptance criteria prior recycling as categorized in Table

Table 4.15: Industrial container acceptance criteria (DOE, 2007)

Wastes Materials Waste Acceptance Criteria

High-density From waste disposal of acid, coolant, solvent, dye, ink, paint, oil
polyethylene (HDPE) Content of waste < 1% of drum content
drums, steel drums, tin, No deformities or leakage
carboy, Jerry can and
jumbo bags.

4.7.4 Industrial Container Recovery Process Description

The process flow starts from the collection of containers as classified under
SW409 of the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005. The
incoming containers are first segregated and classified based on the type of
containers and the liquid raw materials that were transported in them and the cleaning
techniques needed to be employed. These containers are further classified as mainly
containing solvents, acid and alkaline.

Each container is inverted and drained off its contents. Due to the viscous
nature of the above compounds, the duration of the draining time will vary and may
range between 2 to 6 hours (DOE, 2007). The containers containing solvent soluble
residue will be sent for solvent recovery. Then they will be loaded onto a solvent
washing machine, where the inside of the containers are mechanically sprayed with
recycled solvent to wash off heavy solids, grease, paint, ink, oil and solvent. The
containers containing acid and alkaline will go through drip drying process.

Then the containers will go through the first stage rinsing process using city
water and cleaning agent. The second stage rinsing process is to remove excess
washing agent from the containers and to ensure the containers are clean. Liquid
residue will be treated in the wastewater treatment plant and the collected residual
sludge will be sent for disposal at the Kualiti Khidmat Alam.

As carboy and HDPE containers are used to transport chemicals of corrosive

nature namely acids and alkaline solution. They were manually washed by spraying
high pressure water (DOE, 2007). The wastewater after washing is channeled into
the wastewater system. After washing the containers are transferred into the storage
area as finished. The typical process flow diagram for containers recycling process is
presented in Figure 4.19 and Figure 4.20 shows the cleaning of containers in the

Containers are used to transport thousands of different cargo; therefore the

interiors and exteriors of these containers are cleaned and dried using hot air
circulation (DOE, 2007). Before releasing the recovered containers for storage, high-

pressure leak test will be conducted to check the containers for leakage as well as
reconditioned the containers to prevent contamination of materials from one cargo to
the next and to ensure integrity of the containers.



No Yes

Dispose to SEGREGATION (100%)

Kualiti Alam

Contaminated waste
solvent Contaminated waste acid / alkaline






2nd . STAGE
WATER Sludge




Figure 4.19: The typical flow process of containers recycling


Container cleaning system either with water or solvent

Container washing technique efficient cleaning quality

IBC tank cleaning

Figure 4.20: Cleaning of containers (DOE, 2007).


4.7.5 Material Balance

Table 4.16 represents the material balance across the maximum containers
recovery production process depends on the plant capacity, from 100% of
contaminated containers collected, all of the containers can be recovered consider
they are in good condition for recovery. Relative to the total weight of contaminated
containers collected, 2% is estimated to be discharge as residual sludge material.

Table 4.16: Material balance for industrial containers recovery

Total Contaminated Residual Sludge Recovery Containers

Containers (by weight) (by weight) (by weight)

100% 2% 98%

4.8 Used Rags and Filters Recovery

Scheduled waste categorized under group SW 410 in the Environmental

Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 First Schedule are rags, plastics,
papers or filters contaminated with scheduled waste.

4.8.1 General Elements of Rags and Filters

Rags (also called wipes, wipers, and shop towels); filters and absorbent
materials (such as mats, socks, and loose material such as speedy-dry) are use to
clean a variety of contaminated substances. Besides widely use to clean mixed
solvent, organic-based oil, paint, dye and grease; rags or filters and are also use to
clean ink in printing and electronic industries that produce PCB, IC and parts as well
as other industry including adhesive industries and factories using paint and ink
products. Specifically, filters are cotton construction used mainly for particulate and
organic waste removal to protect sensitive machines.

The contaminated rags or filters become solid wastes when they are too dirty
and not suitable for cleaning purpose anymore. Hence, they are subjected to a
hazardous waste determination under Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes)
Regulations, 2005 (DOE, 2007). The contaminated rags or filters must be carefully
managed to prevent or reduce the risk to human health and the environment.
Subsequently, the contaminated rags or filters are valuable and could be recovered
for reuse. The recycled rags or filters could be sold back to some waste generators
especially for cleaning purpose at a discount price. The recycled materials could also
be sold to traders or manufacturers or industries including printing and electronic due
to high quality of recycled material.

4.8.2 Statement of Need

The most efficient way of separating contaminants from used rags or filters is
by washing and rinsing either with solvent or water. Normally the recovered rags or
filters recovered have purity greater than 95%, varied from times to times depends on
the efficiency during washing and rinsing (DOE, 2007). To purify the used rags or
filters contaminated with acid or alkaline is simple that is through washing and
rinsing with water. Whereas to separate mixed solvents, organic-based oil, paint, dye
and grease requires more tedious process like washing using solvent followed with
detergent and water.

