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SET012 - Fall 2023

Engineering Computation
Lecture two
Computer Software
2 Dr . Esraa A. Afify
Computer Software
• A collection of programs developed by programmers for
users to:
• Perform tasks/ solve problems / automate process
• Operate their own computer.
• Directs all computer devices exactly what to do and how to do to
perform a task.
• Plays a key role between the user and the computer hardware.
• Without software, a user can’t perform any task on a computer.
Major type of software
• System Software: used to manage the behavior
of the computer hardware in order to offer
basic functions needed by the user.
• Examples: Operating Systems , Utilities.
• Application Software: are used by end-user to
execute specific functions or tasks they are
designed to perform.
• Examples: word processing, Spread sheets ,
Database. 3
System Software

• Operating system:
• The most important program that runs on a computer.
• An interface between computer and user.
• Manage and coordinate computer activities and sharing resources.
• Language Translators:
• Convert program source code into machine language that
computer understand.
• Utility Programs:
• A software designed to help to analyze, configure, optimize or
maintain a computer. 4
Operating System

• Performs all the basic tasks like:

• Program execution.
• User interface.
• File management.
• Memory management.
• Control input and output devices.

Types of Operating System
1. Real-Time Operating System:
• A multitask OS that execute real-time applications.
2. Multi-user vs. Single user :
• Multi-user OS: allows multiple users to access the
computer system at the same time and share computer
resources for a time.
• Single-user OS: used only by a single user at a time.
3. Multi-tasking vs. Single tasking
• Single–task OS: only a single program can run at a time.
• Multi-tasking OS allows the execution of multiple tasks at
a time.
Types of Operating System (Cont.)

4. Distributed Operating System

• Manages a group of independent computers
linked together through a network as and a
single computer.
5. Embedded Operating System
• Are designed to used in embedded systems.
• Operate on small machines like PDAs with
less autonomy.
• Can operate with a limited number of

Major Functions of Operating System
• Resource Management: manage computer resources such as CPU time,
main memory, secondary storage, and input/output devices for use.
• Data Management: OS control the input and output of data and their
location, storage, and retrieval in memory.
• Job Management: OS prepares, schedules, controls, and monitors jobs
(programs) during execution to ensure the most efficient processing.
• Communication between User and Computer:
• Provide a user interface and a standard set of commands that control the hardware.

Major Functions of
Operating System
• User Interface
• A program that allows the user to interact or
communicate with the system.
• Types of User Interface are:
• Command Line Interface CLI.
• Graphical User Interface GUI.

Major Functions of Operating System
• Command Line Interface (CLI)
• A user can interact with the OS by entering commands to
perform specific tasks. and the system accept it via
Command Description

DIR display list of files or folder

COPY copy file or folder

MD make new folder

CLS clear screen

Quit Quit from program 10

Major Functions of Operating System
Graphical User Interface GUI
• User interact with computer with images rather than text commands
using pointing devices

Interface Elements of Graphical User Interface

• Pointer A symbol on the screen and the user move it to select
objects and commands.
• Icons: Small pictures represent commands, files, or windows.
• Desktop: an area on the screen have a group of icons.
• Windows: can be used to run a program or display a file.
• Menus: user can execute commands by selecting menu items.
• Pull-down menu
• Pop-up menu.
Major Functions of Operating System
Comparison between CLI & GUI

Ease Difficult Easier

Users have much the more advanced

Control more control tasks may still need

a CLI.
Not easy Easy

Faster slower

Examples of Operating Systems
Disk Operating System (DOS)

• Developed by Microsoft Inc.

• Use command line interface.

• Does not support multiple users /
• First version: MS-DOS 1.0 (1981)
and Final version: MS-DOS 7.0

Examples of Operating Systems


• Produced by Microsoft, Inc.

• Use graphical user interface.

• Support multitasking / multiuser.

• First version: Windows 1.0 (1985)

• Latest version: Windows 11

Examples of Operating Systems
Mac OS

• The official name of the Macintosh OS.

• Created by Apple Inc for Apple Macintosh computer.

• First version: Mac System 1 (1984)

• Latest version: Mac OS 10.8.3

Examples of Operating Systems

• A free distributable OS runs on several hardware


• Linux has become an extremely popular alternative to

other operating systems.

• First version: Linux (1992)

• Latest version: Linux 3.9.6 Linux

Examples of Operating Systems


• Linux-based OS for mobile devices such as

smartphones and tablet computers

• Developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by

Google, and other companies

• Firstversion: Android 1.0 (2008)

• Latest version: Android 4.2.2 Android

Language translators

• Convert programming source code

into language (machine code) that
computer processor understand
• Types of language translators
• Compiler
• Assembler
• Interpreter

• Translate source code (high level

language code) into object code
(machine code program) to create
executable program.
• Check all kinds of errors before
executing programs.

