ES Model QP 2

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Model Question Paper-I/II with effect from 2022-23(CBCS Scheme)


First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Introduction to Embedded systems
Time: 03 Hrs Max. Marks:100
1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from
each MODULE.
2. Missing data may be suitably assumed.

1a Describe embedded system in detail? Explain the purpose of embedded system.? (8)
b Classify the embedded systems based on generation, complexity and performance? (7)
c Differentiate between general purpose system and embedded system.? (5)
2a Differentiate between microprocessor and microcontrollers? (6)
b Differentiate between Harvard and Von-Neumann architecture.? (6)
C Write a note on ASIC and COTS. (8)
3a List and explain the different characteristics of embedded system.? (7)
b Explain the Non-Operational Quality attributes embedded system. (6)
C Explain the product life cycle curve of an embedded product development? (7)
4a Explain Washing machine as the application specific embedded system (6)
b Explain automotive communication buses (7)
a) CAN b) LIN c) MOST
c Explain the Operational quality attributes of embedded systems. (7)
5a What is hardware software co-design? Explain the fundamental issues in hardware (8)
software co-design.?
b Explain VLSI & Integrated circuit design.? (6)
c Explain a) Decoder b) Encoder (6)
6 a Explain HDL based VLSI design process? (8)
b With a neat flow diagram explain the sequential program model. (5)
c Explain a) SR flip flop b) JK flip flop. (7)
7a Explain super loop based approach and OS based approach for embedded firmware (8)
b Explain high level language to machine language based conversion process? (7)
c Describe the following (5)
a) Disassembler b) De-compiler c) Simulator d) Emulator e)Debugging

8a Differentiate between compiler and cross-compiler? (7)

b List and explain the types of files generated on cross-compilation (6)
a) LIST b) Processor O/P file c) OBJ file d) MAP file e) HEX file
c Explain the debugging scenario of Incremental EEPROM burning technique. (7)
9 a Explain operating system architecture? (6)
b List and explain the Real time kernel basic function? (8)
c With a neat diagram explain the state transition diagram? /(Process state and state (6)
10a What is a process and thread? Explain the structure of a process and thread? (10)
b Describe the following a) Multiprocessing b) Multitasking (4)
c Explain the context switching with a neat diagram. (6)


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