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Ricardo valencia Valencia velasquez
Jhoan Peña Sarmiento
Renzo Valdez Calvo
Bloque: PP07
Curso: Ingles

Presentacion de integrantes

Despertando en las mañanas
Yendo a senati
Y encontrarse con amigos en senati
Entrando a clase
Y salida (despedida)

Dialogue progress:
Amigo 1: Hey, guys! How's it going?
Amigo 2: Hi there! I'm doing great. I love Mondays.
Amigo 3: Really? I dislike Mondays so much!
Amigo 1: Well, I guess it's a matter of personal preference. By the way, what do you guys do
for work?
Amigo 2: I work as a graphic designer. I love creating visual content.
Amigo 3: I'm a teacher at a local elementary school. It's challenging but rewarding.
Amigo 1: That's interesting. I work in marketing, so I guess we all have creative jobs in some
way. By the way, what are your favorite possessions?
Amigo 2: I absolutely love my guitar. It's my most prized possession.
Amigo 3: I'm really attached to my camera. I use it to capture memories.
Amigo 1: My favorite possession has to be my collection of vintage books. I'm a bookworm!
Amigo 2: And what about your family members? Any interesting stories?
Amigo 3: Well, my dad is a chef, so we always have delicious food at family gatherings.
Amigo 1: That sounds amazing! My little brother just started playing the piano, and it's so
cute to see him practice.
Amigo 2: My grandparents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary next week. We're
planning a big party!
Amigo 3: It's great to catch up and learn more about each other. Let's do this more often!


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