Byford Rail Extension Q&A

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Byford Rail Extension Online Session Q & A

Question/Comment Response
1. Will the proposed second train line be This is yet to be determined and will be
built on the east or western side of the developed as part of this project definition
existing line? phase.

2. Will there be noise walls installed along Yes, the rail corridor will be completely secured
the proposed Byford Rail Extension not with fencing to provide a safety barrier from
only for reducing the noise from the people accessing the electrified rail network.
much more frequent train service but The nature of the fencing though will be
also to provide a safety barrier for developed in this project definition phase,
people whose houses back directly on which will identify what, if any, noise walls will
to the train line with rural fencing? be required. This will be informed by noise and
vibration modelling, which will continue as the
design progresses.

3. Has METRONET taken into Yes, METRONET is aware of the gas pipeline
consideration that there is a natural and other services in the area (water,
gas pipeline that runs alongside the communications, power etc) that may be
existing railway line on the western impacted by the project. The team will work
side in the Darling Downs area? There with the asset owners to identify the best ways
is a maximum allowable vibration level to address these assets.
within the proximity of the gas pipeline
to ensure that no damage occurs to the
gas pipeline. Is METRONET aware of
the gas pipeline?

4. Will the line be a double train line or It will be an extension of the urban electrified
remain as a single train line? double railway - as per the urban Transperth
network. This will enable trains to run as
efficiently as possible by moving in both
directions concurrently.

5. What is the expected traffic flow from Removing access between Butcher Road and
Butcher Road through the tunnel to Thomas Road will require residents of
Vlasich Road? approximately 35 properties to travel along
Vlasich Road and Hay Road for direct access
to Thomas Road, and along George Street and
Larsen Road to access South Western
Highway. Traffic modelling is continuing to
ensure the impacts to residents are as minimal
as possible

6. Larsen Road turning right onto South Traffic modelling for the broader project will
Western Highway is already perilous take place as part of this project definition
with traffic flow. Will this intersection phase to give an understanding of what the
be redeveloped to ensure a safer exit traffic flow will be like at day one of any
with increased traffic flow? changes and in the future. The results of the
modelling will help inform the treatment of
intersections and crossings.

7. How many trains per hour/day are The expected timetable will follow the current
being proposed to run between Armadale Line frequency, which is eight trains
Armadale and Byford? per hour to the CBD during peak time (7am-
9am and 4pm – 6pm). The final timetable,
including bus services in the area, will be
confirmed closer to when the extension will
become operational.

8. Will the level crossing on Eleventh The project will look at all the level crossings
Road be upgraded? It would be good within the alignment. We are still in the early
for that to be removed with a road concept design phase for these crossings, so
going under/over the rail line. we don’t have a confirmed option at this stage.

9. Will Sansimeon Road be extended to Sansimeon Road forms part of the Byford
Abernethy Road to reduce traffic Structure Plan. It is a proposed road that feeds
turning up Larsen Road to avoid the the future town centre. While the construction
Thomas Road overpass? of the road is not directly part of the project, it
will be assessed as part of the design work.

10. Is Abernethy rail crossing part of this This crossing is not part of the current project
development? as it is not impacted by the new station which
will be 400m north of the crossing.

11. Please can you advise what Each of the level crossings will be assessed.
consideration has been taken We don’t have a solution for Larsen Road at
regarding the Larsen Road rail this stage. Any solution will consider overall
crossing and the impact it may have on access in the area, available land around the
Marri Grove Primary School. crossing, safety, potential impacts, cost and
connectivity to South West Highway.

12. Why was Byford not linked to the One of the long list options was to connect
Cockburn Line as originally planned? Byford to the west, however looking at the
projections of where passengers will travel, this
option was deemed unviable. A connection to
Cockburn was not considered.

13. How far progressed are the The project is in the early stages of its
environmental approvals? environmental approval, which will be referred
to Commonwealth and State governments,
with the initial referral already submitted. There
is still a lot of work to continue as the design
progresses further.

14. What about the high-pressure gas line Answered in Question 3

on the Armadale to Byford Line?

15. When are the anticipated operational Project timeframes will be confirmed when a
timeframes for the stations? main contractor is appointed in mid-2021.

