Industry Report

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No Industry
1 Ecommerce, Media and Education

2 Energy and Telecom

3 Automobile

4 Banking



7 market research and consulting

8 IT and ITES

9 Pharmaceuticals
10 Manufacturing and Logistics

11 Hospitality, Retail and Fintech

Links and PDF Names (PDFs are in Drive)
PDF becoming-indispensable-moving-past-e-commerce-to-next-comme
PDF e-commerce at the center of profitable growth in consumer goods
PDF ey-e-commerce-and-consumer-internet-sector-india-trendbook-20
PDF NIQ-E-Commerce-Report-2022


PDF in-cb-2022-gacs-noexp
PDF reimagining-the-auto-industrys-future-its-now-or-never-v2
PDF the-future-of-mobility-in-indias-passenger-vehicle-market
Market Update on Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles | BCG
Mapping the Future of Autonomous Trucking | BCG
How Governments Can Solve the EV Charging Dilemma | BCG

PDF global banking annual review 2022 banking on a sustainable path

PDF IBV - 2022 Global Outlook for Banking and Financial Markets
Financial Services Industry 2023: Overview, Trends & Analysis (
Top 10 Banking Trends for 2023 | Accenture

FMCG the-new-model-for-consumer-goods
The FMCG industry in India points towards a revival - NIQ (

Acquiring the Advantage in Fast Evolving Industry

Global Insurance Report 2023
The Case for Compliance as a Competitive Advantage for Banks
PDF-Introducing the Next Generation Operating Model

The Accelerating Pace of AI in India

Technology Report 2022

Global Healthcare, Private Equity and M&A Report 2023

The Gathering Storm-An Opportunity to Reorder the Healthcare Industr
Three Prescriptions for the Future of Bio Pharma Productivity

Ahead of the Curve-Getting Cargo Revenue Management Rights as the C

Europian Truck Market Outlook-2022
Startup Funding and Logistics-Adjusting to a New Reality

Private Equity MidYear Report 2023

Reimagining Marketing during Recessionary Times
Startup Funding in Logistics
Five Principles of Generative AI in Financial Services

We couldn't find any reports regarding this Sector

PDF - This answers some major Questions like Examples of companies successfully implementing NeXT commerce, s
PDF - This file on the E-commerce Global Initiative shows a collaborative effort by McKinsey's experts that offers val
PDF - This document talks about Digital Economy, Ecommerce, investment in this sector, investments in Fintech, sec
PDF - This report discusses the growth and success of e-commerce in Asia, particularly in China and India, highlightin

PDF - The 2023 telecom industry outlook highlights the importance of bundled services, connectivity options like 5G
PDF - The paper discusses how telecom operators can reduce energy costs and consumption by implementing efficie
PDF - Telcos need to prioritize user-level quality of experience, network innovation, and deployment speed to rema

PDF - According to the key findings of the 2022 Global Automotive Consumer Study, which includes responses from
PDF - The auto industry is facing a number of major disruptions, including electric mobility, driverless cars, automate
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PDF - According to the report, sustainable finance is now a major topic for banks and represents a meaningful share
PDF - This answers 3 major Questions 1. What are some of the key trends and challenges facing the banking and fina
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PDF - Global FMCG volume sales contracted in 2022 due to increased costs and inflation, but unit value sales increas

Links to Article - This Link talks about the increase in consumption from the previous quarter, and also recovery of F

PDF - Banks and fintechs in Nigeria are adapting to the changing landscape of financial services by evolving quickly t
PDF - According to the report, there are five main forces driving challenges for the personal P&C insurance industry:
PDF - The tale of two banks illustrates the importance of collaboration between compliance and strategy teams in fi

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According to the report, Indian enterprises are embedding AI or machine learning (ML) into their end products or le
The Technology Report 2022 covers a wide range of disruptions that tech companies are facing, including but not lim

In 2022, healthcare private equity (HCPE) saw a robust first half, but the landscape changed dramatically in the seco

The PDF suggests that despite declining yields, there are still opportunities for cargo airlines in the market. As belly c
According to the slowdown in funding for logistics start-ups in 2022 was caused by a more challenging macroeconom

e, shifting of company's focus from Ecommerce to Customer first NeXT Commerce, and key benefits of investing in digitally dri
valuable insights into the evolving landscape of e-commerce in consumer goods.
sectoral view.
hting the importance of adopting an integrated omnichannel strategy and understanding consumer behavior. It emphasizes the

5G FWA and fiber, and sustainability efforts for CSPs. Collaboration, strategic decision-making, and environmental consideratio
fficiency measures and organizational changes, such as using AI and IoT, making structural changes, and sourcing sustainable en
main competitive in the face of technological advancements and competition from hyperscalers. To achieve this, operators sho

om 1,006 consumers in India, the sample distribution by age groups and living area was as follows: 49% were aged 18-34, 34%
mated factories, and ridesharing.