4.8.3 Used Rags and Filters Waste Acceptability Criteria

The sources of wastes are mainly from the printing and electronic industries.
Waste collected must meet the acceptance criteria prior recycling as categorized in
Table 4.17.

Table 4.17: Used rags and filters acceptance criteria (DOE, 2007)
Wastes materials Waste Acceptance Criteria1
Waste cotton rags filters and From waste contaminated with acid, solvent,
absorbent materials such as cotton of electronic, printing, plastic injection
mats, socks, and loose material moulding, packaging and machinery of
such as speedy-dry materials. industry.
Non toxic substances.
Good conditions and can be recycled and

4.8.4 Used Rags and Filters Recovery Process Description

The contaminated rags or filters collected from various industries must be

stored and transported in non-leaking closed containers. To prevent from burning,
fire-resistant containers should be used and are kept away from sources of ignition.
In addition, containers must also be in good condition and sufficient to prevent the
release of contaminants to the air. Each drum of waste will be labeled according to
the Third Schedule of the Environmental Quality (Schedule Waste) Regulations,
2005 to identify their contents.

After conforming to the waste acceptance criteria, the incoming drum

containing contaminated rags or filters are first segregated and classified based on the
quality of rags or filters. The type of contamination that was transported in them will
determine the cleaning techniques employed. Incompatible wastes will be segregated,
dried and disposed to Kualiti Alam Sdn. Bud. The recyclable rags or filters are
further classified as mainly contaminated with solvents, light oil or water soluble
chemicals, resins and water-based paints (DOE, 2007).

Depends on the contaminants present, rags or filters will be soaked in solvent

or soaking agent which is mainly contain 20% of surfactant and 80% of solvent
(DOE, 2007). The soaking machine separator separates solids, grease, and paint ink
dye. After soaking, the materials will be sent to a centrifugal dryer where the
machine will spin at high speed to remove the wet rags or filters of the soaking
chemical. The solvent used in soaking process can also be recovered.

The semi dry rags or filters will be placed in a fiber trolley before them being
loaded into the industrial washing machine. A non-ionic surfactant degreasing
detergent, which produces minimal foam, will be used to soak and wash the rags or

After rinsing and drying in the industrial washing machine, the cleaned rags
or filters will be dried in a controlled temperature of 100 - 250 oC oven. (DOE,
2007). The wastewater from washing and drying processes will be sent to the
wastewater treatment plant and the collected residual sludge will be sent for disposal
at the Kualiti Khidmat Alam. Finally, the cleaned rags or filters will undergo sewing
and converted to the recycled rags or filters. Figure 4.22 shows the flow process of
contaminated rags and filters.

Figure 4.21: A: typical industrial washing machine;

B: industrial dryer used for rags/filters cleaning




(100% Waste Materials) NOT OK



Sludge to
Kualiti Alam



treatment plant

Figure 4.22: The typical flow process of contaminated rags or filters recycling

4.8.5 Material Balance

Table 4.18 and Figure 4.22 represent the material balance across the
maximum contaminated rags or filters recycling production processes. Depends on
the plant capacity, from 100% of contaminated rags or filters collected, about 90%
could be recycled. Throughout the recovery process, it is estimated about 9.00% of
residual sludge material will be disposed to Kualiti Alam Sdn. Bhd. and 1.00% of
wastewater must be properly treated in the plant.

Table 4.18: Material balance for rags or filters recycling

Incoming Recycled Rags and Residual Sludge Wastewater

Contaminated Rags Filters
and Filters

100% 90 % 9% 1%

4.9 Conclusion

From the study, innovative recovery process flow is designed to satisfy all
regulatory requirements, to protect and enhance the value of physical assets as well
as corporate reputations. Hence, the invention of recovery and recycling processes is
an integral plan between technology, environment and economy, given the concept of
waste as a valuable resource and waste to wealth.

In an effort of reducing the volumes of scheduled wastes generated for

disposal, more than 80% of valuable resources from scheduled waste can be
recovered accept 30% for SW202 Waste Catalyst.


Referring to the number of recyclers obtained from the information gathered,

it was found out that out of total 77 types of scheduled wastes listed in the
Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005, First Schedule, there
are 41 (53%) types of scheduled wastes are being recovered or recycled as listed in
Table 5.1. For the study, flow of recovery and recycling processes for 16 (21%) types
of scheduled waste have been reviewed to produce process flow.