16. Would you consider diverting the rail Moving the rail corridor closer to South West
line down the South West Highway? Highway was considered in the assessment of
options. However this was not deemed viable
as they did not meet all the project benefits.
17. The noise panels, I would presume, Noise and vibration modelling will continue as
would go where the Byford school will the design progresses. This will identify what, if
be affected? any, and where noise walls will be required.

18. What will be the proposed size of the At Byford Station there is proposed to be up to
car park at the new Byford Station? 600 bays. The infrastructure and land use
planning team will work closely together;
encouraging a mode shift away from cars to
support bus services and having more people
within walking distance.

19. Will there be compulsory acquisition of Where land acquisition is required, the State
private property? Government will liaise with landowners directly.
However, as we don’t take land acquisition
lightly, we will look at the designs to minimise
the impact as much as possible.

20. Regarding the Thomas Road overpass - There is likely to be some clearing required,
are you keeping all the most of this is non-native. We are
vegetation? There is a small creek and endeavouring to retain as much vegetation
trees between Vlasich Road and around the creek as we can, which is one of
Thomas Road, will these trees be the key objectives in the design development.
kept? Also, how much extra traffic are
you expecting to now go down Vlasich See Question 5 and 6 in regard to traffic
Road? modelling.

21. Has there been any consideration with That is not a consideration of the project, as
regards to the devaluation of properties market rates are dependent on so much more
backing onto the train line in the rural than just the infrastructure or project.

22. 10 trains per hour is more than what As previously mentioned, the frequency of
goes to Armadale... Armadale gets services will be decided closer to the line
trains every 15 mins - why so many becoming operational, but is expected to follow
trains? existing service frequency – see Question 7.

23. I understand that the actual project No, we haven’t, because we don’t have the
completion has yet to be decided once information yet. However, we will be able to
contract(s) are awarded, but has provide these timelines once the main
METRONET set an estimated contractor is appointed.
completion date?

24. I am a land owner on Kentucky Drive in We’ve commenced that process with respect to
Darling Downs and I would like to know Thomas Road, and we will continue to provide
why the land owners were not information and meet one-on-one with the
consulted about the Thomas Road impacted landowners. We are early in the
bridge. The first time we found out process and intend to continue engaging with
about it was last week. all of the affected community throughout the
Thomas Road project.

25. Given that there is currently no Pedestrian and cyclist connectivity is a priority
pedestrian bridge over the rail when looking at station and station precinct
connecting east to west, and design. We are currently working with the Shire
considering the development of the on where these opportunities are. Our
Byford Town Centre on the west side of designers will also consider the safety, use and
the proposed rail, has any accessibility of any connectivity options
consideration been given to any new considered.
connection likely taking on a large
volume of pedestrians who might not
necessarily be using the train in

26. How will Darling Downs residents, Noise and vibration mitigation will be
especially those who back onto the rail considered as part of the project as previously
line be compensated? Or what will be discussed. Overall, the nature of the fencing
done to lessen the impact this has on will be developed in this project definition
us? For example, noise congestion, phase, which will identify general type of
pollution, sight of the trains, and safety fencing along the alignment.
for kids. The back-wire fencing
currently is only 1 metre high.

27. Why is the train service referred to as Yes, the Byford Rail Extension is simply an
being from Armadale to Byford - will it extension of the existing urban rail line through
connect all the way through to Perth from Armadale Station. There will be no need
without having to swap trains? to change trains at Armadale to connect to
Perth. It is anticipated the train journey from
Byford to Perth will be approximately 42mins.

28. The station at Byford will be its As the project is now in the concept design
symbolic front door, the first and last phase there is currently an opportunity for the
thing people see on a day to day basis. community to contribute to the themes,
What architectural themes underpin including the architectural themes to be
modern day station design? considered for the new Byford Station. The
insights gained from the community will be
used to inform many aspects of the place
planning for the precinct surrounding the
station as well as for the public art that will be
included in the station design.

29. Will public artwork be a component of Yes, the METRONET program has a Public Art
the project delivery? It would be great Strategy in place and public art will be a
to have local artists or kids contribute component of the project and be designed to
to this element to enable positive early reflect local identity, stories, history and cultural
engagement and ownership of the heritage, including Noongar heritage. Following
station precinct! the completion of the community consultation
the local themes will be identified for informing
the delivery of public art as part of the project.

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