are of business. The market for sustainable instruments has grown robustly and is entering its "next era," encompassing almos
financial markets in 2022?, 2. How are companies in this industry using data and analytics to improve their operations and cust

reased, resulting in a nominal growth. Private Label achieved double-digit growth, while Pet Care and Snacking were the fastest

of FMCG consumption in both rural and urban areas

ly to cater to the demands of a young and digitally savvy population. They are also collaborating with financial and government
try: inflation, new entrants, business model and distribution innovation, mobility disruption, and an explosion of data. These ch
n financial institutions. Often, compliance is seen as a hindrance to growth and innovation, while strategy teams may bypass co

r leveraging it across their internal operations. Providers, on the other hand, offer building blocks for enterprises to incorporate
t limited to: the evolution of value, growth equity investment, multicloud competition, Web3 and user identity, US-China decou

econd half due to factors like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, surging energy prices, and inflation. These macroeconomic and g
lly capacity returns, the market will likely become increasingly competitive, and airlines that have a robust commercial and rev

nomic environment coupled with a decline in the growth of e-commerce. Investment in logistics start-ups fell by nearly 50 perc
of investing in digitally driven commerce for businesses

behavior. It emphasizes the potential for growth in different regions, explores various innovations and trends in e-commerce, a

environmental considerations will be crucial for success in the industry.

and sourcing sustainable energy. It emphasizes the importance of mindset shifts, high-level recognition, partnerships, and settin
achieve this, operators should focus on customer-level QoE, leverage softwarization and cloudification, explore network sharin

9% were aged 18-34, 34% were aged 35-54, and 17% were aged 55 or older. In terms of gender, 80% of the sample were male

era," encompassing almost all business and industry sectors as they begin the profound and capital-intensive transformation n
ve their operations and customer experiences?, 3. What are some of the most innovative strategies and technologies being use

d Snacking were the fastest growing industries.

h financial and government institutions to create a conducive environment that fosters financial inclusion. Additionally, 3 menti
explosion of data. These challenges are also viewed as opportunities
ategy teams may bypass compliance to achieve quick wins. However, when compliance and strategy leaders work together eff

r enterprises to incorporate AI into their systems or products, or companies that offer products and services with AI as a centra
ser identity, US-China decoupling, competitive battlegrounds, incumbents vs disrupters, tech's new growth imperative, AI and c

hese macroeconomic and geopolitical dynamics affected private equity activity globally, including healthcare. Buyout volume fe
robust commercial and revenue-management strategy in place may be able to remain competitive. Additionally, many cargo ai

rt-ups fell by nearly 50 percent year on year, with the steepest drop occurring in the year’s second half as higher interest rates
nd trends in e-commerce, and provides recommendations for FMCG brands to succeed in the e-commerce era.

on, partnerships, and setting ambitious goals to achieve significant energy savings and maintain competitive positions.
tion, explore network sharing opportunities, and upgrade their talent and operating models for a shift to the cloud.

% of the sample were male and 20% were female. In terms of living area, 48% of the sample lived in urban areas, 13% lived in s

-intensive transformation needed for a low-emission future. Despite challenges such as greenwashing, an uncertain economic
and technologies being used to transform financial services, and how can companies stay ahead of the curve?

usion. Additionally, 3 mentions that traditionally, merchant acquiring in Nigeria has been led by banks that issued card-based P

y leaders work together effectively, they can create a competitive advantage for the bank. This collaboration becomes even mo

services with AI as a central functionality. However, most organizations are still in the early stages of AI adoption, implementin
growth imperative, AI and customer success, industrial internet of things, operational advantage, software excellence, sales pro

ealthcare. Buyout volume fell significantly in the second half of 2022, leading to the lowest quarterly deal activity since 2017. Ho
Additionally, many cargo airlines have invested in their digital strategies since the pandemic began, which has led to increased

half as higher interest rates took a severe toll on venture capital activity.
mmerce era.

mpetitive positions.
ft to the cloud.

urban areas, 13% lived in suburban areas, and 7% lived in rural areas. The study did not provide any additional key findings spe

ng, an uncertain economic outlook, and the pace of the transition to a lower-carbon economy, policy shifts, technological advan

ks that issued card-based POS, but the industry is evolving and becoming more competitive.

boration becomes even more critical in the face of technological advancements and emerging risks in uncertain economic and

f AI adoption, implementing just a few use cases. While providers in India are doing well in their experimentation with new AI f
ftware excellence, sales productivity, consumption-based pricing, software R&D investment, chip shortage, and circular econom

deal activity since 2017. However, despite the slowdown, 2022 still ranked as the second-best year on record for healthcare pr
which has led to increased access to data. This rise of digitization in the industry points to today being a crucial time to formula
additional key findings specific to India

y shifts, technological advances, and the growing focus of companies and financial institutions on a sustainable future are comb

n uncertain economic and geopolitical landscapes.

erimentation with new AI features, some of the attempted innovations do not achieve the planned scale. This is mostly becaus
ortage, and circular economy supply chain. The report suggests that tech companies are highly susceptible to disruption, and th

on record for healthcare private equity, with total disclosed deal value reaching around $90 billion.
ng a crucial time to formulate next-generation revenue management for air cargo
ustainable future are combining to unlock large value pools. The report estimates that globally, debt-focused investment supp

scale. This is mostly because providers face challenges in scoping the feature and developing the MVP due to inadequacy of de
eptible to disruption, and that the longer a tech company underperforms, the less likely it is to turn around
t-focused investment supporting the transition could offer banks revenue potential of at least $100 billion annually by 2030, w

VP due to inadequacy of development processes.

billion annually by 2030, with sizable revenues also expected from equity capital markets and advisory services, transaction ba
ory services, transaction banking, and sales and trading, including in nascent carbon markets

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