Table 5.1: 41 Types of Scheduled Wastes Listed in the First Schedule Are Being
Recovered or Recycled (the recovered or recycled process flow are produced for the
bolded 16 types)
No. Code Type of waste No. of
SW1 - Metal and metal bearing wastes
1 SW102 Waste of lead acid batteries in whole or crushed form 4
2 SW104 Dust, slag, dross or ash containing aluminium, 18
arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium,
nickel, copper, vanadium, beryllium, antimony,
tellurium, thallium or selenium excluding slag
from iron and steel factory
3 SW107 Slags from copper processing for further processing 1
or refining containing arsenic, lead or cadmium
4 SW108 Leaching residues from zinc processing in dust and 5
sludges form

5 SW110 Waste from electrical and electronic assemblies 4

containing components such as accumulators,
mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and
other activated glass or polychlorinated biphenyl-
capacitors, or contaminated with cadmium, mercury,
lead, nickel, chromium, copper, lithium, silver,
manganese or polychlorinated biphenyl
SW2 - Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents which may contain
metals and organic
6 SW202 Waste catalysts 6
7 SW204 Sludges containing one or several metals including 4
chromium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium,
aluminium, tin, vanadium and beryllium
8 SW206 Spent inorganic acids 5
SW3 - Wastes containing principally organic constituents which may contain
metals and inorganic
9 SW 301 Spent organic acids with pH less or equal to 2 which 2
are corrosive or hazardous
10 SW 305 Spent lubricating oil 10
11 SW 306 Spent hydraulic oil 9
12 SW 307 Spent mineral oil-water emulsion 9
13 SW 308 Oil tanker sludges 6
14 SW 309 Oil-water mixture such as ballast water 5
15 SW 310 Sludge from mineral oil storage tank 4
16 SW 311 Waste oil or oily sludge 7
17 SW 312 Oily residue from automotive workshop, service 7
station, oil or grease interceptor
18 SW 313 Oil contaminated earth from refining of used 1
lubricating oil
19 SW 314 Oil or sludge from oil refinery plant maintenance 2
20 SW 315 Tar or tarry residues from oil refinery or 1
petrochemical plant
21 SW 322 Waste of non-halogenated organic solvents 9
22 SW 323 Waste of halogenated organic solvents 7
23 SW 324 Waste of halogenated or un-halogenated non- 2
aqueous evaporation residues arising from organic
solvents recovery process
24 SW325 Uncured resin waste containing organic solvents or 4
heavy metals including epoxy resin and phenolic
25 SW 327 Waste of thermal fluids (heat transfer) such as 1
ethylene glycol
SW 4 - Waste which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents
26 SW401 Spent alkaline waste containing heavy metals 2
27 SW402 Spent alkalis with pH more or equal to 11.5 which 1
are corrosive or hazardous
28 SW409 Disposed containers, bags or equipment 7

contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, mineral

oil or scheduled wastes
29 SW410 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with 10
scheduled wastes
30 SW411 Spent activated carbon excluding carbon from the 2
treatment of potable water and processes of the food
industry and vitamin production
31 SW412 Sludges containing cyanide 2
32 SW413 Spent salt containing cyanide
33 SW 414 Spent aqueous alkaline solution containing cyanide 4
34 SW415 Spent quenching oils containing cyanides
35 SW 416 Sludges of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or 3
36 SW 417 Waste of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or 5
37 SW 418 Discarded or off-specification inks, paints, pigments, 5
lacquer, dye or varnish products containing organic
38 SW421 A mixture of scheduled wastes 1
39 SW 422 A mixture of scheduled and non-scheduled waste 3
40 SW 423 Spent processing solution, discarded photographic 2
chemicals or discarded photographic wastes
41 SW 429 Chemicals that are discarded or off-specification 1

From the study, innovative recovery process flow is designed to satisfy all
regulatory requirements, to protect and enhance the value of physical assets as well
as corporate reputations. Hence, the invention of recovery and recycling processes is
an integral plan between technology, environment and economy, given the concept of
waste as a valuable resource and waste to wealth.

In an effort of reducing the volumes of scheduled wastes generated for

disposal, more than 80% of valuable resources from scheduled waste can be
recovered accept 30% for SW202 Waste Catalyst as listed in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Recovery Percentage for 16 Types of Scheduled Wastes

No. Code Type of waste Recovery

SW1 - Metal and metal bearing wastes

1 SW104 Dust, slag, dross or ash containing aluminium, arsenic, 99.90%

mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper,
vanadium, beryllium, antimony, tellurium, thallium or
selenium excluding slag from iron and steel factory
SW2 - Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents which may contain
metals and organic materials
2 SW202 Waste catalysts 30.00%
SW3 - Wastes containing principally organic constituents which may contain
metals and inorganic materials
3 SW 305 Spent lubricating oil 97.89%
4 SW 306 Spent hydraulic oil
5 SW 307 Spent mineral oil-water emulsion 80.00%
6 SW 308 Oil tanker sludges
7 SW 309 Oil-water mixture such as ballast water
8 SW 310 Sludge from mineral oil storage tank
9 SW 311 Waste oil or oily sludge 97.89
10 SW 312 Oily residue from automotive workshop, service
station, oil or grease interceptor
11 SW 314 Oil or sludge from oil refinery plant maintenance
12 SW 315 Tar or tarry residues from oil refinery or petrochemical
13 SW 322 Waste of non-halogenated organic solvents 83.00
14 SW 323 Waste of halogenated organic solvents
SW 4 - Waste which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents

15 SW409 Disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated 100.00

with chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled
16 SW410 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with 90.00
scheduled wastes


5.1 Conclusion

The study has met the aim and objectives that have been setup earlier. Based
on the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 First Scheduled,
41 types of scheduled waste generated from 4 categories which are SW 1, SW 2, SW
3 and SW 4 are found have been recycled and recovered by recyclers in Malaysia.