Interpreter &
• Interpreter: Like a compiler
but it interpret line by line
without a need to compile the
• Assembler: translate assembly
language (a human readable
language) into a machine
language ( 0 and 1).
Utility Programs
• A computer software used to manage
computer hardware.
• Utility programs used to manage computer
resources at a low level such as:
• Disk defragmenter.
• System Restore.
• Disk Cleanup.
• Disk Partitioning.

Utility Programs
• Boot program:
• Loads the OS into the computer's main
memory (RAM).
• The BIOS gets the computer system started
after you turn it on and manages the data
flow between the operating system and
attached devices such as:
• Hard disk.
• Video adapter.
• Keyboard.
• Mouse, and printer. 23
Malware (Malicious software)
• SW used to:
• disrupt computer operation
• gather/steal sensitive information (personal,
Financial, or business information)
• Gain access to private computer systems.
• Appear in the form of code, scripts.
• Used against:
• Government or organization websites.
• Individuals to gain personal information such as
social security numbers, credit card numbers.
Types of Malware
• A manmade program that is loaded onto user computers without
their knowledge.
• Can copy themselves to other disks to spread vastly and destruct
• Examples: Macro virus, Boot virus, Logic Bomb virus

Trojan Horses
• A program has the appearance of having a useful and desired
• Carried by another program and may arrive in a joke program.
• Are often used to capture your logins and passwords.
• Backdoor Trojans (backdoors) and Keylogging Trojans.
Types of Malware

• An email that user did not want.
• One person's spam is newsletter or sale advertisements.
• a common way to spread viruses, trojans,…..

• Short for advertising-supported software.
• Automatically delivers advertisements.
• Examples:
• pop-up ads on websites
• advertisements displayed by software.
How Malware Spreads

• Here are someexamples on how malware

is distributed:
• Social network
• Pirated software (Copy illegally)
• Removable media
• Emails
• Websites

Malware Damages

Data Loss: attempt to delete files when activated.

Account Theft : Designed to steal accounts and

passwords from their targets.

Financial Losses: If a hacker gains access to a

credit card or bank account via a keylogger, he can
then use that information to run up charges or drain the

How Can You Protect Your Computer?
• Install protection software.
• Practice caution when working with files
from unknown sources.
• Do not open e-mail with unknown
• Download files only from reputable
Internet sites.
• Install firewall.
• Scan your hard drive for viruses
Indications for computer infection

• Increased CPU usage

• Slow computer or web browser speeds
• Modified or deleted files
• Appearance of strange files, programs, or
desktop icons
• Strange computer behavior
• Emails/messages being sent automatically and
without user’s knowledge.
• A lot of network activity when you are not using
the network
• Programs or files appear or disappear without
your knowledge
• File names are changed
Anti-Malware Programs
• Used to prevent, detect, and remove computer viruses.
1. Antivirus program: A protective software used
to defend computer against malicious software.
• Examples: Norton Antivirus, AVG, Kaspersky, Avast!,
2. Anti-Spyware Program
• Examples: Spyware Doctor, AVG Anti-spyware, STOPzilla,
Spysweeper, etc.
3. Anti-Spam Program: identify useless or
dangerous messages
4. Firewall: Blocks attempts to access files over a

Application software

Application software are:

• Word processor
• Spread sheet
• Presentation Software
• Database Management System
• Graphic Editor
• Web Browser
• email etc.
Word Processor
• Capable of creating, storing, formatting
and printing documents.
• Features:
• Insert text
• Delete text
• Cut and paste
• Copy
• Page size and margins
• Search and replace
• Print
• Example: Microsoft word, WordPro and
Spread Sheet
• Organized as rows and columns and able
to calculate values using mathematical
formulas and the data in the cells.
• Features:
• Formulas, Functions and Charts
• Cut/Copy/Paste with single cells or
ranges of cells
• Cells formatting and merging.
• Adding charts
• Example: Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3,
Apple Numbers.
Presentation software
• Helps to create a slideshow that
addresses a topic in business and
• Features
• Insert/delete slid.
• Slide show.
• Transition.
• Animations.
• Audio and video clips.
• Examples: Microsoft power point.
Other application software
• Database management: MS
• Graphics software: Adobe photo
• Web Browsing: Chrome , Firefox.
• Computer Aided Design (CAD)
• Video Editor
• Sound Editor
• Video Games
• Educational Software
• Email Client
• Electronic Media
Other application software 37
The End ☺


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