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Gender Identity

Gender identity is perceived as subjective and based on self- identification shively & De Cecco,
1993 as cited in Social Psychology in the Philippines Context, 2013 it is Defined as a personal
conception of oneself as a male or female a blend of both or neither-how individuals perceive
themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different
from their sex assigned at birth. Gender identity is often assumed to match one's biological sex.
However, human experience shows proof that one's biological sex may not always match one's
psychology gender ( Golden, 2009 ).

Kiven Balot - The first Filipino transgender who won and crowned as the Miss International
Queen 2012 held in Pattaya Thailand

BB Gandang Hari - Rustom Padilla legal identity has been changed to Bininini
Gandanghari, and her gender formally recognized as female. A Los Angeles Court approved the
name and gender change documents.

Jake zyrus -( born Charmaine Clarice Relucio Pempengco; May 10, 1992), who performed
under the mononym Charice until his gender transition to make as Filipino singer who rose to
popularity through YouTube.

Aiza Seguerra - spoke at length about his sexual orientation in an interview on " Aquino and
Abunda Tonight" back August 2014. Seguerra said he realized that he is transgender after a long
time of having unanswered questions.

Geraldine Roman - is the first transgender politician in the Philippines. Roman won a seat
in the first district of Bataan in the 2016 election. A graduate student in Applied Mathematics.
She was the first transgender head of the student council at the University of the University of
the Philippines.

Aspects of Sexuality
There are several researches today that focus on the aspects of Sexuality. These include the
sexual pleasure, sexual satisfaction, sexual desire, sexual agencies and sexual self- concept.
Below are the definition of these terms.
Sexual Pleasure - The emotional satisfaction that arises from the movement of those organs
and secretions that aid the act of protection. This pleasure reaches its peak in a healthy man in
the pleasure that accompanies the emission of seed or in women and youth and youth below the
age puberty in the diffusion of some secretion from the sexual glands. ( Trinity Communication,
2017 )

Sexual Satisfaction - Feeling fulfilled and satisfied with one's sexual life, may include both
physical and psychological/emotional satisfaction ( Higgins, Trussell, Moore, & Davidson,
2010 )

Sexual Desire - A motivational state that generate increased attention to sexual stimuli, and
variable subjective and physiologic arousal ( Bass on & Schultz, 2007 ).

Sexual agency - Agency is the ability to act in a way the accomplishes your goals, ( Madsen,
2014 ) To have agency in an area of your life is to have the capacity to act in a way that can
produce the results you want. In sexuality, when we say " sexual agency, " it is composed of
complex group of skills, right and abilities. According to Madsen ( 2014 ), sexual agency

 The ability to define yourself sexually. whether that means along the heterosexuality/
homosexuality spectrum, along the spectrum that runs from asexual to highly interest in
sex, or both
 The ability to choose whether or not want to experience sexual activity. Both in general
and with specific person at a specific time in specific way
 The ability to choose how you want to engage in sexual activity.
 The ability to stop engage in a sexual act that is no longer wanted or to refuse an act that
was never desired.
In another words, if you have this sexual agency, you are in control of what is the "must"
the "limitations" when it comes to your sex life. Your sexuality defined by your choices
and not by the perception of others.

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