Through literature review, evaluation and comparison on the recovery and

recycling processes done by the related manufacturers in Malaysia, the general
recovery and recycling process flow for 16 out of 77 types of scheduled waste have
been reviewed to produce typical process flow.

By comparison, the Waste Acceptance Criteria have been identified from the
minimum level of acceptance prior to recovery and recycling processes and the
Material Balance calculation indicate the estimated percentage of treated or
recovered waste materials, residual sludge material generated and wastewater
discharged if the plant is operated at its maximum capacity.

5.2 Recommendations

In line with the concept of 4R (reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery) and
“from cradle to grave” waste management, a greener environmental solution, thereby
enabling the recycling industries to achieve 30% of total solid and scheduled waste
recycling in 2020 besides 5% currently (Utusan Malaysia, 2009). Hence, the
following recommendations should be carried out to improve the study:

(i) The general recovery and recycling process flow for another 61 types
or the most waste generated from the First Schedule Environmental
Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 should be produced.

(ii) The costs associated with the price discovery for the technology which
give NPV (Net Present Value) could be another element that should be
enhanced in the study in order to give value added to the recycling


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1. Citation and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Notification of the generation of scheduled wastes
4. Disposal of scheduled wastes
5. Treatment of scheduled wastes
6. Recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes
7. Application for special management of scheduled wastes
8. Responsibility of waste generator
9. Storage of scheduled wastes
10. Labelling of scheduled wastes
11. Waste generator shall keep an inventory of scheduled wastes
12. Information to be provided by waste generator, contractor
and occupier of prescribed premises
13. Scheduled wastes transported outside waste generator's
premises to be accompanied by information
14. Spill or accidental discharge
15. Training Programme
16. Compounding of offences
17. Revocation




IN exercise of the powers conferred by sections 21 and 51 of the Environmental

Quality Act 1974 [Act 127], the Minister, after consultation with the Environmental
Quality Council, makes the following regulations:

Citation and commencement

1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Environmental Quality

(Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005.

(2) These Regulations come into operation on 15 August 2005.


2. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires –

"scheduled wastes" means any waste falling within the categories of waste
listed in the First Schedule;

"incompatible scheduled wastes" means scheduled wastes specified in the

Fourth Schedule which, when mixed, will produce hazardous situations through heat
generation, fires, explosions or the release of toxic substances;

"on-site treatment facility" means a facility, other than a scheduled wastes

incinerator or a land treatment facility, located on a waste generator's site and that is
used solely to deal with scheduled wastes produced on that site;

"contractor" means any person licensed by the Director General of

Environmental Quality under subsection 18(1A) of the Act;
"waste generator" means any person who generates scheduled wastes;

"prescribed premises" means premises prescribed by the Environmental

Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Wastes Treatment and Disposal Facilities)
Order 1989 [P.U. (A) 140/1989].

(2) Words and expressions which are not defined in these Regulations
shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act and in the Environmental
Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities)
Order 1989.

Notification of the generation of scheduled wastes

3. (1) Every waste generator shall, within 30 days from the date of
generation of scheduled wastes, notify the Director General of the new categories and
quantities of scheduled wastes which are generated.

(2) The notification given under subregulation (1) shall include the
information provided in the Second Schedule.

Disposal of scheduled wastes

4. (1) Scheduled wastes shall be disposed of at prescribed premises only.

(2) Scheduled wastes shall, as far as is practicable, be rendered innocuous

prior to disposal.

Treatment of scheduled wastes

5. (1) Scheduled wastes shall be treated at prescribed premises or at on-site

treatment facilities only.

(2) Residuals from treatment of scheduled wastes shall be treated or

disposed of at prescribed premises.

Recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes


6. (1) Recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes shall be done

at prescribed premises or at on-site recovery facilities.

(2) Residuals from recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes

shall be treated or disposed of at prescribed premises.

Application for special management of scheduled wastes

7. (1) A waste generator may apply to the Director General in writing to

have the scheduled wastes generated from their particular facility or process excluded
from being treated, disposed of or recovered in premises or facilities other than at the
prescribed premises or on-site treatment or recovery facilities.

(2) An application under subregulation (1) shall be submitted to the

Director General in accordance with the guidelines for special management of
scheduled wastes as prescribed by the Director General and shall be accompanied by
fee of three hundred ringgit and shall not be refunded.

(3) If the Director General is satisfied with the application made under
subregulation (1), the Director General may grant a written approval either with or
without conditions.

Responsibility of waste generator

8. (1) Every waste generator shall ensure that scheduled wastes generated by
him are properly stored, treated on-site, recovered on-site for material or product from
such scheduled wastes or delivered to and received at prescribed premises for
treatment, disposal or recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes.

(2) Every waste generator shall ensure that scheduled wastes that are
subjected to movement or transfer be packaged, labelled and transported in
accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Director General.

Storage of scheduled wastes


9. (1) Scheduled wastes shall be stored in containers which are compatible

with the scheduled wastes to be stored, durable and which are able to prevent spillage
or leakage of the scheduled wastes into the environment.

(2) Incompatible scheduled wastes shall be stored in separate containers,

and such containers shall be placed in separate secondary containment areas.

(3) Containers containing scheduled wastes shall always be closed during

storage except when it is necessary to add or remove the scheduled wastes.

(4) Areas for the storage of the containers shall be designed, constructed
and maintained adequately in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the
Director General to prevent spillage or leakage of scheduled wastes into the

(5) Any person may store scheduled wastes generated by him for 180 days
or less after its generation provided that 

(a) the quantity of scheduled wastes accumulated on site shall not

exceed 20 metric tones; and

(b) the Director General may at any time, direct the waste
generator to send any scheduled wastes for treatment, disposal
or recovery of material or product from the scheduled wastes
up to such quantity as he deems necessary.

(6) A waste generator may apply to the Director General in writing to

store more than 20 metric tonnes of scheduled wastes.

(7) If the Director General is satisfied with the application made under
subregulation (6), the Director General may grant a written approval either with or
without conditions.

Labelling of scheduled wastes


10. (1) The date when the scheduled wastes are first generated, name, address
and telephone number of the waste generator shall be clearly labelled on the
containers that are used to store the scheduled wastes.

(2) Containers of scheduled wastes shall be clearly labelled in accordance

with the types applicable to them as specified in the Third Schedule and marked with
the scheduled waste code as specified in the First Schedule for identification and
warning purposes.

(3) No person is allowed to alter the markings and labels mentioned in

subregulations (1) and (2).

Waste generator shall keep an inventory of scheduled wastes

11. A waste generator shall keep accurate and up-to-date inventory in accordance
with the Fifth Schedule of the categories and quantities of scheduled wastes being
generated, treated and disposed of and of materials or product recovered from such
scheduled wastes for a period up to three years from the date the scheduled wastes
was generated.

Information to be provided by waste generator, contractor and occupier of

prescribed premises

12. (1) A waste generator, contractor and occupier of the prescribed premises
shall provide information in accordance with the Sixth Schedule in the manner
provided in this regulation or Director General shall determine other method as he
thinks fit.

(2) A waste generator shall complete Part I of the Sixth Schedule in six
copies and hand over the six copies of the Schedule to the contractor when the
scheduled wastes are delivered to him.
(3) The contractor shall, upon receiving scheduled wastes from a waste
generator, complete Part II of the Sixth Schedule in the six copies given to him by the
waste generator and shall thereafter immediately hand over two copies of the

Schedule to the waste generator who in turn shall submit a copy to the Director
General within 30 days from the date of transportation of the scheduled wastes.

(4) The contractor shall, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the
scheduled wastes, deliver the scheduled wastes to the occupier of any prescribed
premises and hand over the remaining four copies of the Sixth Schedule to the

(5) The occupier of any prescribed premises shall, upon receiving

scheduled wastes from the contractor, complete Part III of all the remaining four
copies of the Sixth Schedule handed over to him by the contractor and shall, upon
completion, retain one copy and return a copy each to the contractor, the waste
generator and the Director General, within 20 days from the date of receipt of the
scheduled wastes.

(6) If the waste generator fails to receive his copy of the Sixth Schedule
from the occupier of the prescribed premises referred to in subregulation (5) within
30 days from the date of delivery of the scheduled wastes to the contractor referred to
in subregulation (2), he shall notify the Director General immediately and shall
investigate and inform the Director General of the result of his investigation.

(7) The waste generator, contractor or occupier of the prescribed premises

shall keep a copy each of the Sixth Schedule. The Sign copy of Sixth Schedule must
be retained as a record for at least three years from the date the scheduled wastes are
accepted by the prescribed premises.

Scheduled wastes transported outside waste generator’s premises to be

accompanied by information

13. (1) Every waste generator shall provide information in accordance with
the Seventh Schedule in respect of each category of scheduled wastes to be delivered
to the contractor and shall give the Schedule to the contractor upon delivery of the
waste to him.
(2) The waste generator shall inform the contractor of the purpose and use
of the Seventh Schedule.

(3) The contractor shall carry with him the Seventh Schedule for each
category of scheduled wastes being transported and shall observe and comply with
the instructions contained therein.

(4) The contractor shall, in the selection of transportation routes, as far as

possible avoid densely populated areas, water catchment areas and other
environmentally sensitive areas.
(5) The contractor shall ensure that all his employees that are involved in
the handling, transportation and storage of scheduled wastes attend training

(6) The contractor shall ensure that during the training programme each
employee is well informed on the purpose and use of the Seventh Schedule.

Spill or accidental discharge

14. (1) In the event of any spill or accidental discharge of any scheduled
wastes, the contractor responsible for the waste shall immediately inform the Director
General of the occurrence.

(2) The contractor shall do everything that is practicable to contain,

cleanse or abate the spill or accidental discharge and to recover substances involved
in the spill or accidental discharge.

(3) The waste generator shall provide technical expertise and supporting
assistance in any clean-up operation referred to in subregulation (2).

(4) The contractor shall undertake studies to determine the impact of the
spillage or accidental discharge on the environment over a period of time to be
determined by the Director General.

Training Programme

15. Every waste generator shall ensure that all his employees involved in the

identification, handling, labeling, transportation, storage and spill response of

scheduled wastes, attend training programme.

Compounding of offences

16. (1) Every offence which consists of any omission or neglect to comply
with, or any act done or attempted to be done contrary to these Regulations may be
compounded under section 45 of the Act.

(2) The compounding of offences referred to in subregulation (1) shall be

in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Environmental Quality
(Compounding of Offences) Rules 1978 [P.U. (A) 281/1978].

17. The Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 1989 [P.U. (A)
139/1989] is hereby repealed as from the commencement of these Regulations.

(Regulation 2)

SW 1 Metal and metal-bearing wastes

SW 101 Waste containing arsenic or its compound

SW 102 Waste of lead acid batteries in whole or crushed form

SW 103 Waste of batteries containing cadmium and nickel or mercury or


SW 104 Dust, slag, dross or ash containing arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium,
chromium, nickel, copper, vanadium, beryllium, antimony,
tellurium, thallium or selenium excluding slag from iron and steel

SW 105 Galvanic sludges

SW 106 Residues from recovery of acid pickling liquor


SW 107 Slags from copper processing for further processing or refining

containing arsenic, lead or cadmium

SW 108 Leaching residues from zinc processing in dust and sludges form

SW 109 Waste containing mercury or its compound

SW 110 Waste from electrical and electronic assemblies containing

components such as accumulators, mercury-switches, glass from
cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass or polychlorinated
biphenyl-capacitors, or contaminated with cadmium, mercury, lead,
nickel, chromium, copper, lithium, silver, manganese or
polychlorinated biphenyl

SW 2 Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents which may

contain metals and organic materials

SW 201 Asbestos wastes in sludges, dust or fibre forms

SW 202 Waste catalysts

SW 203 Immobilized scheduled wastes including chemically fixed,

encapsulated, solidified or stabilized sludges

SW 204 Sludges containing one or several metals including chromium,

copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium, aluminium, tin, vanadium and

SW 205 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry or power plant

SW 206 Spent inorganic acids

SW 207 Sludges containing fluoride

SW 3 Wastes containing principally organic constituents which may

contain metals and inorganic materials

SW 301 Spent organic acids with pH less or equal to 2 which are corrosive or hazardous

SW 302 Flux waste containing mixture of organic acids, solvents or

compounds of ammonium chloride

SW 303 Adhesive or glue waste containing organic solvents excluding solid

polymeric materials
SW 304 Press cake from pretreatment of glycerol soap lye

SW 305 Spent lubricating oil


SW 306 Spent hydraulic oil

SW 307 Spent mineral oil-water emulsion

SW 308 Oil tanker sludges

SW 309 Oil-water mixture such as ballast water

SW 310 Sludge from mineral oil storage tank

SW 311 Waste oil or oily sludge

SW 312 Oily residue from automotive workshop, service station, oil or

grease interceptor

SW 313 Oil contaminated earth from re-refining of used lubricating oil

SW 314 Oil or sludge from oil refinery plant maintenance operation

SW 315 Tar or tarry residues from oil refinery or petrochemical plant

SW 316 Acid sludge

SW 317 Spent organometallic compounds including tetraethyl lead,

tetramethyl lead and organotin compounds

SW 318 Waste, substances and articles containing or contaminated with

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) or polychlorinated triphenyls

SW 319 Waste of phenols or phenol compounds including chlorophenol in

the form of liquids or sludges

SW 320 Waste containing formaldehyde

SW 321 Rubber or latex wastes or sludge containing organic solvents or

heavy metals

SW 322 Waste of non-halogenated organic solvents

SW 323 Waste of halogenated organic solvents

SW 324 Waste of halogenated or unhalogenated non-aqueous distillation

residues arising from organic solvents recovery process

SW 325 Uncured resin waste containing organic solvents or heavy metals

including epoxy resin and phenolic resin

SW 326 Waste of organic phosphorus compound


SW 327 Waste of thermal fluids (heat transfer) such as ethylene glycol

SW 4 Wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic


SW 401 Spent alkalis containing heavy metals

SW 402 Spent alkalis with pH more or equal to 11.5 which are corrosive or

SW 403 Discarded drugs containing psychotropic substances or containing

substances that are toxic, harmful, carcinogenic, mutagenic or

SW 404 Pathogenic wastes, clinical wastes or quarantined materials

SW 405 Waste arising from the preparation and production of

pharmaceutical product

SW 406 Clinker, slag and ashes from scheduled wastes incinerator

SW 407 Waste containing dioxins or furans

SW 408 Contaminated soil, debris or matter resulting from cleaning-up of a

spill of chemical, mineral oil or scheduled wastes

SW 409 Disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated with

chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes

SW 410 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with scheduled wastes

SW 411 Spent activated carbon excluding carbon from the treatment of

potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin

SW 412 Sludges containing cyanide

SW 413 Spent salt containing cyanide

SW 414 Spent aqueous alkaline solution containing cyanide

SW 415 Spent quenching oils containing cyanides

SW 416 Sludges of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish

SW 417 Waste of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish


SW 418 Discarded or off-specification inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye

or varnish products containing organic solvent

SW 419 Spent di-isocyanates and residues of isocyanate compounds

excluding solid polymeric material from foam manufacturing

SW 420 Leachate from scheduled waste landfill

SW 421 A mixture of scheduled wastes

SW 422 A mixture of scheduled and non-scheduled wastes

SW 423 Spent processing solution, discarded photographic chemicals or

discarded photographic wastes

SW 424 Spent oxidizing agent

SW 425 Wastes from the production, formulation, trade or use of pesticides,

herbicides or biocides

SW 426 Off-specification products from the production, formulation, trade

or use of pesticides, herbicides or biocides

SW 427 Mineral sludges including calcium hydroxide sludges, phosphating

sludges, calcium sulphite sludges and carbonates sludges

SW 428 Wastes from wood preserving operation using inorganic salts

containing copper, chromium or arsenic of fluoride compounds or
using compound containing chlorinated phenol or creosote

SW 429 Chemicals that are discarded or off-specification

SW 430 Obsolete laboratory chemicals

SW 431 Waste from manufacturing or processing or use of explosives

SW 432 Waste containing, consisting of or contaminated with, peroxides

SW 5 Other wastes

SW 501 Any residues from treatment or recovery of scheduled wastes

(Regulation 3)





(Two copies to be completed)

For office use only

File Reference No:…………………………

Waste Generator Code:

State Code:


(i) Name and Address of Premise:

Tel. No: …………………… Fax No: …………………. Telex No:

(ii) Owner of Premise:




(i) List of raw materials/chemicals and quantities used per month*

Raw Material/Chemicals Quantity (Metric Tonnes)


Scheduled wastes generated per month**

Waste Waste Name of Waste Quantity

Category Source1 Waste Component2 (Tonnes/Month)3


Note: Unit Operation in the process/plant
Name the elements, compound or material
Guide to conversion (only data in metric tonnes/month is
* Use additional sheet if required
** Estimates

I certify that the information provided is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge.

Signature of Reporting
Officer ***




*** Reporting officer refers to the person handling scheduled


(Regulation 10)



Symbol (exploding bomb): black; Background: light orange

Label 1


Symbol (flame): black or white; Background: red

Label 2


Symbol (flame): black; Background: white with vertical red stripes

Label 3



Substance liable to spontaneous combustion

Symbol (flame): black;
Background: upper half white, lower half red

Label 4



Substances which, if in contact with water, emit inflammable gases

Symbol (flame): black or white; Background: blue

Label 5


Symbol (flame over circle): black; Background: yellow

Label 6


Symbol (flame over circle): black; Background: yellow

Label 7


Poisonous (toxic) substances

Symbol (skull over crossbones): black; Background: white

Label 8


Symbol (three crescents superimposed on a circle): black;

Background: white

Label 9


Symbol (liquids spilling from two glass vessels and attacking a hand and a metal):
black; Background: upper half white, lower half black

Label 10



Symbol (nil); Background: white with upper half vertical black stripes

Label 11


1. The label shall be a square set at an angle of 45 degrees. The dimension of the
label shall not be less than 10 cm by 10 cm except where the size of the
container or package warrants for a label of smaller size.

2. The colours used on the labels 1 to 11 shall be in accordance with British

Standard BS 381 C, “Colours for specific purposes”.

Colour Reference No.

French blue .. .. .. 166

Canary yellow .. .. .. 309
Signal red .. .. .. 537
Light orange .. .. .. 557

3. The labels shall be divided into halves, the upper half of the label shall be
reserved for the pictorial symbol and the lower half for text printed in block

4. The text shall be printed in black on all labels except when the background of
the label is black, red or blue, the text shall be in white.

5. The labels may be of the following types:

(a) stick-on;
(b) metal plates; or
(c) stencilled or printed on the container or package.

6. All labels shall be able to withstand open weather exposure without a substantial
reduction in effectiveness.

7. Label shall be placed on a background of contrasting colour.

8. In the case of waste capable of causing two or more hazards, all the hazards
must be clearly identified and the waste shall be labelled accordingly.

(Regulation 2)


The mixing of a waste in Group A with a waste in Group B may have the
following potential consequences:

Group 1-A Group 1-B

Alkaline caustic liquids Acid sludge

Alkaline cleaner Chemical cleaners
Alkaline corrosive liquid Electrolyte, acid
Caustic wastewater Etching acid, liquid or solvent
Lime sludge and other corrosive Pickling liquor and other
corrosive acid
alkalies Spent acid
Spent mixed acid

Potential consequences: Heat generation, violent reaction.

Group 2-A Group 2-B

Asbestos Solvents
Beryllium Explosives
Unrinsed pesticide containers Petroleum
Pesticides Oil and other flammable

Potential consequences: Release of toxic substances in case of fire or explosion.

Group 3-A Group 3-B

Aluminium Any waste in Group 1-A or 1-B


Zinc powder and other reactive
metals and metal hydrides

Potential consequences: Fire or explosion; generation of flammable hydrogen gas.

Group 4-A Group 4-B

Alcohols Any concentrated waste in Group

1-A or 1-B
Metal hydrides
Water reactive wastes

Potential consequences: Fire, explosion or heat generation; generation of

flammable toxic gases.

Group 5-A Group 5-B

Alcohols Concentrated Group 1-A or 1-B

Halogenated hydrocarbons Group 3A wastes
Nitrated hydrocarbons and other
reactive organic compounds and
Unsaturated hydrocarbons

Potential consequences: Fire, explosion or violent reaction.

Group 6-A Group 6-B

Spent cyanide and sulphide Group 1-B wastes


Potential consequences: Generation of toxic hydrogen cyanide or hydrogen

sulphide gas.

Group 7-A Group 7-B


Chlorates and other strong oxidizers Organic acids

Chlorites Group 2-B wastes
Chromic acid Group 3-B wastes
Hypochlorites Group 5-A wastes and
Nitrates flammable and
combustible wastes
Nitric acid

Potential consequences: Fire, explosion or violent reaction.

(Regulation 11)




AS AT: …………………..…………………

* aDate * Waste * Name *Quantity *Waste Handling

Category of Waste Generated Methodb Quantity in Placec
Code (Metric Tonnes) Metric


* Inventory of the current generation of scheduled wastes

a Date when the scheduled wastes are first generated
b Stored, processed, recovered for materials or product from such scheduled
wastes, incinerated, exchanged or other methods (specify)
c Give name and address of the facility

I hereby declare that all information given in this form is to the best of my
knowledge and belief true and correct in all respect.

Name of Reporting Officer:

I.C. Number : ………………………………………………..

(Regulation 12)




I WASTE GENERATOR For office use only

Fail Reference No: ……………………………

Waste Generator Code:

State Code:

Name of Waste Generator:



Name of Responsible Person:


Tel. No: …………………… Fax. No: ………………………. Telex No:


Name of Waste: …………………………………. Waste Category Code:

Waste Component:

Waste Origin: ……………………………………. Waste Origin Code:

Type of Waste:
Solid Sludge Liquid

Waste Pallet Canister 55 gallon

Packaging: Container Drum

Other (Specify) …………………………………

Quantity: And If
Metric Tonnes m3

Cost of Treatment and Disposal RM……………../Metric Tonne

Name and Address of Final Destination:


Delivery Date: ………………………………… Signature of Responsible


Delivery Time:…………………………………


For office
use only
Contractor Code:

State Code:

Name of Contractor:


Name of Responsible

Tel. No: ………………….………… Fax. No: …….………… Telex No:


Vehicle Registration No:


Name of Driver:

Storage: No Yes, Address:

Date Received: …………………………… Signature of Driver:


Time Received : …………………………..



State Code:

Name of Facility:

Address of Facility:

Name of Responsible Person:


Tel. No: .………………………. Fax. No: …..……………… Telex No:


Type of Operation:

Storage Regrouping Recovery Landfill Secure


Physical/Chemical Treatment Incinerator Others (specify)



Quantity of Waste and If Possible

Received: Metric Tonnes


Date Received: …………………………………… Signature:

Time Received:…………………………………

(Regulation 13)

A. Properties
1. Category of waste
- according to the First Schedule

2. Origin

- state from which process, activity, occurrence, etc. the waste is


3. Physical properties of waste

- Flashpoint C
- Boiling point C
- Consistency at room temperature (gas, liquid, sludge, solid)
- Vapours lighter/heavier than air
- Solubility in water
- Waste lighter/heavier than water

4. Risks
- by inhalation
- by oral intake
- by dermal contact
B. Handling of waste
1. Personal protection equipment
- gloves, goggles, face shield etc.
2. Procedures/Precautions in handling, packaging, transporting and
3. Appropriate label
- labels for the containers
4. Recommended method of disposal

C. Precautions in case of spill or accidental discharge causing personal injury

1. In case of inhalation of fumes or oral intake
- Symptoms of intoxication
- Appropriate first aid
- Guidelines for the physician

2. In case of dermal contact or contact with eyes

- Symptoms of intoxication
- Appropriate first aid
- Guideline for the physician

D. Steps to be taken in case of spill or accidental discharge causing material

damage arising from –
1. Spill on floor, soil, road etc.
2. Spill into water
3. Fire
4. Explosion

Made 2005
[AS(S)91/110/919/014; PN(PU2)280/VII]


Minister of Natural Resources and the

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